Silver Coin

Book 1 Chapter 45: How it all starts (Epilogue)


Although there's going to be some parts from the original epilogue. I decided to make a dedicated page to it. I feel like the ending was rushed before. I hope you like the added content. I worked very hard to improve the story.

As days went by, the army claimed 90% of the dungeon. Silver has ordered them to stop completely and fall back. If they defeat the boss, it would result in kicking them from the dungeon. Staying in the dungeon became more than just survival. They wanted a real plan before leaving the dungeon itself.

Eventually, people found it easier to be here. They were still able to get fish within, plants grew healthy fruits, and there was no need to go out for any reason.

The fairies were scared and were not attacking. Auly told her men this was a bad sign. They should not become too relaxed. Did they listen to a wimp? No... There have been several casualties that were blamed on Auly for being weak.

Hanna has been training with the army along with Cliff. They didn’t want to feel helpless in protecting the ones they loved.

As for Silver, she has been minding her own business, avoiding her women. Lispa, Renee, and Olivia are the only ones who hang around her. Silver definitely didn’t want to talk with her mother! It’s awkward now...

Wendy came to Silver, trying to make their relationship work. Silver hasn't been ignoring her exactly. She’s not completely childish. She will answer back a question, but she usually just says, “Fine!” or “Do whatever you want!”

The pirate hunter has not given up on Silver. Especially because she doesn’t want to anger Ala again. She did her best to put up a fight, but the psycho bitch was just too powerful…

Wendy walked in on Silver's fucking session. It's been almost a month since the dispute between Silver and Wendy. The pirate hunter was fed up with all of the ignorings.

"How long would you keep me at arms distance, Silver?!" Wendy yelled. "If you want me to say sorry, I will not! I think it's very shitty of you to have loveless sex! Can't you see how hurtful you're being?!"

Silver pondered her words.

“Wendy, come sit with us! I’m sorry we didn’t see eye to eye. I wanted to tell you this a long time ago. I’m just not very good at being friendly. I am sorry…" Silver said sincerely.

Wendy did not expect Silver to say those words to her, she was expecting a big fight…

“Thank you, for saying that, your majesty! I thought you wanted space...” Wendy said. She sat next to Silver regardless of the sweaty bodies around them. 

"I know I can be a real bitch! And I was wrong. I'm still learning to respect others' needs… More often than not, no one cares about the things I want. So, therefore I don't care about what others want. You in particular have given me no reason to make me hate you. We don't have the same ideas, but that's the same for my mother and Margolin. If I don't hate them, then it'll be wrong for me to hate you. From now on, you’re free to join me if you like...” Silver said.

Wendy was speechless. However, she overcame her lack of speech by saying. "Your women and I are not just walking sex toys. We will have multiple opinions about how things should be done. I'm not the only woman you have been ignoring. Talk to your maidens! And not just us, make speeches with your people. Tell them they are safe! Sure, other people have been doing that, but it would mean so much more if you're the one that's saying it! I love that you're trying to change, you want to help your people, but you staying in this room, only having sex is not very helpful to anyone!"

Silver sighed and gave a 'do I have to?' look. Wendy's gazed back with a 'yes you do!' glare. Wendy didn't want to be on Silver's bad side. That's why she said nothing for so long. Now that she was back in Silver's ears, she has lots to say. However, she's cautious this time.

"No! I will agree to help people! But I don't want to deal with them directly! All the whining! If it was up to me, I'd kick their ass from the flag!" Silver yelled.

Wendy wasn't happy to hear her say that, but she held her feelings. "Can you at least try to compromise?"

"Like hell! I didn't want any of this! People fail to understand that! What's stopping me from getting rid of the maidens and the entire flag?! The only reason I'm keeping the flag is because I want people to order around! Other than that, there's absolutely nothing I need from you people! Just as long as y'all get the fuck out of my way!" Silver yelled.

"Okay, okay, fine… I'll keep everyone in line… I don't want to argue… You already made it clear how you felt…" Wendy said while rubbing her head in annoyance. She already heard her say this stuff with Margolin… "I'm just happy from the little you have been changing… Hopefully, you will understand from our perspective... We are not tools…"

"Yes, I get that! Y'all can do whatever! I'm fine with that! Just leave me be! Let me fuck all day, alone!"

