She Who Became Immortal

Chapter 114: Write In Pain

Left alone in the room after the departure of the golden-haired girl, Volte Claus found himself unable to muster any motivation to move from his bunk.

As the Vice Captain of the Tiant Knights, this was his chance to somehow escape, to flee the fortress, traverse the forest, and return to their camp. Though it seemed nearly impossible, he felt it was something he should attempt.

Yet, he couldn't find any vigor within himself. Captured by the enemy, now lying on the bunk, he could be tortured if someone were to open the door and enter. But strangely, he couldn't bring himself to worry much about that.

If only his wife were alive, things wouldn't have ended up like this, he thought with a bitter laugh.

Slack Tiant, his childhood friend and lord of the domain, seemed like a distant memory now—almost as distant as Volte's own sense of self.

Who am I, really?

How did things come to this?

It felt as if he had become what that girl had described as someone who had 'lost their place.'

As he pondered these things, time continued to pass, his lifeblood slowly seeping away, nearing lethal levels, when suddenly the door swung open.

Entering were the golden-haired girl from earlier—accompanied by two others.

One was a girl with beast ears protruding from her head. Slightly shorter than the golden-haired girl, she gave off a youthful impression. Like the golden-haired girl, she was clad in loose clothing, and from just above her rear down to her lower waist, she had a bushy tail.

The other was a young man with pale purple skin.

A demon.

"Sorry for the wait. They didn't want you alone with just me, so I brought some company. This is Kirina, a fox beast person. And this is Junos. As you can see, he's a demon," the girl said, smiling as if there were nothing to fear. Then, with a slight glance towards the ceiling, she chuckled softly and added, "By the way, I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is Euphemia."

She introduced herself with a very refined, noble-like nod.

Volte found himself increasingly unsure of who this Euphemia was anymore.

If this unusually beautiful girl was once a noble, what series of events led her to be in such a place? It was a question too difficult to speculate on.

"So, you're Volte Claus. Let's hear your story," said the demon-like man named Junos, leaning against the closed door with his arms folded, directing his gaze towards Volte. Just like Euphemia, his tone and demeanor held neither resentment nor scorn—just a simple request.

"Um... would you like some tea?" offered the fox-girl cautiously, extending a cup of tea. Feeling somewhat relieved by the gesture, Volte took the wooden cup filled with tea.

Without much caution, he took a sip and realized it was herbal tea. The sensation of the warm liquid flowing through his body gave him a sense of relaxation he hadn't felt in about ten years, prompting another bitter smile from Volte.

"What should I talk about?" he asked.

"Tell us about yourself and about the current war. With so many people coming out of the forest, you must have opened it up, right? When did it start? Actually, why did you even start clearing the forest in the first place?" Junos inquired.

When exactly did it start? That was the starting point.

"There was an incident in the Tiant domain where a woman named Mariel was assaulted... She was assaulted and her valuables were stolen."

"The second prince of the Louisse Kingdom was also residing at the Lord's mansion. When exactly, I don't remember. Mariel was the same, but... anyway, probably the second prince incited Slack."

"Incited?" questioned Junos, raising an eyebrow slightly.

Volte nodded and took another sip of tea before continuing.

"Slack... he's my childhood friend. We're the same age, and he's the only son of the lord. My father was a knight at the time and had a friendly relationship with the lord."

"Their parents were in good shape," Volte said.

Volte Claus and Slack Tiant were once as close as friends could be. They could talk about anything without reservation, sharing even their most difficult troubles with each other.

In their bond, there was another person: a woman named Eirena.

She was born as the daughter of a steward serving the lord of Tiant domain. Her mother was the head maid, seemingly born to serve the lord.

Naturally, Volte grew closer to her, and Slack also held her in high regard. No, it wouldn't be wrong to say Slack loved her.

Slack's affection for Eirena was palpable to Volte. Eirena was gentle, beautiful, and modest—a woman whom almost everyone who met her found endearing.

However, there was a barrier between them.

There were roles to fulfill: the lord had his duties, and the maid had hers.

Eirena had been trained since childhood under her mother, the head maid, in service at the Tiant mansion. She drew a line with Slack much earlier than Volte ever would have. And at some point, Slack too began to understand his role.

As the future lord of Tiant, he would eventually have to marry another noblewoman, as Tiant domain couldn't afford the luxury of its heir living indulgently. Slack's budding romance was crushed almost as soon as it began.

Thus, their first love faded away, bittersweet and extinguished.

It would have stayed that way.

Except, several years ago, Eirena fell seriously ill.

It was a mysterious illness, rare even among humans, supposedly related to an inherent magical power.

Eirena continued her duties as a maid, but extravagant measures were taken on her behalf. Slack summoned physicians from the capital, and her parents immediately relieved her of her maid duties, focusing on her recovery.

But the doctors gave her about a year and a half to live.

Volte vividly remembered Slack's intense anguish, thinking dispassionately, "Can fate truly be this cruel to someone else?"

Eirena was precious to Volte. He would have gladly given his life or soul if it meant her survival. There was no such convenient solution in this world—just that.

Since childhood, when Slack began to harbor feelings for Eirena, Volte decided to keep his own feelings hidden in his heart. Volte had grown accustomed to not revealing his innermost thoughts to others. Even as Eirena's death seemed inevitable, Volte couldn't become the sort of person who would cry and scream pitifully or lash out at others.

As Eirena awaited her death sentence, she remained beautiful and kind. She apologized to everyone around her, feeling sorry for them. She didn't want to acknowledge how her kindness tightened the hearts of others.

During this time, Volte's concern wasn't consoling his distraught friend, but rather the beloved woman whose life was ending so soon.

Volte proposed to Eirena.

It was a pathetic, pitiable proposal by now, no longer a plea. Naturally, Eirena rejected Volte's proposal. She rebuked him for his foolishness, stating, "Do you really want to marry someone who's about to die?" It was the first time she had ever been angry with him after a long acquaintance. Even so, Volte didn't relent.

In the end, Eirena relented, becoming Eirena Claus.

By then, her remaining time was less than a year.

Volte easily left the knight order and chose to spend Eirena's remaining time with her. He was surprised by the intensity of his passion and it surprised Eirena too.

He felt he had made her smile happily a few times.

But he also felt he had made her cry more often than he could count.

They spent their days quietly together, awaiting the end.

During that time, Volte abandoned his training as a knight, his social obligations, and even Slack, his best friend and master.

And so it came to an end.

Eirena passed away as the doctors had predicted, and her funeral was held. Looking around, Volte found there was nothing left in his world.

Following various connections, Volte returned to the knight order and intended to start anew as a low-ranking member. However, at Slack's command, he was transferred as a squadron leader into a particular unit.

From then on, it was simply days of work. Besides that, there was nothing left for Volte anymore.

The man who had once been his closest friend, now there was nothing left to talk about between them.

While Volte silently awaited his time, Slack had married a noblewoman connected to the Count of Grimwood and had become the true lord of the Tiant domain, both in name and reality.

Slack didn't blame Volte, nor did he inquire about his true feelings, let alone worry about him. They became nothing more than a knight serving his lord. That was the extent of their relationship.

And Volte, for his part, didn't particularly regret any of it.

Such a colorless world devoid of warmth.


Looking back, it seemed like a long yet short tragic story.

Junos listened without changing his expression, arms crossed, while Euphemia didn't react much either. Only the fox-like girl trembled, trying to hold back tears, which somehow brought Volte a sense of relief.

What was he doing, talking about his life as if he were a prisoner?

He thought about having some tea, but realized he had already finished it, which was disappointing.

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