She Quit the Air Bag

Chapter 56 - After stealing the dragon and turning the phoenix (fourth chapter)

Ning Chuxia was wearing a simple gray shirt with a floral silk scarf, and a plaid skirt over her knees, looking laid-back.

The central air conditioner in the venue has long been turned on, and the room temperature has been adjusted to the most suitable temperature. The seats that have been arranged in advance are placed in rows, and the words “Artwork Special” have been projected on the curtain in front of the stage.

Before the auction officially started, Ning Chuxia was about to go forward when she heard someone call her name.

She looked back in surprise, and sure enough, it was Tang Haizheng who called her.

“Mr. Tang. Why are you here?” Ning Chuxia walked over and greeted Tang Haizheng.

Of course, she knew that Tang Haizheng was here. Whether it was the person in charge of registering and entertaining at the door, or the employees of the company in the venue, they would definitely report the situation of the guests.

“Let’s take some pictures.” Tang Haizheng pretended to be mysterious, “You are a rare visitor. I have been here several times before, and I have never met you.”

Many wealthy businessmen in China have hired a special person to do the auction. They will mark out what they want on the brochure in advance, report the highest price they can accept to the agent, and then the agent will come to the auction. This is their Most of them are very busy. They usually fly everywhere, and they don’t want to tie themselves to one place. Second, the wealthy domestic businessmen advocate low-key behavior and don’t like to show off their wealth. It’s not suitable for me to auction on the spot.

This also led to the fact that in the past, when the bidding price for something continued to increase, the agent hurriedly contacted the behind-the-scenes boss.

Generally, these wealthy businessmen will go out in person only when they are bound to win something and they have ample time.

Of course, if I find a suitable agent or I want to experience it myself, I will come over in person.

Ning Chuxia chuckled: “Today is a bit special. I have two paintings to sell at this auction, so I’ll come and have a look.”

Although she owns the shares of this auction house, Ning Chuxia usually reads the financial report and holds online meetings, and she rarely comes here.

Tang Hai was thinking about it for a while, but still smiled and said: “I saw it, your painting on the brochure is very far back.” Saying that he didn’t see it was a bit false.

The last one to be placed tonight is the study of a deceased well-known painter. In some small museums, it can be regarded as a treasure of the town hall. Even in some large painting auction venues, it is estimated that this painting can still prevail.

The penultimate appearances are the works of art by well-known contemporary artists. His installation works always sell for sky-high prices at relevant auctions, but not many people can appreciate his works in China, which is why they are ranked second. .

Going forward, it is naturally the two paintings by Ning Chuxia. She is one of the living painters in China. The existing paintings are of a stable level and the prices in the international market tend to rise continuously. The only thing that affects her price breakthrough is her. There may be changes in the style of painting in the future, and because she is still young and has a relatively stable output of paintings, the rare is the most expensive, and the ones that can be recreated are always slightly worse.

It takes skill to flatter people.

Tang Haizheng knew very well how to please the painter: “It seems that our older generation has to obey the old age, you see, you are so young and promising, it is estimated that in a few years, your paintings will be the last to appear every time. Anyone who buys a painting will make a profit, and over time, it must be a financial product that can make a steady profit without losing money.”

When Tang Hai was receiving the news of the price increase, he felt depressed, but when he heard that the agent told him that there were two more items that could be used as the finale, he immediately relaxed.

He knows very well that the more similar high-priced auctions there are, the less competition there will be. There are not many people in China who can directly round up the auctions. This is a huge opportunity to find out.

So even though Tang Haizheng had prepared more money, he still had a wonderful premonition that he could pick up a bargain.

“This is your blessing.” Ning Chuxia smiled, Tang Haizheng was indeed a successful businessman, and he would not let go without seeing the benefits.

She is not Jiang Taigong, Ning Taigong still has to give some bait for fishing.

“Actually, I quite hope that the two paintings at night will pass the auction.” Ning Chuxia looked at the auction table, and seemed to have no intention of saying it.