Wendy wanted to say, "Well, you can fuck yourself, alone, for all I care!" But she held back that retort. She didn't want to provoke Ala's wrath…

"Can we please talk about something else? We just made up…" Wendy said, trying to calm herself down…

"Fine, I am also tired of fighting. Look, the only thing I can promise is, I will 'try' to help my people. However, I will do it my way! Don't force me to care about anyone!"

"Okay, you don't have to care about anyone but yourself…" Wendy bit her lip trying to hold back her opinion.

"Damn right I won't!" Silver claimed.

Wendy sighed. "Can I at least ask this…? Is there anything in particular that you 'are' worried about with the flag?"

"Well, I'm worried about the dungeon's Guardian. Apparently, the last one we faced got mad at us. If we could schedule a meeting with her. Maybe we can keep her at bay."

"Well, why didn't you say so before? We could have done that a long time ago!"

"I thought you didn't want to argue and I'm saying it now!" Silver scowled.

"Fine, fine, I'll see what I can do."

"I'm not sure how you're going to get her to come, but sure! Go ahead while I stay here and have sex! I am too busy to make meetings!"

As much as Wendy loves Silver, she finds that she's quite irritating.... She fully understands why Margolin does not want to talk to her sister anymore… Silver was a brilliant person, just too damn lazy!

"Silver, before I go, there is one more thing I want."

"And that is?"

"I haven't got pregnant yet." Both Wendy and Silver frowned for many reasons, Wendy continued. "I already know what you're going to say… You think I'm after your throne. You think everyone genuinely doesn't love you. They just want things from you."

"Because it's true!"

"No, it's not! Yes, I want you to impregnate me. Yes, I want to ensure I get a spot at the throne, but I'm doing it for the flag and not just myself!"

Silver sighed, "This is going to start another argument... So I'm just going to say, take my seeds then go...."

"Okay Silver, I'll be the bigger person here… If you don't want to try to love me back, I will make the first move…"

Wendy leans towards Silver to kiss her, she doesn't kiss her back. Silver was already having sex. This annoying person came here and ruined her entire experience…

"Everyone, but Wendy, out!" Silver yelled.

As the room became vacant except for Silver and Wendy, Silver looked at her.

"I have a really hard time trusting someone. It's especially hard loving them. Ala and I have been together our entire lives. We have an understanding with one another. That is why I love her. For all of you maidens, and everyone else. You think you can come into my life and try to control me! You tell me what to do, how I should feel. Why should I let you into my heart?! Why can't you love me without changing who I am! If you want to love me and I love you back, the first thing you need to do is, stop treating me like a child! It's not very sexy and I don't like it!"

Wendy tilted her head then spoke. "Okay, I fully understand. I'm just not used to dealing with you. What is the next thing you want in our relationship?"

"Well, that is just it! You're 'trying' to deal with me! I don't like to be manipulated! You, Margolin, my mother, all of you talk about how to deal with the 'Silver' problem! You want to handle me! Ala deals with me by not dealing with me. She doesn't do anything I say. She has her own mind and would kick my ass if I got on her nerves… Me and you have no fun! It's all work! Why not try staying with me? Just sit here with me and do nothing with me. I want a girl that could accompany me while doing fuck all! Both Mille and Ala have been busy lately, but they are that type of girl! And they don't try to fix or 'deal' with me!"

Silver was breathing heavily from her outburst. Wendy said nothing, just listened the whole time.

"Okay, you are right. After I set up a meeting for the guardian, do you mind watching some shows with me?" Wendy finally said.

Silver composed herself then smiled. "Screen time and chill? Well, I can do that! It's a date!"

Wendy decided she's the one who should change. She was so by the book, she didn't realize that not everyone was like that, or didn't want to be like that… Wendy did not intend on fully changing herself. She did, however, feel like if she expects Silver to be flexible, she will have to bend with her. 


After some finagling, Wendy manages to set up a meeting with the guardian.

“Your majesty. The Plum Fairy has come.” A servant announced.

“Ah! So the dungeon guardian finally came out of her hole?! How did you get this going?" Silver asked Wendy.

