She Who Became Immortal

Chapter 108: We Will Carry It For You

Since Lion Princess Lapis Kruger visited the site of the planned fortress construction two days ago...

During that time, Lapis sparred with Maya and Zonda, losing to both. Biante, preoccupied, declined any matches, though according to Maya, "If you can't beat me, there's no way you can beat Big Sis." Surprisingly, Lapis didn't seem too frustrated; instead, she appeared rather pleased. It seemed to be a unanimous opinion among everyone that when it came down to a real fight, things would change. However, it wasn't merely because she could kill them if she wanted to that she wasn't frustrated—it seemed more complex than that.

There are opponents she can't match right now.

This was something Randall lacked, which meant Lapis wasn't bored.

By the way, Lapis' escort, the leopard beastman Nerva, didn't participate in the matches; instead, he mingled with Taurus tribe women, apparently curious about soup-making techniques and such.

The three mole beastmen showed interest in magical steel and wire, but didn't delve too deeply into it. Since we hadn't planned on discussing dungeons with Lion Princess's future still uncertain—not to mention not guiding them through rocky terrain—it was fortunate they were discreet, and I found myself rather fond of them.

The Gnu beastman, Roppa, did nothing in particular, merely watching Lapis' actions and offering occasional comments.

So, on the third day...

Junos and Kairine returned.


Everyone gathered at the dining area, and amidst them, a nine-tailed fox stood up alone, muttering "Well," like a great detective before beginning to speak.

"As expected by our genius and insightful Lady Euphemia Grimwood, the humans are currently in the midst of clearing a path through the Demon Forest. Despite their considerable numbers, even estimating conservatively, it will take at least thirty days to establish a 'road' to our side."

Clearing a path through the forest was, of course, a daunting task.

It's easy to forget when watching the likes of Grimoire's group, but ordinary humans can't simply cut down trees with an axe. Nor can they drag severed trees like orcs. Of course, considering that the humans in this world possess magical power, it would be wrong to compare them to other species, but even so.

"Yes, a question."

Maya raised her hand, her gaze not on Kairine but directed toward Junos sitting next to her, arms crossed.

But it was Kairine who responded.

"Yes, go ahead, Miss Maya."

"...Why are the humans leisurely clearing the forest in the first place? If they have an objective, wouldn't it be better to invade with a small group and achieve their goal?"

"Invading with a small group wouldn't lead to conquest."

Smirking unpleasantly, the nine-tailed fox replied, scanning everyone present.

"In other words, boldly invading with a large group, establishing their territory in the beastmen's domain. Then, using that as a foothold, they aim to make the beastmen's land their own—that's their objective, isn't it?"

"I can't say how far they're willing to go, but that seems to be the gist of it."

And inconveniently—or perhaps conveniently—the path of invasion leads not to the Beast King's domain but rather to a location slightly south of Grimwood's territory.

To summarize the situation:

Originally, Lex Asuka and Kairine had planned to kill the Beast King Randall, and Kairine had happened to make contact with humans to negotiate. In exchange for a so-called "secret stone" received from the elf woman, I mean, aelv woman, they procured thirty suits of armor and successfully defeated Randall.

However, something seemed a bit off.

How would they procure thirty suits of armor? No, that question was a bit off. In other words, what kind of person could procure thirty suits of armor?

There would be quite a challenge for explorers or adventurers who happened to visit the beastmen's territory and attempted to acquire armor through trade. Let's consider it in terms of modern-day global earth. Imagine a guy in fantasy cosplay showing up in a distant town and saying, "I want to get twenty tons of grains in exchange for this diamond." Most likely, he'd be met with bewilderment or went robbed.

There are two ways to think about it.

Either they knew the value of aelv's "secret stone," or Kairine wanted armor from them. Of course, you could argue for a combination of both, but personally, I think the latter is more likely.

In other words—those humans Kairine made contact with probably wanted Randall dead in the first place.

The individual Kairine supposedly contacted called themselves the "Envoy of Soltice Sol Spade." Obviously a lie. The lord of Spade didn't know anything about that. And at that time, the beastmen had no way to verify it.

Now, if we think this through to here, the answer seems apparent.

To the north of Spade's domain lies Baron Tiant's territory. Positionally, heading west from Tiant would roughly lead to the construction site of the fortress, a bit south from grimoire's domain.

"Those people from Tiant are attacking. We're building a fortress here to counter that,"

Lioness Princess Lapis Kruger nodded thoughtfully.

"Why are you reacting like you've got it all figured out, an outsider like you," she thought, smiling wryly, though her words were spot on.

"In other words, it's war,"

The nine-tailed fox Kairine said with irony, smiling back amusedly.

"Yes, exactly. If you have something to protect and won't let it be taken, there's no choice but to fight. If you don't like that, just tuck your tail and run away. Of course, you should run if you can't win."

"Like you did once, huh? Remember that, vixen?"

