Single Stat System

Chapter 94: Behemoth

"What are you talking about?" Robert frowned hearing such a response. To see the fall of the vessel? Just what did she mean by that? Just what kind of scheme they were up to this time?

"Hehe," Diane smiled playfully. She closed her face to Robert's as she said, "Kiss me first and be my man. And then I will tell you."

Robert stared at her eyes nonchalantly. But seeing that the other party wouldn't budge and was still holding such a joyful expression, Robert raised his right hand and held her left cheek.

Diane started to blush like a tomato as her heart palpitated wildly to death. Was Robert finally going to accept her as his woman after a very long time of chasing? Now that she thought about it, she suddenly felt that she was still not ready yet. Should she just run away now? But that would be too embarrassing and this chance might be wasted. Just what should she do now? Diane's brain short-circuited the more she thought about it. She didn't even notice the danger around her.

"Hold it right there!"

However, when Diane was still taken by her thoughts, a cold voice sounded snapping her awake. It was the voice of the woman in a black suit watching over Diane. She was now standing on the right side of Robert holding a pistol in her hand. She pointed it at Robert's temple, ready to pull the trigger at any moment.

Not only that, even the man in a black suit who was also watching over Diane was on the left side of Robert holding a knife and was pointed at his neck. The knife even grazed his skin as if warning him to not make anything funny.

Even the silver-haired man sitting at the edge of the cliff was now glaring at Robert fiercely. This guy was surely daring. How dare he pull such an action against his little sister?!

Of course, they weren't acting that way because Robert wanted to kiss Diane or anything. After all, she already belonged to him the moment he defeated her in a duel. And the whole family pushed their relationship to bloom. So if Robert really wanted to take Diane as his woman, no one with a position in the family would disapprove as they would instead support it. After all, having someone like Robert as one of them would definitely be a great benefit to their family.

Thus, although some in their family were jealous of him, especially those in the younger generation who had their eyes on Diane, since they couldn't defeat Robert, they could only grit their teeth in dejection.

As the famous lone Red Hunter, the one who could break the unwritten rules and complete a high-level quest alone, Robert's name weighed very much. Even their family leader treated him so highly that he even said that his passive skill and ability could even be compared to his own once he was given enough time to grow.

With that being said, they really wanted Robert to recruit him into their family. So if he really was going to take the first kiss of Diane, and make her his woman now, they would be there to watch and wouldn't even bother of stopping him.

However, Robert right now appeared to be not intending to do such a thing. Just by feeling the incredible amount of Greed Energy leaking out from him, they could immediately tell that this guy was up to no good. He was definitely going to steal the information from Diane! Although it was fine to give the information to Robert, stealing it from Diane would definitely do her harm. And they would never allow such a thing to happen!

"Put down your Greed Energy!" The man in black spoke coldly with his deep voice. He even pushed his knife a little, making a slight cut on Robert's neck. "The information is not really that confidential when it comes to you. So why would you bother yourself stealing the information from her?"

Hearing it, Robert was snapped awake realizing what he had just done. It seemed like he really had gotten impatient this time. Was it because this matter was involving the vessel and the safety of Greedland?

With that in mind, Robert shook his head as he retracted his Greed Energy before forcing a smile, "What are you talking about? I'm not trying to steal any information here you know."

"Then what the hell is that Greed Energy all about?" The man in black asked coldly. His knife was still pointing at his neck. (The woman in black had already retracted her pistol and heaved a sigh of relief though.)

On the other hand, as he was still holding Diane's cheek, Robert smiled mysteriously and then shifted his gaze at Diane's eyes. After a moment, he responded, "It's to steal her heart."

However, although Robert said that, deep inside, he was already crying. What the hell was that? Why did he say that disgusting thing? Couldn't he come up with a much better excuse?

Diane who was ready to cry at any moment when she learned that Robert was going to steal the information from her, had suddenly blushed again. But after a moment, her eyes became watery as she still started crying.

"Waahh! I thought you don't care about me anymore!" Diane buried her teary eyes on Robert's chest as she added, "Don't worry, you have already stolen my heart a long time ago."

Only then did the man in black retracted his knife. Although he didn't believe Robert's nonsense, seeing that he wasn't planning on harming their young lady anymore, he had this feeling of letting him go.

"Can you let me go now and tell me what really is going on?" Robert was helpless. He really didn't mean to say that he wanted to steal her heart.

"Alright," Diane responded in a low tone as she wiped the tears on her eyes with the back of her slender forefingers. After a moment, she added, "We are going to awaken the Behemoth and make the vessel as the energy core."

"Huh? What the hell? Are you serious?" Robert widened his eyes as he was taken by shock hearing the sudden information. Were they all crazy? Why would they awaken such a monster and actually planned on using the Vessel of the Greed sin as the energy core? This was much worse than what he had expected. Although that monster would not destroy the Greedland since it was its homeland, it was hostile to the other lands and would definitely cause chaos and destruction if it went there. Were the top forces of Greedland planning to wage war against the other sin land?

"No, this should not happen!" Robert gritted his teeth as he retorted.

"Then what are you going to do?" The man in black responded coldly as he continued, "Are you planning to stop the top five strongest families around just by yourself?"

Robert turned exceedingly serious. He already sensed it long ago. That somewhere on the top of that cliff they were in was the presence of the representatives of the other top families. It appeared that they were also here to watch over the occurrence as they were up to something later on.

Robert knew that with him alone, he could do nothing against all of them. It would only be stupid if he became stubborn and try to stop them with just himself. But what else could he do? It was not as if doing nothing would also do him good.

With that in mind, Robert decided to confirm his guess as he gazed at the man in black and asked, "Then what are you guys planning next after you awaken the Behemoth?"

"What else is there to do? Of course, we will use it as a weapon to get first place on the Battlefield next year. When that time comes, even the Vessel of the Envy sin would be helpless against us." The man in black replied seriously.

"So you aren't going to wage war against the other sin land?" Robert asked, seemingly heaving a little sigh of relief.

"We currently don't plan something like that. As of now, after learning the arrival of the Vessel of the Greed sin, the top families were eager to get first place on the Battlefield next year and get the rewards. And they decided to use the vessel in such a way." The man in black responded with the same seriousness.

So that was the case. Robert nodded his head one time. Although the other party said it that way, he could tell that the top families were just a bunch of greedy bastards and were afraid that the vessel might steal their authority and position. He couldn't help smiling inwardly thinking about it.

"I think you will have a hard time executing your plan," Robert said as he revealed a slight smile and as he gazed in the direction of the vessel.

"What do you mean by that?" The man in black narrowed his eyes flickering with interest. From the tone of the other party's voice, he seemed confident in what he was about to say. Even the woman beside him and the silver-haired man sitting on the edge of the cliff, and even Diane had their interest being piqued. Why did Robert say such words?

"Hehe," Robert smirked. After a moment, he added, "Because the Greed Spirit will be your competitor this time."

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