Seeds of Discordia

Tutorial 82 – A little bit of what’s been on my mind

Everyone stared at Liam as he waited for them to speak.

“What is it about Geminis that warranty people to hunt them down and kill them?” Artem asked, still confused on the topic.

“The reason that is giving to the few, is because they are jealousy of something we Geminis have,” Liam said.

“Which is?” Roman asked.

“Dual Classes,” Liam replied.

The others stared at him in silence. After a moment they looked at him with wide eyes and asked, “You have dual classes? Is that your Zodiac ability?”

“It is part of the Gemini ability,” Liam replied. “The real ability is called Class Fusion where we can fuse the two classes into one for a certain amount of time.”

Artem and Roman looked impressed.

“What’s your second class?” Artem asked.

“Why haven’t you used your Class Fusion ability?” Roman questioned.

“I can’t use it,” Liam started with a painful look. “My second class is sealed right now.”

Confused, Ariyana asked, “Why is it sealed? Does it have to do with that thing you said when we first grouped up?”

Liam nodded. He didn’t want to give them the full details since he was still unsure of everything. His second class was tied in to his other race and since he wasn’t fully sure what it was it would only bring more confusion and unanswered questions.

“Damn that sucks,” Roman said, feeling sorry for Liam.

“It’s all good. I have gotten this far due to all the hard work I’ve put in so it doesn’t matter to me,” Liam said giving him an appreciative look.

“Hold on,” Blair started, thinking something over. “You said the reason that’s given was because of the Dual Class thing, but it doesn’t sound like something to force people to hunt and kill them.”

Liam was hoping no one would catch that, but at the same time he knew they weren’t stupid to gloss over that detail.

“The real reason why Geminis are hunted down is because there’s some Geminis, a very small handful, that are rumored to have an ability that the Gods fear. I don’t know what that ability is and I’m not sure if I have it…”

“An ability that even the Gods fear huh,” Mercer muttered. “Then what’s going on here would make sense, but the one thing I don’t understand is…how did they know you were a Gemini?”

“Have you told anyone you are a Gemini?” Blair asked.

“Besides you guys, no,” Liam answered. “Eri knew because of some divine ability she has, but I haven’t told anyone.”

“Do you think the Gods used their divine ability on you to see that you were?” Ariyana questioned.

“No, I haven’t met nor felt any presence of a god besides Eri so I don’t…,” Liam froze before finishing what he was thinking.

He wasn’t completely sure, but he remembered something that had happened when he came out of the first floor. Something he had completely forgotten since time had passed over these past few weeks.

He quickly pulled it up to reread the description to confirm his suspicions.

“Liam?” Avery asked.

“What’s wrong?” Mercer and Blair questioned.

“Divine Eye – A magic ability that Divine beings use to peer into others minds seeing their stats or other information.”

Liam’s blood froze as he read the description of the Mental Resilience he had gotten when Nalia tried to forcefully look into his class.

That fucking Bitch. Liam growled internally as anger started to stir inside of him. As his anger stirred a new thought popped inside his head. He reread it and a question formed inside him.

Eri, I have a question for you? Liam started.

Does it have to do with the Divine Eye ability? Eri asked as she too was curious about what was going on. I also have a question too. So, before you ask me, tell me. How did you get the Mental Resilience for this ability?

Liam told her about his interaction that had happened on the first day of his arrival.

Eri listened to what he told her. She stayed silent afterwards as she started thinking.

The others watched as Liam sat there.

Even though he didn’t answer their question, from their perspective, he looked to be thinking deeply about something. So, while he was like this, they decided to wait for him to come out of his thoughts.

After deliberating things, a small smile grew on her face as she said, The more I learn about you the more I come to understand why you appeared in my Trial Path. I swear your luck is amazing.

Confused by what she said, Liam asked, What do you mean?

First, I am going to assume you’re going to ask if this Nalia is a Goddess in disguise right? Eri asked.

Taken aback, Liam answered, Yes. My reasoning is because this is an ability used by Divine beings. That’s why I am confused.

Eri nodded at his logic. I will help clear your confusion. First, Nalia is not a Deity. Deities can not appear in the Tutorial Areas. They can help in ways, but they themselves can not appear. The pressure they exude would be too much for you and freshly transported beings to handle.

 Are the Deities that strong? Liam asked.

Eri let out a laugh. The strength of a Deity is something beyond what you can imagine. To even be able to take that first step onto the path of Divinity requires a lot of power. To be honest, ninety-nine point five percent of the population wont be able to even reach the requirements to start that path.

Liam was shocked to hear Eri’s proclamation. So then if Nalia isn’t a Deity in disguise then what is she?

She’s a Deity’s Champion. Eri stated.

Liam’s eyes widened.

Probably Lil Isis’ Champion. Eri stated. Isis’ thirst for knowledge is borderline Sin worthy.

But if Nalia isn’t a Deity, but a Champion, then how is she able to use Divine Eye? Liam asked, still confused.

Eri let out a sigh. I wasn’t going to tell you anything about Deity’s Champions, but I guess a little teaser will show you how great being one is.

Liam remained silent as he waited for Eri to continue.

Being a Champion to a Deity comes with responsibilities and benefits. Eri started. When you become a Champion you receive a Performance Gauge. By performing tasks we assign to you, you fill this gauge. When the gauge is filled you receive a benefit.

Liam nodded as he understood what she was talking about.

The benefits can range from spells, special attacks, armor, weapons, and more. The benefits depend on two things. The level of the gauge, and the amount of followers the Deity has. Eri continued.

