Silver Coin

Book 1 Chapter 41: No more tea parties!

{Silver’s Kingdom, the aftermath}

Margolin walked down a destroyed path of the kingdom. She checked her systems to make sure all of the citizens had fled to the dungeon.

She didn’t know where bastion was at the moment because he kept on fleeing when Boris, Lavender, Kilo, and Jeopardy got near him.

Last they heard, he went to his other enemies. He had so many, so they were hoping that would take a while.

“I believe that’s everyone, ma’am!” A soldier said to her. “Good, you’re free to go into hiding now,” Margolin said. The soldier nodded and did as instructed.

It has been about 10 minutes since Silver‘s message had come to the empire. Of course, Margolin didn’t think that message came from the actual Silver. Margolin was fully aware of how Silver speaks and writes her messages.

“Here you are, Margolin. I’ve been looking for you. Where did the citizens go?” A man from behind her said. He sounded pissed.

She turned to face the approaching man.

“King Al Bastion! How could you do this?! You have killed so many people!” Margolin shouted at him.

“Have I?! I can’t smell them anywhere! Even the dead have disappeared! So, I’ll ask again! Where are they?!” Bastion yelled. “Silver has somehow tricked me! Made me think I killed them, somehow! Why else did you teleport the dead?! They weren’t real people, right?! Speak woman!”

“I am not telling you anything! You are a monster! I really tried to put you through my system, the right way! Silver was right! We should have just killed you! I completely blame myself for thinking that I could stop you the right way, but I was wrong!” Margolin yelled. She was angrier at herself if anything else.

“I don’t really have time for this! I have been fighting your strongest people and I can tell that they will win in a real fight! So I don’t have long to discuss things with you! You’re coming with me!” Bastion said then grab Margolin. He disappeared with her.

They teleported into a dark room. There were other women there, all were bound by chains. They were hooked on different devices and walls for Bastion’s pleasure.

“No one will find us down here, for now anyway.” Bastion said.

He shackled Margolin onto a wall. Her hands were in the air as she was lowered to his crotch level.

Margolin wasn’t able to see anything in this dark room. All she heard was the women and their sex machines. The women were crying out with pain and pleasure.

“You know, Margolin. Even though you are an inferior race of brown people. Watching you all these years had made me lust after you...” Bastion said.

He crouches to her and ripped her dress off.

It may be very dark for Margolin, but for Bastion, he had night vision. He looked at her entire brown-fit body. He was mesmerized by her breast. She had a medium-size chest and had a pink bra, panties, and garter belt set.

“I’m not gonna lie. I like what I see!” Bastion continued. The sight of her body was making Bastion hard.

Like always, Margolin didn’t seem to be bothered by what was happening. She didn’t have a look of fear or distaste. She always seems like she was above everyone else. This made Bastion and a lot of other men hate her. However, Bastion did not know why, but her defiant look made him want her more.

Margolin spread her legs and spoke. “I’m fully aware of what you want to do with me. I am willing to give you my body. If you’re willing to answer my questions.”

“If I wanted to, I can just take you without your questions... However, I am curious. What do you want to know?” Bastion questioned.

“Were you involved in my parent’s deaths, and if so, why?” Margolin asked.

“Is that really all?” Bastion said with a puzzled look.

“Yes, I need to understand why you ruined my family. Why did I have to take care of my siblings for all these years? Why did I have to stop my life to look after them? By myself?! I love my brothers and sisters but they are so lost without guidance. You took good people from us! Why?!” Margolin demanded.

“Silver isn’t dead, right? I want you to become mine before I say anything.” Bastion said.

“No! I won’t do it!” Margolin yelled then closed her legs.

“Then I’ll take you for myself and tell you nothing anyway! You don’t call any shots here!” Bastion yelled back.

He unzipped his pants then lifted her lower body up by her legs and pulled her panties to the side.

Margolin glared at him as he rubbed his bare dick on her pussy. Her defiant glare turned him on even more.

“If you do this course of action I will charge you for rape! I will sentence you to prison!” Margolin yells.

“Like I care! I will kill your entire flag anyway! I know they’re still alive out there somewhere!” Bastion yelled.

“So, you admit trying to murder us? I will charge you for attempted mass murder!” Margolin said.

Bastion didn’t want people to know what he had done, just yet. He didn’t want his enemies to prepare for an ambush.

“Are you trying to frame me for something? I feel like you’re baiting me.” Bastion said.

“Of course I am! Stop your actions right now! Let me and anyone you have captured, go! Then, I will not charge you for rape!” Margolin yelled.

Bastion glared. “I don’t know if you’re bluffing, but I don’t think I care either! If I want to conquer you now, I’d just do it!”

“Fine! You’ll pay the price! I’m going to ruin you! You’re getting life in prison if you continue your actions! You’ve already admitted to killing people! I have all the information I need to put you away!” Margolin yelled.

