She is the Third Kind of Stunning

Chapter 93

Chapter 92 – In Love

The curtains blocked the light, and the room became hazy and dark.

Lu Yinxi lay on the bed, unwilling to close his eyes, and traced Jian Qing’s face with his eyes.

Jian Qing lay sideways beside her, with a peaceful sleeping face, like a piece of cold jade lying quietly in the snow.

She picked up this piece of cold jade and held it in her arms, treating it like a treasure.

But she felt like a jade thief, stealing something that didn’t really belong to her.

Maybe one day, this cold jade will leave her and disappear.

This feeling of fear cannot be told to anyone, but can only be digested silently.

Lu Yinxi lowered her head, carefully kissing Jian Qing’s little finger on her arm.

Now it is July, there are still August, September, October, November, December, five months to pass, no matter what happens in the future, she will be by this person’s side, never leave Don’t give up until the last moment in destiny.

It is most reasonable to control the lunch break time within 30 minutes, and Jian Qing wakes up around 25 minutes.

Because Lu Yinxi slept too much in the morning, she didn’t fall asleep all the time, but just closed her eyes and rested her mind.

After Jian Qing changed her clothes, she leaned over and kissed Lu Yinxi’s forehead: “I’m leaving.”

Lu Yinxi opened her eyes, and grabbed her by the corner of her clothes: “You still haven’t paid me a compensation.”

Jane raised her eyebrows lightly: “What compensation?”

“My blue and white striped long shirt, I like it very much. I wanted to wear it, but it was ruined by your glass of red wine. You said you would pay me 520 yuan.”

Jian Qing doubted: “I said that?”

Lu Yinxi nodded: “I said so.”

Jian Qing tried to recall, in his memory, he never said such a thing…

Lu Yinxi patted her forehead with his paw: “Don’t play tricks!”

Jian Qing lowered his head and kissed her chin again: “I will buy you another one that is exactly the same.”

After speaking, I also transferred 520 yuan to her.

Lu Yinxi looked at the number on the phone screen and smiled slightly.

This ice cube has never personally expressed words such as liking and love, she can only use some of these careful tricks to let people express.

Another week of farewell.

In the afternoon, Lu Yinxi went to rehearse, and Jian Qing drove back to Jiangzhou City.

Night, 8:05, recess time.

Having already taken two elective courses, Jian Qing felt that her throat was a bit dry, so she unscrewed the thermos and took a few sips of warm water.

The students in the audience chatted and chatted, and those who played with their mobile phones played with their mobile phones.

While drinking water, she operated the computer on the podium, turned on the webcast of the charity performance, and put it on the big screen for students to watch.

By the way, let her see it for herself.

In the live broadcast room, the documentary footage of the earthquake rescue is being played to warm up.

The students in the audience raised their heads, looked at the screen, and chatted.

Jian Qing had seen too many rescue scenes, and she didn’t want to look at them again, so she temporarily looked away, looked at the grass and trees outside the window, rubbed between her brows, and relaxed her eyes.

“Attach one! Our school’s hospital!”

“Teacher! Teacher! I have you! I see you!”

The students in the audience pointed to the screen and called Jian Qing excitedly.

Jian Qing’s eyes fell on the computer screen, and saw a section of her car’s driving recorder, transporting the wounded in D city to Jiangzhou First Hospital for treatment; and another section, on the way to B county, CCTV reporter A picture of their first batch of medical teams in the bus was taken.

At that time, she was looking out the window, and the camera stayed on her profile for a few seconds.

In those days, Lu Yinxi read all the news reports for these few seconds, and finally saw her profile on the CCTV channel.

There were not too many bells and whistles in the disaster relief performance, and most of them were chorus shows. The songs were all about patriotism, unity, and inspirational songs. After singing one song after another, everyone wore uniform black T-shirts.

The camera scanned one by one, and Jian Qing stared at the screen, searching for Lu Yinxi in the camera, and finally saw Lu Yinxi among the stars when the class bell rang.

After only seeing this, Jian Qing turned off the live broadcast and continued the class.

