She Chooses To Destroy the World

Chapter 51

Chapter 51: Tournament (1)…

This is a grand event that many people have been waiting for for more than ten years. Many knights have been looking forward to having such an opportunity since their fledgling to make themselves stand out and become the focus of everyone’s attention. Teens and 20s. I waited until I was in my 30s. It wasn’t until the age that I could no longer be called a rookie. It finally ushered in this tournament. There are also some knights who are not young and were in the tournament when they were young. Won applause, and then went through many real battles, but still devoted himself to it with the same enthusiasm as when he was young, as if returning to the passionate era of the past.

If anyone is more excited than the knights, it must be the ladies and noble ladies of West Felix. Although West Felix was very wealthy, it was not as frequent as wars in the southern part of the kingdom. But most of the areas here are rural, and there is always something lacking in terms of culture and entertainment. There is not even a bard in the tavern in some remote areas. Occasionally, some poets get lost and stray into remote areas where there are usually no foreign tourists. They must be dragged to the castle mansion by the local nobles in the first half of the year to help them kill a lot of boring time. The duchess can go to the royal capital during the social season to find the excitement, but not all the ladies of West Felix can afford to live in the royal capital for the first half of the year. In this case, the Knight Tournament is a rare pastime. Ladies have a rare opportunity to watch those young and handsome knights sweat and hormones up close. Blushing and heartbeat admiring their hurt and painful expressions.

Before each lady came to the castle, she had made sufficient preparations, including the extra two dozen new handkerchiefs embroidered with the initials and family crest, the smelling salt bottle, the new dress specially made, and the dressing box can be found All of his pocket money. Needless to say about the new dress, pocket money can be used to buy lotteries, and the smelling salt bottle is to prevent fainting while watching the game. As for the new handkerchief, it is more useful, not only can be given to injured knights to bandage wounds, You can also leave it quietly, leaving nostalgia for the handsome young man walking behind.

The duke recruited three times as many servants as usual to come to the castle, and all the rooms here were cleaned out to accommodate the guests who came to visit the conference. The empty rooms on the first wing of the barracks are all full, even if there is no room for guests. The owner has been decided early when the room is full. Even in the nearby villages, many merchants and ordinary citizens came to join in the fun.

There were so many people who came to watch the game and do business, so that the castle and nearby villages were filled up. Some people also proposed to the Duchess that the location of the conference should be moved to Faerun, the capital of West Felix, so that not only the nobles who came to watch the conference could be accommodated more comfortably, but also the economic prosperity of the capital would be promoted.

This proposal is actually very reasonable, but the Duchess also rejected this proposal. Her reason is also very valid: Yunji Castle has always been a fortress carrying the fighting spirit of West Felix, and all knight fighting conventions have been held here since ancient times. If it is moved to the capital of Faerun, the spirit of the tournament will be lost.

The duke’s decision did not have any impact on the people who came to watch the conference. The carriages of the nobles and merchants continued to rush from all directions. Some nobles are not used to living in cold castles, so they simply set up tents in the open space outside the castle. It is now at the end of summer, the weather is very sunny, the open space outside the castle is cool and pleasant, and the tent is more comfortable to live in than in the castle. The nobles who set up tents outside are somewhat intent on comparison with each other, and they all build their tents gorgeously.

The merchants and gamblers who gathered here followed suit and set up tents in the squares of nearby villages. Although not as luxurious as the noble tents, it is also quite interesting. There are also some vendors selling snacks at the entrance of the tent, and the aroma of grilled sausages and baked potatoes is everywhere, making everyone who passes by can’t help but drool.

It seemed like a carnival was being held outside the castle.

The atmosphere in the castle is much more serious. Through registration, it is finally established that there are twelve official teams participating in the competition, plus three improvised teams, that is, fifteen teams with a total of forty-five people. Those improvised team members were country knights who had no lord, not only had no backstage, but were too poor to get all the armor. Even so, the big businessmen fancy the business opportunities behind them, provide them with support, and spend money to prepare them with armor imprinted with shop signs. Although they don’t look so decent, they at least have the qualifications to play. If they can win a few games, maybe they will be favored by a nobleman, recruited to their subordinates, and change their lives ever since.

Every knight has a little spectrum in his heart, and he can guess where his abilities are roughly ranked among everyone. But usually this is just a shadowy concept. In the tent on the village square outside, the bet for predicting victory has already been opened. Two big lists were used to write the ranking predictions of fifteen teams and forty-five knights.

