Shadow parasite

Chapter 5: A change in status

With a clear objective in mind, the three of them soon arrived in front of the building in which Elisa worked. Gorn took the lead while Mara and Nora followed close behind.

"Halt! What business do you have here?"

There was a guard by the door. He knew already all the workers inside, and the fact that Gorn was not one of them.

"I'm here to take Elisa away," said Gorn with some impatience.

"You can't go in. You'll have to wait until work hours are over."

Gorn grabbed the guard by the arm and threw him a few dozen meters away like he was some sort of ball. This action wasn't to harm the guard but to display enough power so that he would understand some things. No one blocking their path anymore, they entered the building, and soon found Elisa's working place. A small room full of all kinds of papers.


Mara and Nora quickly ran to their mother, embracing her. Elisa looked very tired, but that didn't diminish her charm at all.

"Why are you all here? Did something happen?"

Gorn smiled gently.

"Mara, I'll count on you to explain some things. I'll go real quick to the toilet."

Without waiting for a response he quickly left. Grabbing the nearest worker he asked about the location of their boss. After finding that information, Gorn decided to pay him a quick visit.

In just a few moments his target's location was discovered. A very luxurious, and spacious room, at least when compared to the rest. Gorn entered, then closed the door behind him. A large variety of noises could be heard from inside. After a couple of minutes, Gorn returned, his small mission a clear success.

'Well, this should do the job.'

With that out of the way, he got back to the girls. Since that wasn't the place for discussing important matters, all of them returned home.




Things were rather simple, so after a quick discussion, everything was sorted out.

"I don't want you to be under such pressure," said Elisa with a worried face.

"I understand your worries. In that case, just let me handle the situation for a few days. If it's too much, we will consider another plan then."

Elisa's eyes were a little teary.

"Alright then..."

At this moment Ella arrived, the youngest, and the most spoiled among them.

"You are all home, yey!"

With her playful demeanor, the atmosphere turned cheery almost immediately. After staying with the girls for some time, Gorn returned to his room.

'This world's currency is also gold, unfortunately, I can't take out gold pieces from my inventory. Not directly, at least.'

The solution was simple, he could sell something from his shop. After some consideration, he chose the healing potion and the black sword.

'Now I need to find someone to sell them for me.'

After a few moments, his mind drifted to Lora.

'Her family has quite a few shops inside the city... .'

The light of the sun marked the start of yet another day inside Star City. Everything seemed rather peaceful if one looked from above.

Gorn was currently at school, inside the principal's office together with Sara. The principal was a middle-aged man with a power level of eight hundred and no skills.

His physique could put to shame most of the men. With big, well-defined muscles, coupled with his tall build the man gave quite an imposing aura. Seeing such a person smile at you while drinking some coffee was a little unsettling at the least.

"Take a seat Gorn. Would you like some tea or a cup of coffee?" said the principal.

"A cup of coffee please."

Sara got up and poured both of them some coffee.

"My name is Carl. Usually, I don't meet with students, except for cases like this one."

Taking a sip of coffee Carl continued:

"From today onwards you will become a core student of this school. That means receiving more resources, including money, and protection."

In the next moment, Carl took out five pieces of what looked to be red gems and put them on the table.

"This is your pay for the next five months, I'll give them to you in advance. These monster cores go for around five thousand gold each. You can use them to increase your strength or sell them for money. In addition, you are free to use all of the school's facilities, and attendance is no longer mandatory."

Gorn was a little stunned by the sweet conditions.

"And what must I do for all this?"

To receive so many things meant some conditions had to be met.

"You don't need to do anything. However, it is expected from you to help the city and its inhabitants in times of need."

Gorn took the gems from the table. If he became incredibly strong, just his presence alone would make the city safer; provided he did not go berserk and try to kill everyone.

"All of the teachers, as well as some important people will be shortly announced by the change in your status."

Next, Gorn asked about moving the twins to this school, as well as the problems he caused. Carl smiled bizarrely: "No problem. As long as you don't kill or disable anyone, the school will protect you. That is, of course, valid only for the duration of your studies. However, small fights between the younger generation are only natural, so don't expect us to jump to your aid for small things."

Until now, everything seemed to be going smoothly.

"Congratulations Gorn! I look forward to your rate of progress!" said Sara.

Just her presence alone made things a lot more pleasant. Wearing tight clothes, coupled with her hair that was masterfully arranged, made for quite the sight.

"Thank you!" said Gorn while sneaking a few glances at her body.

With most of the important stuff out of the way, Gorn left the room. Sara and the principal remained behind, they had some other stuff to talk about.

'These monster cores solve the money problem quite well.'

The debt was below five thousand gold pieces, so one monster core was more than enough to solve that. Gorn tried to absorb the energy from one core, however, his speed was very slow. Something to be expected, considering his low talent. It was the same situation when doing physical exercises. As a result, he needed to work much more than someone with better talent. Fortunately, Gorn now had other means of powering up.

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