Silver and Wendy sat in a throne-like room. In other words, they were on a big couch in a fancy room.

"Well, she was very stubborn, like you, Silver… I basically said what she wanted to hear. She wants to know when we’ll leave." Wendy said.

"Yeah, yeah, bring her in!” Silver yelled.

The guardian fairy walked in.

“So, this was your plan, do you want to talk with her?” Silver asked Wendy.

Wendy kissed Silver. They were at odds with each other, but they tried their best to compromise.

"I will give you full control over this one," Wendy said.

As the plum fairy sat down on a chair in front of them, Silver regarded her.

She had purple skin. Curly white hair that‘s shoulder length. She was quite thick for a fairy, both size, and mass. She wasn’t exactly a human-size but wasn’t a small fairy either.

“Hello there. Are you ready to surrender to me?” Silver asked.

The plum fairy growled at that.

“No! Why haven’t you defeated my dungeon yet, or leave?! You’re sucking up all the energy within my dungeon!” Plum yelled.

“We’ll leave when we’re good and ready! You can’t make us go, or you would’ve done it already.” Silver said.

“Oh?! I can make you go! Dungeon guardians can’t directly interfere with adventures during an active dungeon run. However, I can make my fairies attack you! Even if we lose, I will still technically win! I’ll force you to finish the dungeon! After that, I have full control over expelling you all!” Plum yelled.

“Wait a minute, are you threatening me?!” Silver asked in anger.

“Yes, I am! I am willing to compromise with you. If you give me back all the materials and items. I will let you stay here for about four more months. Otherwise, you’ll force our hand. I understand you’re running from someone outside the dungeon.” Plum said.

“I am not sure who you think you’re fucking with, but I don’t take threats very well! We will not give back our treasures! I’m guessing that’s why you haven’t attacked us yet, you want your stuff back. Well, we are not scared of you and you can not outplay us!” Silver yelled.

“Fine, I gave you my warning!”

“And I gave you mine! You need to know who you’re fucking with! My friend has ways of changing your mind! Ala! Show this pest who we are!” Silver yelled.

“Yes, master.” Ala walked behind the Plum fairy.

“What?! You can’t kill me! I am the dungeon guardian! The dungeon will end after my death!” Plum said.

“Oh, I won’t physically harm you. I want to see if you’re a challenge. The last one didn’t do it for me. I am so bored...” Ala whispered with a smile.

Wendy winced as Ala invaded Plum's mind. Ala still frightened Wendy. She's learning it's okay to speak her opinion with Silver, but not okay to enforce it and make Silver look like a fool.

The Plum Fairy was also learning this lesson… Her mouth was wide open as her mind slipped into a dark hole. She was seeing the destruction in Silver's wake. Ala showed her that Silver has the bigger dick and would fuck her ten times over. Ala didn't play fair or nice as she minds fucked the fairy.

"Well! That was fun! Let's have our date!" Silver yelled.

Wendy saw Plum still had her mouth wide open with an anguished face. She was staring at the ceiling while Ala continued to have fun.

'Did I have that ridiculous face when she attacked me?' Wendy thought.

'No, I gave you a more silly smile,' Ala thought in Wendy's mind.

Wendy frowned.

'Oh, don't look like that. I won't hurt you. If you don't challenge me or my lov- Miss Silver, ever again I'll leave you alone.' Ala thought to Wendy.

"Wendy? Wake up! I thought you wanted to have fun with me!" Silver yelled in Wendy's ear.

"Wait, what? I was asleep?!" Wendy said.

"Yes! You promised to watch things with me! If you can't do it, then I'm just going to go have sex!" Silver said.

"No, no, we can go. Let's get going, Silver."

Silver smiled then they both went to a private room.


{At Al Bastion's keep}

King Al Bastion had killed so many over the time Silver had been hiding. He was currently at a kingdom he had conquered. Elves, Dwarfs, and alike have been killed. If they weren't with him, then they were against him. He has destroyed most of the planet. The places he couldn't get to were protected by Guardians, dungeons, or magical barriers. Anywhere that was forbidden or he had no access to. Every other Kingdom was fair game.

