Shattered Moonstone

Book 2 Chapter 5

The next few days of travel went relatively smoothly for the caravan, the only hiccup in their trip up to this point had been Amethyst strangely collapsing in the last town. Babylon had informed them that Hecatolite had “awakened” briefly and had begun suppressing the young woman again before falling unconscious again; this had not helped their concern for her, but they lacked any other options than to take the terminal's word and press on hoping she would fully awaken soon.

“It will only be another day or two depending on the roads.” The guard driving the caravan said looking up at the clear summer sky. “It normally doesn’t take this long to travel to the capital.”

“Well given mother insisting on Amethyst and I training at night and practicing magic during the day.” Alexa sighed as she looked back into the covered wagon, her eyes landing on the sleeping form of her sister.

“You think she’s expecting trouble in the capital?” the guard woman asked.

“It’s my mother we are talking about.” Alexa shrugged, “she’s always expecting trouble. I mean really, with herself, a demon, and myself, no offense but I don’t see the need to drag a whole caravan of guards across the nation.”

“None taken.” The woman grunted with a smile, “I will be the first to admit that we are a little out of our depth guarding you all. If anything was wandering these lands that could cause you lot any trouble then what hope do we have?” She said with a weak laugh.

“And yet here we are.” Alexa said, a wry smile creeping across her face. “I personally doubt we will meet any resistance in the capital, the Queen, if I remember, is… fond of my mother. She will likely be granted an audience the moment we arrive.”

“It’s likely going to be much sooner than that.” Taaffeite's voice caused the two to snap to attention as she rode next to the cart. “And to put your mind at ease, I expect no trouble once we arrive at the capital itself, but given the last few weeks let’s just say I like to be prepared.” She lifted her arm signaling to stop as the two carriages were guided to the roadside. 

Alexa was relieved that they were closer to the capital as the cart smoothly came to a stop. It was not lost on the young woman how much nicer the well-traveled roads were than dirt carved paths in their own territory. The simple act of stopping the caravan just showed the difference as they had more than enough room to pull off the road with no concern of getting stuck in the wayside.

Taaffeite nodded to Amethyst in the back of the covered wagon, “you should wake your sister, there's a procession on its way to greet us.” 

Once they had woken Amethyst, Taaffeite gathered everyone, “it would seem a group of armored soldiers are making their way towards our position. After investigation it is likely they are members of the royal army on their way to greet us.”

“Is it possible they are just passing by?” Amethyst asked groggily as the succubus knelt next to her and began strapping her leather armor on, the woman falling into her role as Amethyst’s lady in waiting the moment she was released from the carriage.

“That's unlikely, the only thing to our backs is peaceful land.” The guard woman interjected as Taaffeite nodded.

“Hecatolite still sleeping?” Taaffeite asked, eyeing Amethyst.

Amethyst shook her head, Taaffeite sighed.

We have a few hours until they get here… I guess we will have to go with that. Taaffeite thought as she nodded to the succubus.

Before the woman could react Taaffeite jerked to the side, an arrow appearing in her shoulder as she fell.

Amethyst's mind went blank as her mother fell before her, the whole world fading as Alexa ran to their mother’s side. The only sound she could hear was her own heartbeat as she was violently jerked to the side. The succubus dragged her to the ground as arrows rained around them.

Why? She watched through blurred eyes as arrows rain on her sister who shielded their mother. It's… it's simply not possible…. Mom. She tried to scream but no words came as she was smothered beneath the succubus, her vision suddenly blocked as she was pushed down. The only thing she could see now was the clear blue sky through a small gap in the woman’s arm. 

In the clear sky something caught her eye, a small… dot? She couldn’t even react as the dot suddenly grew, it’s an arrow. Was her last thought as the world faded to black.

Taaffeite lay under Alexa, sweat forming on her face as she strained to maintain control. Her eyes locked on the sliver of Amethyst's face she could see through the arms of the succubus; she could clearly see the look of horror on her daughter's face before her expression fell slack. Just as the arrow was about to make contact Amethyst face contorted as her horror quickly morphed into anger.

“Inutil!” a black obsidian slab appeared at the last moment.

