Shaman from Afar

Chapter 41 - Trip to Gumu Town (Part 1)

Although he came to Gumu Town only for the second time, when Loren came here again, he still felt that the atmosphere around him was not right.

Father Anthony ’s accidental death, coupled with rumors of ghouls, made the whole village a little nervous. It seems that even the air has become more dignified. Doors and windows of every household are tightly closed, and pedestrians and business travelers on the street are obviously much less than the original.

After getting rid of the two guards at the entrance of the village and town, Loren in a wizard’s robe was able to enter the town. Even so, he could still feel that those pairs were watching his gaze, full of doubt and fear.

But this is one of his purposes. Even the black hair and black eyes disguised as disguise will be exposed, it might as well be a little bit, to make his goals more obvious, may be able to attract those who hide in the shadows.

The time is exactly noon, and it is also the time for prayers of the Holy Cross. Most of the villagers are gathered near the church-naturally not just because of prayer, but more for seeking asylum and a sense of security. Even if Father Anthony was killed in the church, this ancient building is still sacred and inviolable in the eyes of ordinary people.

Many villagers came in and out under the guidance of several priests, or hedgehogs gathered near the gate and discussed in a whisper. There are also those who ca n’t help being hungry and start eating lunch, or pray to the church ’s holy cross statue over and over again. The crowd was bustling, but the shadow of death gave the air a little dignified atmosphere.

“Stop, you blasphemous guy must not be near anymore!”

Before Loren approached the gate, a few priests came up and stopped him loudly: “How about the guards? Go and call the guards—who put the wizard into the town?” ?! “

“Wait, I know this gentleman!” Before they came up, one of them wearing the Holy Cross robe stopped the person who wanted to call the guard: “He is an apprentice at Wimpar College, last time It was he who avenged the Draco priest! “

“Then you can’t prove that he is not suspect!” The priest shook his sleeve angrily, spitting and staring at Loren’s nose. “These wizards are dangerous elements, and the bishop should be asked to take them. Grab it all! “

“They are also the people of Holy Cross, and they are no different from us!” At this time, Loren found out that this little priest who was behind Draco last time was arguing with a red face: “Bishop Fabian It will not hurt an innocent believer, because he chose a different path from us! “

Finally, the little priest walked directly to Loren and extended his hand: “Please follow me, Lord Loren Turin-I know why you came.”

“Then thank you very much.” Smiling Loren immediately accepted the other party’s “invitation”. In the hostile eyes of the priests, they followed the little priest toward the back door on the other side of the church.

“I’m sorry to make you encounter this kind of thing, but … I hope you can be more considerate.” While walking, the little priest did not forget to apologize: “Now the whole town is in a state of anxiety, plus both Draco and Father Anthony We have been called by the Holy Cross, we ca n’t even take care of ourselves, but we have to appease the believers who are scared. “

“Isn’t there a new priest to take over the church here?” Loren asked suddenly with some doubt.

“It was supposed to be succeeded by the Draco priest, but he has already sacrificed, and the rest are only those who are junior like us, and it is impossible to hold the position of priest.” The expression of the little priest was all sad: “We I also asked the Bishop Master for help, but I have n’t heard from you yet, probably there is no result yet? “

It seems that the Holy Cross Church is also similar to some public offices, and there are problems of capital allocation and inefficiency … Lorren couldn’t help thinking. But I am afraid that things in Gumu Town have been delayed, and I am afraid not only because of efficiency, but also because of other factors.

“In short, it’s really good that you can come, at least let us breathe a little bit relieved.” The little priest couldn’t help but ask: “You will find the murderer who killed Father Anthony?”

“I will do my best.” Loren can only agree to this, especially after seeing the hopeful eyes: “But only if enough clues can be found.”

The two came outside the door of Father Anthony ’s bedroom. The little priest took a little effort to remove the fence next to it, and then took out a key to open the door: “Since the priest was killed, no one has moved this room, basically It’s still the same as before. “

“That wouldn’t be better.” Loren sighed in the bottom of his heart, as long as he really stayed the same-he had learned from Dalton’s mouth before he came that Father Anthony’s body had been cremated. Burying is equivalent to cutting off the source of most clues.

If his body is still there, he may still be able to get up and down from the wound and the cause of death. Maybe he can still find a bit of clues, and now he can only try his luck. However, of course, Loren wouldn’t say this kind of scenery, so he just thanked the little priest and walked into the room.

Just like the previous living room, Father Anthony ’s bedroom is quite exquisite-there are dark carpets at the feet, a mural of the Holy Cross is placed on the fireplace next to it, the bed is also a fine lake blue velvet, and the bed head The oil lamps and the wall candles on both sides are also pretty like artworks.

But Loren can still find something.

This bedroom has no windows, so no matter who wants to enter, it can only be from the direction of the door. The remaining blood stains can also prove this. The deep red marks on the carpet extend from the position near the door to the bedside, and the door lock also There is no sign of being destroyed. In other words, Father Anthony was attacked after opening the door, and then retreated to the bed all the way.

“Will the ghoul also knock on the door?” Loren could not help but said to himself with a smile.

As for why anyone thinks that Father Anthony was killed by a ghoul, Loren also found several ghoul paws in the bedroom, and there are indeed ghoul scratches on the door-but these are no evidence at all Ghoul claws are not rare materials, and scratches can also be forged.

And according to the habits of monsters like ghouls, if you really attack humans, there will definitely not be only one or two. The entire room may have been filled with their rotten smell. But now, Loren can hardly smell a little bit of rancid smell-you know that the whole room is almost closed ~ ~ so the rich taste can definitely disappear.

The whole room doesn’t look like it has been passive, and even there is no trace of being looted, so the raider’s purpose has nothing to do with money or anything, just for Father Anthony’s life.

Is it because he knew what a secret, or he was just implicated, the person who killed him just wanted to use his death to make a fuss?

How much was the experience of his last life, let Loren rummaged in the fireplace for a long time, slowly opened the charcoal ash that had been cold through, and there was a little unburnt wood in the black dust.


Slightly puzzled, Loren took out the piece of wood. It was a wooden holy cross pendant, and only half of it had been burnt. It was barely able to see its original appearance.

In the dormitory of a holy cross, how could there be a burnt holy cross sculpture?

Carefully hid things on his body, and Loren turned around and left the bedroom carefully. He specifically did not choose to go from the main entrance, but turned over the back wall-in addition to covering his eyes and ears, he also didn’t want to continue to provoke the right and wrong, after all, the image of the wizard in Gumu Town is almost to the point of Stinky Street.

Whenever there are mutant monsters and such things happen, ordinary people and churches will blame the wizards. Most of the lonely wizards are also unable to speak, plus most wizards will involve some It ’s not a place that is not acceptable, so it ’s not totally unreasonable to be wronged.

“Oh, isn’t this the old wizard wizard?”

The sound of strange gas came from behind, causing Loren to hold the hilt under the cloak.

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