She Really Hates

Chapter 50

Chapter 50:

“Aren’t you going to keep looking?”

Meng Xi got an unexpected surprise, but Su Yuan didn’t find the note paper she wanted in the end.

She and Su Yuan walked out of the warehouse, raised their watch and glanced: “It’s still early.”

“I’m not looking for it anymore.” Su Yuan smiled, “It’s not very important, if you can’t find it, forget it.”

Meng Xi did not persuade any more, she asked, “Where do you go for dinner?”

“You want to accompany me?” Su Yuan said, “Don’t force it. I’ll just go home and have something to eat. If you have something to do, go back early.”

Meng Xi was thinking about Song Zhiyi at home, but Su Yuan said so, could she really leave happily?


“Go back.” Su Yuan sighed, “You are here, but you are absent-minded, you have wanted to go back a long time ago.”

“…Sorry. Is it obvious?”

That would be a little rude.

Although Meng Xi didn’t do it on purpose, it is a fact that she would think of Song Zhiyi when she had free time, and her mind frequently wandered.

Is it obvious? too obvious.

Su Yuan smiled bitterly in her heart.

She thought, because of this, Song Zhiyi was relieved that Meng Xi came to pick him up? People are here, and their minds are not there, so what’s the use?

“It’s alright, you’ve been with me all afternoon.” Su Yuan said warmly, “There will be more chances to see you in the future, don’t rush it for a while. If you have something to do, go do it first.”

She said that for this reason, Meng Xi was not someone who liked to refuse politely. He patted her on the shoulder, “Okay, then I’ll leave Xiao Zhu to help you. I’ll invite you to dinner next time.”

Meng Xi also lent her the car, and planned to take a taxi back.

Su Yuan accompanied her on the roadside waiting for the bus.

“Meng Xi.”


Before getting into the car, Meng Xi was stopped and turned his head back. Su Yuan looked at her and said, “When you have time, call Han Yuming… Let’s have a meal together.”

Meng Xi realized the meaning of “we” for a long time, and smiled suddenly: “It’s agreed.”

She waved her hand dashingly, got into a taxi and disappeared at the end of the street.

Su Yuan spread her palms.

There was a ball of light blue sticky notes in her palm, which read:

“And you are the best and the best in the world”.

Young wishes always seem naive. When Meng Xi showed that uncontrollable smile at the heart-shaped sticky note, she knew that it would be useless even if she found it.

Meng Xi returned to the apartment.

She opened the door, the room was quiet, and even Sprite, who was full of energy every day, lost her enthusiasm, but just stood not far away and gave her a low “woo…”.

“What, where is it uncomfortable?” Meng Xi turned on the light, changed his slippers and went to lick it.

Her movement is not small, but there is no response in the second bedroom… Has Song Zhiyi rested? So early?

Meng Xi wanted to go to Song Zhiyi’s bedroom to check the situation, but the corner of his clothes was bitten and dragged in another direction.

As soon as she turned her head, she saw a ball of artificial plush on the sofa in the living room—Song Zhiyi was wrapped in a blanket and fell asleep there.

how to sleep here…

Meng Xi put aside Sprite and walked over lightly. It’s not too surprising—the sofa in the living room was specially customized by Meng Xi, and it’s really comfortable. She herself often falls asleep here. It’s just that Song Zhiyi did this instead, which inexplicably made people feel some wonderful tenderness in their hearts.

Song Zhiyi seemed to be afraid of the cold.

She wrapped the blanket tightly, her body shrunk into a ball, only her white and soft cheeks were exposed, perhaps because she was not sleeping comfortably, her brows were slightly frowned, her head was resting on the armrest of the sofa, and her black hair was slightly messy. .

Meng Xi smiled silently, and couldn’t help reaching out to touch her face… The tentacles were a little hot. She was startled, and when she saw the unnatural blush on Song Zhiyi’s face, she realized that she had a low-grade fever.

“Zhiyi, Song Zhiyi? Teacher Song? Girlfriend!”


Song Zhiyi was woken up by her, and she opened her eyes blankly, her eyes were slightly red due to the low-grade fever, and the water was vague, as if she was about to cry, which caused pity.

When she saw Meng Xi, she hugged him not soberly. Her voice was vague and soft: “Meng Xi? You’re back…”

“It’s me, I’m back.”

