Single Stat System

Chapter 44: Dangerous Character (1)

Very calmly, Sakim raised his hand. And with the tip of his forefinger, he tapped the dagger pointing his neck. The other four who were blocking his way watched him cautiously but didn't say or make a move. They also wanted to see what was this guy up to.

"I already told you," Sakim's cold voice then sounded as if it was too much of a bother talking with these people. So after a moment of pause, he continued, "You don't have any qualification to know my name."

After which was said, the dagger that was held very tightly by Hapon, and the dagger as well that was ready to cut Sakim's neck at any moment, disappeared in everyone's view. The four people had their eyes widened in shock before simultaneously taking a step back or two. Sweats poured down on each of them as they failed to hide their astonishment and fear.

What an incredible amount of Greed Energy!

The four could certainly feel the almost unlimited amount of Greed Energy coming from Sakim the moment the dagger of Hapon disappeared. As such, they could immediately tell that the dagger had already been stolen by the other party.

But then, that Greed Energy only appeared at a short moment before disappearing without a trace. And no matter how hard they peer through Sakim, they could only see him as someone like a low-level Player. As if he would die in a flick of their finger if they somehow attacked him.

At that moment, they were finally certain that the person before them was not someone to be bothered with. He must definitely hiding his real strength under the guise of a newbie. That kind of Greed Energy was something that only High Rankers should have. And the Greed Energy of this person was probably the strongest among the people they met before. Even their guild master didn't have such an amount of Greed Energy. Just how many high-level [Greed Stone] did the other party had absorbed anyway? And to top of it, what kind of background he had to produce such a large sum of [Greed Stone] he'd absorbed?

Their face was just becoming paler the more they thought about the background of the person before them. What should they do now? How could they provoke such a dangerous character? Was fighting him and be killed later on was the only way out of this predicament? With a train of thoughts and questions in their mind, the four couldn't help but grind their teeth. The three, who still had their weapons with them, had their grip on their weapons become even tighter. If worse came to worst, they would definitely fight to their death here.

And Hapon, although he had this fear sprouting in his heart, he also had his tears wanted to come out. How could he not if his precious weapon was stolen just like that? It had to be known that he braved through many dangers just to forge this dagger. Every material that he used to forge it was precious and hard to come by even in the black market. How could he have other feelings other than to cry?

Unacceptable! Hapon gritted his teeth. He mustered all his courage as he furiously pointed his forefinger against Sakim. "Give me back my dagger! Or else..."

"Or else what?" But before Hapon could even finish his words, he was already been interrupted by Sakim. Sakim then turned around very calmly to face the other party as he stared at him in disgust. It was as if he was looking into a cockroach that he wanted to trample him already beneath his feet. So with an icy voice that could let anyone who heard it shiver, Sakim continued, "Are you threatening me?"

"Eiickkk!" The thin man backed off like a dog with a tail between its legs. What kind of feeling was this? He was more than certain that there was no oppressive force coming from the other party but why the hell he felt being suppressed? Was he really that scared to the point that he couldn't recognize what was what now?

"I don't want to deal with you four," Before any of them could even reply any more words, Sakim's cold voice echoed again. After which, he walked calmly in the direction of Hapon. Seeing this person who was the most frightened among them, Sakim decided to scare him a bit more.

And seeing Sakim coming closer onto him, Hapon on the other hand had his heart palpitating wildly to death. Although he didn't feel any killing intent coming from the other party, he was more than sure that the other party was up to no good. He glanced at his teammates to ask for help but seeing that they weren't planning to make a move, he could only swallow a mouthful of saliva. He could already guess what was his teammates thinking about. They probably wanted to avoid angering this person before them even more so as to avoid a greater calamity.

With that in mind, Hapon was just hoping that he wouldn't die in this predicament. But seeing that the person in front of him was getting closer, he had this feeling that death was already on sight. Who would have thought that this person was a real monster that even them couldn't afford to provoke?

So then, Sakim finally reached his distance towards Hapon. He tapped the other party's left shoulder with his right hand as he said, "I will let you go this time. But next time you bothered me again, don't blame me to resort to killing."

Only then did Hapon felt the killing intent of the other party. It was as if death itself was holding his neck. Just how many people did the other party had killed to accumulate such a terrifying killing intent? Just by the thought of it could only make Hapon's face even paler than ever as his knees were urging him to kneel.

Was he really going to die this time? No, the other party said that he would let them go. Hapon was just hoping that the other party wasn't lying. Even so, with this pressure he felt, he felt like he was no different than a dead man.

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