She Who Became Immortal

053 – She, Who Somewhat Understand Brandon’s Ideals

Bruno, the Great Eagle Beastman.

Nellest, the Elephant Beastman.

Lil, the Wolf Beastman.

And then Luche, the Rabbit Beastman.

Their gazes directed towards me, Euphemia Grimwood, were each slightly different, but the general trend was the same.

Suspicion and doubt.

Somehow, I had grown accustomed to being looked at with the same eyes wherever I went. Therefore, I felt quite familiar with those glances. So, when Lex Asuka didn't direct her gaze towards me, I found myself quite interested. Come to think of it, even Brandon Kruger, the son of the Lion King, didn't look at me with such eyes.

"...Lady. We want to talk a bit privately, including whether to introduce you to the king. While we trust what Lex Asuka does, we're not blindly trusting. Do you have something to convince us?" Bruno, the Great Eagle Beastman, said, clacking his beak.

The words were directed not at me but towards Lex, but I felt a similar trust towards this lioness woman to the point of hiding her identity to everyone including her half-brother Brandon. Indeed, indeed. It wasn't about personality, character, or nature, but trust in ability.

If it's Lex, she'll somehow convince these four guards.

I casually nodded while seated, and then nodded towards Serena and the others. Let them do as they please. Or rather, there's no other choice but to let them do as they please. So, my only option is to choose how to behave.

"I see. Feel free to talk until we're convinced. I'll do the same," Brandon said as if it were obvious, then unexpectedly took a seat opposite me. He then ordered the Mountain Cat Beastman, Nova, to prepare tea, made Lex stand up, and ushered out the four guards.

The whole sequence of events felt completely natural, with no one raising questions or showing dissatisfaction.

I see — is this the "caliber of a king"?

With just a few words and actions, Brandon and I were left in the strategy room, likely according to Brandon's wishes.

"So, what do you want to ask?" I said.

Brandon nodded as if appreciating my question, placing both hands on the table and leaning forward towards me.

Although his beastly nature wasn't very apparent — in fact, whether he had cat ears or lion ears didn't make much difference to me — Brandon's ruggedness came across strongly. He had quite a commanding presence.

"It's about you. I want to know about you and the humans. I want to know what we lack. I want to know what's different in us compared to humans," he said.

"What's the use of knowing?" I asked.

"It's to make use of it, of course. Didn't Lex say? My father won't do. He hates change. All he has is his way of life and making others conform to it. He has no intention of changing his way of life."

"And you're different?"

"I want to change, and I think I need to change. I'm considering it."

"What about the will of those who can be changed?," interjected Serena. Brandon raised an eyebrow in surprise before answering.

"I haven't really thought about what they think. If we don't change, we'll decline eventually, so there shouldn't be a choice not to change."

"What about the will of those who can be changed? It's all well and good that you want to change, but those who can be changed might not care. How do you convince them?"

"Do I have to convince them?"

Brandon tilted his head in genuine confusion. There was no hint of annoyance towards Serena, just a simple lack of understanding of the question's meaning. It was Serena who seemed more frustrated.

"You're trying to drastically change the lives of others, people who have lived differently up until now. Some may have wanted to preserve their previous lives, wishing for a modest continuation of what they had —"

"I said it would break sooner or later even if I didn't do anything. Change is necessary somewhere. Who else can do it? I can, and no one else is trying."

It didn't quite 'connect'.

The focus was off from the start.

I see, I see… This is indeed the "caliber of a king." From a ruler's perspective, Brandon was overwhelmingly correct compared to Serena. Words like "greatest happiness for the greatest number" and related concepts didn't seem to exist here, but Brandon Kruger's ideology was quite close to that.

Not individuals, but the species.

Not humans, but people.

That's what he believes — or perhaps it's not about belief.

He just feels that way.

"...So, do you know nothing about those who have been changed by you?" Serena narrowed her eyes as she asked.

There was a palpable drop in the room's temperature, a sense of tension. But Brandon didn't seem to notice at all.

"I wouldn't say I know nothing. I'd like to change them for the better if possible. Whether I can or not is another story, but either way, it's much better than letting them decay."

There was no guilt, no hesitation, nor an overbearing sense of conviction.

He felt it was the right thing to do — rather than thinking it.

That was the impression I got. While I wouldn't claim to be an expert in observing people, I shouldn't lack the ability to see people to that extent. Brandon Kruger's straightforward logic somehow resonated with me.

The logic is simple.

If left alone, the beastmen will eventually decline to the humans.

At the very least, the beastmen in places beyond the Lion King's reach will soon be invaded by humans, and there will be no help from the Lion King.

So, change that kind of "Beastmen's Country."

Make it a "Beastmen's Country" that it's not.

For that, kill his real father, Randall Kruger.

Kill him, and become king himself.

"Why is that?" I said.

My question seemed too direct, as Brandon found himself tilting his head again. But since I possess the kindness to add an explanation, I continued to speak.

"Why do you want to protect the future of the beastmen? The Lion King, Randall, only cares about his immediate surroundings, right? So, he doesn't care about what happens to the beastmen in distant places and does nothing. You're different. Why?"

"I'm a beastman, the son of the beastman king, and I know various people. Yeah, that's probably it. If I had lived in some village, I might not have thought this way."

As Brandon subtly moved his hands on the table, he turned to face me. His gaze was directed at me, but his consciousness was probably turned inward.

Brandon continued.

"Yeah... that's probably it. I like Lex, for example. Her intellect is rare, and as I thought when I saw her earlier, I have respect for Bruno, the Great Eagle Beastman. Nellest, the Elephant Beastman, is a good guy, and I like Lil, the Wolf Beastman. I also respect Luche, the Rabbit Beastman. There are probably others like them elsewhere, and maybe they'll be born in the future."


I responded with a nonchalant nod, but I found myself somewhat liking Brandon.

Because, in summary, what he's saying is, "I want to benefit the things I like, but I don't care how I'm perceived." That ideology lacks so much humanity yet is so human at the same time.

"Hmm... You asked, didn't you?"

"Well, if I kept saying 'I see' too much to you Brandon, it might have seemed like I wasn't listening, so I changed my agreement."

"I see. So, how about it? I think I've answered your question."

"Regardless, it's as I said earlier."

"...You want to meet my father, huh?"

"Yeah. Brandon Kruger, I kind of understand you now, just a little. You're not bad. So, now it's the Lion King's turn."

"...I still haven't quite figured you out."

"I'm a shy person, so I'm not very good at talking about myself. I hardly have any acquaintances among my kind — well, I guess you could say I only have acquaintances I've connected with through words."

After all, I don't have the option of violence. But I know the powerlessness of words as well.

Junos, Serena, Montego, and the others.

They probably didn't listen to my words all that much at first.

"I'm not sure..."

I smiled at Brandon, who furrowed his brow in puzzlement.

"People judge by actions. It's not about what you say, but what you do. I've seen enough, so now I'll show you."


I am Euphemia Grimwood.

Though, I didn't say such lines because I'm 'shy'.

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