Seeds of Discordia

Tutorial 84 – Control and Manipulation

An hour had passed after they had finished eating.

Artem was writing notes on the meal he had made into a notebook. He placed down what he felt was good, what he could improve on, and what he could take out or add into it next time.

Ariyana was reading the book she had received from the last Elite Floor Monster fight and looked to be very intrigued by it.

Avery stood off to the side and was practicing her sword techniques while Roman did some light shadow boxing close by.

Blair was swinging her new weapon around, trying to get a better feel for it as well as trying new ways to strike and defend.

Mercer was tuning his violin while humming a soft tune.

Liam sat in his meditation position with his eyes closed. He had his hands out in front of him with his open palms facing each other.

His Mana Sight was activated as he focused on the two daggers floating in front of him. He wanted to train his Mana Control, Mana Sight, Mana Manipulation, and Mana Channeling all together and figured this would be the best way to do it.

He was able to manipulate two daggers, but his control was still a bit shaky. He wanted to be able to manipulate his daggers during a fight. However, at most the only thing he was able to do was pull his daggers back during a fight after throwing them.

The training he was working on right now was to see if he could try to manipulate three daggers and try to move them around.

He was struggling to get the last dagger to connect to his mana.

He watched as the connection he had on the two floating daggers wavered while he pushed to connect a third line to the last dagger.

Sweat ran down the side of head as he pushed as hard as he could.

The thin line of mana he was using to connect to the third dagger crawled through the air slowly. It got to about half way until it stopped.

Liam could feel his control over the line start to slip, but he didn’t stop. He continued to channel his mana through it to push it even more. He could feel his body start to tense as his mind started to lose focus on his task.

Come on. Liam thought as he pushed not only his mana, but his focus as well.

The third line of mana continued as he focused as hard as he could. After what had felt like eternity the line was able to connect.

Internally, Liam was excited, but physically he felt exhausted.

He then tried to pick up the third dagger and was able to get it an inch off the ground before he felt all his mana disappear.

 The thin lines that connected to the two floating daggers suddenly shook before disappearing.

As the two daggers fell he felt a headache start to pound inside of his head. He opened his eyes and looked at his mana bar.

It was at five percent.

That explains the headache. Liam thought as a few chime sounds increased the pain a bit.

He pulled up his notifications as he grabbed a Mana Potion from his inventory.


“Congratulations! Mana Channeling has reached level 14! Progression to level 15: 0%!”

“Congratulations! Mana Control has reached level 8! Progression to level 9: 100%!”

“Congratulations! Mana Control has reached level 9! Progression to level 10: 100%!”

“Congratulations! Mana Control has reached level 10! Progression to level 11: 10%! Your control over mana has increased.”

“Congratulations! Mana Manipulation has reached level 8! Progression to level 9: 100%!”

“Congratulations! Mana Manipulation has reached level 9! Progression to level 10: 100%!”

“Congratulations! Mana Manipulation has reached level 10! Progression to level 11: 0%! Your manipulation over objects filled with mana has increased.”

 “Congratulations! After reaching level ten in Mana Control and Mana Manipulation you can now learn to control other types of mana instead of just Arcane mana. Look at the dropdown window to see the progress over the types of mana you can manipulate.”


Liam’s eyes widened as he drank the mana potion.

He pulled up the window it stated and looked at it.


Types of Mana that can be Manipulated
Mana Type Arcane Level 10 Progression 10%
Mana Type Gravity Level 0 Progression 0%
Mana Type Lightning Level 0 Progression 0%
Mana Type Lunar Level 0 Progression 0%
Mana Type Shadow Level 0 Progression 0%


This is an interesting development. Liam thought to himself. But how do I go about learning how to control other types of mana to increase my control over them?

Liam tried to think about what he would need to do in order to progress in this.

After thinking of many different possibilities, he decided to ask someone who has better knowledge about it.

Hey Eri? Liam started. What would be the best route to take in learning how to control and manipulate the types of mana I have that isn’t Arcane?

There was silence after Liam asked the question.

