She is the Third Kind of Stunning

Chapter 76

Chapter 75 – Misunderstand

Needless to say, Jian Qing instantly understood that it was a misunderstanding.

Lu Yinxi moved the roses back to the living room, picked up the card that was thrown at the table, and read it to Jian Qing sentence by sentence. I have lived up to my love.”

These words are sour and hypocritical, recited like lines.

Jian Qing couldn’t get used to it, so she stretched out her hand and gently pinched Lu Yinxi’s cheek.

Lu Yinxi flattened her mouth and said nothing.

Jian Qing took the small cards in her hand and threw them into the trash can.

The roses are all soaked in nutrient solution, and the color is still fresh.

Jian Qing didn’t throw it away, but packed it up and donated it to the property of the community.

The property often hosts activities for the elderly and fellowships for young people, leaving them to decorate the venue.

After dealing with these, she returned home.

Lu Yinxi was dangling on the hanging chair on the balcony, seeing Jian Qing coming back, she turned her head away, a little bit ignoring her.

Jian Qing walked over, bent down, turned her head over, and explained, “I thought it was you.”

I thought it was from her, so I kept the card close to me.

I thought it was from her, so I took good care of the flowers.

The expression on the face is indifferent, but the eyes and tone of explanation are serious.

Feeling Jian Qing’s seriousness, Lu Yinxi’s heart was like a pool of wrinkled spring water, rippling, and said softly: “Well, I would have misunderstood, after all, I just gave a red rose that night Here it is. I won’t buy flowers for you specially. “


“You don’t care about those flowers. If I send you a bouquet of red roses, why don’t you buy a cantaloupe and eat it together?”

Jian Qing is a pragmatist, she prefers things with practical value to beautiful but useless decorations.

“Not necessarily.” Jian Qing lightly tapped Lu Yinxi’s forehead with her fingertips.

Depends who sent it.

Someone gave it to her, even if it was a stone, she would treasure it.

Lu Yinxi guessed what she meant, grabbed her fingers, held them in the palm of his hand, looked at her, and couldn’t help smiling.

Jian Qing also looked at her, approached quickly, clasped the back of her head with one hand, and kissed her forehead.

The cold lips fell between the eyebrows, as if a wisp of snow had fallen.

The turbulent waves in his heart instantly turned into stormy waves.

Lu Yinxi huddled in the hemispherical hanging chair, Jian Qing leaned over and pressed it, as if tasting a delicious snack, the kiss slid from the center of the eyebrows to the corners of the lips.

“Hmm… I can’t bear the weight of two people, I will fall…” Lu Yinxi gently pushed her, worried that the hanging chair would fall off.

Disgusting pushback.

Jian Qing let go of the deer drinking creek, and pushed the hanging chair like a swing. The hanging chair swung back and forth slightly, and the people in the hanging chair looked up at her with blushing faces.

She smiled slightly, and then nodded Lu Yinxi’s eyebrows: “Sleep with you.”

The work in the hospital is too tiring, and the companion at night, Jian Qing, can’t make any movement. At most, he will have a superficial good night kiss before going to bed, and then fall into a deep sleep.

Sleeping next to Lu Yinxi, her sleep quality was surprisingly good, she was not disturbed by nightmares, and she could occasionally sleep with the lights off.

Lu Yinxi would secretly kiss her on the cheek while she was asleep, and get up the next day to pretend nothing happened.

Jian Qing never exposed it, nor pretended not to know.

After receiving roses from an anonymous person in the morning for six consecutive days, everyone in the department started to tease Jian Qing.

Jian Qing no longer accepted it calmly, and did not ask who gave it to him. He directly asked Wei Mingming to send it to the guidance desk of the outpatient clinic on the first floor, and hung a sign for free flowers, allowing anyone to take it at will.

On the seventh day, Jian Qing was a few minutes early for work, and happened to run into a florist who was delivering flowers.

Jian Qing stuffed the bouquet of flowers on the table back into the employee’s arms, and politely refused: “Thank you for the flowers these days, starting tomorrow, please don’t send any more.”

The employee looked puzzled: “A customer paid a deposit for one month, and asked me to deliver it to your office before eight o’clock, rain or shine, so that you can see a bouquet of roses covered with dew.”

“A month?”

“Yes, one month.” Such a large-scale business is also rare, and the flower shop staff vaguely expected Jian Qing to ask for the other party’s information, “So please accept this bouquet of flowers, and don’t disappoint the other party’s heart.”

Jian Qing didn’t pick up the flowers, and didn’t care who the sender was. He said lightly, “No matter how long you have ordered, please don’t send any more from tomorrow, otherwise I will ask the security guard to expel you in the name of harassment.”

This was not very polite, the flower shop employee hugged the flower and left, muttering before leaving: “You are pretty, why are you so weird…”

Wei Mingming asked: “Boss, who sent it?”

Jian Qing: “I don’t know.”

Zhang Yue said: “I also worked hard to catch up.”

From a female perspective, Wei Mingming said, “What kind of effort is it to send flowers? It’s not about sending flowers in person. Spending some money, in my opinion, is the most unintentional way to pursue.”

Zhang Yue retorted: “Isn’t this a lot of money spent?”

Jian Qing raised her hand to stop their argument: “The administrative round will be done later, go and check the medical records again.”

The two fell silent for a moment, and grabbed two computers to check the medical records written by each.

