Silver Coin

Book1 Chapter 43: Don’t lie!

{In The Guardian’s Court}

Al Bastion was bound by heavy chains, unable to move. Several Guardians were sitting down behind him. In front of him was a judging panel.

Law regarded the room and stared at Bastion with anger.

“Anyone?! Is there not a single one of you who will take responsibility for this man?!” Law shouted at his fellow guardians. No one spoke up. “If none claim this human as a champion of theirs, that’s fine! There will be a severe punishment later for the guilty party! However, if you come clean now, you'll only get a slap on the wrist. You’ll still need to add him as your follower and Champion. We have rules here and I expect all of you to follow them! So, step forward! Claim your human as a champion or suffer the consequences! Make a choice!”

Still nothing from the guardian crowd. Lavender watches them all very carefully while sitting near Lady Kilo.

“It was a woman’s doing!” A guardian yelled.

Kilo wanted to say something but she knew that wouldn’t help anything. She only grimaced.

“I agree! This has to be a woman’s doing! We give them so many privileges lately! They wanted responsibility, we gave it to them! We have let them do their own thing far too long! This is how they repay us?! Those conniving bitches! Such a betrayal! We should subjugate all of the guardian females, immediately!” More and more the male guardian started getting louder.

Kilo struggled with her anger. It took every willpower she had in her being to hold her tongue.

The guardian who started this seemed like a weasel type. He was being infuriating on purpose, Kilo could tell.

Kilo was breaking with their words. Before she could stand, Law stood instead.

“Do you have any proof of your accusations?! You know I am not the type of guardian who cares what gender they are. The only thing I care about is proof!” Law snarled.

“Why do we need proof?! They are women!” One of them said.

“You need proof because that is the law! If you all don’t quiet down and stop giving me false accusations, I will hold you in contempt! No more nonsense! If you don’t have any real information, stay quiet!” Law yelled.

“I have proof! I can show you the woman who was with this human!” A Guardian said.

There was a murmur around the court. Kilo was not the only female inside of the room. They were equally upset as her. This was not the first time the males accused and framed them of something.

“Okay! I am waiting! Show me your evidence!” Law said.

The guardian stood by Al Bastion, touched his head; revealing through his eyes what he saw. There was a female flying with Bastion. The woman looked human, but a Guardian within. They couldn’t tell who though.

“Hmm... Let me see.” Law said as he gazed upon the mortal world for this woman. The guardian was no longer inside. Not even the essence was there.

“There’s a guardian sneaking around, not revealing themselves. Do you know what this means?!” Law asked the Guardian near Bastion.

“You’ll investigate where this treacherous bitch is?! Let’s find her!” The Guardian said.

“No need, I found her or you can say, him...” Law said as he glared at the male Guardian. The guardian himself was confused. “When someone masks themselves. It limits a lot of factors. As a lawman, I have been doing this for a long time. You do not seem to realize this, but you revealed yourself as a suspect. You knew who the culprit was before revealing them to me. You could’ve played this differently and not know before showing me. You knew when the human saw her as well. You showed me exactly what you wanted me to see without even looking through the human‘s brain.”

The guardian was horrified. He looked towards his associates for guidance. He knew from their cold gaze he was abandoned.

“Are those guardians your conspirators?” Law asked.

They stood and defended themselves. “No! He is our brother, but he did it alone. We always knew he would do something like this, we should’ve told you sooner! He’s a disgrace! We have nothing to do with him!”

Their words cut him like a blade. The guardian looked towards Bastion who was just staring back at him.

“Borrow, the bestower! I am going to give you one more chance to defend yourself. I want you to think about this very carefully. My wife, the Guardian of truth. She is upset with your words. She hates liars and so do I. If you lie again, I will let her handle you. The fact that you said a female is evil, let’s just say you don’t know anything about a woman’s scorn when you lie about them. Especially her being the guardian of truth...” Law said.

Borrow, regarded Bastion. Bastion didn’t say anything, but his eyes were pretty much saying take the deal.

“Umm... If I take this human, what will happen to us...?” Borrow asked.

“You say ’us‘ as if you care about this human.” Truth said menacingly. The aerial being floated from the sky with a smile.

“Husband, let me decide his fate.” Truth asked.

Law shrugged. “As long as it’s minor.”

He knew Truth was a bitch, but he didn’t care about liars either.

Truth smiled at her husband then walked near Borrow to whisper in his ear. “I can see the truth about you. Take the deal. I will make your life a living hell, but I’ll go easy on you if you cooperate. I know you’ve had sex with that human.”


“Ah, don’t deny that you enjoyed it, I know the truth.” Truth interrupted Borrow.

