Shen Mu [Divine Grave]

Chapter 4 - Houyi Tulong

The tail of the giant snake landed on the ground, and the Baizhang snake stood upright in the air.

The little princess took a carved arrow and put it on the bow string, and then used all her energy to pull the Hou Yi bow a little bit. The dark Hou Yi bow began to show a faint golden light, and the golden light flowed like a mist towards the carved arrow on the bow string. Where the gold is iron, an ordinary carved eagle arrow turned into golden yellow, and finally turned into a golden light away from the string.

The wind and thunder burst, the world lost its color, the golden light seemed to tear the void, and it reached the eyes of the giant snake in the blink of an eye. The giant snake was terrified. It seemed to find the huge energy contained in the golden light arrow. It quickly fell to the ground. The huge snake body was able to escape the golden awn that made the world and the world lose its color. The entire snake body was placed in the crater. Can’t stop shaking.

The golden arrow and the serpent passed by, making everyone very lost. However, the wind and thunder rang again in the blink of an eye. The disappeared golden arrow screamed back from a distance. The dazzling golden mansions eclipsed the sun in the sky. Stabbed into the giant snake.


A blood wave erupted from the wound of the giant snake, the crater burst into the sky with blood, the huge snake body continued to roll in the crater, countless huge stones were hit by the snake body, and the little princess was all in a hurry Dodge.

After ten minutes, the giant snake no longer turned, and it stood up again. The grim snake head was ten feet away from the ground. It stared fiercely at the little princess, but when the giant snake saw the bow of Hou Yi, it instinctively showed fear. color.

The snake body of the giant snake was cut by a light arrow just before a huge blood hole. The blood hole was transparent before and after, and the blood flowed gurgling outwards.

An apprentice magician said: “Her Royal Highness will open the Divine Bow again. If you hit the wound just now, you will be able to kill the demon snake in one fell swoop.”

“No, I don’t have the strength to pull the bow anymore. Come on!”

Each of the dozen guards stepped forward to try it, but no one could pull the bow.

Chennan hid behind the rock and saw everything clearly just now. No one present knew the Hou Yi bow better than him, and he had no skill to pull the bow. If the little princess has enough skill, just pull the Hou Yi bow a little more just now, not to mention a giant snake, even a giant dragon can’t escape the disaster. In ancient legends, Hou Yi bow once shot down the gods in the sky and is one of the most powerful fairy treasures in the fairyland.

The giant snake seemed to see that everyone could no longer use the “dark tool” that made it frighten. It had a fierce glare in its eyes. After looking back at the fiery lotus inside the volcano, it rushed towards the people not far away. .

Chennan had already noticed the bad, and ran down the mountain in the first time.

It wasn’t until then that the little princess really panicked, “I overestimate my strength!”

The guards shouted, “His Royal Highness, run away.”

The little princess carried her back and bowed her back, took a deep look at the crowd, and turned and ran down the mountain.

At this time, the giant snake had swooped down, and a gust of wind swayed. The giant snake’s head came to everyone’s eyes in an instant. The blood-red snake letter and Bai Sensen’s fangs touched everyone’s body just a minute, and the three trainee magicians quickly propped up a light blue light curtain. The head of the giant snake hit the magic shield fiercely, the light blue light curtain burst instantaneously, the three trainee magicians vomited blood, and the guards were thrown away by the huge impulse and rolled down the mountain.

The snake was swimming like lightning, and in a blink of an eye it caught up with the people who rolled down. On the spot, two people were run over by the giant body of the snake, and even the screaming did not have time to make a sound, it became Flesh mud, the hearts of the guards are split. The serpent did not continue to attack the other guards, his eyes glowing fiercely, and chased towards the little princess in front.

At this moment, Chen Nan’s souls were all frightened, the little demon followed behind him, and the giant snake chased her.

The little princess exclaimed again and again, “Ah …”

Chennan shouted loudly and shouted, “Little devil, what are you calling, don’t follow me like a fart.”

“Scum, stinky thief, how dare you talk to me like this, I will catch you in the palace sooner or later as eunuch, ah … the stink snake is coming …” At this moment, the little princess had no previous calmness, she was panicking at the moment Incomparably.

