Senior Brother is Number One In the World

Chapter 26

Chapter 26 – Monster

Chapter 26 Monster Beast

“Jiang Yitan”

She called out to the boy opposite in doubt.

Gu Subai’s face suddenly realized, Jiang Yitan’s hair was blown up, she didn’t recognize who he was before she was in love, right? No, let him go, he will chop her into pieces.

The two disciples pulled him even tighter, and they must not let go. Daoist Yu Yan will really pick their skin off.

“Brother, calm down, calm down”

“Brother, think about the whip of Mrs. Head, think about it quickly…is it much better now?”

The little disciple spoke slowly, trying to evoke the memory in Jiang Yitan’s mind.

The two disciples looked at each other, and they trembled when they thought of Yu Yan’s whip.

Jiang Yitan’s face froze, thinking of his mother’s fried pork with bamboo shoots, he really didn’t dare to move anymore.

“The surname is Gu, let’s fight again in the secret realm”

Put down the harsh words, turned around and ran away quickly. If he didn’t leave again, he was afraid that he would not be able to control himself later, and he really came and went in a hurry.

Gu Subai looked constipated, this Jiang Yitan still made her feel weird like three years ago, she couldn’t understand, he was really a weird person.

All the monks in the forest looked at each other in blank dismay as they watched the hastily ended drama, but it was a pity that they didn’t fight.

“Brother, this Jiang Yitan is really too arrogant”

Chang Qingmiao looked at Jiang Yitan’s direction coldly, it’s really arrogant for so many of them to dare to humiliate Junior Sister here.

“Forget it, the secret realm is important”

Gu Subai thinks that this Jiang Yitan has no intentions, but his personality is not very pleasant, his mouth is a bit poisonous, other things are fine, she has not missed it in her eyes.


Chang Qingmiao admires Gu Subai very much, he has a high level of cultivation, a good spiritual root, and is also talented in the sound channel. He just received a few words from her, and the problem that had troubled him for a long time was solved, so what she said was what she said. .

All the disciples were repairing in a piece of land, and the disciples of the music repair took out their instruments to check and adjust. They entered the Tao with sound, and their attack power was not low, and they could attack and defend. If the string is broken, they can die. Those who practice the sound channel are not familiar with swordsmanship, and they are limited to flying with the sword.

The secret realm is on the periphery of Dongyuan, and the monsters on the periphery are all second- and third-tier, which are equivalent to human Qi training and foundation building. The most powerful ones are all in the inner circle. With so many monks gathered together, how can those monsters still survive? Dare to come out.

“It’s open, the secret realm is open”

“Get in quickly”

Suddenly a group of monks flew up.

A dot slowly rotated in the air, getting bigger and bigger until it could accommodate dozens of people.

The monks who had been lurking for a long time suddenly rushed in like wolves seeing meat.


When Gu Subai gave an order, a group of people followed her one by one, and at the same time another group of disciples in red also ran into them.

It is the disciple of Guiyanmen, the high-profile and luxurious clothes are disciples of that school besides Guiyanmen.

The disciples of the two sides glanced at each other and then moved away, looking at each other with disgust.

Gui Yanmen looked down on their aloofness and aloofness, thinking it was contrived.

Yunxu faction doesn’t like their extravagance and corruption, and thinks they are tacky.

Yes, Guiyanmen is very rich, the whole faction is very rich, and the floors are all made of gold. Although these yellow and white things are of no use in the cultivation world, they are still very beautiful to watch.

Their floors are made of gold; their tables are made of jade, and their clothes are made of fire-flow gauze; even their tables are made of black crystal, and any disciple of their high-level spirit stone can take it out.

The disciples of the Yunxu Sect don’t want to go there for the second time once they’ve been there.

The three views are different. The disciples of the two factions have never fought, but they don’t want to stay with each other too much. It feels like a waste of energy to look at them.

Gu Subai took Zhu Shiyao by the hand, fearing that the two of them would be separated when entering. Just approaching the entrance of the secret realm, a red figure flew in faster than her, and she heard the figure’s cold snort.

She can only think of one person who is so blatant and arrogant to her, and that is Jiang Yitan.

She doesn’t care, it’s just a child’s rivalry.

As soon as she entered the secret realm, she felt the world spinning for a while, and felt weightless in the next second. When she opened her eyes, she was in a free fall posture.


Zhu Shiyao screamed, hugging Gu Subai and dare not let go.

The speed was too fast, and many monks fell down before they had time to react, and there were wailing sounds all of a sudden.

She called out Dangerous Light in time, and pulled Zhu Shiyao to a firm stop.

“no hindrance”

Some monks also reacted. Seeing the fallen monk, they laughed unceremoniously and fiercely.

Some monks just found their way and left after landing. The place is so big, but there are so many people. There are too many monks and few meats. When the time comes, there will definitely be murders and treasures. They are not disciples of big sects, and they cannot be trusted to form alliances with others. , Afraid of being stabbed in the back, I had to leave alone.

The places in the secret world are all random. Luckily, Zhu Shiyao is still with her. Other disciples of the Yunxu Sect also fell in the same place as her. There are more than 100 in detail, from all peaks.

They quickly gathered around behind Gu Subai, and she was the only one among the other team leader disciples.

What they fell on was a sandy field, the surroundings were bare, and the trees were all dead. They could be seen at a glance, and there was nothing good at all.

“Ten people in a small group to explore on their own, let’s go”

If so many people get together, what they find won’t be enough.


A group of disciples formed a team on their own in response to the Tao, and their distribution is very reasonable. Each team has an alchemist, a talisman repairer, a sound repairer, and a tool repairer. This is probably the benefit of the martial arts. It can be accepted very well, and the team formation is also well planned.

“Where do you want to go, sister?”

She wasn’t looking for opportunities and experience, she came here purely to protect Zhu Shiyao, and she still dotes on this little girl who grew up with her very much.

“Brother, let’s go this way, I feel it’s right to go here”

“You decide”

Zhu Shiyao thinks that as long as she walks with her senior brother, she can go there.

Gu Subai is only following Zhu Shiyao here. Everything is focused on Zhu Shiyao’s improvement of strength. She will not take action unless her life is endangered. She mainly guards against those monks who have evil intentions.

Finally, Gu Subai casually pointed in the direction and the two hurried on their way with Yujian.

The Yunqi Secret Realm is neither big nor small, sometimes you may fall into the desert, and sometimes you may be unlucky and fall into the den of monsters as soon as you enter, or you may be lucky and fall into many spiritual herbs and elixir .

Those who fell into the sand like them are neither good nor bad, at least they are safe, and they will fight with monsters if they don’t come down.

“If you meet a good monster, you can catch it and use it as a mount”

People in the realm of comprehension, if you encounter a powerful monster, you can form a pact with it to increase your combat power. The premise is that the monster is willing. Some monsters are very arrogant, and they would rather blow themselves up than be a human mount.

(end of this chapter)

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