In the middle of the night, after a busy day, the two of them both fell into bed.

Lu Yinxi wanted to be reserved, and waited for Jian Qing to take the initiative to contact her.

Jian Qing is watching the complete disaster relief performance.

She is not good at taking the initiative to contact her, so when Lu Yinxi is back to normal, she will take the initiative to call or send a message to contact her.

Lu Yinxi waited for ten minutes, but before Jian Qing took the initiative, he opened the private chat dialog box, typed and sent.

[Mr. Jian, you must be conscious of falling in love. 】

Jian Qing looked at it, and replied with a questioning expression that came with the system.

Lu Yinxi looked at the plain expression, and selected several from his emoji library and sent them.

[You have to learn to take the initiative to say goodnight to me. In addition, the picture is saved, and such emoticons can be used in the future. 】

In their generation, they don’t use emoticons very much. The online communication between colleagues is mainly based on the flowers, smiles, and handshake emojis that come with the system, which are simple and old-fashioned.

Jian Qing was silent for a few seconds, and replied: [Student Lu, you think there is a generation gap between me and you…]

It seemed a little resentful.

Lu Yinxi hastily explained: [No, no! I’m about to expose you to something lovely. 】

Jian Qing said; [Already in contact. 】

As he said that, he sent a screenshot of the live broadcast of the Luyinxi charity performance.

Although the face in the screenshot is a bit blurry, Lu Yinxi was still wrapped in a quilt after contacting the front and back, and rolled happily on the bed from the head to the end of the bed, almost falling off the bed.

At two o’clock in the middle of the night, Wei Mingming yawned and sent Jian Qing a new draft of the paper.

【Boss, I finished editing all night, don’t brag, you can help me check it tomorrow when you are free [cute]】

Waking up in the morning, Wei Mingming, who had only slept for four hours, picked up his phone and checked Jian Qing’s reply in fear.

Jian Qing helped her draw more than a dozen places in the thesis with red lines, and started the cold mocking mode.


【You really graduated from the five-year English class? 】

[Do you know what it’s like for an 80-year-old grandma to chase after her grandson to feed him? 】

[It’s like me and you. 】

The first picture is an emoticon pack of a Tom cat with hands behind his back and three big question marks above his head.

Wei Mingming, who knew his mentor’s nature well, knew that Jian Qing couldn’t use emoticons, so he typed aggressively and replied: [Get out! It’s Zhang Yue again, are you kidding me with the boss’s phone? Bitch go away and give my boss the phone! 】

Jian Qing received Wei Mingming’s reply and typed an ellipsis.


【Wei Mingming, your breakfast today is gone, buy it yourself. 】

As he said that, he put the shrimp dumplings bought for Wei Mingming into his stomach.

“The results showed that the lesions became larger and the disease progressed. This plan does not work, and we need to replace it…”

A busy day started again, Jian Qing received old patients in the office, and calmly informed her of the examination results.

The patient’s surname is Li, female, a 996 worker in the Internet industry, and has a 1-year-old son.

At the age of 27, she found herself coughing from time to time. At first, she thought it was a minor ailment caused by a cold, but she didn’t pay attention to it. She didn’t go to the hospital for examination until the cough continued to worsen.

The hospital did a lung CT scan, and found a 0.8cm pulmonary nodule in the upper lobe of the right lung. The conclusion of the imaging report is: the lesion in the upper lobe of the right lung, inflammation? Close follow-up is recommended, please combine with clinical practice.

Lung cancer is closely related to age. In the face of young patients, except for oncologists, general doctors seldom contact them in the direction of malignant tumors.

And for small pulmonary nodules that do not exceed 1cm, most doctors instruct patients to follow up for 3 to 6 months, and they will not easily open the chest for surgery.

In addition, in recent years, the contradiction between doctors and patients has become prominent, and doctor-patient disputes are frequent. Doctors prescribe more examinations out of caution, and patients are easily mistaken by patients for ill-intentioned scams. Therefore, the clinician who made the first visit only treated it as an inflammation treatment, and did not prescribe further enhanced CT examination, and specifically urged the patient to follow up closely.