He has several thousand men lined up, one by one. Bastion's new daughters and other wolves scratch and bite men to give them a virus, he did this so they could join his army. They were making a force to go up against Silver's flag. With the only options of either dying or joining Bastion, all the kingdoms fell into chaos. There was betrayal and fear throughout the lands.

Bastion walked to a large den. It had a pit full of moaning and groaning of guys turning into more Wolves, Wolfman, Werewolf, and Lycans. Those were the 4 tiers of wolves Bastion's army could create.

Looking at his quartermaster, Bastion spoke to him. "How are the transformations coming along?"

"The Outbreak itself has been coming along nicely, my Lord," Quartermaster said.

The sun was setting. Bastion couldn't wait to see the new Wolf soldiers. 

"Unfortunately, these batches of men are not taking the transformation very well. I thought we were doing it wrong, but it's because it matters who gives the virus. You and your daughters have the purest strain of the virus. When you three-bite, we can create an Elite Werewolf. If the man or woman is strong enough we may get Lycans, which is the pure form like you three. Lycans can destroy large stone buildings. A werewolf can not, they still have power, but merely tear down straw and wood houses…. Their bites can only make Wolfman, and Wolfman makes wolves who can't change back into their former selves... Wolfman and wolves have no damage behind their howling." Quartermaster informed.

Bastion frowned as night fully fell upon them. The men mutated into wolves then howled to the new moon. They were still strong, but Bastion only saw them as weak pups.

"See… Now they are stuck like that…'' Quartermaster continued.

"Is there anything we can do for them?" Bastion asked.

"Well… we can put the damn dogs down… But no. Have you tried asking your new guardian? Maybe she can make more Lycans."

"I'll try, but she is still upset with her new body."

"I see,"

It has been a month since Al Bastion has started this cycle of violence. Borrow, the bestower and Bastion fucks every day, this was caused by Truth. She made it true that Borrow's name was now Toria, and she fucks Bastion to make him powerful. Because she's now a cocksucking slut who helps Al Bastion. She didn't want to see Al Bastion anymore, but Truth's power was way too strong.

A figure walked behind Al Bastion. It was one of his new daughters' who was named Macy. She was a tall muscular woman with lots of wild white hair. Her outfit, if you can call it that, was a short tank top that didn't cover her tits very well, and her bottom was only a thong. She didn't see the point in too much clothing. She was a shapeshifter, her clothing rips every time.

"Father, what are you going to do with your ex-wife? She is still mad at you. I just turned her and your other children like you asked." Macy said.

To be honest, Bastion didn't care about his old life. His family, the old rules as royalties. He did away with all of that. Conquering the entire planet was his only goal.

"Have you found Silver's scent yet?" Bastion asked.

Macy shook her head. "That was so strange when it happened. One minute they were there and now they're no more. We knew they could teleport like us, but I don't think they're on this planet anymore. At least not out in the open. There are only so many places that can conceal their presence. Although, there aren't many places that can hold that many people."

Bastion looked for them in the first weeks. When there were no new updates. He made only Macy continue looking for them, while he prepared for whenever she does come back.

"Where's Leanne?" Bastion asked.

"My sister? She is eating like always," Macy said.

"Tell her to make more Lycans. This is our priority, we need more Elite soldiers."

Macy regarded the pit of wolves. "What are you going to do with them?"

"Kill them for all I care…"

"Wait, can I just have them as pets?"

"Sure, go right ahead." Bastion shrugged.

"Thank you, Papa!" She leaped forward to give him a kiss on his cheeks, then hopped in the pit with the pretty wolves.

When she fell in, the wolves backed up from the half-naked girl.

"Starting today, I am your Alpha!" Macy cheered.

They just stared at her, one growled.

She changed into an extremely big white wolf to howl at them. With a mighty voice, she roared. "Shut the hell up! If you don't bow to me, I will feast upon your corpse!"

She was so loud. The roar pushed them to a wall. Even the stone broke, killing some of them. The ones that survived, bowed before her. She felt these wolves were worthy to serve her.

"Good, as my children, you will eat what I eat. Go where I go, do what I do. If any of you get out of line, you will be hunted like the shit you are! Now, eat those pathetic wolves who have died.  I'm not the type of girl who lets things go to waste!" Macy yelled.

