Seized by the System Novel

Chapter 68

Chapter 68: It Really Got Deflected…
Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Everyone was confused, even Fatso Liu looked perplexed.

He had actually heard Instructor Xu’s words from within the box–it was not soundproofed. He had no talent for cultivation, but he was not very disappointed. After all, him being here, he would have known something about himself. He was already fifty-something, it was impossible for him to be as hot-blooded as a seventeen- or eighteen-year-old.

He mainly spaced out because he did not understand what ‘Class Audit with VIP-treatment’ meant.

However, he would have understood soon after, as Instructor Xu clapped his hands together and an attendant walked in.

The attendant explained, “Mr. Liu, you may freely choose a private room to audit the class a safe distance away. You will be provided with a full set of facilities to view the class directly as if you’re standing among the others. Additionally, the environment is classy and comfortable, and you may choose to have your meals or rest at any time without worrying about missing any contents. The private rooms we provide include the Economy Class for a daily price of 8,888, the Crown Class for 88,888, and the Supreme Class for 888,888 daily.”

Fatso Liu wiped his forehead, ‘Such money suckers, the annual membership fee is only 8,888,888. This Supreme Private Room costs 888,888 daily! Two weeks of classes would offset me more than it would cost me the membership for a year.’

‘But how could I choose the Economy Class in front of everyone here? Even if I choose the Crown Class, by the twelfth week, it would’ve cost more than the membership fee.’

“I would like to socialize with my other classmates for now, I shall choose later,” Fatso Liu was shrewd, he quickly came up with an idea.

The attendant looked a little disappointed, but he still smiled at Fatso Liu accommodatingly. He then walked out of the classroom, as if he would be waiting right outside of it.

Instructor Xu smiled at Fatso Liu, seemingly unfazed by the whole incident, “Well then, Mr. Liu, please return to your seat. Who’s next?”

On average, everyone got tested within two to three minutes, the wait was not long.

Soon, everyone had been desensitized to the test, and they had finally understood why Instructor Xu kept telling them to make more money.

Seventeen people had already gone ahead with the test. There was one person with a Vitality Sensitivity of Grade E, but his Passive Vitality Respiration Speed was below Grade F, so he did not pass. Most of the other people were the same with Fatso Liu, with one person being placed Grade F.

Instructor Xu was still sharp with his words.

“It seems to teach you would prove to be boring, but Sister Hai did say something right, at least one good thing will come out of this. I wouldn’t have much to worry about. Sister Hai wouldn’t be able to do that. After today, some of her hair must be turning grey, this leftover woman will definitely turn into leftover queen 1 .”

He looked bored. Glancing through the name list, he called out a name belonging to one of the three Superpowered Individuals in the member list this term–a young man about 1.9 meters tall.

The young man was also the tallest among the rich people and the least sociable. He had sat alone at the back since entering the classroom. Even if everybody else had moved forward to look at the digital screen, he had still not moved.

“Wei Xia, you’re next.”

The tall young man stood up slowly and sauntered toward the box as everyone else glared, resisting the urge to push him along.

Instructor Xu did not urge him and only casually swiped his crew-cut hair…

A large palm appeared behind Wei Xia, who was immediately launched into the box with the speed of a bird in flight.

As a sound of boom echoed in the hall, many matured people felt sorry for the kid, some of the younger ones, however, wore an expression of schadenfreude on their faces.

Fang Ning was not included in such a charade, of course. He was not so stupid.

“Don’t act smart with me, you stupid boy,” Instructor Xu tugged at the door, closing it.

Two minutes later, Instructor Xu’s face was startled for a split second before he said with a blasé tone, “Oh, good, finally someone who might make it less boring.”

Everyone was shocked to staring at the digital screen as it showed ‘Vitality Sensitivity: Grade C; Passive Vitality Respiration Speed: Grade C+’.

“Congratulations, you now have a difficult choice to make. Do you want to cultivate and wait for the inevitable day that you entered deviatory psychosis, or to keep making money like you used to?”

Wei Xia walked out of the box with tensely. His face was in various shades of black and blue, indicating the seriousness of the attack prior. Even then, he kept his temper in check, saying calmly, “I wish to cultivate, of course. One day I will throw you like you did me just now, I won’t even hire anyone to do it.”

“I would gladly await the day. At least I am now a source of motivation for someone. Not bad, not bad. Maybe I can be the whetstone for the sword of future powerhouses, then I’d have contributed to our great nation. Looks like you would have no problems with regards to motivations during the second section when it tests for your character,” Instructor Xu said nonchalantly.

“Hmph,” Wei Xia turned around and strutted toward the final row and sat down with a huff.

Instructor Xu did not say anything else, but his eyes wandered on the other two’s faces.

Everyone followed his gaze and realized he was looking at a short young man with a smart outfit. It seemed like he was brought by the rich-looking middle-aged man on his side. They did not look alike, so they might be distant relatives or something.