Tang Haizheng was stunned for a moment, then quickly looked at Ning Chuxia: “Chuxia, why do you say that?”

Ning Chuxia brushed her hair, and her smile was green and embarrassed: “Mr. Tang, you know, I have been feeling a lot during this time. These two works are both a vent for me, and they are a bit special. If I hadn’t promised my senior brother, I would have thought about taking these two works back by myself.”

She sighed: “Sometimes the most troublesome thing is human feelings. After all, this auction house is not mine alone. It must be important to promote the quality of the auction items. If you have agreed to provide two paintings, you must provide them, and I’m in the auction house, and I don’t really care about the facts, I usually focus on galleries.”

This is to bully Tang Haizheng for not knowing the actual operation of the auction house. In fact, her senior brother respects Ning Chuxia’s ideas and will let Ning Chuxia know about everything.

Not to mention that she was reluctant to take two paintings, if Ning Chuxia told her senior brother that she was going to retreat for three years and five years and didn’t want to sell the paintings, they would not refuse.

Money can still be made, but there is only one junior sister.

Tang Haizheng breathed a sigh of relief, he was startled just now, if Ning Chuxia told her that these two paintings were works she was not satisfied with and that she no longer wanted them, then he would vomit blood on the spot, and then the money would not be able to buy it. The best is the worst.

“I understand.” Tang Haizheng found a reason for Ning Chuxia himself. As an auction house person, if Ning Chuxia went to buy his own paintings and was found out, he would definitely be suspected of money laundering, hype about the auction house, and hype. My own worth… This is obviously not good.

No wonder the starting price was raised before. Maybe this is what Ning Chuxia asked, because she was reluctant to bear these two paintings.

“That was really difficult.”

Ning Chuxia looked at the changing expression in Tang Haizheng’s eyes and was amused. She had prepared several plans for today’s auction, but she didn’t know which way Tang Haizheng would take.

“I’ll wait and go back first.” Ning Chuxia gave an unbearable look, “I originally wanted to come and see how it is today, but with so many people here, I’m afraid it will be difficult to pass the film.”

“Okay.” Tang Haizheng agreed immediately, and then watched Ning Chuxia go to the front to chat with the auctioneer and the person in charge of the branch before leaving.

He calmly sat back in the chair marked with the number, next to the agent who had been quietly watching the phone.

Just now, he thought of the upgraded version of the operation.

This is a gift, naturally it must be carefully!

Ning Chuxia got out of the auction and got on the car home. The online live URL linked by the trustee in advance had been sent to the mobile phone.

The camera is linked to the surveillance camera of the scene, so that Ning Chuxia can see the whole scene of the scene.

She cut a few shots before she cut to the one closest to Tang Haizheng, just in time to the house that had been cleaned up. Ning Chuxia sat down in a leisurely manner, watching dramas, reading books, and occasionally checking the progress of the auction with the corner of her eye.

The fruit on the table has been eaten, and the melon seeds have been knocked for a round.

Ning Chuxia saw that the lot that she had marked in advance finally came out. After this lot was auctioned, there were two more lots before it came to Ning Chuxia’s paintings.

Until now, Tang Haizheng and the agents around him have been sitting on the Diaoyutai Station, motionless as a mountain, and they have no interest in the auction.

This information also needs to pay attention to the timing.

Too coincidental, it is easy to be suspicious; too late, and the opportunity is missed.

She lowered her head slightly, copied a screenshot, and sent it to the WeChat account marked Tang Haizheng.

What is this called? Ning Chuxia laughed twice: “Your pre-ordered meal plan is being delivered.” This was just right.

Tang Haizheng, who is still at the auction venue, is very patient. He occasionally talks to the agent around him about the price tonight.

The prices of the auction items in tonight’s auction are generally normal, and no auctions have been passed so far. Tang Haizheng took a general look at the person holding the placard and could not see any problems.