Without further hesitation, the wolves ate their dead wolf brothers. Their new mother joined them.

Macy was a caring woman when she wanted to be. Vicious when she needed to be. Her sister was slightly different. Leanne eats the same, sure, but she plans to get stronger for herself.

Regardless of their personality, Bastion's Wolf daughters adored him; he gave them whatever they wanted, and they did his bidding.

'I guess I'll see Toria,' Bastion thought.

When he made it to the beautiful garden where she was. He immediately saw her. Toria had huge lips and tits. She looked like a complete Bimbo who was only there to serve a cock. Even her outfit was short and slutty. She had her eyes covered, she didn't want to trigger Truth's power by seeing him. Everytime she sees his cock, she wants to suck it all day.

"Bastion? Is that you?" Toria asked.

"It is," He answered.

"What do you want?! I don't want to fuck right now!"

"I'm not here for that. At least not yet."

"No! Ask then go!"

"What is the matter with you?"

"W-What is the matter with me?! What is the matter?! I am still a woman! My brothers have completely abandoned me! I'm stuck here with you humans for the rest of my life! That is the fucking matter with me!" Toria roared.

Bastion rolled his eyes. She has already complained about this over and over again…

"Anything else you want to ask?!" She asked with anger.

"We need more Lycans, can you make more?" He asked.

"Unfortunately, I cannot. My powers are basically gifts. Unless I can get my hands on more powers from other Guardians, I will not be able to have more to give you. You and our daughters took all the powers I had."

"All right, I can do that." Bastion nodded.

"Wait, do what?"

"I'm going to capture a guardian for you. We need more powers, right?"

"Don't be silly, human! That's not something you can say lightly!"

"We will see."

"Yes, we shall." Toria snarled. "Oh, speaking of capture! I need to tell you something before I forget! I have reasons to believe that Silver Coin is hiding in a dungeon."


"Yes, I can't sense her at all. Before my brothers betrayed me, we looked everywhere for their whereabouts. She is entirely hidden. That only happens when someone goes into a dungeon. Now, how she got so many people in there is beyond me. That is one of the reasons why us Guardian thinks she is breaking rules. She does things that shouldn't be possible!"

"Well, she is definitely somewhere. I don't think she's dead. We will check the dungeons then. Although, that's kind of hard to believe. Where I threw her was the ocean. I don't think there were any dungeons nearby, at least not to my knowledge. When it comes to Silver, everything is quite possible… She is stubborn like that."

"The problem is, even if we find the dungeon, we can't do anything about it. It will go against our rules. Dungeons are technically between both humans and Guardians laws at the same time. If a Guardian destroys a Dungeon, then that will mess up a human's progress to get stronger. That is why dungeons are made. Even force stopping a dungeon run is ultimately a violation."

Bastion sighed. "Fine, I need to fuck you before I go. You can give me another Lycan that way."

Toria's big lips opened in shock. "What? No! And I just told you I can't!"

"I've been hearing all of what you said. You don't have the power to give, but the guardian of Truth made it to where your lie 'is' the truth. Every time we have sex, I get stronger. Maybe if you allow yourself to have children, we can have more Lycans." Bastion explained.

Toria frowned at his words. "I don't want to have sex with you anymore, human!"

"Well, that is the only way I can get power."

"Well, well! It would be girls! Truth saw them, she told me I'll be a baby machine that breeds women, only!"

"A small price for power. I am fine with that. Maybe we can use our daughters to get more wolf with sex."

"You'll abuse your daughters with sex?!"

"They seem happy to do whatever I ask them." Bastion then dashed close to kiss her lips. "Enough stalling, use your lips to get me hard."

Bastion unzipped his pants. She was still shocked, but willing to perform for her man. He pressed his cock on her lips and buried it deep down her throat. As she took him all the way. His dick got harder. She slobbered over his dick until it reached its full size. Of course, he didn't stop there. He kept going down her throat. Every chance he got, he made her worship his balls. When she wrapped her lips around his dick, he proceeded to face fuck her.

She didn't protest against him. She wasn't able to resist her wants for his cock. She let it slide in and out of her salivating mouth. Her cheek blew in-out as the juicy cock pumped her face. She made his dick so sloppy. She even licks his balls with the dick still in.