Before the game officially starts, here is the most lively place.

The idlers within a radius of tens of miles basically gathered around this small tent, talking about their favorite candidates, even villagers with no spare money, they had to take out a few originally saved to buy wine. Of copper coins, vote for the team you like.

The Cavaliers will also come here, of course not mainly for gambling, but to see their predicted rankings. Alice and their team, ranked ninth in the gambling predictions, are only ranked in three wild teams and a few. Before a particularly remote area team, even many of the villagers who supported the Duchess the most did not buy them to win.

“Support is support,” the villagers said frankly, “but gambling is another matter…you can’t lie to yourself, right?”

The implication is that they don’t believe they can win at all.

The prediction of the individual scoring list is slightly better. Among the forty-five knights participating in the competition, Kent ranked 23rd, Alice ranked 16th, and Philo Cavaliers ranked seventh, at least all Within half. But these ranking predictions also prove one point, that is, the gambling group has never considered their possibility of winning at all.

Kent is the most angry. In his opinion, although he is young, he is still a very capable player and definitely shouldn’t be ranked 23rd. In order to comfort the youngest young man among all the participating knights, about one-third of the ladies who lived in the castle bought his lottery tickets, and abruptly put him in the top five rankings, ranking him in Alice. Behind. As for Alice’s age, which is actually the same as Kent, and the youngest player, the ladies didn’t really care.

Although Alice does not receive the attention of ladies like Kent, she is probably the most controversial figure as the only female knight in the game. The evaluation of her is polarized. Some people think that she is definitely not comparable to others. It is simply funny to rank her sixteenth. The reason given is only because she is a female; others consider her comprehensively. Because of her age and mercenary background, I think it’s appropriate to rank her 16th. There are also some enthusiastic fans who think that since she can become a special mercenary within three years, she will definitely be able to do so within a few months. Master the basic skills of the knight to get a better ranking in the competition.

Alice has no problem with her being ranked sixteenth. She is more aware of her level and knows her shortcomings are too serious. After all, shooting skills can’t be achieved by just a few months of assault. Yes, especially she has to spend most of the time to practice the immediate martial arts, and she has no hope of shooting. However, the fact that these people predicted that their team could only be ranked ninth really angered her and made her spend a huge amount of gold to bet her team wins. Seeing that she is so confident, some people really followed her to bet, and after all, they raised their team’s ranking by one.

Amidst all this joy and excitement, some less popular people arrived silently.

The first is a medical team headed by the duke’s magician Mrs. Meredith. This team includes two magicians and three nurses who are responsible for caring for the injured knight during the game. Mrs. Meredith’s potion can quickly heal all non-fatal wounds, so that the Cavaliers will not delay the next game. Generally speaking, most people are more afraid of magicians, worrying that they will upset them and be turned into frogs by magicians. Always bow and run away. Magicians have long been accustomed to this kind of treatment, they stayed proudly in their place and didn’t talk to anyone.

In addition to the magicians, another team also arrived here. Magicians can more or less arouse the curiosity of some people and make people watch them quietly from a distance, but these people make people unwilling to mention them. At most, they frown and complain when they see their black robe and mask. One sentence:

“This nasty crow!”

Those horrible death dependents always wear black robes, go wherever there is death, and are sometimes called “crows”.

Large-scale events like this will certainly attract the “crows.” Almost every knight tournament has a record of the unfortunate death of knights. If the dead knights are effectively loyal, their lord will pay for the burial, if they are just alone. , May become food for the “crows”. In addition, in this kind of large-scale carnival, there will always be people who accidentally drink too much wine and fall into the river, or they stabbed each other because of gambling. Such accidents are almost unavoidable. If they cannot afford funeral expenses, their bodies will be taken away by the “crows”. The crows are all necromancers, and it is generally believed that they will conduct terrible experiments with human corpses.

Some people even think that many “crows” themselves are dead people who can move. Imaginative people made up many stories about this. For example, someone saw that the face under the crow mask belonged to a acquaintance who had died. They told these stories in a particularly scary tone by the campfire, and they were scared. Barking.

These terrible stories can probably be regarded as part of the carnival, and no one will object to it. After all, the “crows” almost never speak, they just wander in silence, looking for corpses that can be used everywhere. There is a thick transparent barrier between their world and the world of ordinary people, and they will not easily break through, but some people may accidentally take the wrong step and step into the side of the “crow” with one foot.

For example, Alice at this moment.

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