Follow-up visits are sometimes regarded by patients as a formality. Ms. Li felt better after taking the medicine and did not go to the hospital again.

At the age of 28, she married her boyfriend, and she became pregnant at the age of 29. In the second month of pregnancy, the doctor in the city found something wrong during the pregnancy test, and asked her to come to a large hospital in the province for an examination, and then found out in Jiangzhou Fuyi. lung cancer.

Obstetrics and Gynecology, Thoracic Surgery, Medical Oncology, Imaging, and Pathology jointly consulted and formulated several plans, most of which suggested that she terminate her pregnancy.

Because both chemotherapy drugs and targeted drugs will affect the fetus in the first trimester.

But she didn’t want to abort the child, and she delayed the pregnancy treatment until the fetus was stable in the second trimester.

Her situation is too special. In order to save her child, each treatment is a joint consultation of several departments, carefully formulating a plan and controlling medication.

At the age of 29, a thoracic surgeon performed surgical resection and mediastinal lymphadenectomy on her. After the operation, she was afraid of affecting the fetus, so she refused postoperative adjuvant chemotherapy.

At the age of 30, she gave birth to a healthy baby boy, and all the medical staff in the attached one were cheering and celebrating for her that year. She didn’t want to be 31 years old, and a re-examination found recurrence and metastasis.

The multidisciplinary consultation team assessed that reoperation would not benefit much, and he was transferred to the Department of Medical Oncology.

Hu Jianjun formulated a chemotherapy plan for her, and Jian Qing followed the doctor’s order. Today, the disease progressed, which meant that the original first-line treatment plan failed.

In fact, the first-line treatment plan is the optimal solution, and the rest can only be tried again.

Ms. Li went to see a doctor alone today, which was different from the days when she was pregnant. This time, she was not accompanied by her family and her husband.

They think that the oncology department is full of cancer patients, which is unlucky and will bring bad luck to the children, so they don’t want to come here.

Her face was ashen, she lost her faith in treatment, and she said sadly: “Doctor, I have nothing to look forward to in life. They are right. My disease is not curable. Why don’t you save the money and leave it to the children…”

Jian Qing knocked on the table and said, “Your child is only 1 year old, don’t you want to stay with him for a few more years?”

Ms. Li said dejectedly: “Now that I have given birth, I have lost my job and have no source of income. My husband also said that he wants to divorce me…I will think about it again, whether to continue the treatment…”

Jian Qing: “Where are your parents? Don’t they care about you?”

“They only have me as a daughter. They have raised me to such an age. I don’t want their pension to be wasted on my medical treatment. Doctor, thank you…”

She stood up and left the office with her head down.

Wei Mingming, who was on the side, defended her: “Who is this family!”

Jian Qing took a sip of coffee and declined to comment.

There are too many women in this world who sacrifice themselves for marriage, family, and children, and it is others who make it up.

When Lu Yinxi toured from W city to L city, Jian Qing would find time every night to make up for her performance.

A week later, Lu Yinxi returned to Jiangzhou by plane.

Jian Qing drove to the airport exit to pick her up.

She came out with a group of people, and Jian Qing locked her tightly in the crowd, waiting for her to come over.

Seeing the familiar license plate number, Lu Yinxi beamed with joy, waved goodbye to everyone, walked quickly to Jian Qing’s car, opened the driver’s seat and got in, jokingly asked, “Master, how much is it from here to Fuyi?”

Jian Qing rolled up the window to block the view from the outside, bent down to fasten the seat belt for Lu Yinxi, and said softly, “Five yuan and two cents.”

Lu Yinxi kissed her on the cheek, only transferred her two yuan and five, and said, “Let’s make a discount.”

Jian Qing touched the red lip marks on his face, did not speak, but raised the corners of his lips and smiled slightly.

Seeing her smile, Lu Yinxi also had eyebrows and eyes, and smiled, but then he smiled again, pretending to be serious: “You forgot one thing.”

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