Shock! Can You Become a God Even By Playing Games?

Chapter 25

Chapter 24: New Changes

Finally, under the strong protest of Modo Modo, he successfully got a chance to open the box.

He was gearing up, respectfully bowing towards heaven and earth a few times, and he was about to be ashamed.

[Acquired Skill: Pharmacy Manufacture (Deluxe Binding Edition)]


Modomo’s pride mask was shattered, stunned.

It is clearly said that it is a god-level skill…why is it a god-level life skill!

“Hahahahaha said you are black, you don’t believe it.”

Modomo posted his skills to the team channel, and was greeted with arrogant ridicule from Xiaohe. Tao Rong, who didn’t expect it to be in such a rollover position, couldn’t help laughing, only with the wind He looked calm, as if he was used to it.

“Don’t laugh at me, you have the ability to yourself…”

[Acquired Skill: Resurrection (Remnant)]

Before Modo Modo finished speaking, Xiaohe directly posted the skills that he gave out on the team channel, looking at the word “Resurrection”, Modo Modo’s surprised eyes were about to pop out.

The healing skills in “New World” are difficult to survive, and the explosion rate is about 50 to 60% lower than that of the attack skills, which leads to the tradition that the game is hard to find.

Although what Xiaohe opened was only a broken resurrection technique, but… but it was a resurrection technique! It is much more precious than ordinary healing skills!

Seeing that Xiaohe actually used the resurrection technique, Tao Rong was also surprised. She had some experience in her previous life and could understand the importance of this skill better than Modo Modo.

Seeing Taorong’s surprised look, Xiaohe smiled and said: “Don’t worry, sister Taorong! As long as I am here, I will not let sister Taorong face the scene of needing to be resurrected. .”

[Acquired Skill: Final Kill]

[Acquired Skill: Ice Freeze]


The first pass of the four god-level skill books, Tao Rong four people each opened one, except Modo Modo, the other three have acquired good skills for their own profession.

Advantage was successfully elected.

Under everyone’s expectation, Xiaohe was also a little nervous, she exhaled and started to open the box.

[Obtained item: Elf Feather]

[Equipment: Skull Bracelet (Purple)]

[Get Skill Book: Blessing of Light]

The colorful treasure chests were opened one by one, and three silver-level random treasure chests opened a purple equipment and two high-level materials. The treasure chests of the three dungeon bosses made up one and a half sets of purple equipment, three skill books, a high-level material, and scattered common materials and blue equipment.

After everything was opened, the four began to distribute the spoils. Modo Modo and Suifeng agreed to let Tao Rong choose first, and Xiaohe directly plugged the opened purple mage equipment. To Tao Rong.

“Xiaohe, you don’t have to give me all of it. Your mage equipment is also useful.”

Faced with Tao Rong’s refusal, Xiaohe shook his head and insisted: “I can change it later, and now the blue equipment is also very easy to use. These equipment should be given to Sister Tao Rong, In this way, Sister Taorong will be able to protect me better in the future!”

“Alright, alright, don’t let me let it go, they are all teammates, and we have to do the task together the day after tomorrow! If there is any change, you can take off the equipment and give it to each other! ”

Under the interruption of Modo Modo, Tao Rong still collected the equipment, and after choosing a defense skill book, gave up the position for the three to choose.

Xiaohe picked out a few pieces of equipment and an auxiliary skill, Modo Modo also replaced the white equipment on his body, and took another skill book. After taking the purple equipment that was deliberately reserved for him, he would not choose it again.

Tao Rong has never experienced such a humble reward distribution process.

“Let’s keep the materials, I know someone who just needs them. Are the equipment and skill books sold for cents?”



“You have the final say!”

When the four of them get along, it is basically Tao Rong’s words. As long as she makes a request, the three of them will not refuse. Tao Rong put away the materials, and the rest will be Modo Modo took it and waited to go to the city to sell it later.

“Big brother, I’ll give you this skill book too. I’m really not interested in life skills. Anyway, it’s a god-level skill. It’s a waste to sell it.”

This dungeon took four people one afternoon, and the three of them were equipped with Modo and it was time to go offline for dinner. After agreeing to go to the city together later, go offline. Former Modo Moduo gave Tao Rong a skill book.

Fortunately, she quickly adjusted and clicked on the personal information to review the gains this time.