Very safe, he suddenly caught a glimpse of the phone screen lit up.

It was news from Ning Chuxia.

——”Mr. Tang, I have received a lot of help from you during this time. I really don’t know how to repay you. I originally wanted to give you a painting, but recently you also know that my painting status is average, and I only draw simple sketches. The genre is okay, but the large-scale works are a bit slow.”

——”I remember telling you last time that Senior Brother Gu will introduce you to you when he comes. It just so happens that Senior Brother Gu will come to S City to sign an agreement in two weeks. Talk about the situation. [Image]”

This screenshot posted by Ning Chuxia is a chat record between her and her senior brother Gu.

The picture is random, and even the contact name is displayed as “inputting”.

In the picture, she told her senior brother in a coquettish tone that she met a fellow villager who treated her very well, took care of her and helped her a lot, and even invited her to dinner.

As a senior brother, Tang Haizheng recognized the avatar, which was the logo of Gu’s group. First, he asked a few questions about Mr. Tang’s situation, especially his age, and he looked uneasy.

Seeing this, Tang Haizheng also finds it funny. At his age, he no longer expects his masculine charm, and he knows it well, whether it is the woman he raised outside or the girl who treats him intimately and proactively on weekdays, then To say that it is not for money is a lie.

He is not a real gentleman, even if he is an adult girl younger than his son, he can do it, but the problem is that he is not a sperm, why should he think about Ning Chuxia? Wouldn’t it be more beautiful to recognize a goddaughter, and it would save Ning Chuxia’s teacher’s anger after knowing it.

After Ning Chuxia told Tang Haizheng’s age, the senior Gu was relieved, and then he said that he had heard Tang’s name several times. Come, I can meet with Tang Haizheng at that time, and if it is appropriate, we can talk about cooperation, so that Ning Chuxia doesn’t have to worry, just concentrate on painting.

In the following one, he was concerned about Ning Chuxia’s painting, Tang Haizheng didn’t care, he was only attracted by the phrase that he could consider cooperation.

Ning Chuxia really has a bunch of really good senior brothers! Even if she casually said that she didn’t know how to repay, she had to help repay her kindness.

Tang Haizheng felt that his foresight and foresight had been affirmed again, and sure enough, his eyes were right, Ning Chuxia was a high-yield gold mine!

He was thinking about something, and his hand was suddenly tapped: “Mr. Tang, the painting you want…”

As soon as Tang Haizheng looked up, he saw the auctioneer explaining that the two paintings were created at about the same time, and because of the coherence, the author himself hoped that the two paintings could be packaged and sold together.

Tang Haizheng frowned at first, and then relaxed. He originally wanted to take both pictures, but now this bundled sale saves a lot of trouble, and it also makes him less competitors.

Relaxed, he didn’t even listen to the auctioneer’s explanation. Does it matter whether the painting is good or bad? Today he must get these two paintings.

He sat confidently with his hands crossed, nodded at the agent, and in a few minutes the painting would be his.

As soon as the auctioneer announced the start, there was an immediate bid.

After hearing the number quoted by the auctioneer, Tang Haizheng’s relaxed expression immediately froze.

Wait, this number isn’t him!

But it’s normal for someone to grab it, isn’t it just a bid? Who is he afraid of? Tang Haizheng calmly motioned the agent to continue to follow up.

Anyone else steal? Normally, this good thing is always wanted by many people, keep adding it!

All Tang Haizheng’s calmness gradually faded as the bidding abyss continued to deepen. He couldn’t help but turn his head and looked at the few who followed the bidding price one after another.

There are all agents sitting there, and everyone is very good at acting, and it is impossible to tell if they have reached their bottom price just by looking at their faces.

Seeing that the market price is about to reach, but there are still two people who are unwilling to let go, Tang Haizheng’s face has become serious, and he has begun to discuss with the agent.

