Silence the Hunger

Chapter 10

Classes had ended, Ellena had battered his body, but he still found his way to the various gardens within the ship. The air was incredibly clear here, the sounds of birds chirping greeted his ears. Smells of all kinds tickled his nose. He walked by a certain flower as his nose stung. He desperately resisted the urge to sneeze, but it was hopeless.

The sound of air being suddenly ejected interrupted the calming sounds of bird singing as their wings flapped away at the startling noise.

Ah, am I allergic to you? Alphonse thought as he leant in closer to the flower. The neon green of the petals was almost hypnotic as he felt his nose run.

“Are you an idiot? Why the hell are you getting so close to the Pixy Pepper?” A cool female voice entered his ears. Alphonse didn’t think it would be possible to feel a happy sensation at being berated, but here he was.

Alphonse’s eyes drifted to a girl that had long blue hair, she had braided loosely all to one side. She was wearing a low cut tank top that hugged her curves tightly, the same went for the gym leggings she was wearing. Black tattoos covered her hand and continued upward as they sprawled all the way up her arm.

“So you’re an idiot and a pervert. How about I dig out those eyes for you?” The young woman stepped forwards as her fingers were aimed towards him.

Alphonse quickly stood back. “Ah, sorry. I was just surprised. Pixy Pepper is it?” His eyes drifted back to the flower as he held his nose.

“Recruit, I take it?” The young woman shook her head.

Alphonse nodded, “I’m Alphonse, class E.”

The young woman’s eyes twitched. “Ah, I almost feel bad for you.”

“Someone said the same thing. Let me guess, cos I might die?” Alphonse shrugged.

“At least you’re self aware.” The young woman said as she started walking away.

“Wait, what’s your name?” Alphonse called out to her.

The young woman turned her head back. “And why would I tell you?”

“It’s bad manners, that’s why.” Alphonse wryly smiled.

What’s with all these people? I just want a damned name. He thought.

The young woman vanished completely from the spot. Alphonse didn’t even have time to blink before he felt an icy blade at his throat. His vision exploded with the sight of blue as petals and butterflies fluttered around. The young woman’s eyes shone in a bright blue hue as they crazily looked into his eyes. Blood trickled down his throat, it stained the collar of his green uniform.

“My name’s Maya.” The blade Maya was holding vanished from sight as her finger brushed up against the fresh wound on Alphonse’s neck. Her tongue wrapped around her finger as she sucked the blood.

Alphonse’s mind was buzzing. He didn’t know when she left, but he was standing alone in the gardens. The magnificent blue butterflies an only sign of her appearance.

What just happened to me? Alphonse thought until sharp hunger pangs violently awoke him in his stomach. His legs quickly brought him to the canteen area for Class E.


“What do you think you’re doing?” A young man in a green recruit uniform spat at Marcel. His shirt had been spoiled by what appeared to be some type of soup. It had splashed onto the floor alongside the tray that it was on.

“Ah, I’m-sorry, I wasn’t paying attention.” Marcel bit his lip as he looked at the imposing young man in front of him.

“I can see that, idiot.” The young man attempted to wipe pieces of the soup off his shirt, but the smell wafted into his nose, the stench of the plant-based soup made him scowl.

“Shit, Steven, you stink dude.” Steven’s friends broke out in laughter.

Steven stepped forwards and sent a slap directly to Marcel’s cheek. The sound resounded within the hall as everyone looked over at them.

Marcel dropped his head. The pain in his cheek reminded him of his home as he grit his teeth. Why is this happening again? I’m tired of this, is this just who I am? The thoughts tormented him, the pain from the slap transformed into a burning sensation as it lingered within his mind.

“Are you even listening? You do this shit, then you fucking ignore me?” The young man grabbed hold of Marcel’s hair. Marcel trembled.

Marcel felt a gust of air and a cracking sound as the hand that had gripped hold of his hair had suddenly let go.

Ellena was standing in front of Marcel. Blood covered her fist as the young man had fallen to the floor, clutching desperately at his nose as blood seeped through his hands.

“What the fuck!” The young man screamed. “It-It’s fucking broken!”

