Shen Mu [Divine Grave]

v17 Chapter 511 - What is Heaven, 0 Ancient Killing Board!

The eleventh chapter is what the Tao of Heaven is, killing the board forever!

The vast voice was deafening, like the ten thousand clock towers shaking at the same time, endless coercion and terrifying. br>

After the shrine broke down on the Nineth Heaven, it shot a brilliant light and swept across all directions, and then reunited together. It flew down and the heavens were not blocked, letting it go.

Above nine days, it was silent again, as if Heaven had fallen into a deep sleep again, but the terrifying coercion had always existed. Everyone knew that he had truly awakened and was watching everyone coldly.

Silently, the stars swaying around Chennan, like the calm sea inlaid with countless bright pearls, this sky is imprisoned, the blue sky is like a deep swamp, it is difficult to break free, he knows that if Heaven does not shoot, He and Chen Nan will never die.

Chen Nan was not eager to start a decisive battle with Qingtian, but turned to face the devil and said, “What is the so-called heavenly path?”

This is also the question of all fairy-level masters, most of them are also concerned about Tianjie masters, and only a limited number of people really know what the so-called heavenly path is.

“Are you asking about the previous heavenly path, or are you asking about the current heavenly path?”

“Is it any different?

“Once Heavenly Path, no desire, no desire, represents justice. Now Heavenly Path represents selfish desire, killing all beings, and strengthening oneself. It is already a huge creature with selfish desire.”

Everyone was attentively listening to the devil’s story.

“The so-called heaven, it is not a single life body. In the past, he was the thought of sentient beings. It was the vast idea formed by the enthusiasm of all living people. It is the will of all sentient beings!”

The devil is very excited, and his voice is very high, spread all over Jiuzhongtian.

“However, now he is a grievance correction team, the sentiments of all beings have been corrupted and smashed, and heaven is no longer the original heaven! Now, he no longer represents justice, he only represents destruction, represents selfish desire. He knows that when When he is weak himself, the ideas of sentient beings will synthesize new heaven and earth sooner or later. Therefore, whenever he feels threatened, he must destroy the world and destroy all sentient beings, so that he can prevent the sentient thoughts from synthesizing new heaven.


Heaven! ! !

Up to this point, all talents know what the real heaven is, the heaven represents the will of all beings, but the strongest is the combined force of all beings!

But now, when the will of all beings is corroded by the evil resentment between heaven and earth, Heavenly Path is no longer Heavenly Path, he is just a huge, complex, and vicious living body.

All beings destroy heaven, and heaven destroys all beings, so it is so …

The sky was silent for nine days, and there was no response from Heaven.

And at this time, the monstrous flames rushed from the endless void, the headless Chaos King spewed out the blood, and rushed towards the nine days. The rear **** was alone and bloody, his hands were bloody, and his right hand held ” “Duo Gu”, holding a huge head in his left hand, it is King of Chaos!

He was so murderous, he stepped into the seventh heaven, and shouted: “The real heaven is no longer, the evil heaven is destroyed!”

Chaos King was actually cut! Everyone was in a daze for a while, and then many fairy gods shouted in unison.

“What’s the use for you ?!” A huge voice sounded again, seemingly swallowing the headless Chaos King, and a terrible wave of soul was sent out above the nineth heaven.

“No!” Chaos son shouted and rose to the sky, followed by Yufeng King and King Kuimu, and rushed towards Jiutian together.

“Do you also want to die?” The indifferent and loud voice descended from the high sky, letting Chaos and other people’s life stopped, and the creatures in front of Heaven were like ants. Although they were strong, they faced Heaven is still worthless like dung!

At this time, Chen Nan was already at the battle with Qingtian. The Ten Thousand Territories were trapped in Ten Thousand Territories. The Honghuang Banner shattered everything. The rebellious eight-style unstoppable. Now, Chen Nan can evolve everything with energy at will, and even the banner of Honghuang seems to be held in his hands in a seemingly illusory manner, and all kinds of unique learnings are emerging one after another.

When Xiuwei reached this level, he could tear the world apart when he raised his hand. Now, as long as the original power is knocked out, it is a devastating attack.

Finally, Chen Nan covered the Seventh Heaven with endless starlight and shouted: “Since Heaven does not save you, everything can be over.”

Chen Nan disappeared, his body turned into an endless star sea, the bright stars drowned the blue sky, and now Chen Nan is heaven and earth, and heaven and earth is Chen Nan, they seem to have truly united.

“It’s not that easy to let me die!” Qingtian roared, and the glaring blue light was constantly struggling in the Xinghai, striking left and right in this original world, trying to break everything and escape.

However, obviously he underestimated the star sea of ​​Chennan, the God of Light was sealed off, and the blue sky was slowly melting, he was shocked to find that he could no longer maintain the body of the light, he was really extinct, claiming to be immortal, The heaven that the Dao Dao does not destroy, he will not be destroyed, is now going to collapse.