Bastion didn’t really understand what Margolin was getting at. He doesn’t even know why he’s thinking about this. Did he really care about what she was saying? Something about this whole situation was making him feel uneasy... This woman seemed confident she could put him away. He just doesn’t understand how. He was a powerful being right now.

“You have two minutes to release me or you will face a trial!” Margolin yelled.

“Fuck your trial, mud bitch! I’m going to fuck you however I want!” Bastion yelled as he slammed his dick inside of her, making her wince with the sudden intrusion.

Bastion, again and again, pumped his dick in and out of her. He wanted to fully claim his prize.

“Stop! You will regret this!” Margolin said.

“As I said, fuck you! I don’t care about what you’ll do to me! I can take whatever I want! You’ll bow before me!” Bastion yelled.

“Okay, you asked for this! Tess! Now!” Margolin yelled back.

The blob-woman peeled from Margolin and snapped herself around Bastion. As she formed around him, he tried to pull her off. They fell to the ground with Tess completely bound to Bastion.

Tess penetrated herself inside of his mouth to keep him from howling. As he was wrapped like a burrito, he was still trying to fight her off. Of course, it was no use. The blob woman mess was so dense and heavy he couldn’t move. She even prevented him from scratching her, his claws were bound to his chest.

Margolin called in her other reinforcements. Several people popped in, Despair immediately used her abilities. Despair sent him into a dark world in his mind. A place where he saw nothing but his own destruction.

“Ahhh!” Bastion exclaimed.

He tried to break free from Tess and this mind attack. Even with his upgraded muscles, he just couldn’t break loose.

Despair concentrated more of herself into his mind as she attacked his thoughts.

Tess opened parts of her blob form. She did it to let Boris smack Bastion with a non-lethal weapon, which knocked the enemy out.

Bastion, the great wolf, was now taking a nap.

“I will take him to Law’s court,” Lavender said as he teleported Bastion away.

Boris freed Margolin. She rises to look at the other women who were still getting forcibly pleasured. Boris made one loud click and gave Margolin a bracelet.

“Wave your hand around with this. The bracelet will free them from any chains. I think you should be the one to do it.” Boris smiled.

“Thank you, Boris,” Margolin replied.

After she freed the captured women. She did her usual laws and rules with them. They could choose to join the flag or go their own way.

“If you want to venture on your own, I will place laws saying you cannot be imprisoned again,” Margolin said.

This is what she always wanted to do. She was so happy that she could help people who were in need. For the rest of the day, she started freeing anyone else within Bastion‘s kingdom. She vowed to protect everyone she could.


{In Faerie Dungeon}

The fairy dungeon itself was a big island. What stood out on the island -  everything there was massive, big trees, bushes, flowers, and landscape. The beach and open ocean were breathtaking. Although the forest area originally had no houses or any other landmarks, while Silver was asleep, her flag had built their own town by the beach and mountain. They cut down trees to make room for the buildings. They were practically living there.

For some reasons not known by the full flag, they grew big four-leaf clovers. Silver wanted to get lucky with using the plants as life energy. She still wants to use her coin.

'Plantlife still counts as a life force, right?' Silver thought.

Of course, the resident fairies weren’t happy the flag was taking over. Although, the flag was still technically at the entrance and not in the fairies territory.

Wendy and her men wanted to teach some of the soldiers how to be sailors.

Because they didn’t have a lot of lumber and other materials to make lots of ships, unlike the last time. Six ships were all they managed to conjure.

Silver didn’t want to be on the Island with all those annoying kids. So she waited on her ship for Margolin, who seems to be busy.

“Are you sure it’s okay for us to do naval combat training at a time like this?” Diana asked.

”Yes, I don’t know where this dungeon is in the real world. Before I came here, I saw nothing but the ocean.” Silver replied.

“But why did we teleport near a mountain? Is this Island all dungeon or just some of it?” Diana asked.

“I think what happened was, this entire island and all that is around it is part of the dungeon itself. The only way to get here is by ship basically. The reason why we teleported near the mountain over there, was because we had no ships to come here on.” Wendy answered.

“Ah! And by the mountain was the default place for people who teleported here without a ship! That makes sense!” Diana said.

“Yeah, or else we would’ve teleported everyone out in the ocean instead! I get it!” Lithia, one of the added princesses said.

“That’s right. Now, what I want to know is what we’re gonna do, Silver? The guardians are handling Bastion. Margolin wants to free everyone she sees. What is the flag going to do?” Wendy said.

“To be honest, I don’t know exactly. What I do know is, we all got lazy! I have been telling people that we are at war and everyone has been taking the power we have for granted! I want all of my officers to be not only trained but are capable of training others, which they are not! I plan on staying here and hide as long as we can! We will lick our wounds and get better before we go outside again! Yes, we are dealing with Bastion, but who’s to say guardians won’t do this again and we will fight someone else?! We won’t get another chance like this! I want everyone to double their efforts on getting better and pretend we are in an actual war and not some tea party!” Silver yelled.