There was an outpatient clinic in the morning, and Jian Qing took Wei Mingming to the clinic.

One morning later, Jian Qing received a message from Lu Yinxi: [We’ve finished work and have lunch, I’m coming to the clinic to see you. 】

Jian Qing took a look, replied with a simple “um”, and read the last few patients.

The last female patient came in and took a seat.

Jian Qing’s eyes were still on the computer screen, reviewing the outpatient medical records written by Wei Mingming, and reaching out to ask the patient for a medical card: “Give me the card, what do you want to see?”

The female patient handed her the medical card: “There seems to be something wrong with the breast, I would like to ask the doctor to help me.”

Just as Jian Qing was about to swipe the card on the sensor, upon hearing this, she handed the card back to her, turned her head and said, “If it’s not for advanced breast cancer, I’m not here as the first clinic, you can go to the breast clinic first.”

The woman in the seat looked at Jian Qing with a smile on her face: “Ah Qing, I have returned to my country, and I can finally come to you. Don’t you like the roses I gave you? Then I will change it tomorrow.”

Jian Qing recognized her, but his attitude was still indifferent, and his tone was even slightly mocking: “Have you watched too many TV dramas? It’s okay to see you outside of work, but during work time, if you are not sick, registering is a waste of medical resources. Wei Mingming, Go and see if there are any unregistered patients at the door.”

Wei Mingming, who was optimistic about the state of the show, straightened his face instantly, and went out to see if there were any patients waiting at the door.

Tumor is a serious disease. Patients and their families tend to come to large hospitals for examination and consultation. Therefore, many patients and their families travel long distances from the countryside, small counties, and small cities to see a doctor in provincial hospitals. Some elderly people do not know how to make appointments online. I still went to the scene and asked the nurse to help me register. It is not easy to see a doctor. Some of them did not register the number of the day, and they would linger and wait at the door of the consulting room, praying for the kind doctor to help add a number.

The woman smiled and explained: “Ah Qing, you misunderstood me. I didn’t register and didn’t waste medical resources. I didn’t come in until all your patients had left.”

Wei Mingming came in and said, “Boss, there are no patients, and there is no one to add, except, this lady…”

She hesitated to speak, and looked at Jian Qing.

Jian Qing said, “You get off work first.”

Wei Mingming groaned, took off his white coat, and before leaving, his eyes were still dangling back and forth between Jian Qing and the strange woman, with a tricky look on his face.

Jian Qing gave her a gouged look, and then she reluctantly looked away and slipped away.

On the way back to the department, Wei Mingming bumped into Lu Yinxi who came to the outpatient clinic to look for Jian Qing, and hurriedly approached him with a gossip: “Xiaolu Xiaolu! Your cousin is in trouble!”

Lu Yinxi was in a daze: “What’s the matter?”

“Aren’t there always people who send flowers to my boss anonymously recently? Guess who sent them?”


“It’s a woman who seems to be known to the boss. It’s really unexpected. I heard that a female student confessed to her before. I didn’t expect that it is really both men and women.”

Lu Yinxi’s first reaction was not to be jealous, but to remind Wei Mingming with a smile: “You can tell me, you can’t talk nonsense when you go back to the department.”

The hospital environment is traditionally closed, and this kind of same-sex scandal may not be a good thing. Originally, it was the same-sex chasing Jian Qing, and it was passed around, and it might become Jian Qing chasing the same-sex.

Wei Mingming whispered: “I understand, I will share with you and Zhang Yue, Zhang Yue is also strict with his mouth, don’t worry!”

Wei Mingming went back to the department, Lu Yinxi walked to Jian Qing’s consulting room, looked at the closed door, and remained silent.

Several nearby consulting rooms have been disinfected and closed. In Jianqing’s room, the LED screen on the top of the door is still on. “The patient is in the process of seeing a doctor, please wait a moment.” The red text on the black background is displayed back and forth.

The door is well insulated so you can’t hear conversations inside.

Lu Yinxi didn’t intend to eavesdrop, nor did he urge, and stood quietly at the door, waiting for them to come out.

The waiting time seemed particularly long, and she kept speculating on the relationship between the two in her mind, speculating on the character and appearance of the other person.

She thought, if the other party is a person of good conduct, if they both have a good impression of each other, then she will leave silently, wishing them a long stay together.

After thinking about it, I felt that the other party’s pursuit of this kind of behavior by sending flowers continuously was too eye-catching and not prudent enough…

Before the balance was over, the door opened.

A strange woman came out holding Jian Qing’s hand tightly.

Lu Yinxi’s eyes lingered on their tightly held hands for two seconds, and his heart felt like a knife cut, and there were bouts of dull pain.

She remained polite, nodding with a smile.

Seeing her, Jian Qing broke free from the hand being held, and said to the woman: “Jianshu, I already have an appointment at noon today, and I’m free tonight, so call your sister Fu Yuan and have a get together, I don’t suggest you Give up now, there is still great hope for a cure.”

The author has something to say: In fact, it is not completely considered a rival in love. A seriously ill person who does not plan to compete is considered an assist~~~

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-04-2200:39:13~2021-04-2301:17:15~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: Muran 1;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: 1 meat bun;

Thanks to the little angel of the irrigation nutrient solution: 1710078340 bottles; 10 bottles of Chenqu; 6 bottles of Misaka Kuroko; 3 bottles of Nianyi;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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