She Who Became Immortal

Chapter 92: She, Who Explains

The meeting in Gaeriko Village concluded without incident, remaining calm and yielding no significant developments.

After all, neither Regalo, who played the mediator, nor Tarton Legrack, the reluctant representative, nor even Village Chief Romani Gaeriko held any real authority. It was merely a formal introduction.

Yet, for an introductory meeting, it could be considered a success.

Regalo and his associates—whether they truly served Euphemia was unclear—spent the night conversing with the demon Jade and the kobold Pookie Shamal. Despite the differences in race and customs, there was something oddly unifying about talking under the starry sky around a campfire. It wasn't just Regalo; everyone seemed to share this sentiment.

"We will return to Spade Territory. Even if there is no particular reason, we intend to visit Gaeriko Village regularly from now on."

"Ah. While I doubt things will progress swiftly, we welcome you. Next time, let's go hunting together."

"I am intrigued by the idea of hunting with a beastman. We will bring gifts in the future. May our friendship grow."

"We hope for the same."

By the time of their parting, Tarton and Romani had reached a level of comfort with each other, suggesting the meeting had indeed been successful.

"Regalo, though our paths diverge, I wish you good health," Tarton said hesitantly after mounting his horse.

Regalo hesitated before responding with a shrug and a grin. "I've chosen to follow Euphemia, not the beastmen. So, I won't be here next time. Take care of yourself."

Someday, if they met under different circumstances, they might share a drink. But that seemed unlikely, so Regalo left it unsaid.


Leaving Gaeriko Village, they returned leisurely to the Beast King’s capital, only to find the situation had already resolved itself.

Beast King Randall was dead, and his son, Brandon Kruger, had ascended as the new Beast King. The conflict had ended with Randall’s death, as it turned out the 'Anti-Lion League' had conspired with Lex Asuka to kill him.

Regalo couldn't fathom how anyone could kill the lion beastman, but that was beside the point.

Upon their return, Regalo, Jade, and Pookie were escorted to a large room in the city hall, where they were debriefed by Euphemia. Regalo found himself among many unfamiliar beastmen, but it didn’t matter.

"Trade with humans... It will be challenging, but we should approach it positively," said Lex Asuka, the brains behind the beastmen, with a nonchalant expression.

Regalo had told Tarton, and now he reaffirmed to himself: he had chosen to follow Euphemia. Even with Brandon Kruger as the new Beast King, his allegiance remained unchanged. Thus, the negotiations between Spade and the beastmen were their concern. If Euphemia involved herself, Regalo would follow her lead, but he didn't sense such a directive.

However, something still nagged at him personally.

Hesitantly, he raised his hand, drawing all the beastmen’s attention. But it was Euphemia's answer he sought.

"Uh... sorry to bring up old news, but what was the deal with that corpse appearing at Spade Castle?"

For Regalo, that was where everything had begun. Until then, his days had been filled with idle drinking and half-hearted work.

A corpse had suddenly appeared in the castle courtyard. Summoned to check for magical traces, Regalo found none. The body had simply 'appeared out of nowhere.'

Following that, the beastmen had demanded the return of a kidnapped child, leading to negotiations and further complications, but the mystery of the corpse had remained unresolved.

"Oh, that? It was dropped from the sky, of course," Euphemia said, as if it were the simplest thing in the world.

Regalo was left speechless by the casual revelation.

"Even several harpies couldn’t carry me, but a giant eagle beastman like Brunoa could manage it. Long distances would be tough, but with human collaboration, the 'Anti-Lion League' could prepare a body nearby."

"Wha... why...?"

Regalo’s mind raced with questions, but he couldn’t articulate them. The puzzle pieces finally started to come together, revealing a broader, more complex picture than he had ever imagined.

Indeed, if that were the case, there would be no trace of magic.

Even as Regalo inspected the corpse, he had thought:

—It doesn't seem like this person was killed here. It looks more like someone dumped the body there—

And that turned out to be the truth. But why go to the trouble of throwing a corpse into the courtyard?

No, that's not it. There must have been a reason. What happened afterward? The beastmen's negotiations. And then? Regalo was appointed as deputy captain and led an assault on the beastmen's Gaeriko Village. His incompetent superior had been eager not to be underestimated by the beastmen.

"It doesn't have to be just one move. Various factors aligned, leading the Spade forces to attack Gaeriko Village. And it was... yes, the giant eagle beastman, Brunoa, who informed us of the assault."

Euphemia puffed out her chest with a smug grin. Speaking of which, when they returned to Gaeriko Village after the Spade Castle assault, it was also Brunoa who reported the attack on the Beast King’s capital.

"Getting Randall to attack Spade was about wearing him down. Meanwhile, the 'Anti-Lion League' moved to eliminate Garland. When Randall returned to Gaeriko Village, he was informed of the capital's assault, preventing him from resting. Even he admitted it was the first time he had rampaged so wildly."

"So, we were used... manipulated?" Regalo muttered, almost as a complaint.

Euphemia responded with a sly smile. "What are you talking about? It was Spade who decided to attack the beastmen's village. If they had tried to resolve things through dialogue, there wouldn’t have been any retaliation from Gaeriko Village."

In reality, the claims of the beastmen who came to negotiate at Spade Castle were false. While it might be true that beastmen had been kidnapped by humans at some point, it hadn't happened then. Village Chief Romani testified there had been no negotiations and no children abducted.

Ah—Regalo suddenly remembered. Lord Spade had asked what Euphemia desired. And what had she answered?

What she wanted was a respectable neighbor.

We knew too little about each other. What kind of things would strangers do, how would they react—understanding this was the strength of the beastmen's brains, the lioness.

"Well, in any case, starting from understanding each other is a good idea. Randall is no longer here, but severing ties with Spade would be foolish, Lex Asuka."

Euphemia spoke nonchalantly, as if it were someone else's business. And indeed, it was. While she had conceived the plan, it was the then Beast King Randall who had endorsed it. Randall's successor, Brandon Kruger, now bore the responsibility.

"I understand. We need to move forward. Rushing is unwise, but we cannot stand still. I hope we can count on everyone's support," said the lioness, not directing her words to Euphemia, which seemed to please her.

Perhaps, they could become the "respectable neighbors" Euphemia spoke of. Yet, as Regalo considered this, he also wondered:

Is Euphemia a "respected person"?

For now, he couldn't say.

But there was one thing he knew for sure.

The days ahead would be anything but dull.

As he watched the beastmen animatedly discuss their plans, Regalo couldn’t help but grin, feeling a strange sense of anticipation.

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