Shadow parasite

Chapter 33: Returning

“What should I buy first?”

Gorn had some available gold. It wasn’t anyway near enough to get the good stuff, nonetheless, his power could be improved to a certain degree. This could be effective immediately. Improving his raw power or leveling up some of his skills was a good way to start.

“Raw power or skills?”

Currently, Gorn considered the ‘blink’ skill, his most useful ability. It provided a stealthy, and efficient way of moving around, as well as a great way of escaping danger. His other powers were also very useful, albeit a little less important than this one.

First things first, Gorn used three hundred thousand gold to bring his level three ‘blink’ to level five. In the next moment, two small pieces of paper appeared in his hand. On the paper were a few small words written. Skill level up voucher (Lvl3): rip to use. After ripping apart the paper, available skills for upgrade were listed. Very simple to use. Gorn used both of them straight away.

Blink (Lvl5): You can blink up to a distance of five hundred meters in any direction you want. Can teleport together with you, anything that does not exceed a weight of five hundred kilograms. The bigger the distance, and the heavier the weight, the more energy is consumed.

Gorn grinned. At this point, he could travel faster by blinking than by using his current full raw power. He had enough gold to upgrade the skill once more, but he did not do that. Instead, he bought four power up potions, which he drank right away.

+10 power!

+10 power!

+10 power!

+10 power!

The feeling was, as always; simply amazing.


Name: Gorn

Talent: Low

Auto farming system (Lvl2): 10/15 targets.

Power level: 1040

Abilities(7/10): Regeneration(Lvl2); Fast learner(Lvl2); Blink(Lvl5); Air steps(Lvl4); Fire manipulation(Lvl4); Fire control(Lvl2); Fire resistance(Lvl5)

Equipment: Black sword; Leather armor;

Shop (Lvl2)

Inventory: 50 cubic meters

Current Gold: o gold

Current Missions: 1). Hunter

With that being done, Gorn decided to return to the city. Using his improved blink, and the ability to step on air, traveling was now a real pleasure as well as very efficient. He could teleport to either a place he set his sight on, either towards a certain direction, in a random empty spot. The distance could be adjusted to any length he wanted.

In a short amount of time, Gorn traversed a great distance. Even though there wasn’t any real obstacle in his way, a level of safety was not ignored. Next on the menu was to acquire three more skills, as well as complete the total number of targets available in his system.

Stealth and durability were two skills he deemed as a good choice. As for the third, he was still not sure. Suddenly, he stopped. “The spiders have two interesting skills…”

During his month he analyzed quite a few of spiders. Their signature skills were ‘web creation’ and ‘poison’. The stronger the spider, the higher the level of these skills. The traveler’s house was a good option as a safe place when resting or when using the new feature to intervene in the system’s fights. While he didn’t try it yet, it plainly said that his body would be vulnerable during that time.

“What if I use the web creation skill to secure myself a safe spot?” The house was way too expensive for his current funds, so he thought of using the web creation skill to make himself a nest similar to those of the spiders he has slain.

He knew very well that such a method was very vulnerable to fire. But then again, using certain levels of heat was not effective. Except for Lora, her mother, and the fire fox, he didn’t know anyone with a fire skill. Furthermore, he had the fire resistance skill.

“I must find out a few more details.”

Gorn was curious if in the case of someone attacking him, and causing him pain, would he notice, or would he wake up from the system’s space or whatever it was. In that case, if his web den caught fire, that could be some sort of alarm for him. Dying by burning up was not very likely considering all the aspects involved. Just like that, one of the weaknesses could turn into a powerful alarm system, and as a cover for a sneak attack or escaping.

What was scarier, was in fact being stabbed in the vitals, areas such as the heart, neck or the head. In that case, death would be hard to avoid. It seemed like a good safety measure, so Gorn decided to try it out.

That, however, had to wait some more time. Getting the monster with the highest level of skills was desired. That way, he would save a reasonable amount of gold. To do that, he needed to at least have the maximum level of power available through using the potions, as well as getting himself a decent weapon.

With that being said, Gorn resumed his journey. The closer he got to the city, the more people he noticed inside the wilderness.

“Why are there so many people outside?”

Quickly changing direction, Gorn appeared on a tree branch, beside a small group of people. A few men and a few women, some of them possessing pretty ugly injuries. The motive for that was a group of wolves that were currently circling around the tree, angry that their prey escaped.

“Who are you?!” His sudden appearance startled the others. One man, who seemed like the leader, came in front to confront him.

Gorn quickly analyzed the man, as well as the rest of them. His power level was below five hundred, and the best among the lot.

“Relax, I have no intentions to harm you in any way,” said Gorn while adopting a non-aggressive posture.

The man let out a breath of relief, however, his vigilance was still there. Only an idiot would completely trust a stranger. “Who are you?”

“It’s not important who I am. I want to know why are you so far away from the city with your low level of power. It doesn’t look to me that you just want to die.”

The man took a more defensive posture: “Weak? We are not weak at all.”

Gorn blinked in front of the man while grabbing him by the neck. Snapping the person’s neck was but an easy task. “You are wasting my precious time. Speak quickly, or I will throw you to the wolves.”

Using overwhelming force brought immediate results. The man quickly started to tell everything that he knew. Gorn let him go, while at the same time threw a few healing potions towards him.

“Here are a few healing potions as a reward,” after saying those words, Gorn disappeared from their sight. This kind of action made everyone tremble in fright.

Healing potions were not uncommon inside the city. There were multiple options with a variety of potency. Even if the simplest healing potion that the system offered could not compare to a high quality healing option made by alchemists, it was still efficient. Gorn had a high number of them in his inventory.

That small group of people left the city in the first days after Norman took over the leadership. Gorn found out that commander Norman was now in charge of the city, as well as the fact that he imposed very strict rules on the inhabitants.

Everyone’s condition was unknown. Just as formerly planned in case of emergencies, he went directly towards their meeting point outside the city.

“After using those power-up potions, the girls should have been able to reach that place. Hopefully, nothing bad happened to them.”

After some time, Gorn could finally see the said tree far away into the distance. It was the moment of truth. He helped them as much as he could. At this point, some things could be done only by them personally. Being all the time by their side was not an available option. If something bad happened to them, it was outside his abilities.

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