She Chooses To Destroy the World

Chapter 49

Chapter 49: Philo knight.

In the castle of Yunji, Philo Knight is a very special person.

He was born in a noble family in the royal capital. It is said that his father was a good friend with the duchess’ father, Count Quinte. When the duchess married, he accompanied her to West Felix as a knight and never left her. . It is said that he has served for the West Felix for many years and should have been rewarded by the territory. However, the situation of the West Felix is complicated. The appropriate territory was allocated to him, but to other barons and knights from West Felix. He has no complaints about this, and just lives on the allowance. There are rumors that although he did not inherit the title of the family, he still has considerable property income in the capital, which can guarantee his worry-free life.

West Felix collar is actually a very exclusive place. The knights here don’t like people from other places. Philo was not the only knight who followed the Duchess back then, but they all left one after another. Only Philo remained. The Duchess relied on him so much and called him “my elder brother” many times. The Philo knight also won the respect of the local knights for his superb martial arts and unparalleled personality, and won himself a place in Yunji Castle.

Of course, when the Duchess was able to give him a proper territory, she deliberately chose a good baronial territory for him, but the Philo Knight declined. According to legend, he said this when he resigned from the Duchess:

“His Royal Highness will give me a baronial domain and make me a baron. Of course I am very happy. But what is the use of these things? I am not married and have no heirs. My nephews are very rich. There is no need to go all the way. Come to Felix to inherit my inheritance and title. All I need is three meals a day, a small house, and I don’t need to grow too much charcoal to warm my legs that are afraid of the cold. At the beginning, I said goodbye to the king. This is to be your sword and shield to protect your reputation and safety. I have left my homeland, so let me stay with my old friend as a knight, don’t let me leave you again NS.”

In fact, the duchess gave him the baronial territory at the time, and she had other intentions besides thanking him for his loyal service. At that time, the Duke of West Felix had passed away for several years. As a widow, the Duchess often got along with the unmarried Philo knights. There were unavoidable concerns. She wanted to make Philo knights a baron, in fact, to keep him a little bit. Distance, so as not to spread the scandalous scandal. However, Philo Knight said such words. This made the Duchess no longer have the heart to ask him to leave, she could only agree to his request and withdrew her life. Instead, he was given a comfortable house in the village outside the castle of Yunxi, so that he did not have to live in a barracks with difficult conditions like the young knights.

He has lived in Yunqi Castle for almost thirty years. From his youth to his old age, there are many legends about him circulating here. There was a period of time in the past when the relationship between the great nobles was extremely tense, causing knights of different factions to be at war with each other, and from time to time they would draw swords and duels for little things. But Philo Knight will not accept provocation, even if others call him a coward, he doesn’t care. He had only duel once in his life, and the man slandered the duchess for having an affair with him in order to provoke him. So the Philo knight threw the glove on his face, drew the sword out of the sheath, and killed him without making three moves, then grabbed the dead man’s foot and dragged the corpse into the river. It took him less than twenty minutes to finish these things, and the expression on his face did not change at all. Since then, no one dared to call him a coward, and no one dared to provoke him.

If you just hear the rumors about Philo Knight, you will feel that this person is a bit untrue, but as long as you see him in person, all those doubts will disappear.

This person has a rare sense of cleanliness. He looks handsome, but people who see him often fail to notice his handsomeness. His handsome appearance is obliterated in that cleanliness, and is almost wiped out. Originally, he was a merciless soldier. As he grew older, his face no longer looked so cold, and his eyes felt a little gentle. Although he is not young, he is still well-proportioned, with his back straight, like a lone pine covered with snow.

As long as you see the appearance of this person, you can’t imagine that he will be related to something private. This person has a holy temperament. It’s hard to imagine that a person with this temperament will get close to anything that is not so decent and not so right. He is always so peaceful and never even expresses anger. This may be because he is very educated himself, but it may also be because he is not necessary. As mentioned above, he only expressed his anger once, and he didn’t even frown at the time, looking like an angel of revenge.

He doesn’t believe in the **** of light like ordinary nobles from the royal capital, nor does he worship the heroic **** Bertchi like the knights. Perhaps he left the royal capital because of this. If you have to say what faith he has, the Duchess is his faith. He guarded her and admired her. She is not allowed to be offended, and she is always ready to wash away even a little bit of slander with blood. If the offense comes from himself, he can even give his life in order to repent. This almost rigid attitude may seem out of place in the capital, but it is a commendable and precious quality in West Felix, where chivalry is still the mainstream.

