She Really Hates

Chapter 4

Chapter 4:

Meng Xi returned home.

As soon as the door was opened, a large mass of white fluffy fluff burst out, wagging its tail and arching towards her.

Meng Xi pushed it away against its forehead: “It’s alright, don’t stick to it… Get out of the way, I’ll change my shoes. Xue Bi, sit down!”


At the command, the enthusiastic Samoyed took a step back reluctantly, sat down and looked at her with the wet dog.

Meng Xi pressed its head and rubbed it, then changed his shoes and went into the house.

There was a faint smell of food in the kitchen, and the housekeeper had already gone back and posted a note on the shoe cabinet.

After reading it, Meng Xi tore it off and threw it away. Passing by the living room, there was an unsealed bottle of Yunnan Baiyao on the coffee table. She paused, turned her steps, and walked over there.

In fact, several days have passed, and her little wound has been almost healed.

But… there’s no harm in spraying for two more days, right?

Meng Xi inserted the USB flash drive brought back from the company into the computer.

The company’s newly developed action game “Inhumans” was preparing for internal testing. Meng Xi, as the boss, got the demo version before everyone else.

This is the purest joy of being a game company owner—

You can invest in your favorite plan, get the qualification for internal testing as soon as possible, and participate in individual R&D work… Isn’t this the dream of every game lover!

Whether it’s someone else’s or not, it’s hers anyway, and it’s been realized.

Meng Xi opened the game in a comfortable mood.

She often inquires about the progress of the project, and occasionally goes to the project team to do errands, so she knows every part of the game very well. But the finished product is really displayed in front of you, and it is a completely different feeling.

Specifically, she quickly forgot about the test and was directly addicted…

At twelve o’clock in the middle of the night, Meng Xi rubbed his sore eyes.

The plot of the game has developed to the point where the protagonist is being chased and killed in the wind and snow in order to save his companions…

Meng Xi has made a lot of work in the development of “The Alien”, and the production of the game’s soundtrack is the famous symphony orchestra in China.

This plot is the key plot in the current version. The background music is a variation of the usual battle song, but it may be that I am a little tired after playing for too long, or the touch of the potion still remains on my feet…

Meng Xi looked at the blank picture on the screen, and always felt that the tense and sad music in her ears lacked a little flavor.

… “Winter Wind”.

Meng Xi inevitably remembered the piano music he heard that day.

These two words seemed to be under some spell, accompanied by the chilling and passionate sound group in her memory, and accompanied by Song Zhiyi’s indifferent glance, they played in her mind on a loop…

Meng Xihun played this level reluctantly, and was not in the mood to continue playing.

Unable to ignore the brainwashing cycle in her head, she put the mouse away distractedly, leaned back, and clicked her tongue.

Isn’t it winter wind?

Song Zhiyi is not the only one who can play!

However, within a few days, Meng Xi heard the words “Song Zhiyi” in the mouth of the person in charge of the music department.

“…What did you say?”

Meng Xi raised his head in disbelief.

The person in charge apparently also felt that the matter was very magical, and said with difficulty: “It was proposed to adapt a version of Winter Wind for the story of the Snow Witch, and the orchestra contacted Miss Song Zhiyi Song to participate in the recording. Now Miss Song’s agency is taking the initiative to contact us and propose In the future, she can cooperate with the game promotion unconditionally, but she wants to visit the project team for a day, if possible, it is best to try the game.”

Meng Xi: “…”

The person in charge made a joke: “Maybe Miss Song is also a fan of our game?”

Meng Xi was not laughed at: “…”

Does Song Zhiyi know how to play games?

Not at least six years ago. And it’s not an ordinary “can’t play games”, she doesn’t even know what it is!

What is she trying to do?

Meng Xi was confused.

On the day Song Zhiyi came to visit, Meng Xi got up early and arrived at the company.

It’s useless to come early though. Throughout the morning, her office efficiency was extremely low. Basically every half hour, she stood up and walked around the floor-to-ceiling windows to look at the parking lot downstairs.

In the end, Song Zhiyi didn’t arrive until the lunch break passed.

She came in a silver Maybach.

Meng Xi locked her at a glance from a distance – that kind of unique pretentious temperament can never be wrong.

After she got out of the car, a man came down from the driver’s seat, and the two hugged…

Meng Xi’s eyes sharpened.


She looked over there from a distance, her eyes were picky: she wasn’t tall, her figure was not good, and her face was too far apart to see clearly, but when it was put into the crowd, it immediately took away the crowd’s temperament, maybe it was just normal … Song Zhiyi’s eyesight is too bad, huh.

Xiao Zhu came in with coffee: “…”

He asked thoughtfully, “Boss, do you need me to get a telescope?”

The two below have been separated.

Meng Xi glanced back at him: “What are you thinking about all day? Let me ease my eyesight. Why do I need a telescope?”

