Senior Brother is Number One In the World

Chapter 28

Chapter 28 – Introducing Nuns

Chapter 28 introduces nuns

Gu Subai ignored him, and instead approached Zhu Shiyao who was still dazed after the blood rain was over.

She frowned, um, a little disgusted.

Casted a cleansing spell to remove the blood from her body, took out her cloak from the storage ring and covered her slightly revealing dress, and tied it up for her.

“You are willing to let your little beauty suffer.”

Jiang Yitan replaced the red umbrella in his hand with a scabbard, and it was also a dark abyss, with his hands on his chest, looking down condescendingly.

Zhu Shiyao came back to her senses immediately, and the hand holding Gu Subai shook for a while.

“Brother, did you see that I succeeded, I succeeded”

Zhu Shiyao’s face was full of surprises. She didn’t expect the technique taught to her by her senior brother to be so powerful. She only used less than one-third of the spiritual power in her body to completely torture the Huoyun wolf. It was really terrifying.

“Ok, I know”

Gu Subai helped her up, but his eyes were fixed on Jiang Yitan.

“What do you see, am I that kind of person?”

This **** is lucky that he held up an umbrella for her just now, but now she doesn’t believe in his character. Isn’t it just a powerful spell? There’s nothing to say. What made her even more angry was that Gu Subai didn’t believe in his character. It’s unreasonable. She and him still had a battle.

“Thank you”

She nodded slightly as a response, and then helped the excited Zhu Shiyao to leave.

This spell is simple, powerful and does not consume much spiritual power. If it is spread, Zhu Shiyao will probably be spied on more, and the water spirit root is probably even more troublesome.

“Hey, wait for me”

Jiang Yitan caught up with the two of them and walked beside Gu Subai. He didn’t want to walk beside Gu Subai’s junior sister. He was drenched in blood and smelt to death. Even though there was a cleansing spell, he still felt overwhelmed.

“You want to follow us?”

“What does it mean to follow you, this road is not your Yunxu school, you go your way, I go mine, we just happen to be walking on the same road”


He is right, but she doesn’t want to earn it.

“Brother, wait a minute, I’m going to… change clothes”

Zhu Shiyao blushed and said to Gu Subai in a mosquito-like voice.

Her clothes have been scratched and exposed, it’s nothing for the senior brother to see, but there is still Jiang Yitan around, so she doesn’t want him to see it.

Gu Subai nodded, and when Zhu Shiyao approached the forest to change her clothes, she leaned against a tree and ate the pancakes from the Lingfu. In life, only delicious food can live up to it.

Jiang Yitan felt that his three views on Gu Subai had to be refreshed again. Can you imagine a cool and elegant gentleman with a very serious look, holding a cake in his cheap hands and gnawing on it? ?

The key is that this noble young master is unconscious, with a serious face as if he is doing something important. If it wasn’t for the satiation in her eyes, he would have thought she was taking poison.

“Foundation establishment seems to be ready for bigu”

His expression was a bit indescribable.

“I know”

She tilted her head, a little confused. Of course she knew that building a foundation could make a bigu. Isn’t this common sense in the cultivation world? Didn’t he know it?

Know you still eat! !

The things in her hands have no aura at first glance. Don’t you know that the world of cultivation can’t eat mortal things? There are impurities in the body after eating, and they have to be excreted, and things that are completely useless are still eaten.

“Did you mean this?”

Seeing him staring at the pancake in her hand, she raised it and asked.

“No problem, it’s just a matter of spending a little spiritual power”

She finished eating in two or three quick bites, then crumpled the paper bag containing the pancakes into a ball, pressed the spiritual power in her hand, and the paper bag disappeared, then took out a handkerchief and wiped her mouth gracefully.

Jiang Yitan stared dumbfounded at her series of acts of destroying corpses and destroying traces, a little in disbelief, no, this is not the aloof Gu Subai he knew.