"Hmm? Oh, it seems there are unfamiliar faces here. Who might you be? ...Ah, no, no, just joking. You bear a striking resemblance to your father. You've grown up, Lapis Kruger."

"As in your words from before, it seems you managed to kill Father. Satisfied, vixen?"

Arms crossed, Lapis asked, showing no signs of danger, which was a bit surprising to Kairine. She hesitated for a moment, withdrew her wry smile, then finally plastered on the same smile.

"Yes, more than I expected. After all, I met Lady Euphemia."

"Hmm, I see."

I thought, but didn't say it.

Instead, Junos spoke up.

"More importantly, Euphemia, tell us your thoughts. People from Tiant are invading. Their goal is probably conquest. We're building a fortress to counter this. But, wouldn't it be simpler just to intercept them?"

"The enemy needs to send personnel to clear the forest for human resources transport."

"We could ambush them during the forest clearing. We have many beastmen here who are much more adept in the woods than humans. It's not like we can't handle it."

"Why aren't we doing that-"

Cutting off the outsider's words, I given them an answer.

"Tiant is one of the Louisse Kingdom's lands. Preemptively attacking them would be akin to hostile action against the entirety of Louisse. Because each territory in Louisse is bestowed by the King. The land is governed by the lord, but it's the King's land and the country's land."

Without delving into details, that's how it is.

It might be hard to understand with Randall's less-than-rule, but this is about culture, history, and systems.

"Is that why we can't attack first?"

Lapis tilted her head in curiosity, but Grimoire's group and the beastmen were in similar agreement. Regalo and Kairine, seemed to understand, nodding normally.

"If we attack first, it means 'attacking what belongs to the King' from Louisse's perspective. Conversely, consider if they attempt to invade us. The Tiant territory, which is the King's possession, initiates invasion into the beastmen's domain, causing resistance and resulting in damage—"

"In that case, Tiant's people would be seen as 'damaging what belongs to the King.' The blame would fall on Tiant, not us."

"I think that's highly likely."

"Humans are such a hassle."

Zonda, the boar beastman, sighed deeply, speaking in a blunt manner.

I chuckled casually in response.

"Hah! You guys were all trying to please Randall, weren't you? That rabbit guy looked like she had a tough time just staying alive."

I couldn't recall her name right away, but she was a rabbit beastman who had stalked me during my stay in the Beast King's capital. That woman seemed terribly afraid of Randall.

And there were many others like her.

Otherwise, Brandon wouldn't need to aim for being "not like us." Lex Asuka aimed for evolution through mingling, while Brandon Kruger aimed for proper governance. Their goals were slightly different, but Lex would probably correct that on her own.

"Paradise doesn't exist anywhere."

"Where's the fool who wants paradise?"

To Serena's chuckles, Junos responded with a serious face.

Indeed—perfect governance, eternal peace, and everlasting prosperity are things I don't desire. Such things simply don't exist and will never exists.

Without realizing it, it seemed my face had formed a smile. Junos glanced at me with a smirk and stood up to survey everyone present.

This wasn't the "survey" Kairine did. It was a glimpse that surely hit someplace in others' hearts.

"We gathered to support this person. To walk alongside Euphemia Grimwood is our glory and grimoire. Euphemia Grimwood doesn't want us taken away. Do you understand what that means?"

Even though Junos didn't raise his voice, his words carried strangely well.

Not only those around me, but everyone in the dining area had risen to listen to Junos' words.

It wasn't like this when we first met in the demon forest.

Junos had found me dangling from the trap set by Yunofeliza. At that moment, I felt he was a fine young man. Yes, he was similar to the impression Eckhart had left before our engagement was called off.

Look at him now.

He's the leader of a motley crew, including demons, fox people, orcs, dog beastmen, cow beastmen, kobolds... and even visitors like lions, moles, and gnus.

"Brandon Kruger, who killed the Beast King Randall and became the Beast King, said he would 'become us.' How about us? What should we be? There's no need for a uniform answer. Euphemia Grimwood doesn't want us to be like that. But what we shouldn't be is clear."

You get it.

You should understand.

While I looked vacant and foolish, Junos continued speaking.

"'Don't let Euphemia Grimwood think we could be taken away.' The moment we become that, our story in grimoire ends. Don't forget, we're in the middle of story. We're walking under the light."

So, don't let them take it away.

So, don't diverge from the path.

"Let's walk together. Live to enjoy and laugh. That's what Euphemia wants from us."

Despite no new information, those words ignited the room.

Everyone was excited, and most shouted in delight. Even Maya couldn't hide her elation, displaying a defiant smile. Zonda smiled contently, and Serena nodded approvingly.

As Junos sat back with a sigh, I felt like complaining, but I just glared at him quietly for now.

But the representative of Grimoire smiled with rare satisfaction and said to me,

"You're not good with this sort of thing, right? Occasionally, confirm the weight of the burden you've taken on. We'll usually carry it for you."


And so, the fortress was completed at an unusual speed.

The time for enjoyable work was over.

Next awaited the time of war.

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