Shattered Moonstone

Book 2 Chapter 7

There was a long silence as Hecatolite inspected the cowering man in priest robes. The long once white robe hung from his thin frame, the gold embody along the hem glimmering in the sun… yet on both sleeves the same black mark that was tattooed on the succubus’s chest was painted on, across the chest was a large depiction of a claw mark that stood out in stark contrast to the white and gold robes he wore. 

Do… Do I know him? She thought of attempting to make eye contact with him though he seemed to refuse to look directly at her.

“If… if that is what my mistress wishes for me.” The succubus voice pulled her attention from the man.

“What?” She asked looking back at the now blushing woman, her already red face turning a deeper shade of red as she held her face in her own hands. Her tail springing to life as it began to thrash back and forth causing her whole body to wiggle slightly. 

Hecatolite let out another sharp breath as she watched the clearly flustered woman wiggle before her. Her mind again flooded with thoughts of her…

A Babylon terminal appeared between the two blocking Hecatolite’s view of the woman.

Hecatolite turned to see her mother standing there with an outstretched hand, her cheeks flushed as she seemed to be breathing heavily. What’s wrong with her? She thought turning her attention to Alexa only to find panting as she braced herself against the cart, her entire face burning red as she looked back to her sister with eyes half closed.

Alexa’s eyes flashed black as she looked at her sister, expecting to see the blackened form of her soul only to be amazed at what she saw. Standing there was the form of a very pale young woman, faint glowing lines pulsed just under her skin branching out from her lower abdomen currently sending waves of pinkish glow through her body, her long feathery white hair flowing back revealing a child like face that was reminiscent of her sisters with big red eyes that seemed to draw her in as cocked her head slightly. If it weren’t for the fact her fingers ended in sharp points instead of nails Alexa might not have recognized her as one glaring difference caught her eyes, swaying behind the girl was a long white tail its whip like tip wiggling slightly as it branched out and coil around one of the succubus’s legs.

She watched as her sister’s soul moved its head side to side before opening its small mouth to reveal a mouth full of sharp interlocking teeth, a pinkish haze flowing out as she spoke. “What's wrong?” 

Alexa watched the haze linger for a moment, mesmerized by the pink smoke before it seemed to dissolve into the air causing her to look away for a moment only to then realize that the whole area was blanketed in a slight pink glow that seemed to flow out from the girl in waves that matched the pulsating lines in her body. With every pulse Alexa felt heat building in her own body as a wave of energy seemed to rocket through her causing her knees to buckle as she struggled with the foreign emotion. She took a breath, needing to be sure before she spoke and for the first time while using the skill soul sight, she cast greater inspection on the pale woman. A Babylon terminal appearing before her causing her to stagger, that’s strange. It normally just displays in my mind. she thought as she struggled to focus on the words being displayed. 

“Error, unable to inspect a higher being.” It said out loud as the terminal itself displayed Hecatolite’s soul page. 

“You… you became a deity?” She struggled to say after a long moment. The realization sank in of why Babylon had reacted to her spell. The spell failed… she really became a god.

“Hecatolite is currently utilizing her divine aura, advise canceling the effect as prolonged exposure to the aura of lust may have adverse effects on the human psyche.” Babylon announced as the terminal spun to face Hecatolite. 

“Divine aura… when did it activate? I didn’t use it, did I?” Hecatolite asked, trying to recall what happened that would cause one of her skills to activate on its own. She took a deep breath as she willed the skill to end, everyone breathing a sigh of relief as the overwhelming feeling of arousal left them only to be replaced by a suffocating pressure that pushed two of the nearby guards to the ground. “Oops…” she whispered as she realized without her aura or her suppressing bands the full force of her magical pressure had filled the area.