The closer this Guardian gets to someone the more she knows about them.

“I will accept the human and light punishment...” Borrow said.

He saw into her eyes that she wasn’t bluffing.

“Very well! Your punishment is simple! I will turn your lie into the truth!” Truth yelled.

Borrow was confused until his body changed. He now understood what she meant...

His body was swelling up in various places. He had big everything, ass, tits, big sucking lips. He looked like a bimbo.

“Now, sister guardian, you can continue your scheme for all I care! You dick-sucking bitch! You can now say, female guardians will rule over the males! That they are dangerous and speak your truth!” Truth shouted.

“What?! That’s not the truth! We are stronger!” The Male guardians protested.

“Shut the fuck up! You assholes started this! You guys always do this shit!” The Female guardians argued.

Law sighed, he now has to deal with this shit... It’s like he’s dealing with children, especially his wife, she was a wildfire. Truth hurts and she’s not nice about it... He knows...

Truth has destroyed civilizations with her words. She is one of the five top hated female guardians. Beyond’s on the list as well. Because they are both omnipresent, there ain’t much All-Fathers could do to them.


{Silver kingdom beach}

Silver and her women walked into a viewing booth at a stadium. There were a crowd of citizens sitting for the competitions to start. Silver did this as a way to get their minds at ease.

“Afternoon, people of the empire! I know it has been a rough time for everyone, but I don’t want you all to contemplate everything that went wrong! What we can do now is get stronger inside this dungeon. I have several different things planned out over the next few months. That is how long we plan to stay here! Now, let’s go over everything!” Silver yelled.

Silver spoke on her plans with her people. After her long speech, she sat down and let the crowd pick what they want to do with their lives here. She was exhausted.

“Silver, who made your dress? It’s strange...” Diana asked.

“When I told my designers to make something for these challenges. They made this silly outfit.” Silver replied.

Her dress was a red and black roulette outfit, it had numbers at the bottom. She had blue gloves and a small hat. There were playing cards all over her dress. She looked like a game assistant at a casino.

“Silver..? Can I talk to you in private?” Mary asked. She was fidgeting.

“Sure,” Silver simply said. Mary seemed serious.

They walk to a private room at the stadium. There was a bed and comfortable couches. Silver refuses to go anywhere without being comfortable. Her lazy ass wanted to sit everywhere.

“Okay, so what’s on your mind?” Silver asks.

“I’m saying this because... you asked me why do I continue to stay with you... I talked to my father moments ago about my concerns... To be honest, I don’t like that you sleep around and it bothers me. Before I tell you my decision. I would like to tell you a secret of why my family wanted me to marry you in the first place...” Mary said while looking at Silver. She was pouting while rubbing her hands together. “Silver... here’s the thing... I am stupid...”

“Oh? I don’t know why you would say that. You don’t seem stupid to me.” Silver said.

“I don’t tell people this, but I can’t read... My family are not nobles. Finding a teacher was quite expensive. Your mother was the only one that was willing to take me in and fix my stupidity...” Mary said. She was very embarrassed. “She told me all I have to do is marry you and she will pay for everything... Technically my family sold me to you... Your mother gave us a lot of money...”

“You’re not stupid just because you cannot read!” Silver yelled.

“Well... Here’s the thing... I can’t do a lot of things. When it comes to ethics. I’m not good at math and I’m unable to concentrate on a simple task. At one point, I did very well on things like maps. However, that took months! After a few days, I forgot everything I learned. I can’t hold the information. If someone asks me a quick question like math. I will not give them a fast answer, I will have to use my fingers and hope they don’t ask me a high number... In this society, people would think it’s a spell or something... but no, I am just stupid! My learning disability has been a stressful thing for my family. Before I met you, I had met many suitors. You would think guys will be ‘OK‘ with a dumb bitch. Because they don’t want my help anyway, but no! I am even to dumb for that! And on top of which, they find me quite annoying with my ideas of a Prince Charming! As you know, I’m not someone who stays quietly by! One guy was okay with my lack of knowledge, but I'm easily jealous and it eventually got to him...” Mary voiced.

“Yes! I noticed that you always try to control what I do...” Silver said.

“But here’s the thing, Silver! I really like you! You were the first person who gave me a chance, and I mean really given me a chance! You’re doing it for all the other women as well! I want some of that encouragement you give Jennifer or any other girls you have! I’m not okay with sleeping around, but I don’t hate the women you have either. I’m learning to be OK with your nature... But it’s hard! Really really hard! I want attention! I want to love! It’s not fair!” Mary said.

“Mary, take off your clothes.” Silver said.

”What?!” Mary exclaimed.

