Shadow parasite

Chapter 42: Not bad at all!

“That’s an interesting rumor… Any other such rumors?” asked Gorn with anticipation.

“That’s it. We hardly get any free time at all, so…”

“I get it,” said Gorn. Leaving some wild apples behind, he prepared to leave. “Better times will come again eventually, so hang in there.” With those words, he vanished from their sight.

‘I doubt that these kinds of people know any important information. I’ll have to make a trip into the city after I get stronger,’ thought Gorn while being on his way back. That blue spotted deer’s stealth skill could come in handy for such an ordeal.

‘Do I even really want to go back?’ On a second note, it wasn’t absolutely necessary to go back. He had all the necessary tools to keep himself, and a few other people, relatively safe even in harsher environments.

‘Other than Lora and Sebastian, I don’t have any special ties with anyone…’ He was in this new world only for a few months. Everything seemed strange, and distant. His real family was somewhere else entirely, so Gorn wasn’t too attached to anyone or anything here in particular.

Elisa, and the other girls made him feel comfortable, but still, the relationship between them was only at the beginning. ‘I look forward to finding out the answer to some questions.’ He had no idea what happened. Gorn just woke up in this different place without any prior warning or information. He just found himself here, with no idea how, or why it happened.

‘At least I got some awesome abilities.’ Gorn grinned, pleased by the fact that he could evolve at a relatively fast pace compared to what he saw until that moment. ‘With power comes great responsibilities, right?’ It was getting harder and harder not abusing his powers, or using them for wicked things.

‘I wonder what will happen to me in the future… Will I become a good person, or will I turn into a psychopath villain?’

With these thoughts, Gorn arrived at his destination. The huge tree stood there proudly, without any care for what happened in his proximity. Blinking, Gorn appeared on the same, familiar branch.

Elisa was startled upon noticing the presence of a silhouette in the background. Seeing that it was Gorn she breathed out in relief. “Shit! You really scared me…”

“How is the project going?”

Elisa’s facial expression switched quickly. Now, a smug was plastered across her face. Noticing his arrival, the other girls made their appearance as well. They came from within the tree trunk. The entrance wasn’t too big nor too small, it was just enough for a person to walk through.

“Ohh…” The opening was concealed by a pretty common type of plant found attached to certain trees inside the forest. Nothing fancy, but very practical and efficient.

“You have returned? Please come inside,” said Rebeca.

Gorn went through that small opening, and quickly found himself inside a slightly bigger chamber. It was just enough space for them to fit in.

“The tree is very hard to cut through, so we only managed to do this much,” said Elisa with a smiling face. She was clearly pleased by their work.

“Good job! You did great,” complimented Gorn while glancing at all of them.

“Well, better later than never, right?” asked Elisa.

“Exactly. Now let’s celebrate by having a feast.”

Gorn proceeded to take out a variety of snacks, and food from his inventory. His reserves from the city weren’t out yet. On top of it all, he even took out a bottle of wine and a few glasses.

“Wow! You sure know how to lighten up the mood!” exclaimed Rebeca, very eager to drink some wine.

Elisa also made a delighted face. “Adults only, kids should not drink.” She looked at Ella and the twins while saying those words.

“What?! That’s not fair! We are not kids anymore,” complained the twins at the same time.

Ella did not look so affected, after all, she never drank such a thing before. “Got any juice?”

Gorn took out three bottles of juice, and threw them towards the twins and Ella. Seeing Mara and Nora’s faces, he couldn’t help himself but laugh. Rebeca laughed as well, but a bottle of juice also flew her way. This time, it was the twin’s turn to laugh.

Gorn opened the bottle of wine and poured a glass for Elisa, and one for him. After taking a sip, he said: “Let’s eat!”

Everyone gathered around him and started to take bits of everything that laid before them. All was delicious, without any exceptions. With each passing minute, it was getting darker and darker.

“With your abilities, you could be a very successful thief,” joked Elisa, after swallowing the food she had in her mouth.

“You think?”

“Aren’t you afraid he might do it if you give him the idea?” asked Rebeca from the side.

Elisa raised one of her eyebrows cutely. “The ability to teleport, and store things. Do you think he didn’t think about it already?”

Hearing that answer, Rebeca turned her gaze to Gorn. “Did you?”

“I sure did,” said Gorn. “Steal from the rich and give to the poor, is that something bad?”

Elisa pondered over his question. “Doing a bad deed for the sake of a good one. That’s too hard of a question for me.”

Rebeca also shrugged her shoulders : “I don’t really care. But if you steal something with that mind set, please remember that I am a very poor girl.”

Gorn erupted into laughter, almost chocking with the wine he just drank.

“What?” asked Rebeca with an innocent look on her face.

Gorn wiped the wine off his mouth, then grinned: “I’ll be sure to remember that.”

Rebeca smiled coquettishly: “Great! I wouldn’t mind a few donations at that time.”

Ella was busy with the food, not bothering with their conversations. As for the twins, they were not that talkative to begin with. A curtain of darkness was slowly taking over the wilderness. With Gorn’s presence, the frightening sounds that came from deeper within the mountains didn’t have the same impact as before.

Little by little, everyone ate to their heart’s content. The sky was clouded, making it hard to see any stars whatsoever. “I guess it’s time we go to sleep,” said Gorn after carefully analyzing if everyone finished eating.

“Let’s go, I’m eager to try our new little house,” said Elisa while getting up.

“I will sleep on the edge!” yelled Ella whilst running to be the first one inside.

“Me too!” Mara and Nora were quick to follow.

By the time Gorn entered, both sides were taken. He had to use his fire ability to be able to see clearly inside. He didn’t care that much and sat in the middle with the face upwards. Elisa and Rebeca sat by his sides.

All of them laid on the ground with little space between them. Deactivating the fire ability, everything turned dark.

“Good night!” said Ella. Everyone responded with the same words.

Elisa and Rebeca leaned over and put their heads on Gorn’s chest almost at the same time. Thankfully, it was room for both of them. Feeling their heads on his upper body, as well as their hands on his abdomen, felt nice.

In the next moment, he also felt their legs on top of his.

Gorn grinned.

Extending his arms, he grabbed them both by the ass.

‘Not bad at all!’

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