“Impossible!” He roared anxiously.

“Nothing in this world is impossible!” Chen Nan turned into a general Excalibur in his hand, violently split forward, and the sword cut the blue light into two sections.

“Want to cut me off ?!” Qingtian wanted to laugh despite his worries, but he was a qualitative body. How could he be cut off completely, but then he shuddered and was split into two pieces The body could no longer be brought together, and lost contact forever.

Tian Dao seems to be paying attention to all this coldly, and Qing Tian’s life and death are not at his heart.

“Six Reincarnations!” Chen Nan shouted, his hands flicked, the endless star fields were trembling, the starlights were intertwined, forming six black holes, and then madly swallowed the dazzling blue light.

Qingtian uttered a final wailing, and finally vanished.

“Why don’t you do it, God?” Chaos yelled.

“Are you talking to me? I gave you death!” After an indifferent word, a brilliant ray of light descended from above nine days and enveloped Chaos.

“No!” Chaos yelled in horror: “Ah …” Then, the eternal silence disappeared, and he completely disappeared.

In the endless void, the ghost’s white bones were stained with blood, and he chased Guangyuan, known as the future king, and rushed here quickly.

Guangyuan disheveled his hair, covered with blood stains, and cracks appeared on his body, like cracks in the porcelain. He did not dare to stay for a moment, and fled towards the nine days quickly.

“Die here!”

In the hands of the Great God Du Gu defeated the sky, the speed of Du Gu was instantly exceeded, and his speed exceeded the common sense. I saw that the space seemed to be extracted into a black hole by “Duo Gu”. cut.

However, it is impossible for the residual body to be destroyed in this way, still rushing towards Jiutian, and Chen Nan’s hands flicked on the other side, and the endless source of strength came over the sky, quickly smashing Guangyuan.

However, Guang Yuan is still not dead, and a spirit of knowledge is flying into the sky.

“Come back.” The vast heavenly path made an indifferent voice, and then a huge force broke through the barriers of everyone and grabbed Guangyuan’s soul mark.

“Heaven says you …”

Both King Yufeng and King Kuimu looked towards Nine Heavens. They could not think that Heavenly Dao was so desperate and desperate, even colder than what the Demon Lord said, and even his own people would devour it.

At this time, Chaos Shuangzun flew down from above nine days, and stood with King Yufeng and King Kuimu, obviously they both felt chills.

“It’s time to finish everything!” Du Gu defeated the sky and waved “Duo Gu” shouted: “I have been waiting for this day for a long time.”

The devil also shouted, “Last break!”

At this time, the demon figure flew slowly over the seventh heavy sky, and in the blink of an eye broke the eighth heavy sky, Chaos Shuangzun and others hurriedly flew into the void, and the demon figure was overwhelmingly shrouded.

Then, the reincarnation door at the endless distance, that is, the demon figure of the devil, also flew over, shattered the seventh heaven from below, echoed with the devil figure above, and protected everyone in it.

Chen Nan was between the two gods and demons, and he felt something. At this time, he felt that the two gods and demons are not simple energy maps. These are two worlds and two complete worlds!

Sure enough, Dugu defeated the sky and the demon lord confirmed his conjecture. The devil screamed: “This is our perfect world. We were drawn out and smelted with other Tianbao and let it grow to the present.”

“Really, I really want to see and see!” The vast voice of Heavenly Dao above the nine days passed down, still incomparably indifferent, and nothing seemed to make him emotionally upset.

“Haha …” Chen Zu laughed and shouted, “Okay, okay! I’m so enjoyable, I finally see it, haha ​​… After planning for so long, if it’s not going to destroy Heavenly Dao, it’s unfair!”

Star Wars Soul, looking at everything in amazement, he was shocked when he saw the perfect world of Chen Zhan and Chen Nan father and son, now he sees the perfect world in Devil Lord and Du Gu defeated the sky again, and even Not only did the sacrifice become such a state, I was even more surprised.

Chen Zhan, King of People, God of Time and Space, Tomb-Senior Old Man, Chu Xiangyu, Ghost Lord, etc. seemed to have been expected for a long time, and they were all ready for battle.

Chen Nan felt something in his heart, looking up at the demon figure and looking down at the reincarnation figure. He seemed to know what he was about to do. The source world slowly opened, and the endless stars scattered across the world.

At this time, the devil, ghost, and solitary **** turned around, facing countless immortals, worshiping them together, and said heavily: “You … sorry!”

Everyone sensed the spiritual fluctuations of Dugu defeated the sky and the devil, and knew what to do. Everyone was fearless, and the shouts resounded in the sky.

“Destroy evil heaven, where is death ?!”