“You’re lucky it’s just a broken nose.” Ellena glared at the group. She held no fear as she stood in front of the group of tall, muscular young men.

“You fucking slut.” The young man let go of his nose as he threw his fist towards Ellena.

Ellena stepped to the side as she deflected the incoming punch with her raised arm. Using her leg, she kicked down towards the young man’s knee and his leg buckled. A scream left his mouth at the shooting pain in his leg.

The others were about to move forwards when Alphonse appeared behind them. His leg thrashed forwards behind the knee of the recruit as he fell to the floor.

The other young recruits were about to react before Dillan’s large body appeared next to Alphonse.

“I dare you to make a move.” Dillan said. He crossed his arms as he looked at the young recruits with a frown.

“Halt!” The sudden shout made everyone in the canteen jump as men in green marched forwards with batons in their hands, they strapped black vests to their chests. Alphonse guessed it was some sort of armour.

”Round them up, take them to interrogation.” A man in a beret commanded. The shiny badge on his shoulder made it obvious he was higher in command.

They pushed Alphonse and the others through the military section of the ship as they entered a large room where they forced them to sit down.

“You’ll be first. Come with me.” The man’s stern command entered Alphonse’s ears as he enthusiastically followed behind him.

They ushered Alphonse into a room that only had a large metal table and two chairs.

I’m guessing this is the interrogation room? Alphonse sat down in the cold, uncomfortable chair.

Soon, an older man walked through. His face made it clear he had been through a lot. Scars and wrinkles marred his face, his eyes drooped downwards. He groaned as he slowly sat down in the chair opposite Alphonse.

“Before we start, my name’s Chief Inspector Mason, or call me George. I ain't bothered.” His voice sounded completely uncaring, as if he had gone through the same thing countless times already. “Then, lad, tell me what you did and why you did it.”

“I uh, kicked someone and I don’t really know why.” Alphonse innocently answered. It was true. He did not know why those young recruits were starting a fight. But it was fun seeing them squirm in pain.

“Feel any remorse?” George said.

Why does it feel like he’s reading from a script? Alphonse thought.

“Nope.” Alphonse shook his head.

George nodded as he continued. “Will you do it again in the future?”

Alphonse gave it some thought before smiling. “Maybe?”

“Will you apologise- ah fuck it I hate these questions? You’re a cheeky brat, you know that?” George broke out into half a grin, it looked like one side of his face had been paralyzed or just refused to listen.

“Well, for the crime of assault. Twenty lashes.” George nodded, as he seemed pleased with his assessment.

“Wait, what do you mean by lashes?” Alphonse said in surprise.

“What?” George smirked. “You didn't think you’d get out without a punishment, did ye? Ten lashes for assault. Five lashes for no remorse, another five for being suspected of doing it again in the future. Count yerself lucky I ain’t adding anymore on.”

Alphonse frowned. “I don’t like you very much, Chief Inspector Mason.”

George broke out in laughter. "Yer a funny kid, but watch out for that attitude, will cause you unnecessary problems in the future, kid.” He walked out of the room and another man took his place as he dragged Alphonse outside.

Soon, he was brought alongside Ellena and the others.

“You also get the bad news, Alphonse?” Ellena’s eyes looked uncaring, but she couldn’t hide a little of worry hidden underneath.

Alphonse wryly nodded his head. “About the lashes?”

Ellena nodded. “How many did you get?”


The others flinched at the number.

“Holy hell, what did you say in there, Alphonse?” Ellena said, in surprise.

“Never mind that. Why the hell am I being dragged into this?” Dillan looked like he was about to cry.

“In for a penny, in for a pound.” The group couldn’t help but grin.

They brought them into a large hall filled to the brim with recruits. They had erected large wooden beams from the floor as leather straps hung from them.

“Hands up, recruit.” The soldier ordered.

I hate all of this. Alphonse sighed as he reluctantly lifted his hands as they were forced into the leather straps.

Multiple soldiers walked out with whips, electricity arced from the strange material they were made of as the crackling sound itched at their eardrums.

Alphonse looked back. This is going to fucking suck.

They gave everyone that was a part of the fight lashes, as all the recruits watched on. Some had faces of fear and apprehension, while others gloated in their misfortune.

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