She is the Third Kind of Stunning

Chapter 29

Chapter 28 – Gift

Wei Mingming let go of his hand quickly, and said in a casual voice, “Boss, I have finished writing the medical records of the newly admitted patients. I only play on my phone after I finish my work…”

Jian Qing withdrew her gaze, glanced at Lu Yinxi faintly, turned away without saying a word, and continued to work.

Lu Yinxi rubbed the bridge of his nose and comforted Wei Mingming: “Don’t worry, she won’t scold you.”

Wei Mingming whispered: “She doesn’t know how to swear, but she will make me work overtime cautiously, and stare at me with cold eyes, which makes my hair stand on end. The same is true for our Vice President Hu. When scolding people, he will stare at them coldly first, that horror, why not scold me a few words.”

Lu Yinxi seldom sees the vice president Hu Jianjun, and only during the once-a-week rounds of the department director can he follow behind a dozen or twenty people and see his tall back.

Usually, when there are documents to be signed, the secretary of the department carries the documents and sends them back and forth.

Lu Yinxi jokingly said: “You have been with Dr. Jian for a few years, maybe you will become like that in the future, you can kill people with your eyes.”

Wei Mingming shook his head like a rattle: “It’s too scary, I don’t want it.”

Zhang Yue came back from the outside, and interjected: “That’s right, you can’t get married if you are fierce. You have to learn from me, and see how good the children under my opponent are. Wei Mingming, you are a few years later in your Ph. D., when I become Ph.D supervisor, I will accept you!”

Wei Mingming yelled at him: “Shut up! You are too nice to them. You didn’t write any medical records. There was a new patient in the 12th bed before get off work last night. I don’t know which of your students. I copied the first pass of the bed next door. I didn’t change a word. Fortunately, I found out and revised a few sentences. Otherwise, you will be scolded. It’s the end of the month, and the quality control department will have a convulsion someday. Check it out, take it easy!”

As soon as I said this, not long after I went to work in the afternoon, a group of young people in white coats and masks poured in from the door, hugging a middle-aged man in his forties and fifties: “Is the boss of the second district here? Routine inspection, Take out all kinds of information from your department and check it.”

“Here it is!” Zhang Yue stood up and responded, silently gave Wei Mingming a “crow’s mouth” mouth shape, and then stepped forward to receive him, “Section Chief, why did you dispatch yourself today, what information do you want to check?”

Usually, the young officers from the quality control department come down to check. Young people are easy to talk to and say a few soft words, and some non-principle questions can be deducted without deducting points.

Chief Wu of the quality control department put his hands behind his back: “It’s the end of the year, go around the wards, and take out the critical value registration book, difficult case discussion book, and shift handover book, that is, those that need to be checked normally. Look.”

At the end of each year, when I go up to the health administrative department and go down to the administrative departments of the hospital, I will come to the hospital and the ward for a few laps.

Zhang Yue prepared the materials early, and while rummaging through boxes and cabinets to get documents, he ordered the two of them to help: “Xiaolu go and get the critical value and handover shift book, and obviously go find the discussion book of difficult cases and death cases.”

The medical staff who came in and out greeted Section Chief Wu, and Section Chief Wu responded with a nod.

After a while, the people in Corey found the documents, put them on the table neatly, and turned over the records of this month for easy inspection.

The officers of the quality control department said good things in front of the section chief: “The quality control of the second district has always been more serious, and the core system has been implemented in place.”

Wei Mingming nodded, and flattered him, “It’s the leaders who urged us to do a good job. It’s the Chinese New Year, so the leaders will deduct less points.”

Section Chief Wu said with a smile: “Don’t talk nonsense, there are still medical records to be checked. Each group draws 2 copies of the medical records to run, and those who need to be hospitalized for more than 3 days.”

Wei Mingming happily said, “Shall we smoke it ourselves?”

Section Chief Wu: “Whimsical, Xiao Liu, go smoke.”

The two medical records drawn by the Jianqing group belonged to Zhang Yue, and Zhang Yue asked the interns to write them.

Section Chief Wu sat in front of the computer and read: “Let me see how the medical records of Dean Hu’s students are written.”

Although he has not been supervised personally, Zhang Yue is still Hu Jianjun’s doctoral student.

Wei Mingming said: “Nowadays when interns come, they are taught to write first.”

Section Chief Wu taught: “It can’t just be written by interns. Every copy has to be reviewed by you and your superiors. If there is a problem, the interns don’t have to be responsible, but you have to take responsibility.”

Zhang Yue hurriedly said: “Yes, yes, I have inspections and audits every day, and my superiors have also checked it.”

Section Chief Wu pointed to the medical records of beds 12 and 11, feeling something was wrong, and asked with a frown, “Why, the patients with stage IV gastric cancer in these two beds have medical history? Are they in such good physical condition?”

Smelting tourism history refers to the history of whoring and prostitution in medicine, which is used to judge whether the patient has the possibility of sexually transmitted diseases.

Zhang Yue explained: “No! Maybe I forgot to change the template! I will change it now!”

It is also possible that the student did not learn well the chapter on writing medical records in “Diagnostics”, and mistook the travel history for the travel history.

