She is the Third Kind of Stunning

Chapter 26

Chapter 25 – Cold

In the park in winter, the lake is frozen, the vegetation is not luxuriant, and the branches are covered with snow.

Working in a hospital, I have to walk 10,000 steps every day.

Therefore, many people do not want to walk more after get off work, and would rather choose indoor sports such as badminton, tennis, and basketball when exercising.

Jian Qing is indeed not very interested in going to the park, but after sitting on the bench for half an hour, listening to the square dance songs bombarding his ears, he couldn’t help but turn on his mobile phone to search for the attractions worth seeing in Bailu Park. I plan to take Luyinxi for a walk around.

Lu Yinxi puts his fingertips on his knees, beats rhythmically with the square dance music, keeps his eyes on the distance, and patrols back and forth

She was afraid that Jian Qing would be bored, so she had nothing to say: “In the hospital you taught me to observe diseases, now I’ll teach you how to perform professionally.”

The actor’s gathering refers to observing various groups of people, what kind of characters, and what kind of reactions they make when they encounter something.

Art comes from life, and only by thoroughly understanding the behavior and habits of various characters can we play the role well without being suspended.

“Look at the little girl skating on the ice, she is wearing a red down jacket, she is very unskilled in her movements, if she accidentally falls, she will definitely cry, the mother on the left of her in a white coat has been teaching her little sister to pay full attention I put all my energy on my younger sister, and only by crying can I attract my mother’s attention.”

Jian Qing looked up and saw the mother bending down to support her little daughter, for fear that she would bump into her. The older girl next to her was holding on to the crossbar with both hands, moving forward slowly, turning her head three times at a step, looking at her. My mother and sister seem to want to know if their mother pays attention to them.

Jian Qing watched very intently, suddenly lowered her eyelids, crossed her fingers, her long eyelashes like butterfly wings trembled slightly, and then looked away.

Lu Yinxi was a little startled, and after a while, he raised his camera and took a picture of her side face.

It was rare to see her showing a trace of regret.

Because of that family of three?

Lu Yinxi looked up, and saw the older little girl in red suddenly plopped and fell to the ground. The little girl turned her head to look at her mother, and started howling on the spot.

The mother ran over with her sister in her arms, knelt down, helped her up, and coaxed her gently. The younger sister grabbed her hand and put it to her mouth to breathe, and the older sister gradually stopped crying.

Lu Yinxi withdrew his gaze and said softly: “The emperor loves the eldest son, and the common people love the youngest son.”

Ordinary people always prefer younger children.

Jian Qing hummed and didn’t say much.

Lu Yinxi once again turned his eyes to the distance, as if he was trying to find something.

After a long while, she fixed her gaze on a young woman in black sportswear, and pointed her finger: “The one in black sportswear, I think she has a cold, she has been coughing, and she just stopped and hit her chest. “

Jian Qing frowned slightly: “Why do you still run when you have a cold?”

“Maybe I think I have to sweat more when I have a cold.” Lu Yinxi stood up.

Some people think that if you have a cold and fever, you can get better by sweating, so doing a lot of exercise is actually a misunderstanding. Sweating is a manifestation of recovery from a cold and fever, not the cause. A lot of exercise during a cold will cause excessive wear and tear of the body and further weaken the resistance of the immune system.

Seeing her standing up, Jian Qing looked puzzled: “Do you know her?”

“I don’t know her, but she looks very uncomfortable, let’s go over together—”

Before finishing the rest of the sentence, the young woman in black sportswear suddenly lost her balance, leaned forward, and fell to the ground with a bang.

Seeing this, Jian Qing stood up almost instinctively, and ran over quickly.

Lu Yinxi followed closely behind her.

People in the park quickly gathered around—

“What’s going on? Why did this girl suddenly fall down?”

“I don’t know, I was running just now…”

“Do you want to turn over and pinch Renzhong?”

“Hurry up and call 120 and send it to Fuyi!”

“Let me go! I’m the doctor of Fuyi.” Jian Qing ran over, identified himself, pushed aside the crowd of onlookers, squatted down, turned the young woman’s body over, patted her on the shoulder and called her.

The young woman’s face was on the ground, her forehead was smashed, blood oozes out, her complexion is pale, her pupils are dilated, her whole body is cold, and she has no breathing or heartbeat.

The first time she encountered an emergency scene outside the hospital, Lu Yinxi was a little dizzy and her heart was pounding non-stop. She squatted down, took out a tissue, and tremblingly wiped off the blood for the young woman.

