Shaman from Afar

Chapter 3 - Loren Turin

The tingling sensation still kept coming from the back of the head, making the simple action of opening the eyes extremely difficult. The dark world in front of me seemed to turn around, dizzy and unbearable.

Even so, Loren, who had endured nausea and pain, still desperately got rid of this nightmare, and what he saw was still cold and cruel reality-surrounded by a dark jungle, his wrists and ankles were tightly tied with twine , In front of the burning campfire.

In the center of the bonfire, the knight’s sword full of collapses seemed to remind again and again what happened to Loren not long ago.

Staring at the gradually turning red blade, his own faint reflection, Loren could not help but sneered.

This is a wild world, a world that is completely different from the one I lived in before. Beasts and monsters can be seen everywhere in the wilderness. Robbers and bandits can unscrupulously rob villages. Even self-proclaimed people like the old knight Leonardo will kill people for money and food shelter … and follow a living by killing people. Two or three years of his wandering knight, still expecting to live peacefully and peacefully? !

Or I knew that I was just deceiving myself-just hiding behind the old knight, enjoying the stable days he earned by fighting without any care, and treating the other party as an old drunkard who only knew about alcoholism

The naked reality in front of him is the best punishment for selfishness. His own mistakes and misjudgments were almost equivalent to killing Leonardo with his own hands. Loren’s face grew darker, and his dark eyes stared at the burning sword without blinking.

“are you OK?”

With a slightly uncertain voice, Loren turned his head slightly. Only then did he find that there were other people beside him, and his pale blue eyes looked at himself nervously: “I think you asked when you woke up, but your appearance does not seem to be good, is it hurt?”

“It’s nothing, just a headache.” Loren shook his head pretentiously. In front of him, the little man with golden hair and blue eyes, pale skin was simply not ridiculous, as thin as a mouse. The beautiful face and messy hair make it difficult for people to distinguish between men and women.

But what really attracted Loren’s attention was the large black robe. Although it looked a bit dirty, there were silver laces on the collar and cuffs. The texture was much stronger than the linen gown on his body.

In this wild world, clothing is almost a symbol of identity. Even just that silver picture is enough to prove that the identity of the person in front is absolutely ordinary.

Wait a moment, Loren remembered a little bit. Before he fainted, he vaguely heard Martin say, who he wants to be locked with …

“Are you a wizard?”

“Uh … yes, yes.” The little wizard was startled by Loren and nodded a little stiffly: “But I’m just an apprentice, do you see it from my robe?”

“Yes!” Loren is no longer planning to correct the other party. This sudden surprise has made him not plan to think about other things-although he has never seen it in the past, he has heard it in the wandering two or three years. There are a lot of rumors about the wizards, especially those magical spells, and magic: “Can you make a trick and let us escape from this ghost place?”

“Change the trick?” The little wizard was stupid for a second, and looked at Lorren, who was too excited, crying with a smile, completely a look that did not know how to explain: “Sorry, although I do understand a little, but … … I’m afraid I will disappoint you. “

“No, don’t care, I should apologize.” Loren waved his hand calmly-if the other person really had that kind of ability, wouldn’t he have escaped long ago, would he wait until he came?

I really wanted to catch the straw when I saw it … The little attendant couldn’t help but laughed at himself.

“Speaking again, why are you here?” Some embarrassed Loren couldn’t help changing the topic; “I mean, why did you come to such a place as Wild Dog Village?”

“My mentor got the news, I heard that there is a very old ruin under the church in the village of Wild Dog Village, which may have some research value.” The little wizard explained: “This is also a trial for me. After all, this kind of trial The opportunity is really rare. “

“Remains, what remains?”

“A pagan temple-the church here may have been demolished and then covered with the remaining materials, otherwise it is difficult to explain why the church is so exquisite.”

Agrees with Loren. The entire wild dog village is decaying like a **** heap. Even the village head ’s house is piled up with haystacks. Only the church is made of brick and wood, which is abrupt.

“There were two other soldiers who came with me, and they were all killed.” The little wizard lowered his head and asked with difficulty, “Why are you caught by them?”

“My master and my knight passed by here, and was asked by the head of the Wild Dog Village to eliminate the robbers here. As a result …”

“That’s the guy!” The little wizard screamed, his teeth squinting and his eyes widened: “It was he who brought this group of robbers!”


“Treasure, he thought that there was treasure in that temple, and he deliberately recruited the robbers, trying to make them find the treasure for the dead ghost!” The wizard said that every word was gritting his teeth fiercely: “It turns out that the other party does not I’m fooled, so I regret it again! “

So this is it? Loren recalled carefully that everything before it made sense-the village chief wanted to monopolize the treasure, and the robber named Martin was obviously not a fool, and both sides were trying to use each other’s purposes.

Although able to maintain a rational analysis, it does not mean that Loren cannot feel anger-but the more angry, the less one should stop thinking, but should seize every opportunity, every one can kill this group of miscellaneous opportunity.

“What about those villagers, do they know these things?” Luo Lunqiang asked calmly: “Are they also the accomplices of the village head?”

“I, I don’t know.” Although Loren had covered up as much as possible, the little wizard could still see that the little servant in front of him was very angry and responded with some fear: “But even if they don’t all know … “

…… I can’t escape the relationship. Loren certainly understood what the other party meant. It was for this reason that he felt more angry. The villagers, when they saw themselves and the old knight follow Martin up the mountain, knew what would happen, but they kept silent all the time, watching them save them People go to die!

“Martin, the robber leader hasn’t killed us yet because he thinks we are still useful to him.” Loren with his head lowered suddenly and calmly analyzed: “They didn’t dare to break in. That pagan shrine, so we plan to let us take the place of dead ghosts and explore their way. “

The little wizard nodded silently. UU looked at and curled up.

“So, our opportunity will come at that time-whether there is anything that can scare people to death, or nothing at all, this is the last chance.” Loren’s voice became more and more certain, the more Come more and more confident: “If we are lucky, we might be able to escape, and even let them pay the price!”

This guy … Was he confused, or did the robbers fool him? At this point, he didn’t forget his revenge. What was he thinking about? !

But … if there is really a chance? The little wizard could not help thinking like this-no one really wants to die. If he can really escape from here and revenge at the same time, should n’t he try it? Anyway, it ’s all at this point, the worst Where is the result worse than now? !

While the wizard was still thinking about it, he found that Loren’s bound hands had stretched out in front of him, and those dark eyes were looking at him with sincerity.

The other party was still in doubt, and Loren could see the expression of the little wizard in front of him. At this time, you need to give a little more confidence and motivation to make the other party become your own ally.

“I know this is awkward, after all, we just know each other-but we are already on a boat.” Loren said sincerely: “Only in the same boat can we all live!”

The little wizard blushed abruptly, still holding it up: “Ain Rand, Wimpal apprentice wizard, future alchemist, what about you?”

“Loren.” The little attendant said, hesitating for a moment, then changed into a more powerful tone:

“Loren Turin is a wandering knight.”

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