"I'm going to cum!" Bastion growled.

He held his hands on her head to thrust forward. She tightened her throat to squeeze his cock. Her suction gave him so much pleasure he ejaculated, hard and fast. She engulfed his seed then cleaned the dick. She looked up at him, she had no more hesitation. She wanted him inside.

She laid her head on the floor. Then pushed her ass at his dick. While her backside was upright, he plunged inside her pussy. Her tongue stuck out as she got fuck. Her pussy tunnel stroked his cock with a powerful rhythm. He did long wind up pumps to stroke his ego.

"Ahhhh!" She came.

She twitched as her pussy surrendered to his continuing pounding. He smacked her ass, making her tighten back up. Her clenching ass cheeks squeezed his cock to completion.

"Okay, here it comes!" Bastion yelled.

Toria panted as he released his seeds inside of her. When it was done, she pulled away.

"I'm not done with you slut! My cock still needs your attention!" Bastion demanded.

She puffed her swollen lips at him. She didn't want to do it anymore.

He didn't care, he stuffed her mouth with his cock again. Taking the full shaft, she served and worshiped his dick back to life. After that, he continued to pound her face until he came. When he was ready, he fucked her for several hours. To no end, he wanted to make more Lycans.


{Inside of turtle, aka, The Mega Shell Fortress Acceleration Base!}

In the megabase lab. The scientist, who was named S. O. Anita was showing Gen. Nedasea some of the new inventions.

Every discovery was for different reasons. Not only they wanted to help with the war effort. Citizens would also benefit.

"So, what is that giant gun?" Gen. Nedasea asked.

"Oh, that gun utilizes a rapid-fire rune. It shoots out Magic Bullets fairly quickly to boot! Yeah, the bullets are kind of small, but it will tear down a massive Army in its path. I call it, The Rapid Firing Bullet Spraying Dispenser!" S. O. Anita was so excited with her work. This Auly persona loves to be free with her inventions.

Lt. Col. Terry sighed. "The colonel wanted us to call it a machine gun…"

"NOOOOO! How many times do I have to tell him?! I made it! So, they should be my awesome names!" S.O. Anita yelled.

Gen. Nedasea and Lt. Col. Terry ignored the silly scientist. The General then saw a see-through silver casing with a gun inside.

"What is this weapon? It's all silver and white, is it for our emperor?" Gen. Nedasea asked.

"Oh, yes! She asked me to make a Guardian killing weapon with her energy rune! It would use her energy in a compressed way. We haven't successfully made a Guardian killing weapon before. Either it explodes or is just too powerful. Sometimes not powerful at all. My idea was to combine several runes with her own power. We know she has the power to affect the Guardians, but maybe she had to be the one to do it. Some powers are more effective when the user is around. All we have to do is mix her with more power." S.O. Anita said.

"I see, a lot of things only happen when she's around. Maybe we need her to be here when we make more things." Gen. Nedasea said.

"Maybe you are right. Her power doesn't actually hurt them, though. It affects them on an emotional level with her abilities. We need to do more tests to be sure. In the meantime, I'll keep working on this gun. I even had an awesome name for this! But that stupid ass Colonel, yet again decided to call it something else! Silver Bullet is a dumb name! He thinks that is a good name?!" S.O Anita yelled.

"Can the Emperor use the silver bullet to kill the wolves? Bastion and his daughters are very powerful." Gen. Nedasea said.

"It's not Silver Bullet, it should be called-"

"I like the name Silver Bullet, so that is what it's called!" A woman said, interrupting S.O. Anita.

"Huh? Who are you?" S.O Anita asked.

"Wait, you don't know who Silver's daughter is?" Gen. Nedasea asked.

"I've been busy with work, who is she?" S.O Anita questioned. 

"My name is Platinum Coin. Nice to meet you!" Platinum said while extending her arm for a handshake.

"Nice to meet you too, I guess." S.O. Anita completed the handshake. "Is there a reason why you're here? You don't look dressed for this."

Platinum had a very fancy dress along with her servants who are with her.