After Jian Qing judged that the woman was not breathing, unconscious, and carotid artery had no pulse, she knelt down, straightened her position, untied her coat, spoke calmly, and called her name: “Lu Yinxi, call 120, take care of her mobile phone, and contact her as much as possible.” to her family.”

While commanding, he folded his hands, placed them in the center of the two **** on the woman’s chest, and began to press quickly and regularly.

It was the first time she called her full name by name, so Lu Yinxi took out his mobile phone and dialed 120 like a reflex, to inform the situation.

After Jian Qing finished the compressions, he raised the patient’s chin to check for foreign objects in the mouth, and prepared for artificial respiration. Lu Yinxi quickly took out a pack of gauze from his pocket, unpacked it and put it on the pad for her.

It was as if it had been prepared in advance.

Jian Qing glanced at Lu Yinxi hastily, without asking any further questions, quickly lowered her head, and performed artificial respiration.

Young woman’s chest rises after blowing.

Lu Yinxi picked up the mobile phone that the woman dropped from her pocket and tried to unlock it.

The woman’s mobile phone has a lock screen password. She grabbed the woman’s right hand and tried to unlock it with fingerprints one by one.

The 120 dispatch center received the call and immediately arranged for the nearby emergency department to dispatch the car.

The golden rescue time for cardiac arrest is only 4 minutes. For every 1 minute of delay, the patient’s survival rate will be reduced by 10%. If it exceeds 4 to 6 minutes, the brain tissue will be permanently damaged. If it exceeds 10 minutes, it will cause brain death, which is irreparable.

Lu Yinxi unlocked the lock screen password, contacted the young woman’s mother, asked the woman’s past medical history and recent physical condition, and whether she had any allergic drugs, and asked her to rush to the emergency department of the First Attached as soon as possible.

Then report the situation to Jian Qing.

Jian Qing knelt down to perform hand-held CPR, and after a while, a little sweat had already formed on the tip of her nose.

Rescue is not only a technical job, but also a manual job.

To ensure effective cardiopulmonary resuscitation, the frequency of compressions per minute must reach at least one hundred times, and usually within three minutes of compressions, you will be sweating profusely.

Lu Yinxi looked at his phone to help record the time.

CPR started at 18:28, now at 18:32.

4 minutes passed.

According to the naked eye, the young woman showed no signs of awakening.

Time passed by, the square dance music had stopped, and the surrounding crowd was getting bigger and bigger.

“Can it be saved?”

“You look so young?”

“Those two female dolls are doctors attached to Yiyi, so they should be able to save them.”

This is not the first time that Lu Yinxi has come into contact with first aid scenes. Usually in the hospital, she would choose to avoid and give up her position to the professional medical team, and occasionally take a look or two from a distance. Now, when she is in close contact outdoors, a living human life is under pressure. Above the head, psychological pressure and heart rate soared.

calm down, calm down…

With Dr. Jane here, he can be rescued…

Seeing fine sweat dripping from Jian Qing’s forehead, she quickly reached out to wipe her sweat, pretended to be calm, and asked, “Do you want me to press instead?”

CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) is a very basic operation. When she was a freshman, the school’s Red Cross organized a training and assessment for all freshmen of the medical school.

Every medical student will master this knowledge point during their schooling.

During the period of internship in the hospital, Lu Yinxi practiced on the dummy. In the past when filming on the set, she also rescued the staff who had a sudden cardiac arrest.

Not without experience.

But Jian Qing didn’t want her to do it, and continued to perform chest compressions and artificial respiration, panting and said: “You go to the door to pick up the ambulance, our hospital will come soon…”

Lu Yinxi didn’t struggle too much, stood up and ran to the park gate to wait.

She doesn’t have much experience in first aid, but what she can do at this time is to keep calm, not interfere with the rescue work, and obey the orders of her superiors.

At 18:42, the ambulance attached to the first arrived at Bailu Park.

Lu Yinxi picked up the ambulance, reported his home, and told the patient the situation in an orderly manner: “I am an intern in the Oncology Department of the First Attached, and the person who is performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation is the deputy chief physician of the Second Oncology Area of the First Attached. The one who passed out is a A 20-year-old woman fainted for unknown reasons while running at 18:27 and suffered a cardiac arrest. She started cardiopulmonary resuscitation at 28 and has not recovered yet. The family members of the patient were contacted and said that the patient had no heart and brain diseases. There is no chronic disease, no history of allergies, but I had a cold and cough two weeks ago, and it has not been better.”

