Shuttling Between the Two Worlds

Chapter 101: Speeding [3]

On one of the satellites in the space gap, every reconnaissance-related personnel is having the worst day of their lives.

"What the fuck.. How did they even got killed?"

"I don't know.. How did the intruders even go pass through our guys at the frontline?"

"They will definitely pay for this mistake big time.."

Chills were sent down to their different structured spines as they imagined just what price they are going to pay for this mistake.

"Everyone, I found it. A patrol team just passed by the location."

It pointed out one of the areas in this space gap. With the insolation power gone, their detection devices found out about some remnants of their previous battle. Since it's one where they used God-Ranked consumables, the traces of it can't be hidden completely.

They sent this info to the higher-ups. In no time, they responded to the invaders. They deployed their combat personnel into a net while they informed the ones at the frontline. With these, it will only be a matter of time before they get caught.

"What the.. Look at this!"

A strong presence was suddenly detected. Shortly after 10 seconds of its detection, it drew a very long line and speeded past the space gap at a very fast pace.

"The invaders!"


21.. 24.. 26.. 29..

The ship slowed down quickly as the effect of the buffs ended. What I've just used are all Intermediate God Rank consumables. Thanks to it, we almost caught up to a High-Rank Deity's half speed.

"The frontlines.."

We came close to the frontlines. It is my first time seeing it personally, that's why I am shocked right now.

Clusters of planets filled up my sight. In each of them, I can see the ant-like zergs stationed in each of them. Of course, not every planet is filled up with zergs.

There are some who existed purely for automated defense, and that's where we'll pass through.

"The tunnel."

Leader Irna used up a sealing card depicting an eye hidden by a blindfold. Then, Kaede opened up the space tunnel with a <<Space Key>>, which is a part of her interstellar ship.

As soon as they've entered, only the bluish-black space filled their vision. There are no stars, no planets, nothing.

Though, one step in this place is hundreds of steps in the outside world.

"20 seconds! They've got way stronger space restrictions! The card wouldn't last until the end."

"Damn. We need to fill up the last 10 seconds and arrive where the Stealth Deity is.."

The one leader Irna talked about now is the Stealth Deity responsible for the Divine Sense attached to the slate. Without him, this plan doesn't have much point.

"Automated defenses, zergs.. We'll get cornered in every direction."

Ahh, shit.

"What about using that card again?"

"The ship won't be able to handle it for a short time. If the ship gets destroyed, the turbulences on the tunnel would shred us to pieces. Even Deities doesn't stand a chance against it."

I explained to Maen. Since I've 'understood' so many books, I surpassed them when it comes to knowing things.

As things stand right now, we don't have any choice but to appear 10 seconds early in the zerg's territory. We can't use another concealment card nor extend the duration of it.

Hah.. The [Space Swap], huh. I didn't even have the chance to kill some enemies except the zergs earlier. Heck, they weren't even a Demigod!

"Ms. Kaede, please get ready to open a hatch. I'll unleash an attack as a distraction, then I'll summon the Deity reinforcements with my trait."



"Thank you."

To be ready, I'll check out my remaining EXP..

EXP: 500,900,231

500M? This is what I need..

With the rest of the EXP after upgrading [Demon Dragon God Physique] to LV6, I upgraded 3 God-Ranked techniques to <Experienced> level mastery. These included <<36 Heavenly Constellation Steps>>, <<Sword of Destruction>>, and <<Infinite Sword Phantoms>>.

Alright. With Xiao Song's [Emergency Energy Box], this opens up a lot of possibilities. What if..?

The more I thought of that move, the more thrilled I am. If it works, perhaps I could kill a few Demigods in that hit as well as several Law Realms!


Our surroundings became transparent before they went back to normal. This time, we are above many zerg planets and satellites.


The unlocking of a hatch sounded before I jumped out. Naturally, I already fully equipped Xiao Song to her fullest. I made sure that my face won't be exposed in this territory, or else I would definitely be spammed with divinations.