Thinking he didn’t project his thoughts properly to her, he went to ask again, but stopped as she asked, Did you receive the message about being able to control other types of mana?

Yes. Liam answered.

Eri let out a sigh as she stated, Your growth is frightening. The ability to learn how to control and manipulate different types of mana is something you shouldn’t have to worry about till you’re out of the Tutorial Area. It’s a necessary thing to learn to be able to make new spells and more, but most don’t get this far in their training till after they are out.

Liam’s brows furrowed as he asked, I don’t see why it should be something that people would learn after the Tutorial Area. This is a place to learn so why is it strange to get this far?

Because everyone else is focusing on other things, like their weapon skills, magical ability progression, and more. Eri stated. Also no one has the patience to sit and practice things over and over every waking moment till they pass out. Your dedication and focus on your training may one day lead to your death if you’re not careful.

Liam shook his head. I don’t think that’s true. Liam argued. I need to put in more effort. If I want to survive in this new world then I need to focus and train as hard as I can, so I won’t die.

You are right. Eri stated almost as if she was contemplating his words. However, you still need to rest when you can. You can’t work yourself sick or to the point where you are a hinderance to your team.

Yes mom. Liam frowned.

I’m serious. Eri chastised. What good will you be if you’re always tired and can’t focus on a fight. Not only will you die, but so will your team.

Liam’s frown deepened. He thought back on the last two fights. His mindset wasn’t in the right space, and he had to agree that his constant training and practicing was chipping away at his psyche.

He let out a sigh as he said, Fine. I’ll start taking more breaks. But I still need to learn how to do this. Once I do I promise I’ll do something that helps me relax more and get some sleep.

Hesitating, Eri remained silent.

 I promise upon your name I will. Liam said, trying his hardest to get the knowledge he wanted.

Don’t go saying that carelessly. Eri warned. Doing something like that will hold you to a Deity and if you break that promise you will receive a harsh punishment.

Are you serious? Liam asked with wide eyes.

Very. Eri stated. I won’t accept it since you didn’t know what you were doing, but keep in mind to think carefully before promising on a Deity’s name. Other Deities will use it against you and can have power over you.

Ok, thank you for telling me. Liam said.

You’re welcome. Eri said. I’ll teach you the method of learning how, but you’re only allowed to try it on one Mana type you are familiar with. You can not use it on any more than that tonight. It is very draining on your mind. After that you need to relax.

Okay. Liam said as excitement filled him.

The way to learn how to control and manipulate the types of mana you know starts with the chant. Eri started. You know when someone chants a spell the color of the mana changes to the element or type of spell right?

Yes. Liam replied.

Well, the best way to learn how to get better control and manipulate it is to chant the spell, but stop the chant midway and try to hold onto the mana that was building up. Once when you can grasp it then you have to grow the mana and play with it. Eri explained.

Play with it? Liam asked with a puzzled expression on his face.

Yes. It’s not an approved method, but I find if you play with mana you can get a better understanding of it. Not only that but playing with mana can be relaxing once when you get the hang of it. Through that method you can learn how you can better use it, the limitations that kind of mana has as well as your limitations on using it. Through play you can grow and by using your imagination you can do things no one would be able to.

Liam sat there dumbfounded by what Eri was saying. He had never thought about playing with mana. It sounded childish, but the method sounded just like what he had been doing when he was learning new ways to craft.

He was very excited to try this out, but now he had a new issue. Which mana type should he try it out on first?

 Another reason why I want you to relax when trying this out is also because of the mana type I think you should do it on first. Eri started back up. It’s one that you have an affinity with. Shadow.

Liam instantly understood now why she wanted him to relax after doing this. It wasn’t just so he could calm himself down and get some rest, but because of the side effect using too much Shadow magic in a day did.

Liam nodded as he closed his eyes. His mana bar had already filled back up while he was talking to Eri and he was ready to go.

He held his hands out in front of his chest, palms open and facing each other.

He drew in a small bit of air and slowly released it as he activated his Mana Sight.