“I want sex! You already know this! Also! I am going to give you a child and you will take care of it! I know why you came to me in private. You don’t want me to tell the other maidens. There’s no way in hell you can go up against them! You haven’t even gotten a single vote! So, your only option is to take off your clothes and let me breed you! I won’t play favoritism! The other women are working their ass off right now! Even the ones I do like!”

Mary just sat there sobbing. “Is this all I’m good for?!”

“I don’t know what you want me to say! You can quit if you like!” Silver said.

She whined as she took off her clothes.

“Good girl. What exactly do you want out of our relationship? You can just be a handmaiden or something.” Silver said.

“No! I want to be a Head Empress!” Mary yelled.

“But you can’t if you don’t put in the work!” Silver said.

“I can’t! I tried! You told us to learn the law of the flag! That requires reading! Even if it’s read to me I won’t remember it all! And that’s not even half the problem! You have other women who are way superior to me! If a problem comes up and I need to make a quick decision, I’m screwed!” Mary said. She was a crying mess.

“I hate that you try to control me. I didn’t want to get married. I don’t want children and I just want to have sex freely.” Silver said.

Mary was confused. She thought Silver had more to say, but she stopped talking.

“If you don’t want to have children... then why are you worried about breeding all of a sudden?” Mary asked.

Silver sighed. “I’m not... Megan misunderstood and thought I wanted a child. Tess is a blessing, but I didn’t ask for her either... Those dark elves seem desperate... They believe their children will save their generation or something. I’ve been told children are the future! So even though I don’t want them, or to get married, or anything for that matter! Over everything I don’t want! There’s something much worse!”

“And what is that?” Mary asked.

“I don’t want to die and be forgotten...” Silver grimaced. It was very hard for her to admit that.

Mary smiled and laughed. “You’re so silly! Is that what you're worried about?! I was told your mother made a rule. The royal family is going to be ghosts and still run things! If you're worried your child will destroy your empire I can understand. Although, your mother has things in place! She called it Silver Proof! Not even you could mess it up!”

Silver frowned. “It’s my fucking empire, not hers! Anyway, I am not 100% sure about me being still here. Do you believe in reincarnations?”

“Yes I do, but I just said you don’t have to worry about that! You will be here when you die.” Mary repeated.

“Well! As I said! I am not so sure! I won’t even be the same me... I haven’t told this to anyone yet. I have reasons to believe that I’ll be reincarnated. I don’t know what will happen to me but I will not be here...” Silver said.

“Okay... how do you know that? Is this because of your true guardian? I know it’s a secret to your empire, but I’m aware of that stuff.” Mary said.

“And you say you are stupid? Ha! Anyway, I think that we should get back.” Silver said.

“What?! I thought you were going to... bed me...” Mary said, still naked.

“I was just being silly, don’t worry! You didn’t seem that interested...” Silver said.

“No! I now agree with you! We need to have kids! I may be dumb, but that will be the end for the flag! Everyone will bicker! Your current women who're not officially married, will slaughter each other over who should be the ruler! Your Army will fall apart with no guidance! They don’t even like your sister Auly! You are literally the only glue to your entire empire! We will be nothing without you! Let’s think of a plan just in case you die!” Mary said.

“I am happy you care about my death, but this is something I must figure out.” Silver said.

“No! This is not about you anymore! Don’t tell Wendy about the reincarnation thing yet! If she knew, she would want to have kids with you before you die as well! Even worse she would plan for her people to be in power!” Mary said.

“Of course I would,” Wendy said, standing near the door.

“What?! Why are you here?!” Mary yelled.

“You two was taking too long... I get impatient very easily. You told me that there will be no secrets and we both agreed to it! Did we not?!” Wendy was more than a little pissed.

“I did say that, but this secret is different! I was only trying to keep you maidens from knowing the truth about me!” Mary yelled.

“You have a disability, so what?! How dare you imply I shouldn’t have a child with Silver?! I am going to be head Empress after all!” Wendy said.

“Got impatient my ass! You’ve heard the whole thing! Did you really just follow us?!” Mary roared.

Without words, Wendy sauntered to the couch.

“About this reincarnation, what are we going to do? I say we need a clear ruler.” Wendy said as she was getting comfortable.

“I agree, but it has to be someone who won’t cause problems! I don’t want you and your people to take over!” Mary yelled.

“I am not trying to! I know it seems like it! It’s only because everyone else can’t handle the job! I will take over and help the empire! I know it seems malicious of me to say, but who else can do it?!” Wendy yelled back.

“I am still fucking here! Why are you two talking like I’m already dead?!” Silver yelled between them.

The women ignored Silver like she wasn’t there.

“How about this, we will take turns getting children. The one with the first boy, wins.” Wendy smirked.

