Self Insert As Superboy In My Hero Academia


I woke up in the morning and Lois was already up and cooking breakfast. I could smell her perfume, which meant she had been in to visit me before she went to the kitchen. I was only a little surprised that I had slept so soundly, considering when I actually arrived home.

I zoomed to the bathroom and showered, dried off, and dressed almost instantly. I walked at a normal pace as I went to the kitchen to see Lois wearing the same thing she wore to bed, a large t-shirt and a pair of jogging pants. She turned her head slightly to present her cheek to me.

“Good morning.” I said and kissed her offered cheek.

“It's almost as creepy this morning as it was last night.” Lois said with a grin.

I chuckled as I sat at the kitchen table. “I showered everything else and the water made no impact on the cream on my face.”

Lois kept the grin on her face as she served me eggs and bacon. “After letting it sit all night, I might need to bring out the sandpaper.”

I laughed as she sat across from me. “I wasn't going to wake you up after everything that happened.”

Lois gave me a knowing smile. “You can tell me all about it as we eat.”

I nodded and then did so while we ate. I explained everything that happened, even the potential sexual encounter with both Mei and Izuku at the end.

“If I'm reading the situation right, she might have given you the real controller if you performed to her specifications.” Lois said.

My mouth dropped open in surprise. “If she thought my obedience was so easily bought, I can only imagine what she would have had me do in the future!”

“You need to look at it from her perspective.” Lois advised me.

“I thought I did.” I said and Lois huffed. “I take it you think I didn't.”

“You're not a woman, Connor. We have... different priorities... to our thought processes.” Lois said.

“I don't think I want you to explain that.” I said and she laughed.

“I doubt you would understand it if I did.” Lois said and picked up her plate and took mine as well.

“That's my job this week.” I said and zoomed past her and had the dishes washed and dried three seconds later.

“Thank you.” Lois said and took my hand. She led me to her bathroom and I saw that the tub was already full and had some bubbles in it. “Strip and get in. We need to soak your face for a while before I can get that cream off of you.”

I looked at the tub and then back at her. “Are you seriously telling me that I need an entire tub of water to soak just my face?”

“Yes.” Lois said with a smile on her own face.

I chuckled and started to take my clothes off. I could have used super-speed and hopped into the tub instantly and didn't do that. I suspected that Lois thought I would and I wanted her to see that I knew exactly what she wanted and I was going to give it to her without teasing her about it.

Lois stared at me and her eyes got wider and wider as I stripped off at a normal pace. I dropped my clothes to the floor and I stood there in just my boxers. The look of anticipation on her face was worth going slow as I reached for my underwear. I started to move them down over my hips and she caught her breath at the last second and turned her head away as I revealed myself.

I stood there for several seconds to let her look if she wanted, then I stepped into the tub and sat down. “How do I do this?”

“Lay down and hold your breath.” Lois said without looking. “Are the bubbles covering you?”

“Mostly.” I said and her head twitched to look before she stopped herself. “How long should I soak?”

“Fifteen minutes at a minimum. I'll let you know when I can start the cleaning.” Lois said.

“Okay, I'm submerging.” I said and started to lay down on my back.

“Face down.” Lois ordered.

I rolled over in the water and did as she asked. I wasn't sure why she didn't want me looking, then a moment later I felt her hands touch my back. I didn't react to it, mainly because I didn't want to scare her off. If she wanted to touch me, she was more than welcome to.

Her hands lightly touched me at first and roamed up to my shoulders. When they reached there, her hands became firmer and she started to massage me as her fingertips felt along every muscle and groove while her hands moved down my back.

I let her do what she wanted and laid there without moving or trying to turn over, once again because I didn't want to scare her by showing her how much I enjoyed what she was doing. No one had ever caressed me all over like that and it felt really good. That Lois was doing it on her own, without me having to prompt her or ask her, meant a lot more to me than I could ever tell her.

It seemed to go on forever as her hands moved down... and down... and then I couldn't stop my automatic clench reaction when her hands gripped the cheeks of my ass. I thought I heard her laugh as her fingers dug into the flesh there and I didn't bother holding in my moan. The water should have dulled the sound, so I wasn't worried if she heard me or not.

Her hands pet me a bit more before they moved down my thighs and kept massaging me. My calves were next and then she was done. Her touch disappeared for several moments, then she tapped my shoulder.

I assumed my face-down soak was long enough and I very slowly rolled over. I didn't bother trying to hide my quite prominent erection and my turning movement had pushed a lot of the bubbles aside.

Lois looked shocked and her mouth dropped open at seeing me easily poking up and out of the water. She stood there and stared at me for nearly ten minutes before she shook herself and knelt beside the tub. Without a word, she picked up a rough cloth, a normal sponge, and something that was grey and looked like Swiss cheese.

I closed my eyes for her and she started scrubbing at my face. I held myself steady with telekinesis and Lois worked for quite some time as she tried to get the dried cream off of my face, ears, and neck. She had to use the Swiss cheese thing a lot to clean out any of the creases in my face, like around my nose and near my eyelids.

“I've removed it all.” Lois said and sounded tired.

“Thank you.” I said and opened my eyes to look at her.

“Your face is going go be a little red for...” Lois stopped talking and stared at me as I quickly healed.

“I'm fine.” I said and smiled at her expression.

“Connor, how... what...”

“I practice with heat vision.”

“Hold on! You use it on yourself?” Lois asked, almost accusingly.

“Yes. How else would I build up a resistance to it?” I asked back.

Lois gave me a pointed look. “It can pierce your body's protective barrier? Is that how you shaved down there?”

“It can get through when I let it.” I said and she looked surprised. “I intentionally weaken it to allow the heat vision to hit my bare skin, just like I let the scrub brush through when you cleaned my face.”