At this time, Zhu Shiyao had just changed into her dress, and it was still Yunxu Sect’s personal disciple uniform.

As soon as she came out, she sniffed, and there was still the smell of pancakes in the air.

She stared, walked quickly to Gu Subai’s side, clasped her face with both hands and questioned her continuously.

”Brother, are you eating those vulgar things again? Didn’t I tell you not to eat those things that have no spiritual power and are harmful? Why do you still eat them? If you want to eat them, I will make them for you.”

“I’m not, I don’t, don’t talk nonsense”

Denies triple hits.

Will she admit it? Of course it’s impossible, besides, are the things Zhu Shiyao made edible?

Jiang Yitan felt that he really got to know a different Gu Subai today, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, feeling that this kind of Gu Subai had more of a taste of human fireworks.

“Brother, why did he follow us?”

The two set off again, and Zhu Shiyao saw Jiang Yitan who had been following them all along, this annoying ghost.

“Hey, don’t talk nonsense, we just happened to go the same way, I didn’t follow you”

Jiang Yitan rested his head on his hands, biting an unknown grass in his mouth, and walked unsteadily behind them.

“You just follow us and don’t admit it. The road is so big. It’s not good for you to go there. If you insist on going the way we go, say, do you have some conspiracy?”

Zhu Shiyao is not as easy-going as Gu Subai, pointing at Jiang Yitan while pinching her waist gives her a bang.

The person is small, the voice is not small, isn’t it just a pungent little pepper?

“I-Le-Yi, can you control it?”

Who is better than him in being a rascal? Jiang Yitan, little girl, hum.

“Brother, look~”

“If you can’t say it, you can find a senior brother, how old are you, are you ashamed?”

Jiang Yitan is sure to have a straight man’s heart, and he is very sensible when it comes to picking up girls.

Zhu Shiyao blushed, then snorted angrily, shook Gu Subai’s hand, and walked forward sullenly.

Gu Subai:? ? ?

what happened? Wasn’t it the quarrel between her and Jiang Yitan, why did she get angry too?

“Gu Subai, you dote on her too much, that’s why she’s so hot”

Jiang Yitan took the opportunity to take Zhu Shiyao’s place and stand side by side with her.

“Would you like me to introduce my senior sister to you, she is definitely prettier than your little junior sister”

He thinks that Gu Subai is a good person, and his strength is comparable to him. He is a friend worth making.

“Jiang-yi-san, what did you say to my brother?”

Zhu Shiyao has been paying attention to the back, and when she heard Jiang Yitan’s words, she rushed back aggressively.

Bastard, bastard, she’s only been away for a while, this **** just wants to spoil her senior brother, and… also… introduces women to senior brother, what a hooligan.

“Women don’t talk too much about men’s affairs”

Jiang Yitan embraced Gu Subai, like a good brother.

“Brother, if you follow him to meet those female cultivators, I will tell the master to let him… let him break your leg and say that you are a bad student”

Zhu Shiyao was so anxious that she took Bai Liuxian out to suppress her.

Bai Liuxian: No, I dare not.

“He dare not”

Gu Subai thought about it seriously, Bai Liuxian really didn’t dare to hit her.

“Brother, you bastard”

Zhu Shiyao roared and ran to the front.

“…Hahahaha, Brother Gu, don’t worry, I will definitely introduce you to a beautiful female cultivator, hahahaha”

Jiang Yitan held his belly and laughed out of breath, this pungent little girl really made him laugh to death, and he didn’t expect that Gu Subai was really interested in beauty.


She frowned slightly, she is a woman herself, why do you know female cultivators?

“Eh…then why did you say that just now?”

“What I said is the truth, Bai… my master really dare not”

Jiang Yitan felt that he was already straight enough not to understand girls, but now he really wanted those who said he was not enlightened to see what it meant to be incomprehensible, the former one was much more dull than him.

(end of this chapter)

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