“Is that what I am now, just a sausage?!” Silver frowned.

“You see us as bed warmers! So, fuck you, Silver! If you’re not here to sort out your women, there will definitely be chaos! There’s no way I can stay here if you’re gone!” Mary said.

“Yes, like you said, you are a stupid girl!” Wendy yelled.

Mary had a look of shock than anger. She tried to reach around and slap Wendy, but Mary was just too slow.

“I’m joking, Mary. I’m just an add-on to the empire. Even if I have legal rights to be here. There’s a huge chance the Empire will still fall apart. I don’t know how Silver made all of this a reality, but in her absence, the magic could disappear. Right, Silver?” Wendy said.

“I actually don’t know...” Silver said.

“This could all disappear?!” Mary yelled, not realizing everything could be erased completely.

“Now you see, Mary? I’ve dealt with a lot of unknown magic. It’s unpredictable! I need you Mary! Out of all the other maidens, you and I agree on a lot of things! Work with me!” Wendy said.

“You want me?! You are beautiful and brilliant! Why do you need me?!” Mary exclaimed.

“You are close to Silver. She likes you and doesn't trust me. The other two women I‘ve married will not be competing. With us voting on things together, we can make a difference!” Wendy said.

“Really?!” Mary yelled.

“Yes, Mary! With me, you don’t even have to be uncomfortable with random people! If Silver doesn’t want you, I can marry you and you can be Head Empress with us! Me and my women share everything.” Wendy said.

Silver wanted to tell Mary that she is being played, but Silver said nothing...

‘Will everything actually disappear?’ Silver thought.

(Wishlist: Not everything. They will still have your flag. Because I am the magic shop, that will go away. The boons that are keeping them safe in this dungeon, and your king passives will also no longer protect them.)

‘Well, that’s to be expected. Only me and you will be in the new life, right?’ Silver thought.

(Wishlist: If your lovers and children choose to stay, yes.)

‘Lovers? I only have Boris. Do you believe I’ll get more?’ Silver thought.

(Wishlist: I try not to lie to you Silver, but we’ve been over this before... Every time I tell you who your lovers were, you get upset...)

‘Every time? You speak as if I did this before with you. Are you saying I had a past life and lovers? Tell me who my lovers are!’ Silver thought.

(Wishlist: .... If they want to reveal themselves I will let them. This is not your first reincarnation.)

‘To be honest I’m not that shocked. Ever since I was young, I felt like I had a different life, or should be in one. I always hated what I was given. Can you at least tell me if I’ve seen my other lovers?’ Silver thought.

(Wishlist: Not all. Some of them live in your flag.) Silver thought about Boris in how strong he was. ‘Ala is one, isn’t she?!’ Silver thought.

(Wishlist: Yes... She even remembers your past lives. She doesn’t wanna talk about it, but she has seen you die several times.)

Silver looked around, noticing Wendy and Mary were on top of her, making out with each other.

When Silver tried to get up, Wendy playfully pushed her back down.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Wendy asked.

“I am glad you two are getting along and I encourage my women to do so. But I want to have sex too! You two have fun! I’m going!” Silver said.

Wendy had a strange look on her face. She looked at Mary.

“Mary, I think I should teach you how to be an empress. The first step is to act like one. Whatever Silver does and how she treats us. We have the right to do the same. You have to act important because we are important. Do you understand Mary?” Wendy stated.

“I guess...” Mary said.

Several women walked in the door. They didn’t even bother to knock. Wendy called her handmaidens over to play.

“Another thing about an empress is we don’t have to put up with shit. I have a busy day. So, I don’t want to get tired while having sex. What I am going to do is let my workers do all the heavy lifting. When Silver is ready to cum, I’ll take her seeds into my womb without breaking a sweat. As a ruler, you must delegate. I want her to impregnate me, but I don’t have time to pleasure her. However, that doesn’t mean I don’t have someone else to do it. Even the dirtiest jobs like ass licking will be done. After this, get perfect workers for your needs.” Wendy smiled.

Wendy’s maidens kissed all over Silver. Their tongues were licking her dick into an erection. One of the girls licked Wendy to get her ready. Silver was enjoying herself.

“As you can see, Silver is now happy. She will keep us without us even doing anything. She doesn’t love us romantically anyway. To her, sex is sex. Honestly, this is fine by me. If all she wants is a wet hole then I will give it to her, without dealing with her shit!” Wendy said.

“What?! Silver? Will you not love us back?! That’s kind of hurtful!” Mary said.

“Yeah, well all you people want from me is power! Why would I care about you?!” Silver yelled.

Mary couldn’t believe what she heard.