"To be honest, I do not know. I was shopping and trying to look sexy until I had an urge. This urge happens quite often. I want to make something. A weapon of all things! I have no idea why I want to... Maybe because of my father Boris. He is a weapon master after all. I have inherited some of his work skills, maybe that is what's calling me. Every time I look at weapons. I see how flawed they are! I never held a weapon a day in my life. Yet I constantly judge crappy craftsmanship! It's so annoying that there are weapon shops, near the clothing shops. It pisses me off every time I walk by the smithy! So I came here. Maybe researching weapons will help me understand what's wrong with me. That's when I heard you talking about my Silver. I just had to see what all the fuss was about."

Platinum walked to the Silver Bullet, opened the case then picked it up. "Not a fan of weapons, but  I know a thing or two about killing Guardians. Maybe I can help destroy them all! They all deserve to die anyway, right? Hahaha!"

Gen. Nedasea didn't know too much about this person, but she seemed genuine when she said she kills guardians.

"Sure, that's not a bad idea, actually. Maybe a new set of eyes would help. But I still don't like that stupid, ridiculous name! My names are amazing!" S.O Anita said.

"No! I said I like Silver Bullet! So that's what it's going to be!" Platinum raised her hand up to lift the scientist in the air. She spun her around. It was like kinetic energy pulling her about.

"Okay, I got it! It shall be called Silver Bullet! Please! Just put me down!" S.O Anita yelled trying to keep her clothes from falling off.

"Good!" Plat said as she placed the scientist on the floor. Plat put the Silver Bullet back in the silver casing then looked at her servants. "Bring this to my room! I wish to examine this gun!"

"Yes! Your majesty!" Her servants said in unison. This wasn't the first time they saw their new mistress freak out. If a dress is too tight, if the food was done wrong, she always gets angry on the slightest things… There was no doubt in their minds that she belongs to Silver. Although they haven't been around her too much, they have heard stories.

"If there is anything else involving my little coin- I mean mother! Let me know!"  Platinum yelled as she stormed out of the research facility.

The servants followed Platinum with the gun; leaving the other three women to their work.


{Guardian Capital}

"Mother, are you finally ready?!" Motive, the Guardian of Reason yelled to Truth.

Motive was tasked by his father, who was named Law, to find out the truth about Silver's flag. If they were harboring a criminal, he would let his dad know. The Goddess of Truth told him that she wants to come with him. He doesn't know why his mother wanted to join, but you don't say no to her either…

He wants her to tell him. His mother always had a busy schedule. Why now does she want to tag along? Until now she was avoiding him.

"I'm sorry, son! I am finally ready! I just needed to make sure about my information before we go! We're going to see if it is true that the flag is up to no good! We'll stop her if possible so let's go!" Truth said.

"Are you finally going to tell me why I couldn't go alone? You hate dealing with humans." Motive asked. He always wants to know everything.

"No, I will not tell you! At least until I find out the truth! My sister, Beyond, tells me someone who should be dead, is still kicking!" Truth yelled.

"And who is that?" Motive asked.

"It's my mother! Now shut up and stop asking questions! You know I can't stop telling you the truth!" Truth said.

"Oh, I see. You are looking for your mother. How come you never said anything about her? Is there a reason?" Motive wrote in his notebook as he talked.

"Well, she is extremely dangerous!" Truth sighed loudly. "Son! This is why we don't hang out together anymore! Let's just finish this trip! Let's go!"

"I see, I see. So, how is your mother dangerous? Does she have an ulterior motive? I need to know the reasons." Motive asked while noting.

Truth warped away without saying anything else.

{-End Of Book 1-}

The biggest thing for me was how it should end. I didn’t want it during battle or in a critical conversation. I know it feels like I did, but trust me when I say, I gave enough for you to guess what happens next. Part two will start directly where this left off. The epilogue was meant to give you a taste of part two, but I will go over it in the beginning. Believe it or not, some books don't do that…

The next page will be a rundown of all I changed. After that, book 2 starts. I’ll explain what I added or took away. The page will also tell you when book 2 will be out.

My dream is to have Silver Coin books on audible.


Silver-kiss-R.gif I love you all in my own way! I hope you all keep safe out there! Thanks for reading!Silver-Kiss-L.gif

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