He prepared enough money, but this was money from his private account. Tang Haizheng had to support a lot of people, and he was full of money inside and out. Without such a liquid fund, he would of course be hurt.

But no matter what he thought or how he secretly scolded the few people who followed the price increase for not knowing how to do it, not knowing the rules, the other party completely ignored what he meant, just in front of a ruthless card-raising machine.

Tang Haizheng’s heart was about to explode. Due to his rising emotions, he could feel the heat rising from his face, and he didn’t even need to look at him to know that his face was definitely red.

But he really couldn’t let it go.

Ning Chuxia is an artist, simple and easy to fool, but several of her senior brothers are businessmen. If you don’t show the sincerity of doing things with money, people will see you just relying on your mouth and tell you. Two thanks for being close to you.

Although they are all rewards, there are also grades of rewards.

With the cool night breeze blowing, Ning Chuxia stretched lazily.

It’s a pity that the surveillance camera can’t be zoomed in and zoomed in. Although it is very clear, it can only roughly see Tang Haizheng’s anxiety.

She slowly and successively sent the signal to stop, and then she looked at Tang Haizheng with a sigh of relief, and she had to squeeze a smile and thank everyone with fists.

That’s right, the people who just made a bid with Tang Haizheng were all other agents specially hired by Ning Chuxia. She used the names of several senior brothers to find them, and the reserve prices were also very high, with a premium of 12%, 8%, 4%, and because of their hard work, Tang Haizheng had to pay a premium of nearly 15% to buy this painting. Don’t ask, it must hurt, but I haven’t responded yet. Just over god.

He can’t show his timidity yet, otherwise he will admit that he has been impulsively taken advantage of and suffered a loss. It is not good for him to go to such an occasion.

Ning Chuxia felt that she had heard the sound of gold coins being pocketed, which was crisp and pleasant.

Really don’t say, this free money is just to make people happy.

As for why you say white…

When the phone rang, Ning Chuxia looked over and laughed unpredictably.

Didn’t the person who sent the money come again?

Tang Hai was sitting in the car and opened the window directly, letting the wind blow in.

“He said that in the wind and rain, those pains are nothing, don’t be afraid to wipe away your tears, at least we still have dreams…” (Note 1)

Listening to the lyrics of Xiao Wang Fang’s “Sailor”, Tang Haizheng felt a pain in his face.

He felt that he was in a lot of pain today. When his eyes were red, he didn’t know how much money he had called. After seeing it, he felt a headache.

Thinking that he can’t even continue to greet those friends in the future, it’s a little annoying.

“Xiao Wang, change the song.” Tang Haizheng really couldn’t listen to this **** inspirational song. No matter how he listened to it tonight, it was full of irony.

Xiao Wangcong changed the song smoothly, and the music of “Great Compassion Mantra” sounded in the carriage.


Tang Haizheng really felt that he was in a bad mood today, and the music was against him.

Although the Buddhist scriptures became peaceful after listening to them, why did he feel that this song was also quite mocking at this moment?

When he arrived at his destination, Tang Haizheng looked at his condition in the mirror of the car, confirmed that he looked normal, and called Ning Chuxia.

The community where Ning Chuxia lives is a well-known high-priced luxury residential area in S City. There is a carrot and a pit in it. As soon as the house is listed, it will be sold soon.

Tang Haizheng moved his family to S City a little late in the new year, and naturally he couldn’t buy it. Although he lives in a high-priced villa, the decoration and layout are not much worse than this mansion, but it is always a bit worse.

Seeing such a community, Tang Haizheng’s mood suddenly calmed down.

Ning Chuxia’s senior brothers are really kind to her, and they are all dragons among people. Ning Chuxia has never seen anything good. It is also a good thing for him to spend some money to buy a road.

Thinking about it like that, it doesn’t seem to hurt anymore.

Ning Chuxia came down quickly. She wore a simple set of pajamas, casually draped a thin windbreaker, and her hair was loosely tied, so she could see that she was very relaxed at home.