“Do not show your tears to the likes of her! She doesn’t care, remember?! Because I aim to please Silver, I ignore things like this!” Wendy snarled.

The dick sucker slobbered all over Silver’s cock. Several women were holding Silver down so she couldn’t escape. Wendy was warned that Silver was about to cum. The dick sucker removed her head and Wendy sat on the cock. Silver yelled in ecstasy.

When Wendy felt the seeds go in, she got off of Silver then the sucker went back to work.

“Silver, I want you to know I have no hard feelings for you. This is only sex the way you like. As soon as you grow up and love us back, we will do the same. Until then, this is how our sex will be. I’m not going to romantically get involved with anyone who can’t do the same!” Wendy said.

“Yes! We are not sluts! So don’t treat us like it!” Mary said.

“Yeah, whatever! I’ll just fuck your handmaidens then!” Silver yelled.

“Silver, even my handmaidens are important. They are better than any prostitute you ever met. I expect the best out of the people around me. You will not treat them badly or make other people fuck them. I will make you suffer if you do.“ Wendy said.

“Okay, I get it! Just go already! As you said, I don’t want you here!” Silver said.

“You don’t?! Why are you being this way?! I told you I love you!” Mary yelled.

“No, you don’t! You hate the way I am! You two only want power from me!” Silver yelled.

“I am getting sick of your behavior, Silver. Do you think we are using you? All we’re asking for is for you to love us not just for sex! Is it really that awful?” Wendy said.

As time went on they argued. Mary got a turn to be breaded. The handmaidens were still working Silver.

“Silver! You can go fuck yourself for all we care! I am going to take Mary as my own! We are going to have a more comfortable and intimate sex with each other. I will send more girls for your pleasures if that is your wish.” Wendy said.

Both the maidens walked away.

‘Those bitches treating me like this?! How dare they?!’ Silver thought to herself. Silver understood where they were coming from, but it still hurts.


Both of the maidens came back to check on Silver. There was an orgy going on. Several dark elfins were there. Wendy’s handmaidens were having sex with dark ones with dicks, Silver was with Olivia.

“Ah! You two are back?! Megan has taken that pesky breeding spell off the dark ones. She also got rid of the pregnancy preventing spell you had on your handmaidens. Because the dark ones belong to Olivia, it’s fine. Handmaidens can have sex with other handmaidens, right?!” Silver said.

Wendy was pissed. “Silver! I‘ve tried to play nice with you! If you're going to play these games, then prepare for a fight!”

Silver got up from her sweaty bed of bodies, then walked to Wendy.

“The only person I’ll let dominate me is my friend Ala! If you’re going to fight me. I want you to know I don’t pull punches!” Silver said.

“I don’t either,” Wendy smirked.

“Then let us begin!” Silver yelled.

The entire room was filled with pink smoke. It covered everything and Wendy couldn’t see. She took a fighting stance.

“While you were gone I learned a new skill. Do you want to see it?” Silver said within the pink smoke.

Wendy blinked then she was on a pirate ship in front of men.

“I can see your desires, Wendy! You hated all of these types of men. However, you always wondered what it’s like to be manhandled by them.” Silver voiced.

“What?! No, I do not! I hate these worthless rats!” Wendy yelled.

“Submit to me or I will let your desires have you! You can’t win against me!” Silver said.

Wendy noticed Mary was also there.

“What are you doing?! Fight me! Don’t involve her! You are being unfair to her!” Wendy yelled.

“I told you! I don’t play fair and I won’t play nice! I will involve my entire flag in this! When you joined my flag, you told me all I have to do is squeeze, right? Well, prepared to be squashed!” Silver yelled.

Guys were jacking off to Mary and Wendy’s naked bodies.

“Silver! I don’t want to start a war with you! However, I am not someone who falls under pressure! I can already tell this will get out of hand between us! My intention is not to include the entire flag! Are you really going to go this far over what I said?!” Wendy asked.

“I’m going to give you one last warning. I have already called Ala! She doesn’t pull punches either! Not only will I kick your ass out of my flag if you start trouble! Your kingdom will go down with you!” Silver roared.

“You’ll even go that far?! Are you really this petty?!” Wendy asked.

“Yes I would, and yes I am! What the fuck do you know about me?! I’ve been saying this the entire time! Stand down or this will escalate! I am not playing games with you!” Silver yelled.

“Fine! I will stay out of your way! If you will do the same! Now let us go!” Wendy yelled back.

“No! There is no middle ground here! You’re either going to fully submit to me or you’re my enemy!” Silver said.

“Okay, Silver! I don’t want any bad blood between us and I don’t want to get other people involved. I will yield.” Wendy said.