After hearing the cry of the little princess, the bodyguards endured the pain in their bodies, climbed up from the ground, and pulled out their long swords to pierce the giant snake. But ordinary iron swords can’t help the giant snake at all. The giant snake’s body twists from side to side. The huge body hits the guards fiercely. These people are like a scarecrow.

The giant snake has already chased behind the little princess, opening a blood-red giant mouth and spitting out a large flame, and the raging flame swept away to the little grand chairman.

The look of the little princess was so scared that she made a harsh scream: “Ah …”

Seeing that the flame had burnt to the back of the little princess, Hou Yi bow suddenly emitted a faint golden light, blocking the flames outside, and the frightened snake suddenly stopped.

At the same time, a long roar came from far away, and the sound was like thunder and thunder, which stirred for a long time in the air.

“Yu’er, don’t panic, come here as a teacher.” The loud voice of the comrades made the gravel of the crater keep rolling down the mountain.

Chennan’s ears buzzed and almost fell to the ground.

After a while, a middle-aged man with a large shirt appeared outside Baizhang.

“Woo … Why are you here, old man, if you come one step later, I will be eaten by this stink snake.” The little princess cried.

Chen Nan’s qi and blood swelled, plus the tension just now, she sat on the ground.

“The sound skills are so powerful, is it the sound killing skill Cang Longxiao? The little devil called him the old man, is it an old guy who retires?” He stared at the middle-aged man tightly, only a blink of time, and the comer again It was nearly fifty feet.

“Shrinking the ground into an inch, the skill is close to the road! This old guy is really real, it seems that his body is at least to the level of the master.” Chen Nan secretly panicked.

In the moment, the middle-aged man had arrived in front of the little princess, and the giant snake looked at the uninvited guest “snake eyes” not far away.

The middle-aged man didn’t seem to put the giant snake in his heart at all. He spoiled the little princess’s head and smiled: “Haha, is the little girl suffering from pain?”

“Don’t hate, don’t hit me on the head.” The little devil princess pushed the middle-aged man’s hand aside and pouted: “Huh, old man, have you come long ago, deliberately hiding in the dark to watch my jokes? “

“If I came long ago, can I watch you bitten by that little snake?”

“Halfheaded!” Chen Nan really convinced the pair of mentors and apprentices, and actually put the behemoth with a “small” word.

“Well, who knows if you are talking about true or false.”

At this time, those guards who had survived ran around the giant snake and stumbled over.

Middle-aged man said in a deep voice: “You can retreat as far away from this volcano as you can.”

The little princess no longer said much, leading the seriously wounded bodyguards to run down the mountain. Of course, Chen Nan had already escaped, and he didn’t want to face the scary little demon.

“Hey, scum, stinky thief, you stop me, otherwise I will grab your skin after being caught by me.” The little princess shouted fiercely.

Chennan was captured and suffered a lot during the past few days, and he cursed at this moment very fiercely: “You are a stupid princess, dream in the day, let you pay the bill sooner or later, I XXXXX …”

Those guards who survived the death wanted to rush to catch him immediately, but they were seriously injured and weak, so they could only yell and scold in the distance. Why was the little princess so insulted, her silver teeth clenched tightly, her body trembling, or she would have already caught up and killed Chen Nan 10,000 times if she had exhausted her skills.

Three or five ups and downs, Chen Nan has come to the bottom of the mountain. He ignored the screams behind him and plunged into the depths of the woods not far away. He didn’t leave. He wanted to see the middle-aged man who had just arrived fighting with the giant snake. He was hidden in a corner of the jungle.

The Hou Yi bow that scared the giant snake has been taken away by the little princess, but it has not launched an attack on the little princess master. The giant snake has long been psychic. It has noticed that the weak body in front of him contains great power. It twists the giant snake body uneasyly.

At this moment, facing the giant snake alone, the spirit of the little princess master changed in an instant. At this moment, he seemed to be a giant standing proudly in the world, with no fear on his face, and full of strong self-confidence.

The giant snake is the king of the beasts nearby. There are no animals daring to take a step within a few miles. However, its authority has been challenged even in a short time. At this moment, under the oppression of the powerful middle-aged man, it was completely irritated, and the fiery fire wave erupted, surging towards the middle-aged man like a sky.