Section Chief Wu clicked on the newly admitted medical records under Zhang Yue’s account, and sure enough, almost all patients had a travel history.

“All the patients in your group are very coquettish!” Section Chief Wu shook his head slightly, annoyed and funny, and pointed at the medical records with his finger, “Xiao Liu, write down all these beds, and the whole hospital will report them at the end of the month. !”

The intern’s name would not be recorded in the notification. Jian Qing returned to the ward and received the “Examination Feedback Form” issued by the Quality Control Department. Seeing the defects in the medical records, she kept silent and stared at Zhang Yue.

Zhang Yue was so embarrassed by her stare: “Senior sister, I have inspections every day, who knew that I would suddenly bump into the quality control department today?”

Jian Qing remained expressionless: “From now on, every new entrant will be taught how to write medical records first.”

“This batch is all from other divisions. I thought the people in front had already taught them.”

Jian Qing: “Ask more questions in the future to see if they can write. You should check all the medical records in the hospital within today, and I will check tomorrow. Don’t let me find any omissions.”

At the end of the month, when the whole hospital reported criticisms, the name of “Zhang Yue/Jian Qing” was impressively listed in the column of the doctor responsible for the defective medical records in the notification document, and a lot of bonuses were deducted. Hu Jianjun, the director of the department, even arrested them both. When I got to the office, I scolded him.

Coming out of the vice president’s office, Zhang Yue bowed his head, apologized to Jian Qing, and said, “Mr. Hu didn’t pay attention to these trivial matters before, why is he so strict today?”

Jane said lightly: “Because the dean is about to retire. Be cautious next time.”

In special times, the fewer mistakes you make, the better.

The dean is about to retire, and several gangs in the hospital are fighting openly and secretly. They have a teacher-student relationship with Hu Jianjun, so they are naturally assigned to the hu/clique. A Vice President Sun came closer and belonged to the Sun faction.

Zhang Yue scratched his head: “I don’t understand, the people above are fighting, and the ones who suffer are us shrimp soldiers and crab generals.”

Jian Qing calmly said: “Don’t worry about it so much, no matter how hard they fight, the hospital will treat the sick and save the patient, and write the medical records.”

There are still a few days before the Chinese New Year. Zhang Yue, who stays in the hospital 24 hours a day, took half an afternoon off, saying that he wanted to buy some gifts and specialties from Jiangzhou City to send home.

Jian Qing asked: “Do you still want to buy gifts for the Chinese New Year?”

Zhang Yue said: “I still have to give out a big red envelope. Sister, you are so old, it’s not like you haven’t celebrated the Chinese New Year! I’m away from home and people can’t go back. I have to buy something to go back, right?”

Jian Qing waved her hand, ready to leave, and she also took time to go to the shopping mall.

Over the years, she has only thought about herself in everything, and she has never thought about buying any gift for another person.

So, for the first time, I wandered aimlessly in the mall.

After shopping for half an hour, she came to a jewelry store. She saw a poster on the exhibition wall inside the glass. On the poster was a silver necklace with an antler pendant. Next to it was an inscription: “When I see a deer in the deep forest, I wake up from a dream.” see you sometime”.

She remembered waking up under the moonlight and seeing the scene of the deer drinking stream, walked into the store, and bought the necklace with the antler pendant.

Back home, Lu Yinxi curled up on the sofa with potato chips in his arms and watched TV. When he saw her come back, he smiled softly and ran over with his fur mop: “I learned how to make sweet and sour carp tonight. Come and have a taste.”

Jian Qing reached out and rubbed her head, holding the square jewelry box in her pocket with her left hand, without speaking.

Lu Yinxi took Jian Qing’s right hand, pulled her to the table and pressed her down.

Jian Qing said, “I haven’t washed my hands yet.”

Lu Yinxi snorted, then pulled her to the sink, chattering.

Recently, Luyinxi cooks a new dish every other day.

“I’ve figured it out. When it’s Chinese New Year’s Day, I’ll have deep-fried shrimp, garlic pork ribs, boiled chicken, beer duck, sweet and sour carp, chicken, duck, and fish, but I still need a soup. I can eat a lot of delicious food.”

Warm water wet the back of his hand, Jian Qing stared at the water and said out loud, “You are not alone.”

She won’t leave her here alone.

Lu Yinxi snorted: “Aren’t you going home for the New Year?”

Jian Qing dried her hands and returned to the table: “No, my shift is on New Year’s Eve.”

Lu Yinxi sat down beside her: “I remember it’s a day shift, don’t you go back to your parents at night? Don’t you go back on New Year’s Eve?”

“No return.”

“Won’t your parents blame you? Will they ask the bodyguards to take you back?”

Jian Qing filled half a bowl of rice: “Stop watching those messy novels and TV dramas.”

It’s as if the two of them eloped.

Lu Yinxi looked at Jian Qing with shining eyes, and almost grew a tail, shaking wildly.

She propped her face with her left hand and said with emotion: “It has been many years since I have had anyone to celebrate the New Year with me.”