[Player]: Tao Rong

[Player Level]: fifteen

[LIFE]: 3298

[Body]: 326 (HP & Defense)

[Dharma]: 436 (spirit and mana)

[Min]: 258 (Agility and Speed)

[Spirituality]: 316 (Sensing and Psychic)

[Weapon]: White Frost Staff (Purple) (Spell +153, Ice spell power increased by 5%)

[Necklace]: Shell Necklace (Purple) (Spirit +98)

[Armor]: pure white armor (purple) (body +55)

[Braces]: Pearl Bracers (Blue) (Spell +55)

[Cap]: Elf’s Armor (Purple) (Spirit +92)

[Shoes]: Half Tall Boots (Blue) (Min +66)

[Skills learned: “Purification (Beginner, “Wolf Roar”, “Blade of the Wolf King”, “Gale (self-created move, “Sharp Needle (self-created move, “Tornado ( Self-created moves “Snake Saliva” “Ice Freeze” “Silver Shield”]

Double) (Innovator: Health +200, Spirit +20) (Rumor Crusher: Prestige +30, Spirit +20)]

Thanks to this dungeon, in addition to jumping to level 15, Tao Rong was only two pieces of equipment away to get a purple outfit.

Seeing that there is still some time before the teammates go online, Tao Rong originally planned to go to the vicinity to brush monsters.

The team enters the book.

The first pass is gone, but the dungeon rewards are still available.

At the same time, a lot of casual players came. This is the only copy of the entire server that has announced the coordinates. The casual players are not as well-informed as those big gangs.

I finally got a dungeon. Players who wanted to level up, who wanted to get rewards, and who just came to join in the fun came in a swarm, and for a while, the open space in front of the originally lonely castle became lively.

“Team up! Come to the twelfth-level mage warrior!”

“Let’s wait for a mage or a healer!”

A nearby player had already entered the book, and Tao Rong, who came out alone, did not attract the attention of others, and the members of the big gang did not recognize her as the person their leader ordered to find.

Listening to the familiar shouts, Tao Rong returned to her previous life in a trance. At that time, when she was not haunted by Yu Qingfeng, she was standing alone at the door of the copy.

But in this life…it seems to be different.

Thinking of Alice and Suifeng, Tao Rong’s brows and eyes softened. In this life, she has friends and teammates who get along well.

Everything seems to be getting better.

Since there is a scattered team calling people, Tao Rong just wanted to see what the dungeon will look like after the perfect customs clearance, she randomly entered a group of fourth-level and one-level mages, and the people in the team did not I didn’t recognize her, but when I saw that everyone was there, I entered the book directly.

After entering the book, Tao Rong noticed something was wrong. The bosses and mobs in the dungeon returned to what they saw in the previous life, but the difficulty of fighting was even easier than when they were weakened in the previous life.

If the dungeon that was not weakened in the previous life was three-star difficulty, the current dungeon is only half-star difficulty, and even the uncooperative wild team like Tao Rong can easily pass the level.

As the difficulty decreases, the rewards also decrease. At the same time, the dungeon cancels the value of clearance completion. “Sophia’s Diary” and the illusion on the third floor no longer appear.

This dungeon seems to have removed the plot and has become a dungeon that simply beat monsters.

After finishing the dungeon, Tao Rong withdrew from the team, found an inconspicuous corner and waited for his teammates to go online, thinking about the changes in the dungeon.

There were also dungeons that were played perfectly by players in the last life, but none of them had undergone such a big change.

Tao Rong turned to the system prompt of the full server announcement during customs clearance. She didn’t have time to pay attention at that time, and now she saw the message about the dungeon being updated to “Lost Lover”

Tao Rong hesitated, copy update? Another thing that has never happened in my life.

“Miss, do you want to form a team to brush this book together?”

In order not to be disturbed by others, Tao Rong deliberately chose a quiet place, but who would have guessed that someone still invited to form a team. Tao Rong, whose thoughts were interrupted, was about to refuse, but after noticing the name of the inviter, he paused and looked up with a pretense of calmness.

Tao Rong looked at her, and the other party showed a gentle smile, with a sincere and harmless expression.

Tao Rong glanced at him, then glanced at the three people behind him, looked at the familiar faces, and refused the team invitation without hesitation in the next second.

After hearing the system prompt, the originally confident Yu Qingfeng’s expression froze.

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