“It was activated as a response to the activation of your first domain. Congratulations, Hecatolite Lapidary, X47 the mad devour, you have activated your domain of lust, this solidifies your position as goddess of this domain, any prayers that fall under this domain will be directed to you. Error, Hecatolite Lapidary, X47 the mad devour, is also the devil of gluttony, any offerings that fall under this domain will be directed to you. You currently have… 4638 unread prayers/offerings, please view your prayers/offerings to receive the mana they contain. Error, 4602 prayers/offerings have expired due to inactive domains. You have 36 prayers/offerings, you also have 2 unread messages.”

“Wait when did they activate! Couldn’t I have just not activated them! I don’t want them!” Hecatolite yelled lunging at the terminal.

“The use of the divine skill, grant premonition, activated your divine domains.” Hecatolite stopped short of the screen, her claws hovering before it as she froze.

“What… premonition?”

“Due to your emotional reaction your body instinctively activated the premonition of recognizing the “unnamed” demon lord as your follower.” Babylon’s robotic voice… laughed, “you shared your thoughts of the “unnamed” demon lord with any follower that bears your blessing.”

“My inside thoughts!” She screamed, swiping a clawed hand through the terminal parting it down the middle. She looked wide eyed back to her mother, her face now burning just as red as everyone else’s. “What… Did you see?” She asked in a shaky voice.

Taaffeite simply shook her head, “Nothing.” She replied, deciding to spare her daughter's dignity, “let's just call this an unfortunate accident and forget it ever happened. We will discuss what Babylon just said later when we have time, but please Hecatolite, do try and keep your skills under control.”

The succubus swallowed hard as she watched her clearly flustered child speak to the other blessing bearers, this is my new mistress… she thought as she watched the one she now knows at the matriarch of their family, begin explaining something to her new goddess. She watched intently as they spoke, one of the system terminals they all seem to be able to summon floating before her as it translated; that was amazing in and of itself. She knew of the system, but in all her years, all the world's she’d been to, she has never seen anyone be able to summon a terminal with such ease, more less an entire family. Of course they would be able to, they are the family of my mistress. She thought as she remembered that each member of this family she has met, has had a truly staggering amount of power, each one of them would easily be more than a match for her even after her evolution. As she thought of the people surrounding her mistress, a chill overtook her, her chest suddenly tightening as anxiety worked its way into her mind, I will be useful to her… somehow. her silent vow doing nothing to relieve the insecurity that had started to form.

She watched as they spoke, and she now realized a few things about the one she has sworn to.

First being, she was every bit as powerful as she had originally thought. Despite her mistress' small body she contained a great amount of physical strength, being able to pull herself from her arms with ease, then shaking the very ground with no more than her voice as she expressed her annoyance at the method of her awakening. She found herself in awe of the ability to send such a vivid vision directly to her mind, the image was so clear she could almost taste it.  

She couldn’t help but feel overwhelming happiness as she recalled the image in her mind, she was no stranger to being lusted after but for a goddess herself to desire her true form so strongly that she released such a powerful aura that it knocked a man 60 feet away to the ground. The lingering effects of her power caused the succubus to bite her lip as she clenched her thighs together. 

The second thing that she had noticed was her mistress had a… fleeting mind it would seem. Every so often she would suddenly snap her head to the side as if something caught her attention, it was clear that Taaffeite had grown used to attempting to keep Hecatolite’s attention as she would expertly regain her focus and repeat the last thing she said as the young girl nodded along. 

She seems… confused? Could it be a side effect of descending onto the mortal plane? It must be. To shove all the knowledge of a goddess into a human mind must be strenuous. I am sure she’s just as cunning as Lilith, it's just… the succubus focused on her mana sense, ignoring all the other powers swirling around her she focused on Hecatolite, allowing her power to wash over her in waves. Hecatolite’s aether pulsated off her in waves, each wave carrying a distinctly different power as it fluctuated in intensity. it's so inconsistent… Can she not control it? She thought as she shifted her focus to the much more stable Taaffeite whose mana came out as a much steadier even flow, her mana feeling like a solid wall that constantly surrounded her. She recalled Amethyst’s power, which hung in the air around the girl like a thick fog, as compared to Hecatolites who felt like a cool river that ran off her in every direction.