She was loud, a lot of her soldiers on the ship heard her. Even Wendy’s comedic face went away.

“Yes, if you want to stay here and train. You know me and your father are all up for that,” Sandra said.

With Silver’s wand active, everyone was able to see some of the ghosts that were tethered to it.

“Yes, this is what I want to do. Father and mother, I want you two and Auly to forge my army from the ground up. I don’t care if they are generals or not. I want to make sure that everyone is prepared for the role we place them in, I am tired of people thinking this is a game!” Silver yelled.

She was more pissed than she thought she would be. Without saying any more words, she went into her cabin room. Diana and Wendy followed.


Later that day, Silver was in a big building, filled with her generals, leaders, and everyone she felt needs to be here.

“I have called for this meeting because I need to test you all. We are in a dungeon with enemies who can hear us, so I will be very minimal with what I want.” Silver stated. “I’ll start with my generals. I won’t go into the details of how this test would be conducted. My family has been fighting wars for generations. I can simply tell one of them to do one simple thing and they will use their own mind on how to perform that task. I expect all of my leaders to do the same thing. The more a commanding officer has to say or receive any order within this test, the more points will be given or taken accordingly. Y’all won’t be penalized for everything, but the less instruction needed, the better! Let them devise a way to complete the task on their own!”

They nodded.

“I have specific teams to test you all. Yes, and I do mean multiple groups. There will be no favoritism here. On that note, if a unit under you can’t perform a task, that is not their fault, but you as a leader. You are responsible for choosing units.” Silver continued.

The generals nodded again.

“Generals, you may go!” Silver yelled.

Her last words confuse the Generals. They were expecting more for her to say. She didn’t talk about how they should fight the fairies or when they will be starting this test.

Joshua, Silver’s cousin went out the door with his men in tow. While other people went into their settings.

Auly looked at her screen. She was a socially awkward person and couldn’t tell when someone was hitting on her. But when it comes to strategies, she excels at hidden meanings. She immediately ordered the armies to attack the fairies.

“Wait? We are fighting now?! The men aren’t ready!” A General said.

Silver didn’t say anything. Even Wendy was silent. Everyone was busy all of a sudden.

Some of the Generals were still standing there while others were doing things.

“Mille, have my designers make wartime buttons. That weird Guardian disabled my abilities and their ridiculous fashion skills saved my ass. I was practically useless.” Silver said.

“You got it!” Mille said.

“Auly, one of your personas can fight with captured balls. Have that one teach the children and citizens. Actually, use all of your personas! They are constantly telling me that they are useful, this is their chance to show me how useful.” Silver said.

Auly nodded, she was really focused on her screens.

“What?! We are using children?!” A General asked.

He was ignored again. Silver and her people continued to prepare for the battle, while others were still confused.

[The Personas] left Auly’s body and did their jobs. They were happy to be given a chance.

“I’ll start in two hours, Miss Silver! We need time to get ready!” Auly nervously said.

Auly wanted it to seem like she could handle this task, and stood up with panic on her face. The Generals were watching. With all eyes on her, she was freaking out. She wanted to leave...

“Understood! Good luck, soldier, you may go!” Silver yelled to Auly.

Auly blushed then she went away with Mira. She didn’t want to be around people anymore, so she decided to command in her room. Auly wobbles out of the room, trying not to fall down.

“Hanna and Cliff, we need to talk.” Silver said.

They were confused like the other generals but they stood in front of Silver.

“General Matthew? Why are you and my people still standing there? Get going! You all are making me look bad!” Wendy yelled.

The still confused generals walked out the door without knowing what to do.

Silver called Jeopardy, Desire, Blitz, Renee, and Onslaught to be in front with Hanna and Cliff.

“As you all know. I don’t condone slavery of any sort. You all have been in my service due to circumstances. So starting now, all of you are free.” Silver said.

They awkwardly stood there.

“Are you getting rid of me as well?” Renee asked.

“No, on the contrary! I’m freeing you from any obligations! None of you are official citizens, just tied to me through the coin and other means. You can even go home if you like.” Silver said then looked at Jeopardy. “Handsome, you will do the same for your people. You’re free to make contracts and such, but no more slavery!”

Jeopardy felt the same way, so he released them. He was going to do this anyway, but he was teaching Desire and Onslaught a lesson.

“Desire and Onslaught. I will change you back into males later.” Jeopardy said. Before they said anything, Renee stepped forward.

“I have something here! I am not leaving!” Renee yelled.

“I feel the same way,” Cliff said.

“This flag is my home. I’m also not leaving.” Hanna said.

