She Who Became Immortal

Chapter 124: Impending War

Golt Armaments Company -> Golt Armed Trading Company


After conducting several reconnaissance missions with Kairine, we observed the enemy forces multiplying rapidly, their encampments in the demonic wilderness expanding swiftly.

While the exact number remains uncertain, it's likely that they now exceed six hundred.

Curious about the nature of the 'Golt Armed Trading Company' capable of amassing such a force, I, Euphemia Grimwood, decided to inquire with Volte Claus.

"They're a trading company with branches across the Kingdom of Louisse, equipped with their own military power," Volte explained. "I don’t know all the details, but they've visited Tiant several times."

I was unaware of their presence. Perhaps they had a branch in the Grimwood County, but it likely wasn't affiliated closely with our count's family. Given their business model, which doesn't appeal much to nobility, they probably don't cater to the aristocracy extensively.

"Is there any advantage to merchants having their own military power?" asked Lapis Kruger, the Lion Princess, her question simple yet pertinent.

"When merchants travel to sell their goods, they need protection. Hiring guards is the usual method," Volte replied.

"That means they don't need to spend money on guards," Lapis concluded, nodding thoughtfully, though she seemed unsure. In the beastmen territories, monetary transactions are non-existent, so her confusion was understandable. The fact she knew anything about money was surprising.

"Indeed. Additionally, having multiple branches means they control their own logistics. Goods flow, and with them, people. Where there’s movement, various opportunities arise."

Multiple branches also imply that their logistics cross noble territories, moving resources from one place to another. Few lords welcome the movement of their domain’s resources.

Yet, despite this, the Golt Armed Trading Company had grown large enough to mobilize over six hundred troops and now encamped right before our eyes.

We were leisurely observing the enemy troops gathering in front of the fortress from the walkway atop the outer wall.

The sky was clear, the green hills and plains stretched endlessly around us.

The human forces had set up a neat formation before the fortress. From our vantage point, it seemed fewer than the six hundred reported by Kairine. Perhaps they hadn't deployed their entire force.

The fortress was strategically positioned to be invisible from the demonic wilderness exit—and vice versa. Thus, there could be hidden troops, or they might be holding back forces elsewhere or in reserve at their camp.

Conjecturing further would be pointless, so I stopped there.

"So, Commander, what's your take on this situation?" I asked Volte, grinning.

The man who had betrayed the Tiant Knights, now our ally, shrugged slightly as he gazed dispassionately at the enemy troops.

"Stick to the original plan. I believe Lady Euphemia's predictions are correct. Let them make the first move. If they don't, we can afford to wait them out. They can't maintain their position for long without acting."

"Their main challenge will be dealing with the fortress walls. They have two options: try to breach them or find another way."

We had discussed this extensively during our strategy meetings. If they aim to breach the walls, they need either powerful magic or significant physical force. If they abandon the idea of breaching the walls, they might try digging tunnels or using ladders to scale them. We had seen such tactics in army and tactical strategies manuals before that Volte shared to us, but there were no signs of giant ladders among the enemy troops so far.

"Let's leave some sentries and descend. I doubt they'll employ engineers," Volte suggested.

"Why not?" I asked.

"They've positioned themselves directly in front of the fortress—specifically, opposite the main gate. They're not spreading their forces laterally but rather keeping them tightly grouped. From this, we can infer a few things."

Volte's observations were sharp, his strategic insights invaluable as we prepared for the inevitable clash with the formidable Golt Armed Trading Company.

The enemy army, arrayed in formation against our fortress, resembled the forces depicted in historical fiction of the Warring States period. It was starkly different from the battles against the demonic tribes in the Escard Territory.

"Firstly, the enemy is confident we won’t use large-scale attack magic. They’re massed together, which would be suicidal if they thought we’d unleash powerful magic. They know we’re beastmen," Volte explained.

The humans lack extensive knowledge about beastmen, but they’re aware beastmen don’t wield magic like the demon tribes do. This understanding likely stems from rare instances of communication between humans and beastmen, fostering mutual recognition of each other’s threats. If they were completely ignorant, they wouldn’t even know beastmen existed beyond the demonic wilderness—something I vaguely remember discussing before.

"Secondly, they’re prepared to face our forces head-on. They’ve formed up to counter beastmen, not demons. They can’t employ their usual tactic of embedding powerful mages within skirmish lines. Magic is predominantly a noble privilege," Volte continued.

While rogue mages like Regalo exist, even he was discovered by another rogue mage due to his inherent magical talent and was mentored. Becoming a master mage alone is exceedingly rare.

Nobles meticulously cultivate magical bloodlines for this reason. As the 'Talentless Euphemia,' I was deemed worthless as a noble child.

"Therefore—" Volte resumed, his expression twisting slightly with discomfort, pain, or perhaps an itch.

"—they likely have hidden strategies or contingencies. And we’re aware of this," he concluded.

In essence, it’s all part of the plan. Many uncertainties remain, but we’ve made numerous predictions about their tactics. They’ve done the same.

We’re prepared, our strategies are set, and our resolve is unwavering.

Now, it's time to begin.

As 'savage beastmen,' the human forces feel no obligation to formally declare war as they would against another human army.

Descending from the battlements, I sighed before addressing the assembled Grimoire forces ready for battle.

Grimoire demons, various beastmen, an unfortunate middle-aged man who was once a mage in the Spade Territory, and the worn deputy commander of the Tiant Knights—our numbers had grown considerably.

While not everyone could fit inside the fortress, we easily numbered over a hundred. Each of these lives would soon be on the line.

If tears turned to gems, I’d be a millionaire by now—not that it would matter in beastmen territories.

Placing my hands on my hips and standing tall, I raised my voice as loudly as possible.

"Alright, the second act begins. This time, it’s a brutal, frontal clash. We’ve done all we can. The rest is up to you. Let me be clear: I, Euphemia Grimwood, am just a cute girl. Protect me with your lives."

Their enthusiastic response to such words was endearing, albeit somewhat foolish.

Or so I thought.


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