Silence the Hunger

Chapter 13

Alphonse tapped his foot onto the tiled floor below, cuffs adorned his wrist. Although not the usual jewelry he would go for, rather it was forced onto him by the soldier in front of him.

“Alphonse, this is the third damned time in a week. Give it a rest, will you?” An older soldier said as he took off the metal clasps around Alphonse’s wrists. His words admonished the recruit in front of him.

“You think you’d learn after the third time to loosen them a bit, George?” Alphonse rubbed the markings as he replied.

“Well there’s got to be some sort of punishment. Can’t have you worming your way through the rules without a little pain right?” George laughed as he patted Alphonse’s shoulder. He had a lot of respect for the brave little sod in front of him. Although that bravery could easily be mistaken for absurd stupidity, it was a fine line.

Anyone capable of sticking with their morals in this place is worth befriending. The old man thought.

“Free to go then, George?” Alphonse looked at the metal, cell-like door. He hated being in this interrogation room, too claustrophobic for his liking.

“Aye, try not to get into more fights, you damn rascal. Especially from recruits in rank A. I hear a few of them have even gained abilities already.” George looked at him as he continued. “Bah, not like you’ll listen, anyway.”

“Don’t worry George, Do I look like someone that gets in trouble?” Alphonse happily spoke as he waved and left the door.

It's exhausting putting on a fake smile, well guess I'm used to it by now. Alphonse thought. He checked the time on his device as he frowned, it was combat class. No doubt that the fighting maniac will want to spar with me. Shivers crawled down his spine as he thought of Ellena, he could already imagine her cracking her knuckles, ready to destroy him in the ring.

Alphonse broke into a near sprint as he made his way to the combat class hall. He checked the time again. 5 minutes late, not too shabby. He opened the doors making to make as little noise as possible and slinked his way forwards and into the crowd of people.

“Alphonse, don’t think for a second I didn’t see you. To the front, we’ll start with you for today’s lesson.” Sergeant Steele, the combat class instructor, pointed to a spot in front of him.

“Haha, what would it be for today?” Alphonse said, sweat forming on his back. These past two weeks had been hell. Especially with Alphonse’s track record with following orders, he was an easy target for abuse.

“As you all have been told, there is an irregularity with the gateway that will open in two weeks' time.” Sergeant Steele’s face was even more grim than usual. It had been an immense shock when they were given the announcement from the top brass. Usually, the new recruits were given three months of intense training, but they had only been given one.

As a result, their bodies had been broken and repaired countless times as they had drilled combat techniques into their minds as they rushed the training.

“In these next two weeks, training will be intensified to a whole new level. I will use my skills from now on. Alphonse, prepare yourself.” Just as the words reached Alphonse, Sergeant Steele had already moved. He purposefully moved slowly, but that was only to Steele. It was as if a human was suddenly dislodged from a cannon as he approached. Alphonse could feel the air tightening around him.

In that moment of crisis, Alphonse felt an intense hunger well up inside of him. Oh, give me a break, I've just ate!

Earth formed around Steele’s hands like a set of jagged gauntlets and then began forming and encapsulating around his body. Alphonse was going to jump out of the way, but a heavy amount of gravity assaulted him from in front.

“Not this shit again!” Alphonse’s thoughts were projected outwards as he cried out, Steeles gauntlet-covered fists were launched forwards towards his stomach.

Alphonse concentrated as hard as he could. He willed his legs to move. His fists were clenched so hard his nails were digging into his flesh. Promptly, he was let go from the sudden gravity. He felt his body become free as he quickly ducked under the thunderous punch. With as much strength as he could gather, he catapulted his fist towards Steele’s sternum.

Steele let go of his gravity field and let Alphonse respond to the attack. He wanted him to experience what it was like to counter attack with very little time to respond. Alphonse felt a weird sensation as the heavy armoured combat instructor stood there, waiting for his attack. He knew that his punch would literally do nothing, so his mind rapidly thought of anything he could do. His stomach rumbled once again, he had the intense urge to… bite him. His teeth glowed with a black sheen, almost like a shadow had covered them. He was about to bite down when he realised his body had completely ground to a halt.

He looked up at the heavily armoured Steele as he simply held his head in place. Alphonse abruptly thrusted his fist forwards as it done… nothing. It was akin to throwing a wet paper towel at a car.

Alphonse smiled in defeat. “Ah, thanks for going easy on me. Teach.”

In the next moment, he heard a crack and was sent tumbling through the dry dirt of the combat hall, blood seeping from his mouth as he looked up at the hulking figure.

“Congratulations on learning a new skill.” Sergeant Steele said as his eyes remained on the trouble making brat lying broken on the floor. His mind replayed the ‘fight’. He responded well to counterattack, but it was the skill that surprised him. His intuition told him he had to block that attack.

It was as he said, as the nurses took him to the clinic room, he was looking at the new pop up in front of him.

< New skill gained >

< Swallowing Bite [ As your hunger evolves, you have learned to eat even the toughest of armour and bone. ] >

Holy shit, so that’s… what… it was. Alphonse felt his vision blur as a sudden immense exhaustion assaulted him, and for who knows how many times in these two weeks he had unconsciously fallen into dream land.

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