The middle-aged man was like an electric figure, leaving a residual image on the spot, and immediately moved a distance of five feet, and then leaped high, hitting the wound of the giant snake’s earlier wound with a palm, the blood wave again from there A wound spewed out.

The giant snake couldn’t bear the huge pain. The upright snake fell to the ground, and the **** eyes glowed with a chilling fierce light. A gust of wind rose to the ground, and a huge snake tail slashed towards the middle-aged man. If this tail pump was placed on the sand field, it would be a real sweeping thousand troops. In the rumbling noise, the rocks were blasted and the dust covered the sky. The serpent “Swept the Thousand Armies” left a huge ditch mark on the mountain.

When the dust cleared, the middle-aged man had stood on the top of the volcano, the giant snake stood up again, the giant snake head was just flush with the crater, and the grim giant mouth swallowed away to the middle-aged man.

Middle-aged people do not avoid flashing, as they move forward, two fists are swayed forward, a large white light appears in front of the fist, and the white light like a physical thing hits the blood of the giant snake.


There was a loud bang.

The giant snake fell to the ground from the air, and the rocks hit by blasted everywhere. The middle-aged man was also hit by the huge anti-shock force from one side of the crater to the other, and fell to the ground in awkwardness.

Chennan secretly admired in his heart: this middle-aged man was able to stand alone against the giant snake of Baizhang with his own strength, and he was truly extraordinary.

The little princess and others hiding in the jungle were delighted to see the middle-aged man fighting the giant snake.

The middle-aged man and the serpent are entangled together again. The middle-aged man specializes in the weakness of the snake’s eyes and other weaknesses with lightning-fast speed and superb skills. The giant snake swept the middle-aged man with his physical advantages. One person and one snake jumped on the volcano, and huge rocks rolled continuously down the mountain.

One person and one snake got farther and farther away from the crater, and gradually came to the bottom of the mountain. Chen Nan felt bad and quickly drove away. The little princess also felt wrong, and they quickly withdrew a mile.

The people had just evacuated, and their original hiding place was reduced to a new battlefield. The middle-aged man and the giant snake hit the mountain from the mountain. Every time he punched, he would emit a large white light, and the rocks and forest trees would be crushed.

The destructive power of the giant snake is greater than that of middle-aged people. Every time it spit flames, a large forest will be burned and turned into scorched earth, and every row of “sweeping thousand troops” will have rows of trees falling.

Without tea time, the whole forest was razed to the ground.

Chen Nan looked terrified. He had not seen the peerless master. His father was the peerless master. But he hadn’t seen it several times in such a fierce fight.

The little princess secretly rejoiced that if the serpent had shown such power to them earlier, she might have gone to heaven to report it now. Of course, this was her wishful thinking, and Chen Nan even believed that she would go to **** to find a devil to recognize her.

At this time, the middle-aged man seemed to have the upper hand. The lightning-like figure appeared frequently near the wound that the snake had earlier suffered. The fist was continuously bombarded in the same place with the fiery white mans. The giant snake was beaten in an embarrassing, huge The body keeps rolling.

The little princess immediately cheered, “Master, come on, kill that stinky snake, and avenge my bodyguard.”

“Oh, old man, you are so stupid, why did you let the stink snake prevail again? Did you listen to me praise you and you are proud?”

“Old man, you are so terrible, oops, really stupid, how can you let the stink snake burn your hair.”


The middle-aged man stretched out his palm and cut off the long hair burned by the flames, and quickly backed a dozen feet.

“Master, you are such a coward, how can you escape?”

Chennan smiled secretly. It is a great misfortune in middle-aged people to have such a demon apprentice.

The middle-aged man took a breath, and said, “Don’t talk nonsense, you will be fined for a hundred days after you mess up.”

“Aren’t people encouraging you.”

Middle-aged: “…”

After the middle-aged man was “stimulated”, he was so powerful that he stunned the giant snake. Just when everyone thought that the middle-aged man was winning, the tail of the giant snake suddenly wrapped around the middle-aged man’s waist like lightning. Suddenly he was rolled up to the sky, and even the thinnest tail of the giant snake only wrapped around the middle chest of the middle-aged man.

The little princess screamed, rushed past the guard’s block and ran forward.