“Good, know your place, bitch!” Silver smiled.

When Wendy woke up with Mary in her arms, she jumped a bit. They both fell asleep inside of her room. Not sure what just happened, Wendy pulled Mary off to look around.

“That was merely a warning for upsetting my master.” Several voices said. “She may be lazy, but I am not. If you threaten her in any way, shape, or form, I’ll come for you.”

Wendy couldn’t see them. It sounded like multiple different people talking all at once.

“Who are you?!” Wendy asked.

“My name is Ala. There’s nowhere you can hide from my mind attacks. If you want to try me, please do so. I want a challenge. I've been so bored! I will watch, I will wait, everywhere you go, I will be there. You won’t know if you are asleep or awake. You will taste true fear.” Ala voiced.

Wendy blinked; she was floating over a volcano. It was so scorching hot; active, and ready to blow. Wendy blinked again, she was drowned by an octopus. It felt so real.

“Miss Wendy? Are you okay?” Mary asked.

Wendy surveyed her surroundings. She was just sitting with Mary; talking.

“Where are we?! What’s going on?!” Wendy asked.

“We are in your room. You said you wanted to show me how to be an empress... and how to deal with Silver. Did you change your mind?” Mary questioned.

“Yes... It’s better if we let her do her own thing. We’ll support her however we can...” Wendy grimaced.

“Okay, good,” Mary smirked.

Wendy frowned. “I want to discuss something about someone else... Tell me everything you know about Ala.”

Mary had an odd look on her face. She was half smiling. “She is scary! Silver told me to never cross her! So I do not and never will! Are you going to fight her?!”

“Well... I am not someone who will back down on a challenge.”

“You should! You’ll never win!” Mary yelled.

“Do you really have no faith in me?”

“No! You are weak! A skank! You challenge me, but you’re not worth my time!” Mary said? Mary’s body changed to a different woman with blond hair and big tits.

“There is no way you can beat me. I will never release you until you submit to me and my master.” Ala said.

She then showed Wendy all the bad things that happened in her life. How the Pirates raped her sister, killed her father. Ala showed her things over and over again until she submitted.


{Inside of Auly‘s personal quarters}

Auly cried into Mira’s arms. “I couldn’t do it! I wasn’t able to speak up as we talked about!”

“It’s okay sweetie! At least you tried!” Mira said.

Her plan was to handle the tour all by herself.

“Maybe I should just go away... Let the personas handle everything without me...” Auly cried.

“Auly, don’t be silly! You are the reason why all this is happening!” Mira said, gesturing the turtle. “If anything, your personas are nothing without you! They are amazing because they are you!”

“No! I’m nothing like them!”

“Tell me, have you seen a weak version of yourself yet? Because I haven’t seen a scared persona at all.”

“Well I haven’t either, but if they were scared they wouldn’t show it, right?”

“Yes! You’re absolutely right! They are all brave just like you! Regardless of them being afraid!”

“They don’t seem afraid...”

“I don’t mean to scare you when I say this, and I know it’s not your fault. At any moment, they can die when you are upset... I get the feeling they’re scared out of their minds. However, just like you wanted to do that tour, they want to make a difference! They handle things just like you would! Think like you! You make a decision and do it! All of you are scared, brave, courageous, determined, everything that makes you who you are is in them! I see it in them all the time!”

“Even so... that’s all the more reason to let them handle it... I am just going to tell my sister I don’t want to be a Rory...”

Mira pressed herself onto Auly with a passionate kiss.

Auly was so shocked, she recoiled from it. “I’m not clean! I am owned by someone!”

“What are you talking about?” Mira questioned.

“Mr. Perkins owns me... I have....” Auly said shyly.

“He raped you, Auly! It doesn’t mean he owns you!” Mira exclaimed.

“But my sister said if a guy conquers you, it is important to give them your panties and I gave it to him...”

“What?! That’s not how that goes! I am sure you miss interpreted it! Was that your first time?”

“It was...”

“Then your knowledge is lacking. You like Hanna don’t you?”

“H-how did you know?!”

“I can tell these things. I think you like me as well. Why don’t you call her and we can explore things together! I will show you how to truly have sex! I’ll give you a real lesson!”

“Huh?!” Auly was so embarrassed. She was fidgeting all over the place.

“You know... Let’s forget about Hanna for now. You’re just so cute!” Mira smirked as she kissed Auly again. She was dominating Auly’s mouth with her tongue.

Eventually, Auly relaxes and lets her captain fully take over.

“It’s okay hun. You can touch me anywhere you want. Lesson one is to be comfortable with your partner.” Mira said.

Auly grabbed Mira’s ass.

“Oh?” Mira squealed.