At this moment, I separated away from the ship. I'll only need to buy 8 seconds' worth of time before summoning the Deities. This increases our success rate.

I moved towards quite a far place before starting my diversion.

"What a bad day. Nothing goes in my way."

I crushed a sealing card in my hand, giving me enough speed to catch up to the ship later on.

Summoning the sword phantoms, I ordered them to attack whichever planet or satellite I see fit. With my SSS+ Rank, I could only destroy some smaller planets at first. Explosions rang out as some sword phantoms managed to hit some core components of some satellites.

I moved along the way, causing explosions in my trails. It didn't last long before my phantoms grew stronger than it should be.

50%, 150%, 200%.. The enhancements grew stronger as my sword phantoms hit their target. As long as it wasn't dispersed nor nullified, it will provide me with this needed power.

When I've used this seriously last time, it was only up to 1000%. My body and my reserves couldn't handle it, thus it's only up to that.

Now, it's different. I've decided to use every last bit of my power before I self-destruct.



Blood. I felt that my insides are getting torn due to this enhancement. It was thanks to Xiao Song that my horrifying appearance couldn't be seen.

"Are you alright?"

Leader's voice rang out in the communication channel.

"Yes. I'm not gonna di-Kuk!"

Fuck. It's worsening. If I didn't upgrade that trait to Law Realm, I wouldn't be able to last long. Still, it was all thanks to it that I can feel this power.

It didn't take long before I exceeded the Law Concentration of an ordinary Demigod. My body is full of law energies itself, something that cannot be replicated without all of my traits.


I stopped the technique at this percentage since I'll instantly burst out if I don't.

Though, my sword phantoms can now pierce through most defensive systems in the surrounding planets. Explosions rang out more often than before along with the countless prompts that entered my sight.

It might've looked like it took quite long, but only 2 seconds passed after my 50,000% enhancement. My reserves are on the verge of getting depleted due to this insane enhancement.

I decisively stopped summoning new SS+ sword phantoms and retrieved the energies on Xiao Song. Something rang out continuously inside my head, a sign of my mental realm being damaged.

{Master, you're experiencing severe internal bleeding.}

'This is fine. I'll take a rest after this strike.'



I haven't tried it yet, but I think I'll have a chance with this.

Zerg Deities flew straight to where I was. Since the defenses here are quite weak, only Mid-Rank Deities are the strongest here. If it's before, I definitely won't stand a chance against them.

Their Authorities alone are enough to suppress me, let alone the Origin Power that they possess.

Still, I beat them with brute force. My 500-fold enhancement is enough to face against Low-Rank Deities. Moreover, I could finally exert <<Sword of Destruction>> at Deity Realm thanks to it.

The lowered <<Sword of Destruction>> can finally show its true colors, I guess.

"Intruder, Identify yourself!"

Ah, yes, this is their procedures. They ask about your identity, only to make the first move first. They could just interrogate you once they've successfully restrained you.

"I am.."

The circulated <<Sword of Destruction>> is ready to be unleashed!


I drew the <<Despair Piercing light>> from Little Xue's sheathe and slashed through space. Just like before, this slash caused huge cracks in space. Take note that space is very solidified due to the devices placed here, thus the difference can be seen between here and a normal place.

If I'm in a normal place, I'll definitely break space into countless pieces.

When I felt that more than 45% of my energies are recycled, I drew another slash, overlapping it from my former slash. Of course, it's much weaker than my first strike.

"Leader, I'll end this."

"End what?!"

Her surprised voice must've been caused by my 2 strikes. After all...

It killed some of the incoming Deities. It's a pity that most of them had those protective treasures, saving them from death. Countless beam attacks from the satellites responded to my attack.

Sadly, I've already avoided them using the [Space Transfer] module. It used <<Savior's Armament>>'s own energy, thus I can still use it after completely depleting mine.

I returned to the ship successfully thanks to the sealing card.. With that, I died as the white light that burst within me swapped the space of empty space with the designated space back in the headquarters.

I saw the Deities arrive as I lost consciousness.

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