The three people who started this journey with Silver had resolved looks on their faces. They’ve been supporting her this whole entire time. Especially Renee. Even if she weren’t there physically. She’s the reason Silver‘s kingdom exists.

“Okay, good! You all may go and do your own things, I need to finish talking with everyone else.” Silver said.

“Yes, your majesty,” Cliff said.

“I’ll get new clothing and get pretty for you! Later!” Renee yelled. The three then went their own ways.

Emily and her family were already given this talk. They have decided to stay as well. They even wanted to stay in service to her. She only wanted to keep them until she dealt with the Kings and yet they chose this life, why? She doesn’t know.

Out of all of the other people who may or may not have been owned by Silver. She let them go in private. It would've taken a lifetime to release everybody individually. She let go of Royal and guild members, like the Broken and Grace. Kilo, not wanting to be let go, and people who wanted to stay. Silver gave everyone a choice. She didn't want them to say she forced anyone into the life they are living. This included another member named Samuel, a catgirl who joined with the coin flip. Everyone was released.

“Now, as for you Guardians?” Jeopardy asked.

“I’m bound to you, my husband, so I am perfectly fine with my situation!” Blitz said, then walked away.

Desire followed her while saying. “You fuck me good and I don’t have to prove my worth to my brothers. I’m happier on your dick, Jeopardy!”

Jeopardy smirked.

“Handsome! This also includes you! You’re not obligated to stay here anymore! You can fuck around and do your own thing!” Silver yelled.

“You’re joking, right?! The entire Empire was under attack! There’s still possibly danger out there! I’m not going to leave you like this!” Jeopardy yelled back.

Silver had a good look at him. He had his Jeopardy mask on. His suit was red with black stripes.

“How have you been? And what have you been up to?” Silver suddenly asked.

“Long story short, I’ve been doing what you’ve been doing! Kekeke! Getting followers, pressuring people to get me things, we are the same. The people I’m binding my contracts to, they can’t teleport, so we’ve been going to them. Those two have been good to me. It has not been long since I’ve met Blitz and Desire, but I love them.” Jeopardy smiled under his mask, but then he frowned. “Now back to what I was saying! With the Empire being under attack, we’ve decided to put our schemes on hold and I will try to be here more!”

“No! Please don’t! I want you to be free! I don’t have that option, but I don’t want you bound to obligations! Please go! For me?! You can check on us, but don’t stay! Please?!” Silver pleaded.

“Very well, love! I will make us happy! Do things we wanted to do!” Jeopardy pledged.

“Yes! Thank you! I want to hear more about your adventures when I have the time! Anything I should know now? You never told me about the Guardian King skills you have! I thought you were doing the requirements to fully unlock it! Are you still at LVL 0 and no skills?!” Silver yelled.

“Will... About that... It’s gone...” Jeopardy said.

“What?! It just appeared out of nowhere and disappeared?!” Silver asked.

“Yes, actually! We found out it’s given over to a Guardian with the most guardian followers. Naturally, guardians wouldn’t ever accept being a follower. They see themselves as equals. So they didn’t know, until now. One of them decided to have 30 Guardian followers. There is a way to make it a permanent position but I didn't do it. It's a lot of work to do...” Jeopardy said. “I didn’t tell you because I didn’t want it in the first place. It’s too much responsibility for me. I thought it would be selfish of me to say that to you because you are caught up in these politics. I know how unfair that is...”

“As I said, go be free! We didn’t ask for any of this! You are not required to do anything but take care of yourself! I want that for us!” Silver yelled.

“Okay! I’ll do my best!” Jeopardy declared then disappeared.

Because not everyone knew Jeopardy and Silver was one and the same. They didn’t fully understand their conversation.

Silver looked at Onslaught, she was waiting her turn. She had long blonde hair with a muscular build. She wore work clothing with a loincloth.

“We haven’t really talked but I understand you may have resentment towards us. I would understand if you want to be our enemy.” Silver said. “Just so you know we are fully prepared! You would be no different from them!”

Onslaught had a stone gaze.

“I am not like them.” Onslaught said coldly. “I used to call them brothers, but as soon as I transformed into a girl, they turned against me! Without even listening to me! My voice meant nothing!”

“Well... That’s the way it’s always been.” Silver said. “What do you want to do with your life, now? You can be a guy again.”

Onslaught pondered this.

“Over the few days of being around your people. I have learned several things... Not once have you truly wronged me. And at the same time, my people have been attacking you! Even openly broke laws! If I am being honest, they’ve been doing this for eternity. You are right! Women guardians have been slaves. For me to get mad about my situation just because I became a woman, is wrong. I don’t see myself as a hypocrite, so I am not mad at Jeopardy.” Onslaught said, she looked into Silver’s eyes. “What I want is to be in your flag and equal to your other guardians. I am a war guardian! So I want to make battle decisions with you!”

