She Who Became Immortal

Chapter 110: Human Invasion Start!

The number of knights participating in this expedition was two hundred sixty.

Including Jack Frigate, the blond-haired young swordsman guarding the "Saint of Healing," and Mariel San Foresight, the aelv woman at the center of this incident, there were a total of two hundred sixty-three, led by Vice-Captain Volte Claus.

Volte, unfamiliar with the beastmen, couldn't determine if this number was too large or too small. However, considering a scenario where the Tiant territory clashed with the southern Spade territory, it seemed reasonable for a localized skirmish. Any force larger than five hundred would be too cumbersome to gather and maneuver. Even a well-trained knightly order would struggle to mobilize overnight if the numbers were too great.

At the current size, the unit was already at the limit for maintaining flexibility. The formation consisted of six companies, each combining three squads of twelve, totaling two hundred sixteen knights. The remaining forty-four were designated for scouting, skirmishing, and messengers. The final three were Jack, Mariel, and Volte.

The chosen location for their camp avoided forest clearing, so they advanced eastward through the woods in squads, maintaining appropriate distances. Despite being knights, they had no horses due to their numbers, which rendered stealth impossible.

"Hey, so those aelvs... do they have some ancient-looking elder acting all high and mighty?" Jack Frigate casually remarked, showing no signs of discomfort from the weight of his greatsword, backup sword, light armor, or tool bag. His nonchalance suggested his considerable skill.

"That's common in any society. Groups need leaders, and leaders bear responsibilities," Mariel responded, carrying a rapier at her waist and a bow and quiver on her back, showing no signs of fatigue from the march.

"So, does that mean anyone acting high and mighty is actually important?" Jack inquired.

"Truly important people are those who bear responsibility. Those who merely act important are just that—acting. If a leader were to grovel and debase themselves, it would diminish their group's worth," Mariel replied.

"And what about you, Volte? What's your take?" Jack asked, likely out of idle curiosity, his tone suggesting he expected no serious answer. Since they still had time before exiting the forest and the scouts were handling security, Volte decided to engage in the conversation.

"Most people would avoid responsibility if they could. Those who bear it should be distinguished from the rest. Respect and deference are necessary," Volte said, recalling the lesson his father had taught him as a child, emphasizing the distinct roles of lords, knights, and friends.

"True, if you inherit power, it's only natural to command respect," Jack admitted. Despite his usual irreverence towards authority, he seemed to understand.

"So, Frigate, you have no allegiance?" Volte asked.

"Currently, I’m working with Eckhart. Though, it feels more like I'm lending them my strength. I owe Mizetta a debt, and Victor’s a good guy. Norman’s reliable too," Jack replied, flashing a cynical smile.

"But in the end, I answer only to myself," he added, his words reflecting an unwavering independence, a refusal to submit to anyone or anything.

"That's a tough way to live," Volte commented, genuinely moved by the young swordsman's resolve. Jack raised his eyebrows in mild surprise before smiling warmly.

"Maybe. But not everyone here seems on board with this mission. I get it; it's hard to feel motivated to invade someone else's land over a personal grudge. Yet, orders are orders," Jack noted.

"This decision was made by Prince Blitz and Lord Tiant. I'm just the catalyst," Mariel retorted, slightly offended.

"From my perspective, Aelv lady, it looks like you’re being used. Your revenge should be personal or with help if needed. But right now, it seems like you're a pawn," Jack countered, his words unfazed by Mariel's protest.

"That’s fine," she replied.

"As long as you're okay with it," Jack shrugged, ending the conversation.

Volte pondered Jack's words. He was a knight, sworn to the Lord of Tiant, and thus obligated to carry out his duties, regardless of personal opinions. However, he wondered about Mariel. Was she truly content with the revenge she sought, even if it meant being a pawn in a larger scheme orchestrated by Prince Blitz to manipulate Lord Tiant and mobilize the Tiant knights? If the mission succeeded, it would benefit the Tiant territory. But would that really satisfy her?

Dark-skinned and long-eared, they were denizens of the forest.

They appeared to possess a proud demeanor at first glance. Unlike Jack, they seemed to hold standards different from those of a knight like Volte.

Since she said it didn't matter, this deviation from her standards would probably be within expectations... But then, what exactly were her standards?

He had absolutely no idea.

But that was irrelevant to the task at hand.


They emerged from the forest.

Before them lay the expansive plains under a pre-dusk blue sky. What they saw extended as far as the eye could see were not horizons but ridgelines, atop gentle hills.

And just before the nearest ridgeline stood the encampment of beastmen.

"Second squad to sixth, form up. First squad, I'll take one unit; the rest, follow in the rear. We're making contact with the beastmen."

With a brief command, they moved into action without any visible disturbance.

This development was expected.

Most likely, even beyond this.

Leading the way, Volte advanced toward the beastmen's territory with a single unit in tow. Jack and Mariel followed silently.

The beastmen, who had been camping, began to move in response to their actions. Their numbers were... at most around fifteen.

Neither side made a sudden dash; they approached slowly.

They ascended gentle hills while the beastmen descended.

And then, as if it had been agreed upon without a word, both sides stopped.

The distance was suitable for conversation if they raised their voices.

To Volte, who had only lived among humans until now, the beastmen seemed an unusual group. Some appeared as humans with animal ears sprouting from their heads, while others resembled bipedal animals. There were even individuals with odd proportions, resembling small storage sheds, making it hard to gauge their size.

...Something was wrong.

It was different from what they had expected.

Although he thought so, he couldn't grasp the cause of his unease, and they had already crossed the point of no return. From here on, they had no choice but to act as planned.

"We have encountered the beastmen! We are the knights of the Louisse Kingdom, stationed in the Tiant territory! Recently, one of our important figures was assaulted by beastmen and had valuable items stolen! Since our founding, we have maintained inviolability, but this time we will respond with force!"

His loud speech was frankly meaningless.

After all, in the end, it didn't say anything. There was no clear directive of what to do next or any specific consequences.

Therefore, the beastmen couldn't find a compromise.

"My name is Lapis Kruger! I am the sister of the Beast King Brandon Kruger! We know that your kind has been cutting through our forest! We didn't know that was the reason, but if that's it, we can set up a discussion!"

Among the beastmen, a girl stepped forward and shouted proudly.

Even if she claimed to be the sister of the Beast King, no one among Volte and the others had ever seen the Beast King, so they couldn't confirm its authenticity.

"Our demand is to establish our base here. We cannot stay silent while you take away from us! It's a base to prevent the beastmen from approaching this forest! We came here to make this place the Tiant territory!"

"Haha! Are you idiots? How would we know which fool among you got beaten up? On the contrary, we heard that you abducted someone from our side and turned them into slaves. It's fine to make the exit to the other side of the forest our land. Will you allow that!?"

Of course, the answer was no.

The other party's refusal was within their expectations.

"You are more barbaric than we heard! In that case, let's speak in a language that your beastmen can understand... If you don't want to be beaten up, hurry up and disappear, you beasts! All troops, pull out your swords—!!"

Volte unsheathed his sword and thrust the sword toward the heavens, ensuring that the entire troop was visible from the back.

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