“S-sorry!” Auly yelled while pulling her hands away.

“No! It’s okay! I just didn’t expect you to grab so hard. Your hands pressed against my pussy.”

Auly was mortified in embarrassment. Mira took Auly’s hand then licked a finger.

“That should help you with your journey! By the time I’m done with you, you would explore every inch of my body. As I will do the same to you!”

Mira unequips clothing revealing herself. Auly was so embarrassed she passed out. Her hair turned pink and she quickly kissed Mira while pushing the back of her to the bed.

As Mira laid on her back, Auly’s hair changed to black. Shadows caressed every part of Mira. Even her ass got attention. It lightly squeezed her tits and ass.

“Auly?” Mira squealed.

“Wrong!” Black-haired Auly smiled while taking off her clothing.

Auly‘s hair changed to an orange color. As the petite woman had a wicked grin, she morphed her body to have a very thick dick. She rubbed Mira’s vagina and entered her holes. Mira was already wet from kissing Auly, so it had no problem going in.

“Auly! Come back out! You must remember you are in control!” Mira yelled.

The orange-haired Auly wasn’t listening. She heavily pounded Mira. All of a sudden, Auly's hair changes to gray.

“Captain...? What happened...?” Oliver asked in a slow tone.

“Oliver?!” Mira cried.

“I was having a very nice dinner with Lady Annabella... Then I sense a disturbance in the force. What did you do to make the personas get so excited?” Oliver asked.

“I don’t know! I was teaching her about sex and she freaked out!” Mira breathed. The shadows were still touching her body. 

“I see..” Oliver notices a fat dick attached to himself. He jiggled it a bit to see if it was real.

“Ahh!” Mira moaned when he pulled out.

“Sorry...” Oliver said as he pushed it back in.

“Gah! Don’t do that!” Mira squealed. She grabbed onto him when the fat cock hit her G spot.

“This is my first time... Do you want me to take it out or keep it in? I'm confused...”

“Take it out slowly!”


When she said slowly. She didn't expect Oliver to take it out agonizingly so... He dragged the big monster out as she winced in pleasure. She started biting her lip.

“Fuck me, this thing is so big!” She was curling her toes.

“Okay...” He pushed it back in and started pounding her.

“That’s not what I meant!” Mira yelled.

“Do you wanna... stop... or...?” Oliver said between the pounding.

“Ahhh!” Mira orgasmed. Oliver took so long to speak he didn’t finish his words.

“Okay... I’ll keep going then...” Oliver kept pounding until he came inside her.

They both closed their eyes as he came. During that time, Mira’s hair changed to various colors before settling back to her original one.

When the climax was done. Mira kissed Oliver, they dueled with their tongues.

“That was really something...” Mira voiced.

“Yeah... but I came so much... I hope you had pregnancy protection.” Oliver said.

“What?! I didn’t use it on myself! I didn’t know this was going to happen!” Mira said as she looked at her pregnancy stat.

“Ah... congratulations then...” Oliver said while doing a small clap. “Yay... What are you going to name it...?”

Mira frowned. “Fuck you, Oliver!”

“Okay... If that’s what you want...” Oliver turned her around and fucked her doggy style.


{In Silver’s bed chambers}

Silver laid aside naked women. She had sex with Olivia and some other dark elves. She didn't want to have sex with Wendy’s people anymore... Silver didn’t want to give her any satisfaction.

“Any more girls?” Silver asked.

“You still want to have a go? You gave 5 of us a child. I’m sure your other women would be mad.” Olivia asked.

“Fuck them! They don’t love me anyway!” Silver yelled.

“I see, well... I do love you. You bless me and my own with children. Not many would help us...” Olivia said.

“Will, it’s not a big deal. I won't have to deal with your children for 9 months anyway.” Silver said.

“9?! Is that how long you humans take? For us, it is less than a month. My belly will be showing by tomorrow!” Olivia happily voiced.

“What?! Are you serious?!” Silver exclaimed.

“Yes... I did say the people are scared of our breeding... Is this a problem? We can kill them...” Olivia said in a disappointing tone.

“No, no! I have been trying to trust my women even if they don't think so... I feel like trust is a two-way street. If I cannot trust you, then how can you trust me. You told me your people have changed and you have already signed contracts. I only expect the dark ones to follow my rules. Just let me know what you need.” Silver shrugged.

“Really?! Do you mean that?! You have a lot of humans in your flag. I want just as many dark ones.” Olivia jumped in excitement.

“Baby steps, Olivia, baby steps. Even if I’m okay with y’all, the others will not be. I want you to prove to them that the dark elves have changed.” Silver caressed her tits.