“I don’t trust you yet!” Silver said plainly. Onslaught didn’t look discouraged because she heard, ‘yet’. “I’ve heard how you help fight in the attack. My magic workers said you tried to save them. They personally asked me to free you. To be honest, I forgot all about you, or else I would’ve released you a long time ago! Go and do what you want!”

“Okay, I will. Can I become your woman and have a dick?” Onslaught said.

“Sure,” Silver said, then added her to the harem to give her a dick. “I am curious. Why do you want this?”

“I realized the reason why Jeopardy transformed me into a woman was to prove a point. That’s also my main reason for staying as a female guardian. I have sisters, you see. Two of them in fact. They are both enslaved to male Guardians they don’t like. I haven’t said anything because it’s been this way for eternity. Kilo was one of the lucky ones to get out of that situation, but in some ways, she is still not equal to them. Because I don’t care what gender I am to make a difference in the old ways. I figured it’ll speak more volumes if I stayed the way I am now.” Onslaught said.

“I understand. Then we are the same. Now, I will continue my meetings with my peers. Have a seat.” Silver said.“

There were chairs around them. Silver sat on a big couch, she didn’t like sitting on an uncomfortable chair for a long period of time.

Onslaught walked over to Silver and sat right next to her. Silver didn’t expect her to do that because there were plenty of other seats. Silver guessed this was what Onslaught meant when she said equal.

While Onslaught sat, Silver saw Onslaught‘s huge dick underneath the loincloth. It wasn’t soft either. Onslaught didn’t even try to hide her erection.

When it comes to how big Silver can make a dick naturally, it’s genetics. The length of Onslaught’s cock would be the same as when she was a guy. When Auly‘s chest grew, it’s not going to be bigger than if she was born a girl.

“What’s this? Are you saying you have a crush on me or something?” Silver asks.

“It’s been that way ever since you made me forge that guardian blade. I relieved myself, but it’s still not enough. I was always wet. I want to touch you... If you let me.” Onslaught said.

“No, as I said, not yet! You must fully be my woman. For now, you're gonna have to keep touching yourself, alone. In addition to not trusting you, I promised my empresses I would stay with selective women. If you’re not going to be my Empress, a Silver Maiden or Handmaiden. I can't have sex with you.” Silver said sadly.

She really wanted to fuck anyone she wants...

“What’s the difference between Silver Maiden and a Handmaiden?” Onslaught asked.

“They are the women you see before you. I currently don't have any Empress. These Maidens will become one, or stay as they are. That’s up to them. Handmaiden is basically women designated to me or my maidens. My woman can give me a handmaiden to have fun with...” Silver replied. “The only reason why I'm doing this. I expect them and my people to follow my rules. I think it’s fair I should be able to be flexible to their wants and needs. They don't want strangers in their bed and I will respect that.”

“I see,” Onslaught said.

Doing the ‘right thing’ was getting harder for Silver... She wants to be free... But this was for the good of her people and maidens. If the emperor states that it's okay to have sex with whoever. Then the entire Empire can go into chaos with unfaithful men. A man and a woman should trust one another or it would create a wedge within the Empire. That's pretty much how Silver’s women explain this. Silver doesn't fully understand this logic, but she decided to agree anyway.

“I wish I could tie myself to you, but you being a mortal does complicate things. I can give you advice. But as a guardian, I can’t be within your laws on a political level.” Onslaught said.

“It doesn't have to be political. You can still be my Maiden! Despair was okay with this!” Silver said.

“As much as I want to... I want to be equal and not a servant or lesser than you. I want to have sex with you without being bound.” Onslaught stated.

“I understand...” Silver sadly said.

She hated this, but this is for the good of the people. She just has to learn to respect other people’s wishes. The Empresses weren’t asking for a lot. It’s only with strangers. Silver can still have sex with multiple women. It's not a really big price.

“You know... You can still play with yourself around me... We can't touch but I love it when someone dedicates their orgasms to me...” Silver said.

“Really? You don’t mind? I will do it, you know...” Onslaught asked.

“Yes! Go for it! Anytime I fuck, you can come and release with me!” Silver yelled.

“Well, actually I already did that... several times... I can hide my essence well...” Onslaught said.

“Really?! You should have told me! I would have made a better show!” Silver said.

“I'm sorry! I tried really hard not to say anything! But this is getting a little weird!” Diana finally said. All of Silver’s women were listening, they looked uneasy. “Are you really okay with a stalker?!”

“Am I okay with a stalker?!” Silver repeated with a laugh. “I’ve had one my entire life!”

“What?! Really?! Why have you allowed that kind of behavior?!” Some of the Maidens said.

“Well... I didn’t at first... It’s a long story!” Silver said.

“Please tell us! We would like to know you. If we're going to make this work!” Diana said.