As soon as he heard this, he was his own person, and the emergency personnel did not suspect him, so they got out of the car and carried the young woman into the car, followed by Jian Qing and Lu Yinxi.

The car started, and the traffic quickly passed by outside the window.

Inside the car were a young male doctor and a young female nurse.

Few people in the hospital didn’t know Jian Qing. Two emergency personnel saw her, greeted her in surprise, and quickly took over the chest compression work to prevent Jian Qing from exhaustion.

The emergency nurse performed ECG monitoring skillfully, opened a vein, and injected epinephrine.

Jian Qing continued to press for more than ten minutes, already sweating profusely, short of breath, and his chest rose and fell violently, but he did not dare to relax, took the breathing airbag to assist breathing, and observed the indicators of ECG monitoring at the same time.

The ECG is not a straight line, and the patient should have resumed a weak heartbeat a few minutes ago.

CPR kicks in and is no longer in arrest.

Lu Yinxi showed a faint smile and looked at Jian Qing.

Jian Qing didn’t look at her, but fixed her eyes on the monitor.

On the monitor, the patient’s blood pressure continued to drop, and the QRS wave of the electrocardiogram disappeared, showing irregular ventricular fibrillation waveforms.

Ventricular fibrillation, which represents an arrhythmia

— means the patient is not out of danger.

Jian Qing commanded: “Push two more epinephrine, prepare for defibrillation, Lu Yinxi, come and get the airbag.”

The simple breathing airbag is a device that replaces artificial respiration. It covers the mouth and nose and can be used for artificial ventilation of the patient by simply pressing.

There is no difficulty in operation, Lu Yinxi took over, learned the simple and clear range of pressing, and pressed regularly.

The nurse pushes the medicine, cuts the young woman’s clothes, Jian Qing takes the AED machine, puts on the electrodes, applies conductive glue, and after confirming again that the patient has ventricular fibrillation, starts charging: “Come on, get out of the way.”

The male doctor performing chest compressions stepped aside, and the electrode pads in Jian Qing’s hands were pressed against the patient’s body, discharging, defibrillating, and restoring normal sinus rhythm.

“Keep pressing.”

A minute later, ventricular fibrillation reappeared.

Defibrillation a second time.

Compression, defibrillation, medication.

Compression, defibrillation, medication.


Fortunately, the hospital was nearby, and within ten minutes, the ambulance stopped steadily at the entrance of the emergency department of No. 1 Attached to Jiangzhou.

Lu Yinxi couldn’t enter the emergency room, and after they carried the patient in, they voluntarily withdrew and gave way to the emergency room.

The emergency department immediately organized manpower to carry out rescue.

Yan Miaomiao, deputy chief physician of the emergency department with long hair tied into a ponytail, rushed into the emergency room in a hurry, saw Jian Qing, and shouted in surprise: “Old classmate, stay and help me!”

During off-duty hours, the emergency department is less manned than in-shift hours, and I am worried that there is no one to help, and it is rare to have free labor delivered to my door.

Jian Qing was almost unable to press: “Stop talking, I suspect cardiogenic shock caused by post-cold viral myocarditis, arrange for examination, prepare for intubation, and call the EMCO team from the Department of Cardiology and Critical Care Medicine.”

At this time, she stopped ordering the nurses to take medication, and handed over the choice of medication to Yan Miaomiao, the first doctor.

Lu Yinxi’s stomach was already full, and he rushed to the bathroom of the emergency department, vomited, and vomited all the meat buns he ate in the evening.

Should be able to survive…

Otherwise, she would suffer these crimes for nothing…

The young woman’s mobile phone was still on her, and she was afraid to leave the emergency department.

After rinsing his mouth with mineral water, he went to the small store on the first floor to buy a bottle of mouthwash to rinse his mouth, then hurried back to the emergency room, waiting for Jane Qing to come out, and also waiting for the young woman’s family members to arrive.

The emergency department is at the bottom of the chain of contempt among departments. It is the department with the largest number of people in the hospital, the most turbulent department, and the department most prone to doctor-patient disputes.

Nearly 7 o’clock in the evening, the waiting area is still full of seats.

Standing by the wall, Lu Yinxi was in a trance for a moment when he heard the voices of people beside him, and looked at the solemn, tired, or sick faces.

The noise in the virtual world gradually overlaps with the pictures of the real world.

