Single Stat System

Chapter 86: The Vessel Has Appeared (2)

Since the distance of that enormous Greed Energy came somewhere nearby, Oso and Gilbert were able to feel it, much less Izel.

And when Izel felt that familliar Greed Energy, just like Oso and Gilbert, she had a frown forming on her face. Just what had happened to her master? Could it be that his life was perhaps, in danger?

But seeing that Oso and Gilbert were ignoring her and were trying to run towards that direction, Izel retrieved a dagger from her Inventory and then dashed forward. It only took seconds to reach her distance to the two of them. After which, she brandished her dagger against their back forming a horizontal arch.

However, what she hit was not their back but instead, some kind of transparent wall blocked her attack. Izel was taken by surprise before realization dawned upon her. So after the next moment, just like what she had expected, she was bounced back and was sent away quite a distance.

"Bouncer Shield." Oso cast a skill to prevent Izel from touching them. A dome of the somewhat transparent barrier was then formed around them, following them as they ran.

This shield might only last a minute but it was enough for them to reach the Wide Plains and see what was going on. Because the Greed Energy they felt before was couldn't be felt anymore making them wonder what really was happening. Even by messaging their leader in the party chat, the other party wasn't replying, making them doubt if he was still alive and safe.

So just like that, Oso and Gilbert rushed towards the Wide Plains as Izel was helplessly following them behind, waiting for an opportunity to launch an attack.

After some time, they finally saw the light of the Wide Plains as they knew that they were about to exit the woods of Edge Of The Forest. And it didn't take long for Oso and Gilbert to finally reached their distance in there as the barrier had also just worn off.

But what greeted their eyes was something new to them, taking them by surprise. Somewhere afar, they saw a black dome, probably having a size of more than a hundred meters radius. They could tell that their leader was inside of it together with the walking gold mine their leader was talking about. Just what in the world was that thing? Was that a skill? Or something made by an artifact?

"Master..." Izel had just also reached her distance at the Wide Plains as she muttered silently after making a stop. That black dome was familliar to her. After all, it was the same thing that her master used against her and Kristina to subdue them. Perhaps, her master was put in desperation that was why he used it again to hide. Knowing that Agila was shooting him from afar, Izel thought that it was highly likely.

But now that she saw this darkness from the outside, she really wondered how could her master manage to separate darkness from the sunlight. It was just a wonderful ability. To think that something like that was actually possible.

"Hey, bitch. Tell us what's going on? What the hell is that thing?" Seeing Izel who had just arrived, Gilbert stared at her as he asked coldly. It was as if he was going to attack at any moment if the other party didn't answer him properly.

Izel then stared at him as she replied with an annoying smile, "Who knows?"

Veins couldn't help appearing on Gilbert's forehead as he released a terrifying aura, threatening to burn everything around. Seeing that Izel wasn't planning on answering him, he disappeared from where he was standing and then reappeared in front of Izel with a readied punch. Since their distance wasn't widely apart, he could reach his distance near her quite easily. As such, he threw out a punch as a pillar of flame came to pierce the other party. Rings of fire were then formed from his fist accompanied by shockwaves.

"Flame Punch!"

Seeing the incoming attack, Izel avoided it again as she quickly jumped to the side. The pillar of flame then burned everything ahead as it caused a forest fire.

But Izel just ignored it as while she was in the midair, she slashed her dagger as a blade of energy was formed and rushed towards the other party.

"Energy Swipe," Izel used a skill. It was just a low-level skill though. She wanted to wear out the other party before launching a furious attack.

Gilbert, on the other hand, only smashed his fist against the skill of Izel as it turned into nothingness afterward. He didn't waste any time as he rushed towards Izel to give her a good beating.

Meanwhile, Oso was too lazy to take care of them anymore as he let them be. His squinted eyes were fixed at the black dome trying to figure out what was that thing. But knowing that he wouldn't get valuable information from afar, he rushed towards it leaving without any words for Gilbert. He even thought that it was much better this way since Gilbert could keep Izel busy. With that, he could run without any obstructions along the way.



On Agila's side when the black dome had just suddenly appeared...

"What the... What happened?"

Agila was still preparing to launch another attack after his basic attack had missed the target when suddenly, the entire area around his target and their boss, was been covered by a black dome.

So now that it suddenly appeared, he couldn't see his target anymore, much less shooting him. How could he still let that guy busy if something like this was happening? Their leader was probably in trouble right now.

So to make sure, Agila sent a personal message to their leader.

[Agila: What happened there, boss? Why did a dome suddenly appear there? Are you still alive? That would be a pity if it's really the case...]

Agila waited for a few moments before he finally got a furious reply.

[Julius: What do you mean by that?! Are you hoping for me to die? Do you want me to kill you?]

Since the System was connected in their mind, it didn't matter whether the area they were in was dark or not. That said, Julius could still communicate using the System.

But, this Agila was really making him mad. It appeared that this guy was really asking for a good beating.

[Agila: It's not like what you think leader. I'm just worried about you. But since you are still fine let's just forget about it. Anyway, what happened there? What's with that dome. I can't shoot the target you know.]

[Julius: I don't know exactly as well. It's what that guy's doing. But...]

Julius purposedly didn't finish his sentence as he added after a few moments,

[Julius: I have finally found the vessel. It seems like we really are lucky this time.]

[Agila: What did you say? Are sure about that? You're not joking, right?]

[Julius: Hmph! why would I joke with you? Don't compare me to you. Anyway, the vessel is just right here. I think you already know what I am talking about.]

[Agila: Don't tell me that guy is...]

Agila found it hard to believe what he had just learned. He knew that their leader didn't know how to joke around as it could be said that he was serious about what he had just said. But to think that the walking gold mine they were trying to capture was actually the Vessel of the Greed sin. There was nothing more surprising than this. If that was really the case, then surely, they were lucky this time especially when they caught the vessel successfully. Just thinking how huge of the rewards would they get if they ever brought the vessel to their boss, could only make him swallow a mouthful of saliva. Something like a mere walking gold mine couldn't be compared to it!

Agila waited for the confirmation of their leader but even after a good while, the other party didn't reply to him. Agila frowned as he looked for the party chat to see some news. And there he saw the new message of their party leader.

[Julius: Everyone, good news. The vessel has finally appeared. Yes, you guessed it right. It's the same person that I thought was a walking gold mine. I never expected that he is actually the Vessel of the Greed Sin!]

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