Silence the Hunger

Chapter 5

Alphonse didn’t bother telling the others about what just happened. Everyone had finished their food and was ready to leave.

“What should we do now?” Ellena looked at the others. Her eyes looked excited and turned to the map on her smart device.

“Actually… I’m exhausted.” Marcel rubbed his tired eyes as Isobelle and Dillan nodded in agreement.

“Well, if you guys want to go back to the barracks, Ellena and I will explore the ship for a bit.” Alphonse spoke up, he didn’t feel that tired, and he was burning with curiosity at the massive alien ship he was in. He wouldn’t feel comfortable if he didn’t explore it. Besides, how can I trust something that I don't even know the geography of? The thought stuck with him.

“That’s the plan then. See you guys later!” Ellena hurriedly grabbed Alphonse by the arm and left the canteen.

They placed soldiers through the halls as many cameras lined the hall. It looked like if they strayed, or done something wrong, they would know about it.

“Where to first?” Alphonse smiled as the muscle bound girl dragged him around the ship. Damn, what's with her strength? Does it even makes sense? Alphonse's wrist felt like it was being constricted by an oversized python.

Ellena looked at the map on her smart device once again and pointed to it. “There is a gym here. Apparently, it’s absolutely massive and home for many martial arts. It even says here that there is a section for magical abilities. MAGICAL ABILITIES, Alphonse!” Her eyes glowed like marbles in the sun. A child-like innocence radiated from her.

“Alright, alright.” Alphonse increasing his steps to stay by her side.

Thought I would only ever see a sea of green and blue. He thought that the only people he would see were those in the military, but that wasn't the case. Men and women alike were wearing casual clothes as they went about their business around the ship.

They finally arrived at the gym entrance. It had big double automatic sliding doors as fit people entered and exited one after the other.

Alphonse and Ellena stood out like a sore thumb, their heads swiveling around as they entered the gym hall. Exercise equipment lined the room in the hundreds. A lot of the equipment they had never seen before. Ellena clutched her hands together in excitement.

They walked over to the magical abilities area. Once inside, they looked in awe at the many flashes of light that filled the training room. Fireballs were being flung at mannequins, sword flashes, and water. The shape of bullets being fired were just some abilities being used. Their eyes threatened to leave their eyes sockets in awe.

“Aren’t you one of the fresh brats?” A tall man walked over. He had a nasty scar that marred his face that dug into his lip, exposing the teeth below.

“I guess so.” Alphonse stripped his eyes from the magical abilities as he shrugged at the comment. Alphonse's palms itched as the man walked closer.

“Then, do you know about the freshie that got Lance Corporal Dean sent to latrine duty? I owe him a favour.” The scarred man laughed, as it only made it appear more gruesome.

“Ah that was him!” Ellena pumped her fist forwards as it reminded her of the scene, as if she was acting out how she would have handled the situation.

“Oh shit, surprised you lived after having Lady Esdeath in front of you.” He shook his head and continued. “Ha, I don’t know if you’re just stupid, brave or have a death-wish. You have balls though, that's for sure. The name’s Clive.” Clive patted his shoulder and was preparing to walk away when Alphonse opened his mouth to speak.

“I’m Al…”

Clive interrupted him as he turned his head slightly.

“Don’t bother giving me your name, freshie. Tell me later, if you survive, that is.” His laugh resounded around the gym.

Survive? Alphonse questioned it internally before shaking away the thought. He was probably just trying to scare him.

Alphonse left Ellena behind as she wanted to work out. He walked around the ship’s shopping district as he looked at the different styles of clothes. He walked by the food courts as he lamented the fact he had no money. Then he travelled to the local park, which was filled with wildlife that he had never seen before. Birds with horns, weird-looking squirrels with strange markings, and dogs that had spikes on their back.

Alphonse was on the way back to the barracks when he saw a large gilded signpost made of what looked to be a top quality gold. It shimmered in the light and exuded elegance. Alphonse approached closer, and the words came into view.

 -   Interplanetary Merchants Guild   -

He followed the signs that were stuck in the hallways as he entered one of the many elevators. The buttons had many places on them, but the one that caught his attention the most was actually the one he was looking for, the Interplanetary Merchants Guild. They covered even the button in gold. It took only a few seconds before the elevator halted to a stop.

As soon as the doors slid open, he was taken aback. A great white marble building that had two large-scale pillars at the front, obviously holding a huge amount of weight as the roof pointed high into the artificial sky above. Large lush green gardens snuggled either side of an incredibly straight stone path that led any visitors to the magnificent doors.

Alphonse marveled at the architecture and design, but wondered where everyone was? There were only a few people coming and going, and they all seemed in a rush. Curiosity got the better of him and he walked along the path. The artificial sky above mimicked the clouds and sky on earth. It was an incredible feat; he thought.