Before the age of 10, the flavor of the New Year is the strongest. In the countryside, a large group of people like to gather together to celebrate the New Year. Children chase and play, set off fireworks and fireworks, and adults kill chickens and pigs. A large round table can be filled with ten people, from the first day to the fifteenth day of the new year. , visiting relatives and friends everywhere. In those days, life was hard for everyone, and children didn’t have much lucky money, so they would be satisfied if they stuffed more biscuits and candies in their pockets.

After she was 10 years old, she went to the city with her mother Gu Mingyu and lived in the family building of the hospital. No cannons were dared to be set off in the hospital, and the medical staff would be less serious and more cheerful than usual. Every New Year’s Eve, Gu Mingyu seldom goes home, almost always the neighbors across the street look at her and take her into their home for New Year’s Eve dinner together.

After the age of 20, she completely cut off contact with Gu Mingyu. Even if she had a manager, assistant, and friends later, she felt that they had their own family lives, and it was not easy to integrate into them, and it was inconvenient to disturb, so she just made some dumplings at home by herself. eat.

Jian Qing hummed, and concentrated on eating the fish without asking further questions.

She also had many years, and no one accompanied her to celebrate the New Year.

This year, someone accompanied me.

At night, Jian Qing clutched the jewelry box in her pocket, but did not give it away for a long time.

She took out the jewelry box and put it on the coffee table in the living room, hoping that she would pick it up and wear it when Lu Yinxi woke up tomorrow morning.

After putting it for a minute, she took it back, opened the refrigerator, and wanted to put it in the refrigerator, and found it when Lu Yinxi was preparing to stir-fry.

After thinking about it and feeling wrong, she took it out and planned to deliver it in person before New Year’s Eve.

On the day before New Year’s Eve, after some hesitation, Jian Qing put the jewelry box into the pocket of Lu Yinxi’s coat, still wanting to wait for Lu Yinxi to find out by himself.

The day before New Year’s Eve, He Bei’s condition improved and she was transferred out of the ICU. Lu Yinxi happily ran to the ward again and shook hands with her twice.

Probably because of her frequent visits every three days and her heartfelt happiness, this family of three was infected. He Bei’s parents gave Lu Yinxi a big red envelope.

Lu Yinxi quickly refused: “Uncles and aunts, I can’t accept it, I won’t accept it! I’m already working, so I can’t accept red envelopes anymore, I’m not a child anymore!”

He Bei’s parents must put it in her pocket: “Take it! Take it as a favor from my uncle and aunt! By the way, help us bring a copy to Dr. Jane.”

“She can’t accept it anymore! If you accept it, you will be reported! Fortunately, I didn’t come to see you in a white coat today, otherwise I might also be reported to the Supervision Section.”

He Bei’s mother quickly withdrew her hand, smiling all over her face: “It’s because Auntie didn’t think carefully. Come on, let’s add a WeChat, and Auntie will forward it to you through WeChat!”

“Auntie, I didn’t mean that. We really don’t want a penny. We are very happy to see that classmate He is getting better! Auntie, I will go first, happy new year!” Lu Yinxi almost ran out of the ward.

She walked out of the Cardiology Department, instead of taking the elevator, she chose to take the stairs, like a little rabbit, she jumped from the 25th floor of the Internal Medicine Building to the 1st floor, and ran back to the Tumor Building like the wind, wanting to give Jian Qing a big hug .

Jian Qing got off work an hour late today and was in the changing room, taking off her white coat and putting on a coat.

Lu Yinxi rushed in, slammed into her arms, knocked her back a step, put her back on the cabinet, and hugged Lu Yinxi vaguely.

She patted Lu Yinxi’s shoulder lightly: “Why are you so happy?”

Lu Yinxi came out of Jian Qing’s arms, with frowned eyebrows, and said with a smile: “He Bei has been transferred to the general ward, she is alive!”

The fate of a supporting role was successfully changed by her.

Jian Qing gently rubbed her head, her eyes were clear and her face was calm.

Lu Yinxi patted the pocket of her coat: “Her parents just stuffed a red envelope into my pocket, and I confiscated it—what is this?” She took out a small square box from her pocket, “Why? Did they give me a secret gift? No, I have to go to the cardiology department again and give it back to them!”

Jian Qing held her back: “Don’t go.”

The author has something to say: Happy New Year! Happy New Year of the Ox!

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-02-1014:34:18~2021-02-1302:18:52~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the shallow water bomb: 1 Tianjie Xiaoyu;

Thank you to the little angel who threw the grenade: 1 for three silences;

Thanks to the little angels who threw the landmines: Tianjie Xiaoyu, the original is an old friend, 4; deep in Qiwu, 2;

Thanks to the little angels of irrigation nutrient solution: 4844078947 bottles; Mu 41 bottles; Li Xiaojinya 36 bottles; Sanji Zangzhuo 34 bottles; Uesugi Huali 30 bottles; 10 bottles of Guqiao; 383241169 bottles of Xiaogeshou; 3 bottles of Yu Yufeifei and Youyue; 2 bottles of bolinnn; 1 bottle of Nagiyi, Yuanyu, and Little Cute;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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