“Okay... well... I met this boy named Richard. He was shy when I met him. When we became friends. We hung out and did a lot of things together. He cooked for me, even if he was terrible at it... He wanted to sleep in my bed, he went everywhere I was. I was for the most part, okay with all of it! When I started having sex. It turns out he was watching me every time I did it. When I found out about it, he begged me to continue being his friend. I eventually went after specific women. Ones who were into that sort of thing. Richard joined me with the women and we've had crazy sex throughout our years. Until one day, Richard kissed me. Only then I realized it was not the ladies who Richard wanted to fuck. He wanted to be with me... without them. I turned him down of course. This broke his heart and he ran away. That was the last time I ever saw Richard’s face. Little did I know that he’d change his body to a woman to fuck me! Till this very day, she has been stalking me...” Silver said.

“What?!! That’s scary! You never got rid of him?!” One of them said.

“I fell in love with her, though. I don’t ever want her to leave...” Silver said.

“What?! Why didn't you tell me any of this?!” Mary asked.

“Because, as I said, it’s fine! You can’t get rid of her! She is my woman! Always has been! I will get rid of you all before her! And yes, she is one of my maidens!” Silver yelled.

“Well! We need to meet her! I don't want a creepy person to come out of nowhere and scare us!” Mary yelled back.

“That’s going to happen whether we want it or not...” Silver said.

“You said this person is still stalking you? Is his name still Richard? Or she has a woman's name? And where is she?” Diana asked.

“I don't know where she is. I wouldn't be surprised she's here right now, as we speak... She has several abilities to hide from me. Half the time I don't know if she's inside of me or just around somewhere else. But her name is Ala.” Silver replied.

“You mean your maid?! Ala was a boy who stalked you?! She’s scary!” Mary yelled.

“I will not deny that... She scares me too.” Silver responded with a nod. “But she won’t hurt any of you.”

The women had various expressions, there was disgust, surprise, and pure fear. Silver wanted to scare them a little bit more.

“Ala! If you can hear me, knock twice!” Silver yelled to nothing.

Her women looked and listened around the room. But they heard nothing for a minute, then they heard two knocks in two different locations in the room. She did this to throw them off from her true location.

“It would seem she's been here like I thought.” Silver said. “Have you masturbated to me yet?!”

There were two more knocks.

“Well! And there you have it! That was my stalker story! Normally stories would have an ending, but this one is ongoing...” Silver shrugged.

The women were speechless, even Wendy was.

“Enough about that! Let's get to why I asked all of you to be here!” Silver continued. “Wendy had a good point before. I don't really want to get married, but if I'm going to rule. I will need help within my women's ranks. There should be a chain of command among the Maidens. I don’t want you all to step on each other’s toes. During these perform tests for the soldiers. You will fight each other for being the Head Empress. There will be the head, co-empress, and two will be like generals in a sense.”

Wendy quickly regains her composure and speaks. “How do you want to do this?”

“I will leave how you receive the points completely up to you Maidens. You basically need votes from the Empire. Some of my kings don't have land outside the world. Help them, the people, do whatever it takes to make my Empire happy. I will not tell you how or that’ll defeat the purpose of this test.” Silver voiced. “I will give out special coins to use for money or whatever you want. I know some of you have nothing. Although I'm not ready to initiate this test just yet, I need time. Oh, I want to add, if you don’t want to participate you can choose to support another Maiden. All of this is basically a retelling of how I became powerful, I started with nothing until I was given an opportunity with my coin. My only advice for this test is to use your brain and get what you want. That is how I got to where I am, not all of this was caused by the coin.”

Silver regarded their scared faces and ended the conversation with. “You are all dismissed and good luck!”

Wendy was the first to move then the rest followed.

“Jennifer! I would like a word with you!” Silver yelled to her.

Jennifer stopped in fear. She had a feeling this was about before... Silver was scary. As Jennifer moved to set by Silver, Onslaught got up. Silver placed her hands on Onslaught to guide her back down on the seat.

The only ones left in the room were Silver, Mille, Onslaught, Jennifer, and Emily.

“Jennifer, I know I told you I would help you. Walk you through being a better candidate for being an Empress. But I don't really have the time. So what I'm going to do is not help directly. If you want advice from me, you may ask two questions. I normally have no problem giving you more, but I don't want the others to think I'm playing favoritism. I'm only doing this because I told you I would.” Silver said.

Jennifer shook her head then opened her mouth, “Our mothers said they’ll help me. I will respectfully decline your advice. I want to do this in my own way. Prove to you I am fit for you. We will rule together.”

“I understand, and I will respect that. You may go.” Silver said.

When Jennifer left the room. Silver looked at Mille then grabbed ahold of Onslaught’s stick and rubbed it. Millie said nothing to this action.

“Umm... Is this really okay? I thought you said...” Onslaught started as she felt Silver’s warmth.

“I know what I said, and I meant it! We won't have sex, but I want you to jerk off while looking at me, right now!” Silver yelled.