He could feel and see the color of Arcane mana start to coat over his body as he channeled it slowly.

When he was satisfied with the amount that had accumulated he started to quietly chant, “Shadows coalescing, head my call and come forth.”

As he chanted this amount, he could see some of the Arcane mana start to whisp out in between his hands. As the mana escaped from his body, the color started to darken.

Liam watched as the small amount of mana that had connected started to form into a Shadow Orb the size of a small bead.

 “Manifest physically…” Liam continued, but stopped as Eri instructed.

Stop there.

Liam did as he was told and watched as the mana he was pouring into the small bead cut off. The sudden cut off of mana into the small bead caused it to start to ripple.

The first ripple was quick and almost unnoticeable, but not too soon afterwards, it started to send waves of ripples that looked like someone had thrown several stones into a puddle.

The ripples started to make waves as the small bead looked like it was going to explode.

Now, quickly channel your mana into it and try to calm the ripples. Eri stated.

Liam was confused when she said this and started to channel his mana back into the shadowy bead, however, he was only able to get one side to attach before the small amount of Shadow magic puffed out of existence.

Liam clicked his tongue out of annoyance.

Damn it. Liam swore mentally.

You need to make sure that mana from both sides touch it or it will set off a counter balance and cancel it out. Eri stated. Now try again.

Liam did as she said.

He chanted the spell mid-way, making a small shadowy orb a little bigger than a bead this time. Once when he cut off the spell, with his eyes still closed, Liam took in a deep breath, slowly released it and moved the mana from both hands towards the shadowy orb of mana.

He kept his eyes on the progress, making sure it was moving at the same speed. He could feel sweat roll down his brows and cheeks as he pushed himself to control his mana well enough that it wouldn’t rush.

As he was doing this, whispers started to tickle his ears.

They were quiet at first, but as he continued to slowly move his mana to the shadow mana orb he had made, the whispers started to grow.

You can’t do it.

Just let us do it for you.

You’re a failure that always needs help.

Just give up.

Just give up.

Just give up!

Liam realized the closer he got the more frantic the whispers were. It made it even more apparent when they started getting sharper and louder.

Now that he knew about the whispers, he ignored them and continued to reach his goal.

The whispers started to repeat themselves in chorus louder and louder, faster and faster.

The white noise they were creating was very distracting. Even though Liam was trying to ignore them, it was getting harder and harder with every word and volume growing.

He was about to give in until, they suddenly stopped.

Confused, Liam looked through his closed eyes with his Mana Sight and saw that his mana had connected with the shadowy orb of mana.

He had done it!

The color of Arcane mana that was covering him was slowly being dyed with the shadowy black color of Shadow Mana.

His hands were the first to start taking in the mana. As it did this, he felt an odd sensation in his hands. It was almost as if he had dipped his hands and coated them into something that made him feel like they weren’t there anymore. It was hard to describe, but it was like his hands were nonexistent.

Excitement and concern overwhelmed him as the shadow mana stopped at his wrists. Liam was so happy, that he didn’t hear the sinister laughter that was dying out from a whisper to silence.

You did it. Eri said with disbelief.

You sound as if you didn’t think I could? Liam stated with a frown.

It’s not that I didn’t think you could. Eri quickly said. I just thought that it would take you several more tries. Not only that but you got it up to your wrists. It usually takes a person a few days to get the hang of a different mana type to fill up their fingers. I knew you had an affinity for Shadow Magic, but this just shows how much of an affinity you have.

Still keeping his eyes closed, Liam grew a smile.

He looked back at his hands and noticed something else, the shadowy mana orb he had made, was gone, but his hands were still coated in the shadow mana.

Hey Eri, what happened to the orb of shadow mana I had made? Liam asked.

It’s coating your hands right now. Eri answered. The amount of mana you accumulate while training will determine how much you can manipulate and control. Once you get to a certain point in mastering different types of mana you won’t need to use the chant cutoff method to get it. You will just be able to pull it out. However, right now you can currently only control literally two handfuls of Shadow mana.

