Single Stat System

Chapter 37: Black Chest

"Hey, let me try it again! The body of that pest is still there, It won't consume even a moment to get it." After venting his anger to the surroundings, the muscular man turned around as he asked. And when he did, another man whose back was against him was revealed as his red and long hair was first to be noticed fluttering with the wind.

"I already told you, we can't interfere in the rules of this world that much." The red-haired man didn't turn around as he replied. Ahead of him was a deep cliff, and he seemed to be thinking about something deeply while he was gazing down afar where the sea of trees could be seen. After a moment of pause he added, "And besides, the Vessel of the Greed sin didn't die."

"Huh?" The muscular man was angered. He felt that the other party was just making up excuses. That said, he furiously pointed his forefinger against the other party as he demanded, "Just hurry up and transfer my soul to any other beast in there again. I really won't take long!"

But then, instead of an immediate reply, what he got from the other party was killing intent. The other party turned his head around as his eyes flashing with a cold glint landed on him. "Are you trying to get on my nerves?"

The muscular man trembled as he reflexively made a step back. He couldn't even speak now as he felt that the scythe of death was now pointing at his neck.

Sigh. But after a moment, the red-haired man could only sigh deeply as the killing intent vanished without a trace. Just why in the world was he so unfortunate to be accompanied by this brute in this Dragon Quest? Just what was their boss thinking?

"I'm telling the truth, the Vessel of the Greed sin didn't die." The red-haired man said as he finally turned around and made a step forward walking past the muscular man. And after another moment, he added, "Let's go. We still have a lot of things to do."

That pest didn't die? The muscular man, on the other hand, couldn't believe what he'd just heard. He clearly saw with his eyes before he died from his own attack that that pest was killed by him from his last attack. How could it be that he didn't die?

But as helpless as he was, he could only grit his teeth and then turn around as well to follow the red-haired man. If only he was stronger than the other party, then he might have already beaten him up into submission.

"He has an item that could revive him once." Seeing that the other party didn't want to believe in it, the red-haired man said as he added with a slight smile, "But don't worry, you two will meet again someday. You can take that chance to absorb him."

Hearing it, instead of excitement, what the muscular man felt was doubt. Meeting the Vessel of the Greed sin someday? Even if he really met the other party again, the problem was, could he still be able to absorb him? His frown was just becoming more ugly the more he thought that the possibility of absorbing the Vessel of the Greed sin was pretty slim.

He knew full well that that kind of existence was strange yet dangerous. They could grow so fast leaving others' mouths agape in shock and horror. If he fought that pest again someday, then surely, the other party might probably have more than enough power to protect himself against him. If that time came, then absorbing the other party's power could only be a dream.

But how could he have a face to stand against 'that man' if he couldn't have a power that could equal him? The muscular could only click his tongue in dismay just thinking how unfair the world was.

"You are still planning to surpass 'him'?" On the other hand, seeing that his companion was so eager to defeat their 'boss', the red-haired man was really astonished.

"Of course!" The muscular man replied as he added, "After all, he is my only goal. If I couldn't defeat him in this life, then I wished to be at least the strongest next to him."

"You need a lot of hard work to do that..." The red-haired man replied lazily as he continued, "After all, you need to have the power to defeat me first before trying to defeat the Vessel of the Wrath sin."

The muscular man didn't reply though. But his eyes were telling his unyielding determination saying that maybe one day, he could have the power to stand on the same ground as their boss. He knew that it would be as difficult as hell. After all, what he was after was the Vessel of the Wrath sin, the one who was deemed as the destruction itself.

The two then didn't speak anymore as they quietly walked past the rocky mountain.



Unaware of the fact that someone had just tried to assassinate him, Sakim, who was now crouching down and was digging through the ashes of the fallen Wrathful Rat, had his smile couldn't leave on his face. By digging on the ashes of the Hidden Dungeon Boss, he found few items that appeared useful. And most of them were medal materials and were written in purple font. It was a medal material that could only be found from Hidden Dungeon Boss.

[Black Fang ×2]

• Medal material.

[Sharp Claws ×7]

• Medal material.

Although no weapon or other type of equipment was dropped, these medal materials that he got could still satisfy him somehow. After all, it was much better than getting nothing. And also, Sakim got an item that piqued his interest. It made him frown as well though.

After picking up the item, and when he thought that it might be the last item he could find under the remains of the Wrathful Rat, Sakim stood up with slightly furrowed eyebrows when he saw the description of the item.

[Black Key]

• Use to open Black Chest.

The item was a black key enough for his hand to grasp its body entirely. But although Sakim felt that it was a good item, what was the use of it if he didn't have any [Black Chest]?

The last time, he got [Golden Chest] but didn't have any [Golden Key]. But this time, he got a [Black Key], but where the hell was the [Black Chest]? This outcome was really dissatisfying as he clicked his tongue a few times.

However, when Sakim was about to keep the [Black Key] to his inventory, he suddenly caught sight of something sparkling. He didn't notice it before since his attention was stolen by many things, but now that he caught sight of it, it really made him wonder what was that thing and when did it appear.

That thing was placed at the center of the circular platform where the Hidden Dungeon Boss appeared. And from afar, it looked like some kind of box.

Curious about what was that thing, Sakim walked closer to it. And only then did he have a much clearer view of it.

"I-is this the Black Chest?" Sakim muttered to himself with slightly narrowed eyes accompanied by doubt. But seeing that its shape was so much similar to a chest, he could only smile again as the possibility of this thing to be the [Black Chest] had shot up.

So knowing that he wouldn't be able to confirm it without checking it himself, Sakim then walked closer to that thing as he touched its upper surface. And when he did, the luminous sparkling little lights around it had vanished as the System appeared right in front of his face.

Sakim's eyes widened in shock before they turned back into normal with his lips forming a smile.

"It seems like my luck this time is still good." How could he not be happy with this if that thing was really the [Black Chest]?!

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