Onslaught couldn't deny she wanted this...

“If you're going to do this. Can we please go to your chambers and lock the door?” Mille asked. “To be honest, I agree with them on you not having sex with strangers. I will send some girls to relieve your sex anxiety, Silver. I am starting to figure out you have a need for it... Even when you are exhausted. Looking at you makes me feel like you're in a cage.”

“I... do feel like this all the time... I think not freely having sex is getting to me... I feel claustrophobic if that makes sense....” Silver said slowly.

“It does, and I get it. It is the same for me and my legs. I can’t do the things I want to do...” Mille said, then looked at Onslaught. “You can come along but only to watch. Sorry...”

“I don't mind at all! Let us go already, I want to release!” Onslaught yelled then they went to Silver’s Chambers.


{Inside of Silver’s Beach house, in her room.}

Onslaught was holding Mille, she took her to the bed and placed her there.

“Before we get started I need to do something.” Silver said.

“Okay, take your time,” Mille replied.

Silver went into her interface to browse in her dungeon settings. She wants to activate boons before the fighting starts. The one active dungeon boon was the one she did before. It allowed her to bring the entire flag here. She thought it was weird it said to revive the dead, but she ignored it. Anything that’s unexplained like her King skills, is usually her Guardian’s fault. She chooses not to mention it to anyone, but she knows who’s responsible.

For the next boons, she didn’t want to help the army. She felt it would defeat the whole purpose of testing them. The boon she did pick was okay because it would help everyone else.


Dungeon skill activated: [This is my territory]

Within your capture territory, you’ll own part of the dungeon, claimed by your people. If enemies are in your territory, they can take over it but vice versa with their territory. You can build within the captured turf.

Additionally, there will be several buffs according to [classes].


The reason she picked this one, previously, her people were only allowed to build in the entrance area. She told Auly and the maidens; If they capture a territory, they are free to build within the conquered domain.

Silver now had two more boon slots to activate. One was used to prevent non-lethal citizens from getting attacked by the enemy. As soon as a citizen attacks, they would immediately become a target for the fairies. Otherwise, the citizens were in passive mode.

The last boon was to prevent the fairies from kicking anyone as the last dungeon guardian had done. Silver wasn't there last time but she learns from previous mistakes or at least tries to.

There were knocks on the door.

“That was fast, that must be them!” Mille said. “Are you done, Silver? If you need more time I will tell them to wait.”

“No! I’m ready to fuck! Come in!” Silver yelled.

The door opened. Mille ordered handmaidens for pleasure. However, it wasn't just Mille's requested women who entered. Handmaidens with the Ormshire’s emblem on their dresses came in. Wendy sent them?

Ormshire’s emblem was a big anchor on top of a skeleton. The skeleton resembles a pirate. It's common for a skeleton and an anchor to be on a pirate flag. However, the anchor was crushing the shit out of this dead pirate... Silver didn't feel bad for the cutthroat/raping pirates because she also dislikes them.

“Excuse this intrusion, but we are a part of Ormshire’s handmaidens. We heard others have been called and our mistress wants us to pleasure you as well.” A brown skin woman said.

“I don’t care! This will be a long session. I‘d advise you to get water and warm each other’s up during fucking.” Silver said.

Onslaught was already jerking off while looking at Silver. Silver wasn’t romantic but her sexual presence was intoxicating. Even the new women who entered the room were feeling the sexual aura.

“Hurry up! I want to see your tits!” Silver yelled.

The women watched each other but not for very long. They unequipped. They uncomfortably looked at Onslaught’s massive cock.

“She will not be joining us! She is only here to watch!” Silver insures them.

The handmaidens were so happy to hear that. That dick was a monster...

Silver spread her legs.

“Don't come over here thinking I’ll be ladylike. If you need a break or don’t wanna do this anymore. You women may stop at any time.” Silver said as she tried to spawn a dick.

Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t, Silver never knows. She managed to form a thick dick.

**Wishlist** ’Just so you know I didn’t purposely stop you from having a dick. That was just part of the process when I was re-forming your body. I wasn’t maliciously stopping you...’*

‘Ah, well, are you gonna tell me what it was you doing inside of me?’ Silver thought to her guardian.

**’Think of your body as a castle. I have a place where I can eat, sleep, poop, and store things within you. I mainly created this space to hide whenever they look for me.’*

‘That’s disturbing but I understand.’ Silver thought to her.

The four handmaidens sauntered over to the bed. Silver’s dick was more than ready.

The woman kissed all over Silver’s body. One of their tongues traveled to her pussy. One sucked on that dick and others took care of her breast. Silver moaned in ecstasy.

“Remember, I want you all to take care of each other as well. It’s fun when everyone‘s happy.” Silver said. “Oh, all so take care of Emily and Mille!”