Everyone already knew that the body of the fairy **** would die undoubtedly when they embarked on the road to heaven, and they were generous to die.

Up to now, everyone knows what needs to be done, and all the many masters of heaven have bowed down, showing a sad but admired look to the black crushed fairy in front.

“If my Nangong Yin Ling’s consciousness is immortal, after 20 years, he still walks around the world in a romantic way, haha ​​…” Nangong Yin Hengjian muttered himself.

“Nangong is waiting for me!” Wang Lin screamed and followed Nangong Yin.

“Chennan, if there is an afterlife, I must practice hard and share with you.” The white-haired Dongfang Changming suddenly shattered his body.

“Let’s meet again in the next life. Although I have done a lot of evil deeds, but the big righteousness will not retreat before.” Xiangtian demon Xiang Tian decisively cut off the body.

Afterwards, the ancient Zen demon, the Buddha, the golden-winged Dapeng king, hate the sky low, the old tyrant’s poor virtue, and the mythical beast Qilin all calmly and sternly died.

At this moment, all the masters of Tianjie were very sad. Chen Nan rolled down tears irresistibly. Once the friends and enemies were bye … if there is an afterlife … see you again!

“You will not die in vain!” Chen Nan roared back to the sky, all his long black hair upside down, his hands were slowly moving, and all the shadows of the soul were drawn into the **** and demon figure by him. The various places in the reincarnation diagram.

The dense fairy in front of him kept falling down, no one flinched, and in the face of death, everyone was so calm and calm. Looking at all this, Chen Nan wanted to look up to the sky and howl, his hands moved faster and faster, and the endless stars shone between the world.

Heavenly Dao has already acted, he is constantly bombarding the **** and demon figure, but the King of Man, Chen Zhan, Demon Lord, Dugu defeated the sky, and all the remaining masters of the sky are already ready to support this piece. Heaven and earth, let it shine through the sky.

“Calling the awakening of the soul with the soul, all the billions of living creatures that have fallen down, you all wake up!” Du Gu defeated the sky, ghost master, Chen war, devil master, king of men, etc. cried to heaven.

Many fairy gods who died just before, their souls are like the sparks of a star, lit up the vast “wastelands” in an instant!

The monstrous soul fluctuates and undulates, and the space formed by the demon figure and the reincarnation figure is suddenly enlarged. They have evolved into an endless world, and Fang Yuan does not know how many miles.

The vast soul wave ripples from every piece of land!

Hundreds of millions of souls were awakening!

“Roar …” came a roar of the dragon, and in a place where the soul wave was extremely dense, a huge dragon had a soul rising into the sky. On its body, there was a powerful soul comparable to the devil and other people. ‘S roar: “Lokard, the strongest dragon knight in history, is back. I have been waiting for this day for a long time, and I will participate in this final battle with my limited life!”

The vastness fluctuates and sweeps all directions.

Then, the sky-high fire surged into the sky, and the powerful souls fluctuated and kept surging. A woman manifested her soul shadow and shouted: “The strongest fire elemental god, Ruthia, has returned and used my last limited life to participate in the ultimate battle!”

“Caesarmo, the strongest fighting **** in the world, is back!”

A cry, like Huang Zhong Da Lu, shocking the mind!

What have they done, Devil Lord, Dugu defeated, and Ghost Lord? ! Everyone now knows that he has prepared a grand layout for the ages, and now it is finally emerging.

All the strongest fighting souls that can be found are reproduced today!

Of course, this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that the souls and souls of the past billions were gathered by them in the devil figure and the reincarnation figure. This is the ultimate force of the war against the sky today.

Chen Nan mournfully drove the souls of all fairy gods into every corner of the world, and used their souls to wake up the sleepy billions of living creatures.

“Ten Fangshou Valley!”

“Six Magic Lock Sky Map!”

“Seven Killing Raksha Prison!”

“Yin and Yang kill the sky wheel!”

With the shouting of demons, ghosts, and the solitary gods and so on ~ ~, a large array of Swire mortal masses emerged from all corners of the world like bamboo shoots after the rain, and they appeared crazy.

The real world where the devil figure and the reincarnation figure are transformed, contains everything, and finally swallows towards the heaven.

Chen Nan looked at everything quietly. He stood in the middle of the world and put away his sorrow. The eternal lore has already appeared, and the real battle heaven has begun!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~

The tomb of the gods is finally coming to an end, everyone should be able to see that I am writing seriously. Although, the online version and physical book publishing will be completely over. However, the Divine Tomb will meet you in another form. For the Divine Tomb, it is both an end point and another new one. We use the real **** tomb pk. Well, I can only say so much. I was told that the news will take a few days after the end of the tomb to be announced. In addition, please support my new book “Eternal Life”, which will bring you a different kind of wonderfulness, which will completely surpass the **** tomb.

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