Shades of the New World

Chapter 50: The Earl's mansion

At the gateway of the biggest mansion in town, Evin and the rest awaited their entry to the mansion. The process seemed awfully slow, considering the fact that they had a meeting agreement beforehand. Aran was keeping Arza in check, while Evin was just chatting with Rith to pass time.

Evin felt that maybe he was being ostracized for his Northern origins, but after looking around the place, he noticed that most of the guards and servants worked in a slacking manner. Evin thought that perhaps the problem was with the staff here. The mansion itself seemed poorly maintained, with specks of dust and even some garbage left on the floors. After another half and hour of waiting, the three humans and one Feline were invited into the dining space of the Earl.

Entering the room, Evin found that it was actually a wide hall adorned with gorgeous decorations. The atmosphere here was clearly contrasting to the rest of the mansion. First, the place was spotlessly clean and the previously slacking servants now looked vigilant and full of life. Ready to serve their master.

Evin looked behind the table that was filled with delicacies and found a rotund man sitting on a wide, sturdy chair. The man had a receding hairline, but his face looked like he was in his forties. Under his eyes were darkened eye bags, and the man generally looked like he lacked sleep and nourishment.

'Stress from the job, probably,' Evin guessed.

Sitting around the table were three girls. One was of similar age to Evin, but seemed a bit older, maybe 6 years old; and two others who were a bit older. One appeared to be close to 11, while the other looked much older.

"Mage Aran of Arcvallen greets Earl Borna of the kingdom," Aran declared as he entered the room.

"Just call me Velpin, no need for one of your stature to humble yourself over the mayor of a small town like ours. I also greet miss Solraheeth Rithlaven in your party," the man replied and nodded towards Rith.

Rith replied perfunctorily, clearly not interested in entertaining the man.

Evin could detect a hint of contempt in the man's voice when he talked to Aran. Since Evin was in a foreign environment, his senses were abnormally focused, not letting even the smallest hints hide from him.

"How could I dare to do that? Here's my son and a son of my friend. They hope to receive the Oath stamp from you, so they may start their career as a mage of the Kingdom," Aran replied neutrally.

"Your subject Eviendra greets Lord"

"Your subject Arza greets Lord," the two kids recited as they were told.

It surprised Evin that Arza did as told for once, but thought that maybe Aran promised him something if the boy behaved during the meeting with the Earl.

"Of course, but first, let us dine. I will deal with your proposed problems with afterwards. I heard Eviendra, over there, is one of the Children of the Empress?" Earl Borna asked inquisitively.

"Yes, my lord," Evin answered curtly. He ignored the painful stare the Earl was shooting at him.

"How interesting, I heard that they're mature from birth and often go on to achieve great things. I heard that you made a deal with the Cosmics already, and apparently you make enough money to keep your family fed and comfortable. Oh, how I envy your parents," the Earl exclaimed.

It was like the words greed and expectation were smeared over the man's receding hairline.

Evin could see where this conversation was going, so he was preparing his words on how to refuse him politely. But just to be sure, he looked at Aran to see if he has to say something. Aran glanced back, and the glance seemed to imply one thing. Indifference.

Evin understood the gesture as, "do as you wish".

"How can my measly income compare to Lord's riches? I'm embarrassed by how others look at my family. Look at your mansion and look at our little house. It's like comparing a lion and a cat, then saying the cat is more majestic. Flattery should have limits," Evin said.

"Now, don't say that. Oh, dear me, almost forgot my daughters. The eldest is named Arelyn, the middle one's name is Olevyn and the young princess' name is Bellaslayn. Go on, introduce yourselves," the Earl said hurriedly.

The girls stood up and introduced themselves briefly and expressed their gratitude to be acquainted with their guests.

"I've always wanted a boy from my wife, but alas, the Empress did not approve of this small wish of mine. I'm preparing Arelyn to become the future Countess, but there's been one matter that made me hesitate a bit. My youngest, Bellaslayn, turned out to be a mage, so I thought I should wait until she is properly educated," the Earl continued after his daughters.

[What the fuck is he on about? ] chimed in Karan from inside Evin's head. The skinshifter was on Evin's fingers, filled to the brim with deadly poison. He explained that being more lethal felt more comfortable than just being an empty vessel.

[Perhaps he wants to bind his youngest to me. Judging from the state of the town and his mansion, he doesn't really have a talent in ruling a place. Perhaps he greeds for my connection with the Cosmics, ] Evin replied in his head.

"I'm sure they'll both turn out to be wonderful women in the future. There's a saying I heard somewhere. Don't put all your eggs in one basket. It means that one should not focus on one thing so much, instead, try one's best to look for all the opportunities one has. Lord is wise to apply this in your life," Evin said offhandedly.

After saying it, he realized his mistake.

'Ah, shit, I gave him an excuse,' he thought in his head.

"Precisely! What a wonderful saying. I was thinking that maybe if I have my youngest betrothed to a talented young mage, I'll be able to solve all of my problems at once. I'll have the boy I wanted so much, and I won't have to worry about choosing my heir," the Earl exclaimed happily.

'Ah, who cares, the suggestion was going to appear sooner or later,' Evin shrugged in his head.

He took a glance at the youngest and found her frowning slightly. She most likely didn't expect her father to sell her so suddenly and without notice. Though Evin commended the girl for not going on an outrage.

"How can I agree to something like that? Although Bellaslayn would surely grow into a beautiful woman in the future, you must remember that I'm only four years old and she's perhaps six. She will surely find someone else that she fancies soon enough. I'm afraid I have to refuse your offer, Lord Earl," Evin refused politely.

He took another look at the girl and found her relieved, but slightly offended face. Bellaslayn seemed glad she wasn't sold, but she still took a hit to her pride, because the buyer did not fancy her.

Evin chuckled inwardly and let the matter go. Just one hopeful noble trying to achieve some benefits. No harm was done in the process.

"Of course, although if she ever asks to get closer to you, I hope you won't be so heartless to reject her," the Earl said with a slightly twitching smile.

[What a shameless bastard. Slapped in the face, but acts like no such thing happened, ] Karan's thoughts echoed in Evin's mind.

"Of course"

Evin could only give an empty promise.

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