Lois looked thoughtful. “You could have stopped me from applying the cream with your barrier.”

“It would have been hard to spread out and cover my skin if I did that.”

Lois nodded. “I'm glad you're discovering so many uses for it.”

I chuckled. “You can just say that it's a broken power, because my body produces it naturally.”

“I'm not supposed to encourage you to praise yourself.” Lois said and I laughed. She stood up and grabbed a towel from the rack to dry her hands and arms, then she held it out to me.

I slowly stood up to accept the towel from her and her eyes dropped down to stare at my still prominent erection. Unlike before, she didn't try to turn around to avoid seeing it, which was a huge improvement to her being potentially embarrassed about it. I dried my body off at a normal pace and Lois stared at me the entire time, even when I rubbed the towel over the thing she stared at.

“Can you hand me my clothes?” I asked.

Lois nodded without looking away from me and took a step back to kneel and grab my boxers. She made a soft sound with her mouth when her face was at the same level as the place she continued to stare at. Instead of standing again to hand me my underwear, she placed them on the floor in front of where she knelt.

I took the cue and stepped forward and slipped my feet through the holes.

Lois licked her lips a little as she grabbed the top of my boxers and slowly slid them up my legs. Her eyes never left their target and she let out a barely audible sigh as the thin cloth covered me up.

I didn't say a word as she stood and handed me my own jogging pants. I put them on instantly.

Lois gave me a curious look before she smiled. “I need to shower and get ready for work.”

“I'm not stopping you.” I said with a huge smile on my face.

Lois shook her head with a laugh and pushed me out of the bathroom. “Close the bedroom door, please. I'll order another door for the bathroom when I'm at work.”

“What about my door?” I asked as I crossed her bedroom.

“I think someone needs a bit of humbling before he can have some privacy again.”

“I said I was sorry.” I said as I stepped out of her bedroom and closed the door.

“I know.” Lois said and started to undress.

I walked down the hallway to go to the living room. I skipped my exercises for now and sat down on the couch. I needed to figure out how I was going to handle Mei and her deceit and I reclined to look up through the ceiling. I used both x-ray and telescopic vision as I concentrated and looked up, and up, and up. I easily found the gold satellite and it didn't look like it was doing anything.

I had some free time on my hands, so I tried to examine the satellite... only to find that it was almost completely lined with lead. Even the solar panels had a lead undercoating and the whole thing just seemed to be one massive amount of lead. I guessed Mei had raided a recycling plant for a bunch of cans of lead paint or had somehow acquired a lot of lead from somewhere.

I held in my laugh at her assuming I had the same weaknesses as Superman. I never thought that Izuku and I not spending as much time together out of school would have benefited me like this. He couldn't tell her my secrets if he didn't know them.

Telling people I had x-ray vision was a deception that I wasn't going to stop using, because it would let people think they could hide things from me and I would never discover them. It was laughable, because encasing anything at all in lead would immediately draw my attention as soon as I tried to look at it.

The secret was my eyes didn't actually emit x-rays. I just adjusted my eyesight to accept different wavelengths of light. X-rays were usually the most abundant and the easiest to access, because they let me see through almost everything. That wasn't the only visual spectrum I could see with, however. Lead was a good insulator for radiation and blocked a lot of it; but, not all.

I stood and walked out of the house to the backyard as I continued to look up into orbit. I went through several frequencies in the electromagnetic spectrum and stopped when I hit gamma radiation. Since the satellite was just above the Earth's atmosphere in high orbit, it was not as protected from ambient radiation as it would be inside an atmosphere.

I noticed that the lead was only half an inch thick, so Mei didn't have as much of it as I had assumed. I looked at everything inside the satellite and it was interesting, to say the least. I found the biological construction part of the thing and was glad that it was inactive. I would have to make another trip to space if I couldn't find the real controller.

I also found a few things inside the satellite that didn't make sense to me. Of course, I had no idea what Mei had put into the thing and the fake controller she gave me didn't have any of the satellite's information on it, which meant either looking at her notes or trying to get Izuku to get them for me.

I paused with that thought in my head and I had the distinct feeling that Izuku would tell me no. Considering what he was willing to do to keep Mei happy, there was no way he would chance making her angry. He loved her and that took precedence over friendship, no matter how important it was to him. I also didn't want to cause him pain by asking him to help make Mei keep her promise to me.

I sighed and changed my eyes back to normal and stopped using telescopic vision as I went back into the house. I would wait until Lois left for work before I rode a train to Mei's house. I wasn't looking forward to the confrontation, because I didn't want her angry at me. Well, angrier. She didn't look happy last night when I refused to play along.

“I'm heading out.” Lois said when she entered the living room. She saw my sad face and she must have guessed what I was thinking. “Don't go in there and accuse her of anything. That will just make her angrier and defensive.”

“Can you handle it for me? Woman to woman? Please!” I begged her. “You are much better at these kinds of things than I am.”

Lois chuckled and gave me a hug. “She will see me as interfering if I show up. You know that.”

“Yeah, I just don't want to deal with it.” I took a deep breath and let it out. “I know this is going to make things even more awkward.”

Lois nodded and leaned in to give me a kiss. “Good luck and remember that Izuku might be as angry at you about this as she is, because when she's not happy, neither is he. He is still your friend, however.”

I nodded. “If you need me...”

“Call out for you, I know.” Lois said and gave me another kiss before she walked to the door to grab her keys and purse.

“See you tonight.” I said and watched her walk out of the house and then she drove away.

I zoomed to my bedroom, dressed in normal casual clothes of jeans and a t-shirt, and picked up the fake controller. I had a confrontation to get to that I desperately wanted to put off, so there was no time like the present to do it. Dammit.

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