“Mr. Tang, why are you here specially?” Ning Chuxia looked at Tang Haizheng with a puzzled expression, “You want to give me something, why didn’t you just call me to wait for you?”

She added: “And I really don’t need to give me anything. You have taken care of me enough. How can I repay you like this?”

Tang Haizheng has the appearance of a big entrepreneur, and he looks like a big man. As soon as he waved to Xiao Wang, Xiao Wang trotted around to the back and opened the trunk.

Tang Haizheng said with a smile: “I also came today to return the property to the original owner. People say that the sword is given to the hero. A good painter like you should naturally keep the paintings you like.”

Ning Chuxia understood it immediately, and went to the trunk in surprise. The painting, which was completely stuffed by the protective material, could vaguely see some colors through the bubble pad: “This is…”

“This is your painting. The two pictures I took tonight.” Tang Haizheng was very proud. Seeing Ning Chuxia’s happy appearance, he knew that everything was stable. It was sustainable development if it made a profit or a loss!

Ning Chuxia was surprised: “The auction house told me just now that someone took my painting at a high price, is that you?” She immediately frowned, “But you…you have spent too much money, how can I What about taking these for nothing? No, I’ll transfer the money to you!”

Tang Haizheng knew that Ning Chuxia wouldn’t accept it, so why would it be a matter of knowledge to give gifts?

“Chuxia, I don’t like to hear your words. This auction is for a cut. You really don’t have much money in your hands. This time, you will lose money. If you are like this, I will give you a gift. It’s a mistake.” Tang Haizheng was serious, “If you still look at my old Tang’s face, you will take this painting, I don’t care about money when making friends!”

Ning Chuxia looked apprehensive: “But this…”

“It’s nothing but.” Tang Haizheng made a color, Xiao Wang had already taken the painting out of the car, and was standing next to Ning Chuxia, ready to wait for her command to help send the painting up, “You think I am a long-term investment, I am here. I believe in your potential! If you talk about money, then when you said you wanted to send me a painting, I didn’t say you wanted to give me money. Shouldn’t you have any opinion on me? You think, I’m taking advantage of you, and you don’t pay it back Take the initiative to help and say that you want to introduce me to your senior brother?”

The key purpose of this gift should not be lost. After a circle, Tang Haizheng did not forget to ask a question.

Ning Chuxia pushed back a few more rounds before accepting the painting embarrassedly. She took Xiao Wang to carry the painting upstairs. As soon as Xiao Wang left, she sent Tang Haizheng a long thank you message.

Complimentary paintings are well-written and well-written, just make up whatever you want. Anyway, everyone is hypocritical.

As soon as the message was sent, Ning Chuxia couldn’t help rolling around with laughter while sitting on the sofa and hugging the pillow.

People come back after all the money is gone. She should be called a boomerang-like painting. She shoots it out and makes a circle, and will automatically navigate the way back, and she also brought a sum of money along the way.

Ning Chuxia had absolutely no idea of ​​collecting money to help others. She took the two bait paintings apart and put them back together again. Under her constant guidance, Mr. Tang walked through the first line perfectly.

Not only does she want to make Tang Haizheng’s money, she doesn’t even leave him paintings that may increase in price in the future, that’s all.

Thinking of this, Ning Chuxia lowered her head and sent out another message.

The other long line, when it’s time to close the hook, can pull up a big fish that is too fat to run away with just a gentle pull.

It’s just that she has to watch it slowly, when it hurts the most to puncture the inflated balloon.

When Tang Xinhan returned home, he saw his mother instructing the housemaids to arrange and clean the house.

Any corners that are not usually cared for, and even the few weeds in the garden have been pulled clean.

He didn’t show it on his face, but the hand in his pocket clenched into a fist subconsciously.

The mother’s serious preparation looks like she is expecting her daughter to come home?

Tang Xinhan knows how many people think about their children and grandchildren when they are old. Although Zhao Yiyue usually doesn’t see this tendency, but what if? What if she regrets it?