The middle-aged man struggled hard, with a faint white light all over his body, and the light became stronger and stronger. The snake tail wrapped around him gradually loosened, and it was about to break away from the entanglement of the giant snake. He opened his blood-red mouth and bit him. He quickly slammed his fists outwards, and a fiery white awn blocked the grisly snake’s head, but the loose snake’s tail wrapped him tightly again.

The little princess ran to the place less than ten feet away from the giant snake quickly, and her voice choked: “Master …… Woo …”

“Yu’er, don’t cry, the master is fine, this little snake can’t kill me.”

“Master picks up Hou Yi bow.” He said that the little princess threw Hou Yi bow and a carved arrow into the air.

“Woo … Master, I’m sorry for you, I want to see your real strength, so I didn’t give Hou Yi bow to you earlier, woo …” The little princess cried again.

“Yu’er, don’t be afraid, this little snake really can’t help the master. Now that Hou Yi bow is in his hand, it’s dead.” The middle-aged man said as he threw two punches at the head of the giant snake, fiery white mansions. Suddenly struck the snake head three feet away, he stretched out his hands and emitted a soft white light to lead the Hou Yi bow and the eagle arrow into his hand.

“Yu’er retreats quickly, be careful to hurt you.”

The little princess watched the middle-aged man drop his heart after receiving the Hou Yi bow, and turned and ran away.

The giant snake did show fear after seeing the Hou Yi bow. The giant snake’s head moved back seven or eight feet away.

The middle-aged man’s body was full of light. After putting the carved arrows, he tried his best to pull the bow string. He shouted: “Open!” But what surprised him was that the bow string did not move.

“Yu’er, has anyone ever used a Hou Yi bow?” The middle-aged man shouted loudly.

“Yeah, old man. I shot the blood hole in the stink snake, now you are happy, I finally pulled the bow.”

“What? You are a little confused, Hou Yi Gong can only be used once a year, it really kills you.”

“Ah … Master … Woo …”

The giant snake seemed to have seen that the middle-aged man could not use the magic bow. It bite viciously to the middle-aged man. The middle-aged man lifted the Hou Yi bow and greeted him. The dark back of the bow hit the white teeth of the giant snake. Four or five half-meter-long fangs were broken and flew out with a blood mist. The giant snake suffered from pain and threw a hard tail, throwing the middle-aged man away.

The middle-aged man fell into the ground in a state of embarrassment. After taking a long breath, he rushed toward the giant snake with a divine bow.

Chennan looked stunned. The little princess master actually used the Hou Yi bow as a stick. He felt a lot of pain in his heart.

“This perverted man actually … It’s really a brutal thing!”

The little princess smiled, “Haha, the old man is really interesting!”

Middle-aged man jumped high, a flash of light flashed over, the giant snake’s steel-like scale armor was shot by Hou Yi’s bow and flew everywhere, and blood and rain swayed in the sky. The snake was furious, the whole snake body twisted wildly, its huge tail twitched horizontally, and the earth shook.

However, the master of the little princess is like a power, avoiding rounds of rounds of deadly attacks. Then he held the Hou Yi bow frequently, striking the **** snake.

Suddenly the giant snake stopped, and the snake body standing in the air began to emit a faint golden light. Amazing changes occurred on the giant snake. The colorful scales on the snake body turned into gold scales, four protrusions appeared on the abdomen, and the head was out. A pair of golden glittering antlers uttered from the mouth of the giant snake with a dragon chant, and the sound shook for nine days. A powerful dragon’s breath emanated from the giant snake, and all the animals within a hundred miles were crawling on the ground.

Everyone was stunned.

“Dragon, I saw the legendary dragon!” Chen Nan shouted excitedly.

The little princess exclaimed, “God! We are fighting a dragon!”

While everyone was extremely excited, the little princess’s master showed a sad face. Only he understands that the giant snake has not succeeded, the dragon claws on its belly are not extended, and the failure of the dragon has only one end-death.

He whispered: “Brother Snake, I’m sorry, I thought you were a snake demon who didn’t succeed. I never thought you were so arrogant. I have cultivated a real dragon for thousands of years. At a critical point, I think we have already died without a burial place. “

At this time, the gold scales on the giant snake began to fall off, and the flesh and blood were blurred at the scale-free place. The giant snake issued a tragic dragon roar and spit out a golden glittering inner pill from his mouth. The rain disappeared into the air, and the failed snake of the dragon turned into a golden light and rushed towards the volcano, and it fell into the crater in the blink of an eye.