No pun intended? Liam asked with a small chuckle.

Eri let out a small giggle as she agreed. No pun intended. But now you can play around with that amount of mana. I suggest you try flexing your hands and then try that training you were doing with the daggers.

Ok. Liam said as he flexed his hands. At first he couldn’t feel his hands, but the more he opened and closed them, the more the feeling of them came back.

Once when he felt like he had control and feeling over his hands again he set his mana sight onto one of the daggers placed in front of him.

Start with one dagger first. Eri instructed.

Liam focused on sending the shadow mana he had towards the dagger.

To his surprise, the mana snaked out easily towards the dagger and wrapped around it.

This might be easier than I thought it would be… Liam started to think as he went to pick the dagger up, but stopped as the dagger flew up into the air to the left side.

Shit! I need to grab it before it hurts someone! Liam thought as he reached a hand up and focused the shadow mana on his left hand on the dagger.

All of the Shadow mana that coated his hand shot out towards the dagger. Like a shadow of his hand it gripped the handle and held it in place in the middle of the air.

Liam heard a gasp, which caused him to open his eyes to see his throwing dagger hovering in midair. However, what shocked him even more was the shadowy form of a hand gripping the dagger.

Liam’s eyes widened as he stared at it.

The rest of Liam’s group stared at it as well with wide eyes.

“What the hell!?” Ariyana gasped.

“What is that?” Roman questioned.

“How?!” Mercer asked, with much excitement on his face. He looked at Liam and asked, “Is this your doing?”

Liam looked down at his right hand and noticed it still had shadow mana coating it.

A few chimes echoed in his mind as he continued to stare at his hand. He pulled up the notifications to read.


“Congratulations! Control over Shadow Mana has reached level 1! Progression to level 2: 100%!”

“Congratulations! Control over Shadow Mana has reached level 2! Progression to level 3: 100%!”

“Congratulations! Control over Shadow Mana has reached level 3! Progression to level 4: 100%!”

“Congratulations! Control over Shadow Mana has reached level 4! Progression to level 5: 100%!”

“Congratulations! Control over Shadow Mana has reached level 5! Progression to level 6: 10%!”

“Congratulations! Through learning how to control and manipulate Shadow mana, you have gained a new Field of the Shadows Focus Point Utility (Shadow) magical ability, Shadow Hand!”

“Shadow Hand – Creates a Shadowy hand that can grasp items. It is limited to small light items. Current items Shadow hand can hold are: Potions, small tools, small alchemy materials, and daggers. Level your control and manipulation over Shadow Mana to increase hands and weight hands can hold.  Cost – Shadow Mana. Cooldown – N/A. Target – N/A. Spell Type – Non-chant, Shadow Mana application."


Curious, he decided to test something out as he closed out his notifications.

Liam reached his right hand out in the direction of the shadow hand holding the dagger. He pulled his hand back while slowly clenching it. The shadow had slowly came down towards him, almost as if he was summoning it to come back.

Not wanting to lose focus, Liam slowly stood up as the shadow hand floated around his head.

Ignoring the questions Roman and Ariyana were asking he walked over to a spot where no one was at.

He got into a fighting stance, let out a breath of air, then punched his right hand forward.

In response to his right hand, the Shadow Hand flew out in front of him, it stopped six feet away from him.

Liam then swung his right hand around above his head and watched as the Shadow hand flew around in a circle over his head, still within a six feet radius.

Liam then started to do some shadow boxing. He threw a one two punch combination, then spun around and threw a haymaker down while spinning back around with a right uppercut.

The Shadow Hand responded in kind with the actions of his right hand.

The others watched as Liam shadow boxed around the area he was in and the shadowy hand swung around him, following the actions of his right hand with a three second delay.

They were both shocked and awed at this new development.

As Mercer stared at Liam, the excited feeling welling up within him filled and he was almost ready to burst out wanting to know what he was doing.

You never disappoint me, my friend. Mercer thought. What exciting new development did you stumble upon? I really do think you’re the answer I need to reach my goals.

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