“Mom, I’m back.” The more emotions in his heart, the more calm he had to pretend on the surface.

Zhao Yiyue turned back and nodded to her son with a sore back. When she saw the sensible Tang Xinhan, she couldn’t help but be angry with her own daughter who was ignorant and caused trouble for her.

Zhao Yiyue has privately helped her brother many times. She has misappropriated a lot of the family’s fixed funds. Tang Haizheng not only deducted her money these days, but also checked the accounts.

Fortunately, Zhao Yiyue can occasionally lose her temper on weekdays and divert her husband’s attention on the pretext that her husband doesn’t believe her. This may be another scolding battle.

But with this seedling ahead, my husband went home early this afternoon, and immediately lost his temper when she saw that she didn’t even tidy up the house. No, Zhao Yiyue not only had to be the commander-in-chief, but also had to fight in person.

God knows how tired she is, and it’s to entertain her most unwelcome Ning Chuxia!

Thinking of this, Zhao Yiyue became more anxious. She and her brother discussed 800 plans and then overturned them, but they couldn’t think of a suitable solution.

In the original plan, they hoped that the Ning family would go to see Ning Chuxia first, to roll around on the spot and make all kinds of trouble.

The average person can’t fight a shameless person. They don’t believe that an artist like Ning Chuxia can stand it. Every day, there are people crying and making troubles downstairs in their gallery. Ning Chuxia will definitely leave. S city, as long as they can leave, why should they worry?

If Ning Chuxia was ruthless enough to call the police, it would be even easier. They would help find one-stop service from the media, news, and TV stations, and properly publicize that the adopted daughter abandoned her adoptive parents and ran away from home for several years. Zhao Yiyue and her younger brother confirmed it. The family’s reputation among the neighbors is not bad on weekdays, and they are quite simple and honest, and they can always win the public opinion.

As for what if the Ning family was scolded afterwards? Zhao Yiyue was also cruel and gave a sum of money. They agreed with the Ning family that if they were really scolded, they were willing to give another one or two million as physical and mental damages.

This idea was a beautiful idea, but I didn’t think Tang Haizheng and Ning Chuxia were so good that they wanted to marry him.

They have slept together for so many years. Although they have different dreams in the same bed, they know each other well enough. Zhao Yiyue knows that if Tang Haizheng knows about the trouble at Ning Chuxia Gallery, he will definitely help. With his ability, if he really wants to help, in case Zhao Yifei is found out Something happened to Zhao Yiyue.

Well, this sure-fire strategy can only be put on hold. That day, Zhao Yiyue quickly asked her brother to stop the Ning family who were about to leave.

Tang Xinhan, who was already upstairs, looked at the number in his phone.

In order to avoid being discovered by his family, Tang Xinhan had already stored the Ning family’s phone number as “Huaguo Telecom”, so that even if he saw the call records, he would not be suspicious.

He was very troubled at the moment where he was rubbing his hand to make a call, and he was also a little at a loss as to what to do next.

His original plan was to follow Zhao Yiyue’s plan, let her be the vanguard, and he would follow behind, but Zhao Yiyue suddenly stopped.

He still had to guess, whether Zhao Yiyue called to stop after knowing it, or for other reasons.

Tang Xinhan looked at Zhao Yiyue with scrutiny in his eyes. He always felt that there was a great possibility no matter how he looked at it. At this time, he could only guess.

Thinking of this, he hurriedly sent another message to Bai Minmin.

Bai Minmin sent a message just before he approached his house.

“I’m going to your house for dinner in early summer today, you have to help me take care of her!”

Tang Xinhan naturally saw it at the time, but he really didn’t want to go back, but now that he has regained his strength, he can naturally give an affectionate reply with a calm expression: “Understood, I must take good care of her.”

Money is hard to make, **** is hard to eat.