“No, not me. You put me in quite a mess, Silver... I don’t want anyone other than me to be your headmistress. So I’m working hard on that task. When I feel like I have done enough, I will join you.” Mille said.

“I see,” Silver said.

Emily sat with Silver to join the tongue bath. More women entered the room. Emily’s daughter and wife were amongst them.

Their names were Heather and Megan. Heather was a thin woman. Silver could tell she tried to keep herself up. Megan, who was her daughter. She looked at it as a broken mess. Not in appearance, she was clean enough. Being in a pit filled with men having their way with her, took a toll on her mind.

Silver created blobs of pleasure. As the women gathered on the bed.

“Out of respect for you, Emily. I won’t have sex with your wife. You have been good to me and I don’t feel right wronging you. I'll only cuckold a man if he pisses me off. However, your daughter is fair game, she is here for my pleasure. If she so chooses.” Silver said then beckoned Megan. ”I want to make you my maiden, Magen. You will make sure I am fed and satisfied. Come over here and slobber on my dick.”

The cocksucker that was already licking Silver, moved over to let Megan join her. They licked along with each other. They had a good rhythm of back-and-forth dick sucking.

While Emily and her wife made love, just the two of them. Silver’s dick was deep-throated.

The blobs were pounding everyone else. Even Onslaught had blob love on her dick. Silver wasn’t physically touching, but she didn’t want her to be left alone.

Now that Silver had a slippery dick, she was ready.

“Megan, as my maiden, you will bear my children. I want you as a lover.” Silver said.

“Yes, mistress,” Megan said.

Silver didn’t completely care about this woman but she wanted to make her feel special. Megan looked so tired and out of place.

“Megan, you are safe here. If you don’t like something, please tell me.” Silver said.

“No, mistress. I’ll do it!” Megan voiced.

She got up to impale herself with Silver‘s dick.

Megan’s pussy tunnels were filled with a growing manifested dick. The woman didn’t make much sound and her eyes seemed hollow. Like she wasn’t really there.

Silver stopped the woman from moving. She didn’t like having sex with an empty husk.

“I normally don’t like things to be taken slow, but I think it’s best for us to have a connection. Let’s take it easy and feel this moment.” Silver said. She didn’t think she’d ever say these words. Megan did as told. “That’s it, feel my cock as you go.”

Silver figure she would calm Megan down as Lispa had done with Emily. Silver wasn’t a sweet talker, but she had to do something to get this woman in the mood.

The rhythm was slow. As Megan leaned into the thrusting, she started crying. The raven-haired woman took the dick as much as she could. She is braced as they come together.

Megan kissed Silver, but not with passion, it felt like a dead kiss.

“You can stop it!” Silver yelled while pushing Megan off.

“I’m sorry! I’m bad at this! I don’t want you to be mad at me! Don’t throw me into a pit! I will be better! I will do anything you ask!” Megan yelled.

Silver sighed, then kissed the woman.

“For now on, you will take care of yourself, for me. You will get maids, eat well, have a nice rest, try to be happy! If you can show me that real smile, I will keep you!” Silver yelled. She gets the feeling, the only way to loosen her up is to order her to do so.

“Yes, I am happy! Don’t get rid of me!” Megan smiled?

“Hey, it’s my turn! I want a baby from you!” Mille yelled.

“Megan! If you’re going to be an obedient type of dog, suck my cock! Get me ready for Mille!” Silver yelled in anger.

Megan hopped off then mechanically started sucking. Silver doesn’t think she’ll get through this woman’s head. She needed Lispa...

Silver got on top of Mille.

“Silver, don’t worry. I am here if you need help with her or any of your maidens. I will show Wendy I am a better head! I don’t expect you to give me an edge in this battle and I don’t want you to. I will fight like everyone else and be your Head Empress! This will be the last time we can comfortably have sex, after this. I’ll be giving my all to the battle! Now fuck me and give me a child!” Mille said.

Silver smirked. Silver doesn’t know what exactly she likes about Mille. But she makes Silver feel powerful and she doesn’t judge Silver.

As the hours went by, they all came multiple times. The handmaiden was feeling awkward around a crippled woman, but they got over it pretty quickly. The whole bed was a mass of sweat and fluids in this act of lovemaking.

Other than what I've been saying, I don't have anything of note to say. I'm trying my best to get a satisfying ending for book one. Whenever I finish the book and go over everything. I will leave a message with all the changes I made. That way no one will have to go back over the book. I will be happy if you did because I'm not going to go over everything. But I'm going to give a general idea!

As for the pole, I would like to ask about Jeopardy. I know what he been doing in his free time but I didn't have a lot of time to put it in this book. My question is, does anyone cares about his stories? I'm thinking about doing a side story. But at the same time, if people vote no, I'm just going to talk about what he did in passing.



Silver-kiss-R.gif I love you all in my own way! I hope you all keep safe out there! Thanks for reading!Silver-Kiss-L.gif


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