In the waiting area, a patient who was poisoned by eating wild mushrooms had hallucinations. He was dressed in black and squatted on the ground. He felt that he was a poisonous mushroom. When anyone approached, he shouted: “Don’t pick me! I am poisonous and not tasty!”

There was a big man who was drunk and fighting, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and he smelled like alcohol. Everyone automatically moved one meter away from him, and some boldly stepped forward to ask.

There are young people who do not believe in evil and insist on stuffing light bulbs in their mouths. They open their mouths and cannot spit out the light bulbs in their mouths. The tears left on their faces are the water that got into their brains.

There are also a group of unscrupulous girls helping the eldest sister who is bleeding head to come to stitch stitches. Seeing the Luyin Creek in the corner, the eldest sister whistled frivolously, lowered her head to discuss with the younger sisters around, raised her head, and a group People looked at Lu Yinxi and sang in chorus: “The **** the opposite side, look over, look over, look over here! The performance here is very exciting, please don’t pretend to ignore it…”

Lu Yinxi rolled his eyes and gave it to them.

A little nurse in the nurse’s station stood up, put her hips on her hips and shouted, “Don’t make a noise in the hospital! If you make trouble again, I’ll call the security guard!”

The bad girls giggled and turned into quiet mushrooms.

Ten minutes later, the young woman’s parents rushed to the hospital and, upon entering the emergency department, yelled “Bebe! Where is my Bebe?”

Lu Yinxi had read the original book and was familiar with the name, so he quickly ran over with the young woman’s mobile phone: “Uncle and aunt, she is in the emergency room, don’t worry!”

She handed the phone to the middle-aged couple to confirm their identities.

The middle-aged woman held her hand, crying: “Big sister, were you the one who saved our Beibei? I kowtow to you—”

As he spoke, he was about to kneel down.

Lu Yinxi hurriedly supported her: “Auntie, you’re welcome! I just happened to pass by, and a doctor from Fuyi rescued her, and she is still participating in the rescue in the emergency room!”

She helped the middle-aged couple find a place to sit down, then ran to the emergency room and told the people inside that the young woman’s family members had arrived.

Yan Miaomiao immediately assigned an intern doctor to go out with Lu Yinxi to talk to the family members and report that she was critically ill.

After confirming the identities of the family members, the intern told them: “Your daughter is suffering from cardiogenic shock caused by viral myocarditis. The situation is quite serious. Our expert team is still in the rescue and may be transferred to the intensive care unit later. On EMCO treatment.”

When she heard that she was going to be admitted to the ICU, the middle-aged woman rolled her eyes and almost fainted: “My Beibei just has a small cold? How could it be some kind of virus or myocarditis? Is she still going to the ICU?”

Lu Yinxi and the middle-aged man supported her.

The middle-aged man said: “Don’t worry! Isn’t that kid Chu Yan also working in this hospital? I’ll make a call and call him over!”

It was half an hour later when the hero of this world rushed over from home.

As soon as he came, he first appeased the emotions of the two middle-aged people, and then entered the emergency room to join in the rescue.

From 18:28 to 21 o’clock in the evening, more than a dozen doctors rescued the patient for nearly 3 hours, and the patient was finally out of danger.

Jian Qing took off her white coat, and when she came out of the emergency room, she was covered in sweat, her footsteps were a little sloppy, and her hands trembled slightly.

She went through two high-intensity rescues today, one at noon and one at night, and now she just feels that she can’t lift her arms.

Lu Yinxi hurried over to support her, and handed her a bottle of drink to replenish water.

Jian Qing put most of her body weight on Lu Yinxi. Lu Yinxi leaned against the wall, supported her waist, and gently wiped the sweat from her cheeks with a tissue.

She unscrewed the drink, took a few sips slowly, looked at Lu Yinxi, and asked, “You already knew that? Didn’t you?”

The author has something to say: Deer. I have read the original work. Yinxi (for Roujiamo): eat more, and work when you are full

Jane, the tool of rescue, Qing: …

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-02-06 06:54:59~2021-02-08 00:10:43~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: 1 Tianjie Xiaoyu;

Thanks to the little angels who threw mines: 6 pieces of brown sugar; 3 pieces of Tianjie Xiaoyu; 1 piece of clam and pork belly;

Thanks to the little angels of the irrigation nutrient solution: 10 bottles of Jinse; 9 bottles of Lin Jian; 7 bottles of sciatica; 4 bottles of aturee and Axiang;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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