Tang Xinhan really understood the truth. He used to coax the eldest young lady, but he didn’t expect that even Ning Chuxia would have to “take care” together.

But don’t be afraid, Tang Xinhan has already thought of a way, women are most likely to be jealous of each other.

After tonight, he would hesitate to tell Bai Minmin what the family wanted to introduce to him, but he justly refused.

As long as you work hard, there is no relationship that can’t be destroyed. He doesn’t believe it. He hints that Ning Chuxia seduces him, Yu Keke can still be friends with her, and he understands women.

Tang Xinhan couldn’t hold back, and showed a confident smile, since he knew that he was not the biological son of the Tang family. Over the years, wasn’t he always grasping people’s hearts and trying to please Tang Haizheng and Zhao Yiyue? Wasn’t even Bai Minmin, who wasn’t very interested in him, moved by him?

Bai Minmin was accompanying Ning Chuxia to wash her hair in the hair salon, and couldn’t help sighing.

When she’s in a bad mood, Bai Minmin likes to go to the hairdresser, lie down there, wash her hair for two hours, and give her a massage along the way, she can always relax.

It was during the nursing interval, she closed her eyes and said, “I think there seems to be a little difference between me and Xinhan.”

Bai Minmin admitted that she was a good person.

She not only wants her boyfriend to be nice to her, but also doesn’t want her boyfriend to be a licking dog.

It doesn’t seem like it’s a good word to say, but Bai Minmin really felt that Tang Xinhan’s attitude towards her really seemed to be treating a ceramic doll that needed to be held.

In Tang Xinhan, Bai Minmin could not even find that kind of feeling of worshipping people.

“Don’t say that, he’s still very good to you…it’s just right.”

As a master of love and a former gold medal host of mediation programs, Ning Chuxia is very confident about all kinds of problems in love.

Sometimes love transitions to a bottleneck period, usually because it is too familiar and less throbbing. Tang Xinhan’s attitude towards Bai Minmin is very good, but he is too old and married, and even less sweet.

If she knew this on a blind date, she would probably be able to keep complimenting her, but the problem was that Bai Minmin was still young, and the relationship she yearned for was a lingering and sweet one.

Therefore, Ning Chuxia subtly gave her three consecutive hints of destroying feelings on the grounds that she was urged to marry by her family’s master and mother.

“I actually know that they persuaded me to have a blind date in the hope that I would find a suitable person, but if it is just the right person, I feel that my life seems a little boring.”

“Minmin, what do you mean by love? In fact, I haven’t felt the throbbing of that kind of love yet, the kind of being jealous because of him, unable to sleep, tossing and turning, unable to sleep, and being happy when receiving news from him… However, your emotional model is also very good, you don’t quarrel, you are very calm, and the water flows.”

“Actually, I’m really afraid of finding someone to fall in love with. The people I can find are probably older than me, and then the people around me will start urging me, and I feel like I’m being driven forward step by step. Then get engaged, get married, have children, have a second child…”

As an old man who has traveled through many worlds, Ning Chuxia is actually quite mature in her emotional outlook, but she always believes that a long-lasting love requires some heartbeat.

Tang Xinhan was just clocking in for work, not a serious relationship – to be honest, Ning Chuxia even felt that Bai Minmin was **** by Tang Xinhan, but she actually realized that Bai Minmin was more of a habit than a feeling for Tang Xinhan.

Furthermore, she has already made it clear that Bai Minmin is a life-saving straw for Tang Xinhan, not a true lover. Unless he can play for a lifetime, he will show his true colors sooner or later, but it will hurt people at that time.

As soon as these questions came up, Ning Chuxia could see that Bai Minmin couldn’t help but start to think deeply. What are boys most afraid of girls starting to think? It must be “Do you love me in the end”, and if you add “Do I love you in the end”, this relationship will definitely have some twists and turns.

As long as you work hard enough, most feelings in this world are cracked.

Bai Minmin was silent. She was embarrassed to speak too plainly when there was someone else at the moment, but she was getting more and more confused recently.