The other one looked to be in his forties, an elegant middle-aged man with a pair of gold-rimmed glasses. He was the one who was reprimanded by Instructor Xu for speaking out for all the others.

“Ah fine, Fang Ning, you’re young, you first. I don’t like leaving surprises until the end,” said Instructor Xu.

Hearing his name, Fang Ning stood up confidently. After holding back for so long, it was finally his time to shine!

He recalled how the System added quite a few points on his Innateness, and how he had been taking herbal medicine to strengthen himself. Because of that, his talent for cultivation should have increased considerably. In addition, his brain power was much better than before, so he could not think of a situation in which his talent would be worse than Wei Xia’s.

It was then that Fang Ning stood up with confidence and walked toward the podium.

Even though his pace was not slow, President Zhao stared worriedly at his back. ‘Who would know what this instructor was planning to do, he was so unpredictable.’

Sure enough, after Fang Ning took a few steps, a larger palm materialized behind him…

It looked like Instructor Xu was really trying to save time, he swiped at his crew cut once more.

However, this time, as everyone was anticipating worriedly at the huge palm shoving at Fang Ning’s back, a white aura three feet long burst out, dissipating the palm.

Not only that, Instructor Xu looked as if he was struck by a hammer, his body swayed as if he was going to fall, and he grunted. After that, he touched his lips and smeared his hand with blood.

“Hmph, you’ve got Morality Protection! Attendant, please put on the curriculum video, I need to have some things taken care of.”

As soon as he finished, Instructor Xu hurried out of the hall with his hand on his chest.

Almost immediately, the whole class started clamoring with sounds of surprise. Many of them could not suppress their own feelings that had started to spill out.

“Haha, that dude’s finally reaped what he had sown.”

“It’s so cathartic!”

“Let’s not talk about that yet. More importantly, what is that ‘Morality Protection’ thing?”

“Oh yeah, that’s right.”

Fang Ning did manage to show off, but he had also become the delicious cake in the eyes of other people, no longer able to keep a low profile.

Many people started to swarm him except for the few older people with better restraint. Most of the younger ones crowded Fang Ning and started asking questions haphazardly. The situation was comparable to journalists covering the headlines.

“Everyone, everyone, please. I’m sorry, I don’t know what ‘Morality Protection’ is, but this may be because I’m a Superpowered Individual. Please don’t take my word for it, let’s wait for the instructor’s explanation after his return. After all, he’s the expert.”

Desperate time calls for desperate measure, Fang Ning spewed nonsense with a serious expression.

Superpowered Individuals were not news, the term was already spread all over the upper-class society.

Having heard that it might be caused by his own superpower, it was obvious other people would not be able to learn it. Fang Ning had a point, the instructor was harsh with his comments, he was still the expert. The people were still public personalities, after calming down, they dispersed, but not after giving Fang Ning their cards so he could contact them if the need arises.

President Zhao knew better. He waited until Fang Ning had returned and sent him a text through Wechat*, “Was Morality Protection caused by learning whatsthatability?”

Fang Ning replied, “It might be related, but it might not be.”

However, he actually knew it better than anyone else, because the System Notification had listed it out.

[The Host was attacked by Xu Weihua’s Massive Handprint, the System used the defensive skill Celestial Protection, and at the same time consumed some Morality.]

[Celestial Protection temporarily evolved to Morality Protection!]

[Xu Weihua was affected by Morality backfire!]

[Xu Weihua took 70 points of damage.]

[Xu Weihua was afflicted with a continuous internal injury.]

In the System Space.

Fang Ning said, “I didn’t ask, but you were actually smart for once. This time you didn’t use any of those Flame Dragon attacks to retaliate.”

The System replied, “What do you mean ‘smart’? Did you not say we have to reflect attacks on you? I had only activated vital energy to defend, but it was the first time you were met with such attacks. As a safety measure, I have infused some Morality into it, and it evolved into Morality Protection.”

Fang Ning said, “Even if it was coincidental, you reflected the attack. This identity cannot use any of those martial arts, so Morality Protection is good enough, at least I could deceive the others.”

As they were communicating, one of the attendants entered, set up the screen, and started up the curriculum video.

It was at this point that the cacophony of voices started to die down, and Fang Ning joined the other people to watch the video.


At this point, Xu Weihua was with Qiao Zishan.

“I was careless, I kicked the boulder. Zishan, you have been cultivating Morality since you were young, you have the experience. Please have a look at this Morality-induced internal injury for me. We need to deal with it properly, I don’t want it to turn into future trouble. I understand how serious the power of Morality can be, and you know I have yet to marry,” the air of sloth and boredom Instructor Xu had displayed to his class had left him, he looked nervous.

Colors drained from Qiao Zishan’s face as he heard it. Zishan grabbed Instructor Xu right hand. A milky white aura enveloped Zishan’s hand before rushing into Instructor Xu’s hand.

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