Entering the large doors, the white marble theme continued. A red rug adorned the tiles, creating a vivid contrast that was a feast for the eyes. Alphonse approached a young woman who was standing patiently behind a counter. Her smile seemed over the top. Typical customer service smile. Alphonse thought.

“Hello, what is this place?” Alphonse smiled as he continued to look around.

She looked at his clothes and his ranking badge for a second as she tutted to herself. She didn’t exactly try to mask it either. Her over the top smile became somewhat muted.

“This is the Interplanetary Merchants Guild. You can exchange your mission rewards for what is called contribution points.” She leaned underneath the counter, grabbing hold of an extensive catalogue. She continued. “This is what you can exchange your contribution points for, if you can come back alive with enough of them, anyway.” She placed it in front of Alphonse when another person walked through the door.

Alphonse turned around. It was a tall young man. His immaculate clothing practically reeked of high quality. They tailored it to perfection. His self-confidence shone as he walked forward with his head held high.

As he approached closer, the young woman’s smile exploded in jubilation. “Ah Jonathon, welcome. What can I get for you today?” She clasped her hands together as her smile could light up the room.

Alphonse thought he was going to be sick at the over acted display.

“5oz of phantom essence.” Jonathon’s cool voice sounded out. He held no emotion on his face as if he was a blank slate.

Alphonse moved his head back to the catalogue. He couldn’t care less about some pretty boy. His eyes scanned the book, looking at all the different magical items.

  • Great Flamesword
  • Colossal Titan Meat
  • Phoenix feather

As he read the words, they were all as incredible and over the top as the others. His D.S.D rang as a warning appeared on the screen. Commanding him, it was time to return to the barracks. Curfew was kicking in.

Alphonse regretfully put down the book. He was going to say thank you, but the young cashier was too focused on the snobby looking young man.

He then made his way back to the barracks. Just as he entered, he heard his name being shouted towards him.

“Hey Alphonse, we saved you a bed over here!” Dillan waved his large arm around, signaling him over.

As he neared closer, he noticed Ellena patting her hair dry with a towel.

“How are the showers?” Alphonse smiled and nodded towards her wet hair.

“Ah, the ones in the gym are alright. I wouldn’t even bother with the ones through the back.” Ellena pointed to the bathrooms at the back of the barracks, but everyone nodded their heads in agreement.

“They are open showers.” Isobelle’s cheeks blushed in embarrassment. "How they can't separate the different sexes even within this massive ship is disgusting."

“Ah, I’m sorry. I wouldn’t feel very comfortable either.” Alphonse shook his head as his shoulders lifted. Shared showers were the bane of everyone.

"They probably do it so that everyone is viewed as one, like in the army at home." An awkward smile crept up on Marcel's face, as if he was trying too hard to force it. Hah, an amateur. The thought made Alphonse break out in his own fake smile.

The scenery through the artificial windows, which were just computer screens, gradually became darker as the sun was quickly setting.

“Everyone, attention!” Lance Corporal Alex walked through the doors. His face was strict as his gaze commanded everyone's attention.

Does he treat me differently? Does it have anything to do with that Esdeath woman? Alphonse thought. He seemed quite amiable when they were together, so the drastic change made a stark contrast.

All the newcomers shot up and stood at attention. Alphonse followed suit in annoyance.

“As soon as lights go out, it’s time for sleep, those of you who refuse the curfew will be punished by military law. You should have your day plan sent to your D.S.D, heel it for your own good. Tomorrow is the day you will officially become recruits.”

Alphonse raised his hand.

"What is it, recruit?" Alex forced away his smile as the stern look petrified onto his face.

"How do we get home?" Alphonse said. It was a simple question, his hands clasped into a fist. All the group glanced over. It was a question everyone was desperate to find out.

Alex shook his head. "I'm not at liberty to discuss that information. That is something you will learn later once you have finished your mission and gained status."

Alphonse frowned at the answer.

"You may not be happy with the answer I have given you but the fact is, you are no longer someone from earth, but a member of Garden of Eden." Alex said as he left everyone behind as they ruminated his words.

You're just like the rest of them. Alphonse thought as he scowled at the departing back of the Lance Corporal. Alphonse took a deep breath to calm himself down as opened up the message on his device. His day plan popped open.

His head ached at the strict schedule.

This is all really pissing me off. Alphonse sighed. He collapsed onto his bed as he ground his teeth. The room was quickly cast in a black shadow. He could barely see his hand raised in front of his eyes.

Chatter entered his ear. People were nervous and scared. Some people had little left on earth, so it excited them for a clean slate and a new chance at a more adventurous future. Alphonse ignored the chatter by his side as he fell into a deep sleep.

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