“Of course! I will show them!” Olivia kissed Silver through love and not lust. She was getting teary-eyed. “You are an amazing person! Very kind and understanding!”

“Thanks...?” Silver questioned.

There was a knock on the door, Lavender and Kilo walked in.

“Silver, there’s a situation with Bastion...” Kilo said.

“Okay, I'm listening.” Silver replied.

“The Guardians released him! His powers, along with his daughters, have been limited. However, he is still powerful. He is currently looking for us, destroying kingdoms in his wake!” Kilo said in a panic.

“As I told my sister, it's fine. It's simple, we’ll stay here to train. I think it's time for us to have our own champions as planned. How long are we staying exactly?” Lavender voiced.

“To be honest... I have no idea how long. We can prepare the rituals for the champions. Cliff said he has some personal business to attend to first, he wants me to marry him to some woman. Why me and not a Priest? I don’t know. After we are done. We will be Champions. Is there anything else I need to know?” Silver said.

Lavender looked around at the orgy. “Can we speak in private?”

“Sure,” Silver said. The room was emptied, only Silver, Lavender, and Kilo remained. “Kay, so what's on your mind?”

“I think it's time we have met your true Guardian, Silver... I don't know if she's evil, but we want to talk to her in person.” Lavender said.

“Huh? How did you know it's her?” Silver asked.

“You just told me. I only suspected. Not many male Guardians would change rules for women’s benefits. Your flag is based on equality. I know she’s powerful and she could’ve stopped you at any time.” Lavender replied.

“I'm here, what do you want?” A cloaked figure asked. She was behind Silver.

“Law will send Truth after you. She is very curious about this flag. She’s one of the most dangerous guardians out there and I don’t want any mishaps...” Lavender said, not really surprised by her appearance.

“Can you tell me why I should care? I don't mean to sound rude, but what I do with my little coin is my business. I'm only revealing myself to you two because Silver wants it.” The figure said.

“I do? I didn’t say that?!” Silver yelled.

“You thought about it. Don’t be embarrassed. You wish that I can leave you alone from time to time.” Figure added.

“Okay, fine! I don’t want you inside of me anymore!” Silver yelled.

The figure ignored her.

“Anyway, I rather not be bothered by lesser Guardians... They won't be able to see us in an active dungeon. While inside Silver, they can’t see me!” The figure gestured her hand around her face. “Even the body I’m in will not give me away! I am safe! So go away, they won’t find me!”

“If you truly believe that, then there’s no more reason for you to hide. My sister and I will not judge you. If you were wrongfully accused then let us help you.” Lavender insisted.

“I don’t trust anyone... The last time I did so it went badly for us...” The figure said.

Kilo steps forward. “You have helped my girls and everyone in this flag, more than I’ve ever had. You are more a part of this flag than anyone. The fact that you‘re constantly changing the rules to suit our needs. We are in your debt. I will personally protect you. I will become your follower.”

“Are you sure you want to do that?” Figure questioned.

“I am sure,” Kilo said with a nod.

Wishlist took off her cloak to reveal herself. She had a pure white dress with silver coins on it. The dress was very big and long. Her long silver hair was on the floor. Her eyes were red. Unlike other guardians, her eyes had iris. She was human and looked young.

“You resemble Silver? Why is that.” Kilo said.

“My little coin created this body; I’m basically her daughter and Boris’s. Beyond herself helped me.” Wishlist said.

“You’re telling me you were grown and could’ve come out sooner?!” Silver asked.

“And do what?! There would’ve been questions! You don’t realize how serious guardians would get if they knew who I am!” Wishlist said. “Even now I am scared this can blow up in my face!“

“Well, if it does, it will happen to all of us. Now explain what happened to you.” Lavender said.

“Fine!” Wishlist sighed. “I’m a wishing star… It started with one simple wish! Not a big deal! The wish made thousands of male guardians turn female... I thought it would be funny at the time... give them a taste of their own medicine... They didn’t have to be so butt-hurt about it!”

Lavender grimaced, already knowing where this was going...

To be honest there's not too much to say. My plan is to give a satisfying ending and not feel rushed. If I'm going to make someone wait a long time for Silver Coin 2, I want people to be okay with how things played out. I personally like where I'm going. This chapter teaches about how Silver is learning to change. I want her to be a better person but I don't want it to seem sudden.
As for Auly, I want to be clear that she has ways ago to change. Mira is more of a guide to teach her how to be who she wants to be. I plan to make three books in total so this will be a lot of time building all of my characters. The most important thing for me is for everyone to have fun reading!

Silver-kiss-R.gif I love you all in my own way! I hope you all keep safe out there! Thanks for reading!Silver-Kiss-L.gifn1.png

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