The master of the little princess was ashamed, if he killed a demon snake, he would never feel extremely lost, but he felt a heavy heart in killing a holy snake that was expected to turn into a dragon.

“Yes, right? Maybe there is no right or wrong in this world.” He sighed.

The middle-aged man came to the crater with a heavy heart. He flew to the fiery fire lotus, only picked a single lotus, and then pulled out the whole plant and threw it into the volcano.

“Brother Snake, this may be God’s will. If the fiery fire lotus is precocious for half an hour, maybe you have turned away from the dragon. That fairy lotus will surely keep you spiritually immortal, and hope you will become a true dragon in your next life.”

At this time, the little princess had already run up. “What happened to the master just now, how did the stink snake turn into a dragon?”

Middle-aged man said: “You are wrong, how can it become a dragon?”

“It’s a dragon. People have clearly seen a dragon. You said that you saw the dragon just now?” Said the little princess to the guards.

“It’s a dragon.”

“It’s a dragon.”

“It must be a dragon, I can see clearly.”


The guards affirmed.

Middle-aged people said lightly: “People will have hallucinations when they are overstressed. You were just too nervous just now.”

The little princess said: “Well, old man, why are you so strange today, there must be something hiding from me.”

The middle-aged man smiled and said, “You little girl always loves to think about it. Well, this is the fiery fire lotus you want to pick.”

“Ah, why is there only one?”

“You are really greedy. It would be good to wait for the fairy grass to get one petal. The rest of the lotus petals have fallen into the volcano after they are fully cooked.”

“Ah, what a pity.” The little princess sighed.

“Hey, Master, what about that snake, have you been killed?”

“It has died under the Hou Yi bow.”

“Oh, old man, you’re so weird today, and obviously slaughtered a dragon, no, it’s a giant snake, how could it be so listless?” The little princess blinked her big eyes, not looking at the middle-aged man deeply.

The middle-aged man squeezed her nose and turned to the topic and laughed: “Your little girl stole from the palace, you don’t know that your father emperor will die.”

“Hate.” The little princess snapped the middle-aged man’s hand and said, “I came out to find the fiery fire lotus for the father emperor. When he was sixty years old, I gave him the lotus, and he would be very happy. . “

“Your little girl is really crazy, don’t you know that it would be dangerous for you to do this? How can you ignore …”

“Okay, UU reading is good, I know, why are you more nagging than my grandma. Master, I heard people say that you had a crush on my grandma when you were young, is it true?” Xiao The princess smirked.

“You … you don’t want to change the subject.”

The little princess laughed and said, “Yes, obey, and Tu’er will return to the palace immediately.”

The middle-aged man looked helpless and said, “You are too naughty, I really can’t rest assured that you will go back safely.”

The little princess wondered: “Don’t you go back with me, old man?”

The middle-aged man said: “I came here to find you, and I should have put you back, but on the way I heard people say that a unicorn **** beast appeared in the Luofeng Mountain Range. This is an extraordinary thing. I ’m going to take a look at it, but I do n’t worry about you! ”

“Isn’t that the legendary beast, is there really a unicorn in this world?” The little princess shined with a look of excitement, and said, “I’m going too.”

“No, it’s been more than half a month since you left the palace. Your mother was scared for you, and she has already fallen ill for this, so go back quickly.”

“Ah, my mother is sick? Well, then I will go back immediately.” The little princess looked disappointed.

The middle-aged man returned the Hou Yi bow to the little princess, saying, “Yu’er, how did you steal the Hou Yi bow? You have to know that this is the treasure of the Chu Kingdom. His role is mainly used to deter the peerlessness of other countries. Master. “

“What’s wrong, didn’t you just borrow it for a while, and I’m not going back.” The little princess didn’t care.

“You really do n’t know the weight. The Divine Bow has been sealed by people. It can only be used once a year. How can it be used casually? Fortunately, there are no evil enemies in the Chu Kingdom, and basically it is not used. . “

“I know-now.” The little princess dragged her long tail.

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