Hecatolite woke in the forest, her whole body tensed as a wave of panic shot through her. 

“Inutil what’s going on!?” She screamed jumping up, her eyes scanning for unseen dangers.

I don’t feel any hostility… Why does it feel like our hearts going to explode! She let out a low growl as a terminal appeared.

“It would appear that your physical body is releasing adrenaline in large quantities. Advise quickly moving to the possession circle and taking control of the physical body. Note, you are currently suppressing Amethyst, you are effectively defenseless.”

“What! Are we being attacked!?” she screamed darting through the forest.

Fuck again! Shit it's going to take forever to get to the cabin… where is the cabin! Her mind exploded with dread as she looked around the forest, her eyes landing on the floating egg nearly right above her, shit that things hours away! Remembering her first adventure out into the forest forgetting all the times she had stopped. 

She stopped for a moment, thinking hard about the cabin that marked her sister’s half soul space and the circles she created for driving the body. She closed her eyes as she pictured the cabin and the path she took to the egg last time, a sinking feeling in her stomach as she tried to remember the directions. Ok the dumb log cabin, I went… right? Then just straight towards the front of the egg… No, that's not right. Ok the cabin, the front door. She pictured the cabin in as much detail as she could, feeling a strange pop in her mind as she did.

“The cabin is…” as Babylon attempted to direct Hecatolite its words were cut short as she… vanished? “I nearly forgot this is your domain now isn’t it.” Babylon sighed as it too vanished.

When she next opened her eyes, she was standing in front of the cabin, peacefully standing just as she pictured it in her mind. she froze as she cocked her head, “how the...”

“No time, you're being attacked.” Babylon appeared next to her.

“Oh yea!” She broke into a sprint running around the cabin only to be greeted by another strange sight.

In the field behind the cabin that led to her half of the void were dozens of terminals, all lying dormant, their enchantment circles on display as if someone was pulling them apart. In the middle of the metaphorical graveyard was the massive dual possession circle, a young girl sitting limply in the chair.

“Wait, is that Amethyst?” She asked as she eyed the girl, instantly recognizing it as a perfect copy of their physical body. “Why isn’t she… you know, all soully?” She slowly made her way to the circle.

The girl had long dark hair that could be mistaken for black though once she was closer, she could see that it was a deep dark purple, on closer inspection she could see barely visible lights twinkling in it much as Amethyst soul had.

“Amethyst soul was forced to condense in response to your presence, she is currently being suppressed. You need to move quickly.”

“But she’s…” Hecatolite looked up at the girls sleeping face… “wait… is she fucking taller than me!” She yelled, an odd feeling washing over her as she heard a crashing noise behind her as terminals were flung about.

“You are currently being attacked!” Babylon flashed yellow as it reminded her that she was still in danger.

“Fine! We will talk about this later!” she jumped into the chair behind her and focused on the spell.

What’s going on… Oh we are being hugged this is nice. This lady smells amazing… like flowers… Hey, wait, who is this?... Hecatolite thoughts were scattered as she was violently forced into the body, the feeling of being embraced by the strange woman though nice, confused her more as she contemplated attacking the strange new pervert that was... that looks a lot like a pointy stick? Her eyes landed on the strange, feathered stick flying towards her. That’s flying at me!

“Inutil!” she screamed, the terminal appearing an inch from her face at the last possible second.

Arrow, that’s what they're called. Arrows. Who’s firing arrows at me! She thought, ignoring that the arrow in question did not stop, passing through both Babylon and her head harmlessly. I’ll kill them! I bet it’s that shitty goat’s fault again! She thought as she strained against the woman holding her, her body creaking as Aether flooded her easily forcing the larger woman off her.

“I am getting really tired of waking up to being attacked!” Her voice seemed to distort as the ground around her quaked.

“Hecatolite that’s enough!” Taaffeite yelled, getting to her feet.

Her mind seemed to snap into place as she looked around. Surrounding her were a group of guards all staring at mouths agape as they slowly backed away, a man in priest robes was laying on the ground covering his head, Alexa and Taaffeite were dusting themselves off as they both gave her a weak smile. To her side the woman who was holding her was… bowing? No, groveling? What’s it called when someone puts their head on the ground like that? p… pros…. Prostate? No, that's a body part. fuck it she’s bowing… Why is she bowing? 

