Si Vis Pacem -‖- Para Bellum [Naruto FanFic]

Arc III Asami-chan’s War College 1



Arc III Asami-chan's War College 1


Lecture: Introduction to the organisation of the Konohagakure Armed Forces 

organised by ANBU command for educational purposes

Lecturer: Minami Asami

I have to congratulate you, our newest recruits, on joining us ANBU instead of signing up for the flack-jacket Army dunderheads and the wannabe master psychologists from the intelligence department. I hate them both equally.


Anyway, I welcome you now to my lecture. Our subject today is the basic organisation of the Konohagakure Armed Forces. Before we start, though, I will need to address a point you are probably familiar with. The majority of ninja are extremely lazy when it comes to correct terminology.


Colloquial terms are frequently used instead of the proper designations. You will rarely encounter thus what we learn today. Few people know that a hierarchy actually exists.


While such tendencies towards simplification are understandable, this lack of precision can be annoying.

XXXX Konohagakure Armed Forces (KAF)

Supreme High Command of the Konohagakure Armed Forces (SHCKAF)

Supreme Commander of the Konohagakure Armed Forces (SCKAF): Hokage

The Konohagakure Armed Forces, abbreviated KAF, form the entirety of Konoha's military forces and are headed by the Supreme High Command of the Konohagakure Armed Forces, abbreviated SHCKAF. The Supreme High Command is more or less synonymous with the village council and consists of the Hokage, the village elders, and the commanders of the three main branches.


The Armed Forces are divided into three branches, Army, ANBU and the Intelligence Division. We constantly compete with each other for limited financial resources, new equipment, and personnel. Trust me, qualified personnel are hard to find these days. As a consequence, interservice rivalries are far from uncommon.


We hate the army guys, and the green flack-jacket idiots hate us. For them, we are just cocky glory hounds. We both hate the suckers from the Intelligence Division. You never know what these bastards are up to. They always fuck up.

XXX Army

High Command of the Army (HCA)

Chief of Staff of the Army (CSA)

Despite being completely incompetent and inept, the Army nevertheless constitutes the backbone of Konoha's military forces. The Army is by far the largest branch among all three. They consist of a smaller professional peacetime force and a large reserve force that gets mobilised in the case of war. 


The last time Konoha saw a large-scale mobilisation was during the Third Great Ninja War, as you might know.

XX Army Reserve Division

The Reserve Division is subordinated to the Army and represents Konoha's main fighting force. Every ninja who didn't enlist in the Army, the ANBU, or the Intelligence Division joins automatically the reserve. Ranging from the rustiest jonin to the youngest academy student, they are all part of the reserve. Despite having many powerful jonin among their ranks, the overall quality of reserve is dubious at best, not to say horrendous.


They are nothing more than a headless mob without discipline, incapable of executing even the simplest operation on their own. They depend on the support from regular forces. You have to babysit them constantly. Otherwise, they get themselves killed with their incompetence. Pray to whatever deity you worship that you will never to work together with them. It's not a pleasant experience.


What they lack in quality, they compensate with their numbers. They are useful to bolster your forces with masses of weak genin and chunin, providing cheap cannon fodder.


High Command of the ANBU (HCANBU)

Chief of Staff of the ANBU (CSANBU)

Compared to the Army, we ANBU are smaller, but what we lack in numbers we compensate with superior quality, discipline, and combat effectiveness. We are the best of the best for reasons, mainly deployed for reconnaissance and infiltration missions. The rest of Konoha needs our firepower to get the job done when they have fucked up once again.

XXX Intelligence Division (ID)

High Command of the Intelligence Division (HID)

Chief of Staff of the Intelligence Division (CSID)

If you want to hear anything about these dimwits, bad luck. Go and ask them yourself because I am not on good terms with them right now.


This was today's lecture. I will see you next week when we discuss ‘99 ways to die on the battlefield and how not to avoid them’.



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