She banished the doubts from her mind as she looked at the young woman before her. The goddess that had descended to the mortal world to walk among her followers. The goddess that had freed her from her torture, who had not only healed her but granted her more power than she could ever imagine. This was her mistress, and she would not doubt her. Even if she truly was a child, she would support her in any way she could.

“So, long story short the queen herself is on her way here and you want both me and Amethyst awake to meet her.” Hecatolite asked, scratching her head. “So, I need to… feed the succubus my power?” She looked at the woman who was looking back with a soft smile, she still seemed to be swaying slightly as her tail made small circles behind her.

Taaffeite rubbed the bridge of her nose as she sighed. “If you skip most of what I said then yes that would be the short of it.” 

“Did you even listen to anything mom said?” Alexa asked only to be answered by Hecatolite making an odd noise with her mouth.

“Pfff… of course I did. Mom’s going to try and convince the queen the church is bad… and that… we need to keep the succubus… Oh and I put a hole in the moon. How did I heal a hole in the moon?”

Alexa slapped her own forehead as Taaffeite shook her head. “You know what, sure Hecatolite. You “healed” the moon, it originally had a hole in it, and you repaired it.” Alexa replied sarcastically causing Hecatolite to raise an eyebrow as she cocked her head.

The succubus, seeing her confusion, clapped happily, “truly amazing mistress, to heal even the stars.” She said cheerfully, she knew that was not what happened but still wished to be supportive of her mistress.

Hecatolite smiled at the succubus, poor girl, even I know you can’t heal a rock, you would need nature magic for that. I wonder if she has brain damage from getting hurt. I’ll have to keep an eye on her, I did heal her after all… you can’t “heal” a rock can you? “Inutil, make a note to ask Eryl if you can heal rocks.” She whispered, a chime in her mind affirming the note had been added to “things to ask Eryl”. “Ok” she clapped her hands, “so how do I feed my power to you?” she asked, turning to the succubus, her eyes wandering up and down the woman. I really hope it’s not how I think it is, we don’t have enough time for that. her eyes landed on the swaying tail behind the woman, her hips swaying slightly every time it moved, then again… no we’re in a forest. Our mother is right there, get your mind out of the gutter Hecatolite, there's no way that's it. Taaffeite would never suggest that. Besides, this body is way too young for that…what's the age of consent in this world… no even if it is young that's just wrong. I will just have to wait. And besides, it's Amethyst's body, I couldn't take her first time like that.

“I already explained that Hecatolite.” Taaffeite interjected.

“You did?” Hecatolite replied, “umm… lets see… church… moon… queen…” She muttered, recalling the conversation.

“Before that, if I may be so bold as to make a request of a mistress.” The woman said kneeling, “I wish for you to grant me a name, as your….”

“Oh yea.” Hecatolites head  jerked up as the woman moved closer, oh wow she’s eager. 

 Everyone watched as the woman was cut short mid sentence, Hecatolite moving without a second thought as she sealed the woman’s lips misinterpreting her bow as an invitation. Both Taaffeite and Alexa quickly looked away as the area was quickly blanketed in the lustful aura as before.

“This… is really uncomfortable.” Alexa whispered to her mother as she felt the building desire in her body. Normally she would be all for a new magical phenomenon to study, originally the idea of a demon that could eat mana was fascinating… but now with the added effect of Hecatolite’s new found divinity.

“Just… try not to think about it.” Taaffeite replied as she turned to make her way to the covered waggon. “I'm going to change out of my armor, next time we will see if her suppressing bands help with the… side effects.” Resigning herself to the thought that they may just have to deal with Hecatolite’s sexual frustrations for the time being as she learned how to control her new skills. At least this time she didn't activate her premonitions.

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