“What’s going on? Where are we? Who’s this? Why does my back hurt?” Seeing no immediate threat her body relaxed, the black lines that covered her fading as she released her self-enchantments. As she saw both her mother and sister approaching her, both clearly fine as they smiled at her, she found herself unable to remember why she was so tense just a moment ago as she let out a yawn. “I’m hungry.”

Alexa let out a weak laugh as she looked at her mother, “I can’t believe that worked.”

A few days ago.

After Amethyst collapsed Babylon had informed them that Hecatolite, having recovered all her aether, would likely suppress Amethyst the moment she awoke again. This posed several problems for them as Taaffeite was planning to use this visit to the capital to introduce her youngest daughter to the queen as it would be much easier to explain a lot of the story with Hecatolite herself present. Not to mention that Babylon had helpfully informed them that it is likely that Hecatolite will awaken in the soul space and “She will likely wander the soul space before assuming control of the body. Given the time dilation between their soul space and the mortal realm, along with the changes in their souls it is possible Hecatolite will spend an undetermined period of time in the space.”

This was a problem as well given that would leave them with no choice but to carry her until one of them took control, while presenting a demon lord and a fallen priest to the court dragging an unconscious body along would not exactly instill trust in their story.

“There is one possible way.” Babylon informed them, “Hecatolite seems quickest to act when Amethyst is in danger. If she were in a situation where her life was being threatened it would likely stir Hecatolite to awaken on her own…”

“I’m not going to let my daughter get attacked, Babylon.” Taaffeite glared at the terminal.

“Amethyst doesn't need to be in actual danger, a sufficient spike in adrenaline would likely have the same results. Reminder, it is unknown if this will wake Hecatolite. Note that both Amethyst and Hecatolite have the skill; danger sense...”

“Yes, so this won’t work. We can’t force her to think she’s being attacked, and we sure as hell are not going to put her in danger.” Alexa replied curtly, not liking the idea of scarring her sister to the point of thinking she’s dying.

“She’s no soldier, it's likely she will panic forgetting what skills she does and doesn’t have. It would be good practice,” Taaffeite began formulating a plan in her mind, “it’s honestly one of the hardest things to train, surprise attacks.”

“If I guide Hecatolite upon her wakening it is likely it will only take moments for her to take control of the body.” Babylon informed them helpfully as it began displaying text, “if executed properly, and Hecatolite is awakened by the shock, there is a 95% chance of her exiting the soul space quickly. Advise ceasing any actions of hostile nature as quickly as possible once Hecatolite has taken control of the body. Note, Given their soul space seems to have shorter days and longer night cycles this will likely take anywhere from moments to a minute depending on the time and how willing Hecatolite is to ignore the extra stimuli inside of the space.”

A shiver ran up Alexa's spine as her mother took on a thoughtful look. “Mom… are you expecting us to have to fight?”

“No, not at all.” Taaffeite said dismissively.

“Then why are you pushing us so hard, to train that is?”

Taaffeite paused, her face seeming to sink a little as she leaned back in her chair, “the fight against the heroes…” she took a deep breath, exhaling slowly as she closed her eyes. “Your father and I are powerful, there is no denying that you are as well but even with all that… Alexandrite, even with all my strength… I couldn’t protect you all.” Her voice hitched, just a little, barely enough to be noticeable but even still, it was there. “A simple wooden wall,” her face contorted as she clenched her fist, “that’s all that separated me from my child screaming in pain.” She took another deep breath as her hand relaxed, as her eyes opened, she quickly wiped away an unseen tear. “I can’t protect you all, but I can prepare you. No Alexa, I do not think we will be marching to war, but that does not mean we will not be prepared to. You cannot prepare for the unexpected, but the more you prepare, the less likely that you will succumb to the unplanned.”

They both sat in silence for the remainder of the night as Taaffeite's words sank into Alexa’s psyche. Taaffeite herself formulating a plan to arouse her now comatose daughter. Would using aura manipulation be too much? was her only thought as she drifted to sleep that night.

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