Meng Xi’s heart suddenly softened, and she was glad that she came back early, “You have a fever, do you know? Get up first, let’s go to the hospital… Forget it, let’s go back to the room and lie down. I’ll call Dr. Zhang.”


The embrace was too real, Song Zhiyi slowly woke up a little, and turned to push her away: “It’s okay, I’ve taken medicine… Don’t get too close, I’ll give it to you.”

It’s really a slap in the face, who was the first to hold it just now?

Meng Xi saw the medicine and lunch box that had been removed on the coffee table, but was not very relieved: “I have a fever, let him hang some water for you.” He couldn’t help but hug her, “I will exercise when I have time. Yes, your physique is much better than yours, but your body is a little weak.”

I don’t know if it’s true or not, but it’s true that Song Zhiyi is ill and has no strength in his hands.

She couldn’t push Meng Xi away, so she could only say, “Don’t make trouble, let me go back to the room.”

Meng Xi had to temporarily let her go.

She drove Song Zhiyi back to the bedroom to lie down, called the family doctor, and asked, “Have you eaten dinner?”

Song Zhiyi shook his head.

Meng Xi said, “I just didn’t eat it. The sick meal should be lighter. I’ll go and make a porridge for you.”

She said she was going to stand up, but halfway up, her hand was caught. Song Zhiyi stretched out his hand from the quilt and grabbed her.

Her hand was also hot, soft like a lump of solidified water, softly hooked on Meng Xi’s palm, with little strength, but it was impossible for her to move.

“What’s wrong?”

“Don’t go…” Song Zhiyi spoke in a nasal voice, but softly, as if muttering to himself, “Stay with me for a while.”

Meng Xiji was so softhearted that she sat down beside the bed: “If you don’t go, I won’t go. I’ll let Xiao Zhu order takeout.” Seeing that Song Zhiyi was still holding her hand, she couldn’t help but sighed with a smile and ridiculed her. , “You can’t leave me like this, you didn’t let me come back before.”

Song Zhiyi didn’t speak, just held her hand to her cheek and closed her eyes gently.

As if to draw courage from this action, or to gain a sense of stability, her hands tightened.

The air was flowing quietly, and Meng Xi seemed to sense her complicated feelings, and suddenly said, “It’s alright.”


“I won’t leave you again.” Meng Xi sighed and held her hand instead, “I said, no matter what happens, we will face it together. Don’t say that Han Yuming is fine this time, if something happens, that’s us too. Two people’s responsibility.”

“Girlfriend, are you afraid that I will blame you? Don’t be afraid, no.”


Perhaps it is true that after a person is sick, the body will defend against the virus, and the spirit will become fragile.

Because of her words, Song Zhiyi’s eyes suddenly became sour.

She blinked twice, trying to hide her tears away.

But the tears couldn’t be held back. The water light in her eyes condensed into water droplets in the blink of an eye, and fell down like a drop of transparent glass, shattering on the fingers of the two of them.

Meng Xi was stunned.

The tears were warm and hit Meng Xi’s skin, but she seemed to be scalded by a spark, and she retracted her fingers reflexively.

“What, what’s the matter?” Meng Xi panicked, “Is it hard? It’s burning badly?”

This is Song Zhiyi.

Meng Xi was in a panic, and couldn’t help but recall – this seemed to be the first time she saw Song Zhiyi cry.

Whether it was Song Zhiyi, who was embarrassed at the door of the store, or Song Zhiyi, who was wandering like a ghost in the snowy day… He never cried.

It seems that no matter how big things happen, even if the world is about to be destroyed in the next second, she can keep calm. Not to mention tears, even a little bit of true mood can be controlled well, and it will not be revealed and let people seize the weakness.

Such Song Zhiyi, Meng Xi made her cry.

What is hard to tell is that at this moment, Meng Xi’s fingers were dipped in her wet tears, but she seemed to really feel the weight of her feelings, and felt a little bit of sweet coursing about it.

Song Zhiyi shed tears for her.

– This thing can have such a large lethality.

“Stop crying,” Meng Xi didn’t know whether to be happy or anxious for a while, and threatened her in a chaotic manner, “Cry again and I’ll kiss you.”

After she finished speaking, she really leaned over to kiss, but was avoided by Song Zhiyi, who was smiling through tears.

But that smile only bloomed for a moment. Song Zhiyi didn’t move away, but hugged her neck, her face pressed against her collarbone, with a soft dampness.


She said softly, “Meng Xi, I’m sorry.”

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