She used to think that Tang Xinhan was reliable, just right, and it was good to be together. She believed that Tang Xinhan was so filial and took care of her that he would be a good husband and a good father.

But once shaken, she couldn’t help but think a lot, and Bai Minmin even asked her father why she opposed her and Tang Xinhan when she returned home.

Bai’s father thought for a while and said: “As a man, I can only say that I think this kind of person who can give everything for others at will, is actually not touching, but very scary, easy to paranoid, and it is good to be loved. But being loved without a bottom line is very scary. In my opinion, Tang Xinhan is a gambler with a heavy mentality. How long has he been with you, no matter how deep his relationship is, how can he directly s***? , you just ask your mother, we were in love for more than a year, but when we got married, when it came to long-distance marriage, we still almost separated.”

Bai Minmin didn’t quite understand, she always felt that love had to give everything for the other party.

Seeing that his daughter still didn’t understand, Bai’s father said it more plainly: “He would have stayed abroad to study for graduate school, and he would have worked locally and learned something to return to China. This is very helpful for his career, but for you, he directly If he gave up, there must be an element that his family conditions allow him to give up. I assume this study is very important, so if he can give up his studies for you today, will he also give up his parents and everything for you in the future? Isn’t it scary?”

Bai Minmin understands a little bit, and when she substitutes for her parents, she seems to be unable to accept Tang Xinhan’s approach. Just like her father objected to her marrying Tang Xinhan, even if she suffers, she can’t run away from home and make her parents sad.

Dad Bai smiled and rubbed his daughter’s head: “If it is assumed that studies are not important, and he acts as if he has paid a lot for you, this person knows too much calculation. What he pays is harmless to him, but he wants to Inheriting the love of the whole family, I don’t want to think bad people, but I am just your daughter, I can only treat people as bad people first, so I need time to see what kind of person he is.”

During this conversation, Bai Minmin didn’t tell her friends that she felt conflicted. On the one hand, she was moved by the feeling that I don’t want anything for you, but on the other hand, she felt that her father’s words were very reasonable.

Bai Minmin changed the subject: “Chuxia, don’t you change your clothes?”

Ning Chuxia went shopping with her for a day, and dressed casually, loose black wide-leg pants, and a simple white round neck T-shirt on the upper body. This T-shirt was from a designer brand with a pattern on it. Very design sense.

“No, this dress will not be informal. President Tang said, this is a family banquet. If I wear a skirt or something, it doesn’t seem to be suitable.” Ning Chuxia smiled, “And this is just a meal and a chat. It’s strange that I even dress myself up specially.”

“Yes, uncle is very good.” Bai Minmin agreed, she stopped looking at her phone, just enjoying the silence that was about to end.

Recently, she avoided the conversation with Tang Xinhan a little bit, she thought it would be very uncomfortable, but without so many messages she sent out, Tang Xinhan didn’t notice at all, and she felt relaxed and at ease.

Tang Haizheng specially invited a good friend Huang Gongju to come today. His friend is very good at making the scene hot. Tang Haizheng doesn’t have to worry too much when he comes.

He was also looking for someone temporarily, who made Zhao Yiyue really worry him, and Tang Haizheng really didn’t understand that the other party looked like he was slack at work.

No matter what he thought, it could only be attributed to Zhao Yiyue’s feeling that he had a private relationship with Ning Chuxia, but he explained several times that Zhao Yiyue was still reluctant, which made Tang Haizheng very dissatisfied.

“Early summer is here.” Tang Haizheng looked at his phone and exchanged tacit glances with Huang Gongju.

Today, he specially explained Huang Gongju’s guiding direction. This has a rhythm, and it is easy to mention a lot of words, otherwise it will appear too utilitarian and too purposeful.

It was said that Cao Cao and Cao Cao arrived, and Ning Chuxia entered the house under the guidance of a servant.

“No need to change shoes

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