She sat back indifferently behind the desk and read the document. She didn’t finish reading a page in ten minutes. When the internal phone rang, she answered it immediately: “What’s the matter? Oh…I see, let her wait for a while.”

Song Zhiyi came.

Meng Xi casually put down the documents, took care of his clothes, walked to the reception room, knocked on the door, and pushed in.

The reception room is well lit.

Song Zhiyi sat on the sofa, the bright sunlight cast a halo on her hair, turned her head to see Meng Xi, and there was a hint of surprise in her clear eyes.

“Mr. Meng?”

Meng Xi nodded reservedly: “Miss Song, long time no see.”

“haven’t seen you for a long time.”

Song Zhiyi stood up with a smile: “I didn’t expect President Meng to receive me in person. It’s such an honor.”

Her eyes reflected light, transparent and clear, without a trace of impurities. Even if it is polite, it sounds like it is sincere.

Rao is Meng Xi, who knows her camouflage skills, and can hardly hold her casual face: “Cough, I happen to be free. Come on, aren’t you here to visit?”

– Courtesy, they are all polite, maybe there is a sense of sarcasm that she is not doing a proper job and has nothing to do.

Meng Xi walked in front, adjusting his facial expression, Song Zhiyi’s light footsteps followed from behind.

The R&D department is ready.

In fact, there is nothing to visit – although Song Zhiyi signed a non-disclosure agreement before coming here, things that are too confidential will definitely not be shown to outsiders casually, but they just revealed in advance the content that will be used for publicity later.

It is very meaningful to those who follow this game, but Song Zhiyi and Meng Xi listened to her chatting with the production staff. I am afraid they didn’t even understand what an “action game” is. It can be said that the visit was lonely.

However, she turned around and chatted happily with the people in the R&D department.

After the visit, the staff set up a booth for Song Zhiyi to try the game. Someone joked, “Mr. Song, do you want to play with me professionally? You can ask me any questions.”

Song Zhiyi glanced at Meng Xi with a smile: “You are open and honest in front of the boss, you are not afraid of being scolded.”

“Why don’t we say that our boss is kind-hearted, isn’t that Mr. Meng?”

Meng Xi: “…”

Thanks to her usual personal style, the people below are not very afraid of her.

Meng Xi felt that she had lost her face in front of Song Zhiyi, and said angrily: “It’s useless to flatter me. I’m going to get out of the way, and the bonus for this month if I don’t go to work now is zero!”

The people around immediately dispersed in a huff.

Meng Xi turned her head, Song Zhiyi pursed her lips and looked at her and smiled, making her whole body feel wrong.

Song Zhiyi said, “Mr. Meng, everyone is scared away, will you guide me?”

“What’s wrong?”

Meng Xixin said, it is because they are all bewitched by your appearance, so I can only feel relieved if I come by myself? No one else can ask for this kind of treatment!

She called out the game and logged into the internal account.

Song Zhiyi sat in front of the computer and asked while waiting for the game to load, “Isn’t this a mobile game like Survivor?”

Meng Xi glanced at her unexpectedly.

The compartment was quiet, and when no one was talking, the humming sound of the main computer was clear.

Song Zhiyi’s voice was also very quiet and normal, just casually talking about it.

Meng Xi actually felt as if they were separated from each other – she couldn’t remember how long ago they last got along so peacefully and naturally.

“The mobile phone will also be connected, and multi-platform data exchange.” Meng Xi heard his calm answer.

It’s amazing that after going back and forth so casually, the defensiveness in her heart seemed to have eased a little with the words she said.

After the game is loaded, the computer screen dims and then slowly lights up again.

The first time you log in, the opening animation will be played – with the sound of the horn, the tip of the gun is condensed with dazzling lines, stabbing with the momentum that almost pierces the screen! Hang up someone’s broken body.

The camera slowly zoomed out, the setting sun was like blood, the sky was dark, and the two sides fought fiercely on the battlefield where corpses were everywhere.

One of them is dressed in different clothes, with a variety of weapons, using dazzling spells; the other is uniform in white, the front is wearing silver chain armor, and the scepter in the back of the mage emits white light.

At the end of the dazzling fighting animation, it ends with a huge explosion of white light, and it is the man in white who wins.

The camera slowly moved up, the cloudy sky became clear, and then the sound of running and the girl’s breathing sounded, and the scene turned, in the deep jungle, the young silver-haired girl ran forward in embarrassment, chasing many silver armors behind. man in white.

She grabbed the air hastily, the road in front of her swayed and blurred, and suddenly she tripped over a tree root and fell to the ground.

At this moment, the arrow was shot!

The girl turned her head, her icy blue pupils reflected the hurried arrows—ka! Such as the broken ice layer, the broken ice crystals fly, revealing the sharp logo below—


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