He has had enemies, but even his enemies can’t help but respect him. There used to be some small frictions between the Philo knights and the knights in West Felix, but they finally decided not to disturb his peaceful life. They respect him, fear him, and stay away from him, and don’t want to have anything to do with him.

Such a person will be feared by the enemy, but in the eyes of people of the same faction, it is also difficult for him to appear amiable. Because this person has only the duchess in his eyes, there is no room for anything else. But he did shelter Kent, and smiled at Alice once when she was made a knight. Kent insisted that “Old Philo is very good”, basically because of this, but he actually didn’t dare to go to Philo Cavaliers alone to talk about teaming up to participate in the tournament. He had to pull Alice together. . And Alice had never actually talked with Philo Knight, and she had no score in her heart.

When looking for Philo Knight, the time can only be chosen after dinner.

He usually eats and chews slowly, always a little slower than others. When he finishes eating, the other knights should have already left. It is a gap in conversation. But if he missed this opportunity, he would return to the house given to him by the duchess outside the castle. Philo Knight is almost the clock of the castle. Whenever he leaves the castle at night, the gate closes behind him.

For this dinner, Kent and Alice both ate so much that they turned their heads to look at Knight Philo from time to time. However, the Philo knight was always attentive, never taking his eyes away from his dinner. He is a quaint gentleman, always upholding the principle of not talking when eating. Although everyone else was gone, Alice and Kent didn’t dare to bother him before he finished eating, so they had to sit in their seats and wait for him. When the old knight had finished eating the food in front of them, before they had time to speak, the old knight turned his head and asked them:

“Are you looking for something to do with me?”

Neither of them thought that the Philo Knight would take the initiative to talk to each other. When they were nervous at this time, they became speechless, and they couldn’t say a word when they were prepared. Especially Kent, who was enthusiastic and eloquent when persuading Alice before, was like a schoolboy who made a mistake in front of the Philo knight. Alice glanced at him, calmed down, and told the Philo Knights their request.

The old knight didn’t seem to have thought that they would look for him because of such a thing. Hearing their request, he showed an unexpected expression, repeating their words in disbelief:

“You… ask me to form a team to participate in the Cavaliers Tournament?”

Alice and Kent both brushed their heads.

The old knight smiled awkwardly and politely:

“I’m probably not suitable for this kind of activity anymore at my age. If you want me to say, you’d better go and ask someone else. I think about it… Pelop shouldn’t have a team yet, you can consider asking him. ”

Alice was not surprised that they were immediately rejected. In her opinion, it was almost taken for granted, but Kent seemed much more excited. Obviously his desire to participate in the Cavaliers Tournament was so urgent that he broke through. Up his nervousness:

“Do you really think that besides you, who else could team up with us? We are a minority, and those other knights have never been the same with us. What’s more, we have to win in the Cavaliers Tournament. Loop can’t win the team.”

Philo Knight looked at the emotional Kent, and then at Alice:

“A child, a woman, plus an old man, the three of us team up, we will definitely make them laugh.”

“I’m not a kid!” Kent protested, but this protest was meaningless and only made Philo Knight’s evaluation more accurate.

Alice ignored the overly emotional Kent and took the opportunity to throw out the next argument:

“Because of this, we have to win. Imagine what those guys will look like if we win.”

This seems to have a little effect. Alice saw the Philo knight move a little, but this touch was too light, obviously not enough to really convince him to change his attitude.

But the atmosphere has been pushed to a suitable height, it is time to come up with the killer. Alice looked at the Philo knight and said something she had prepared:

“This is not only for us, but also for your Highness.”

This is Alice and Kent’s final trump card. If that is the case, Philo Knight can’t be touched, they can only give up. Although the mention of the Duchess would reduce the difficulty of the matter by several levels, if the Philo Knight judged that the matter was not good for the Duchess in nature, he would not agree.

They held their breath, looking forward to Knight Philo’s reaction, and then saw Knight Philo smile.

In this case, a smile can be interpreted as multiple meanings, and it does not mean that they succeeded, but the next words of Philo Knight finally relieved them:

“My old bone, I’ll fight with you one last time. But I can’t guarantee that I can win. I am getting older, and I am going to compete immediately, which is somewhat powerless.”

“You can win!” Kent looked enthusiastic, as if he was witnessing the long-awaited event finally becoming a reality. “You used to be the champion of the horse race in the capital, and you won the knights of the whole country. Now these people like West Felix are basically Can’t compare with you!”

“Can’t compare with me.” Philo Knight corrected him. “It’s not easy to want to win the championship when you are old and not strong enough. But it is not a problem to train you two children. Now it is far from the conference. There are still a few months before the official start. Tomorrow morning, wait for me at the training ground.”

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