Confused by that last part, Liam asked, What do followers have to do with anything?

Followers are everything to a Deity. Eri said. The more a Deity has, the more tasks can be done in their name spreading the Deity’s Nature and Influence upon the world.

 Liam was about to ask a question about that, but was cut off as Eri started back up.

I wont go into a Deity’s Nature and Influence until you become my Champion. However, I will say that the Champion of a Deity is like the central figure amongst the followers. The Champion can assign tasks that the Deity has given them to get things done quicker. The followers in turn receive benefits as well once when the Champion’s Performance Guage is full.

Thinking about how she explained it, Liam stated, So its kind of like a shared quest like in video games? Everyone has the same quest and when either an individual or the collective finishes it they all receive the rewards?

In a sense, yes. Eri said with a smile. She was happy that Liam was able to pick up on it quickly. However, I will also add, with benefits comes consequences.

Liam’s eyes narrowed. Explain.

When the Performance Gauge is full and the Champions chooses to accept the benefit, they gain a debuff that they suffer for a certain amount of time. What that debuff is depends on how strong the Deity’s Nature or Influence is and how high the level of the Performance Gauge is. It starts off small, unnoticeable at the beginning, but as the level raises, the more persistent or heavier it is.

Liam clicked his tongue as he muttered softly, “Damn checks and balances.”

This caught the attention of the others who were waiting patiently.

Liam noticed this and waved it off.

Eri gave a short laugh as she agreed with Liam’s statement. That’s right. You don’t gain things without paying the price adequately of the benefit. However, the consequences the Champion suffers can be shared amongst the followers if they are willing and the Champion chooses to.

Well at least there’s that. Liam stated.

Going back to the main topic though. Eri said. The reason why Nalia has the Divine Eye ability is because as a Champion, she received the ability.

What if she is just a follower and received it as a benefit? Liam asked.

Eri shook her head. A Divine ability can not be received as a Follower of a Deity. The only way to receive Divine abilities is through receiving a high level benefit as a Champion while having a Seed of Divinity or having a Seed of Divinity unlocked and having it grow to a certain point. If she is here in the Tutorial Area then the former is what is going than the latter.

Hearing this made Liam even more confused.

There were more than just the Seed of the Arcana? Liam thought to himself. How many different seeds are there?

Almost sensing what Liam was thinking, Eri interjected before he could ask, Before you ask, I will not go into the topics of Seeds. That is something you do not need to learn about for a long time. And again, no she is not a Deity. She has only just begun to step on the path, but has no power in it.

So, you’re saying she is a person I can not hope to go against? Liam asked, feeling frustrated.

Not right now. Eri said. But if you become my Champion then I can help you to be able to in the future.

This was a lot for Liam to take in. There was so much information along with so many unanswered questions he couldn’t process it all properly.

I know this is a lot to take in, but as time goes on I will do my best to help you understand it. Eri stated, feeling his frustration.

Liam let out a sigh. So, do you think Nalia has something to do with all this then?

Eri thought about it. There is a possibility that she is with the backing of Isis, but there is a chance it could be someone else. For now, this Nalia is the closest thing you have as a suspect.

Irritation and frustration grew inside of Liam. He really didn’t like not having all of the information. He also didn’t want to put blame on someone without all the facts. Even though he hated Nalia for being the bitch she was, he also didn’t want to accuse her without the proper proof.

Thank you Eri. This has given me even more to think about. Liam stated.

It’s no problem at all. Eri smiled. After all, you are the one I have chosen to become my Champion so it’s only natural that I help you.

Liam chuckled a bit internally as he stated, You say that, but you still refuse to give me all the details.

What can I say. Eri said with a small laughed. I find it entertaining to watch you figure it all out on your own without giving you all the information.

So, you’re saying you love to cause havoc with my mental state? Liam asked, teasingly.

Maybe it’s my nature to do that? Eri said with a laugh.

Liam said with an internal shake of his head. That’s what it seems like.

Liam let out a long sigh as he looked at the others.

“What is it?” Blair asked.

“Everything alright?” Mercer questioned.

Liam shook his head. “I might have an idea of someone who might have something to do with all this, but I’m not so sure.”

“Who?” Avery asked curiously, wanting to know.

“Forget about it for now,” Liam said. “I don’t want to accuse someone or have us suspect them without the proper proof.”

Everyone stared at him.

Almost feeling like he could understand what their stares were saying, Liam stated, “It’s not because I don’t trust you guys. I do. If I didn’t I wouldn’t have told you about the whole Gemini thing. It’s just the way I am. I am wary of a lot of things, but I wont put blame on someone for something this size without proper facts. If I have the proper facts then I will tell you.”

Everyone nodded, understanding what he was saying.

“Ok, so let’s move on to the next topic,” Liam said. “The reason why I didn’t tell any of you of what I learned on the last floor and why I acted the way I did with the last two EFMs.”

Everyone stared at Liam, waiting for him to continue.

Liam’s nerves had relaxed a bit while he was talking to Eri, but now they were slowly coming back.

He took a deep breath in and slowly released it as he said, “I have been fighting internally over these past few days on whether I should have said something or not. On one hand, I felt that by not telling you would keep our morale up since we have been doing so well as a team. I didn’t want to mess up the rhythm we had going on.”

He looked at them each in the eyes.

“On the other, if I did tell you, I felt that the morale would go down, fear would overtake you in critical moments when you need to be able to focus,” Liam said honestly. He took another deep breath in and added, “I also thought if I did tell you then you all would decide to leave the group and join someone else’s.”

Everyone’s eyes widened at what he had said.

“This ties in with what happened during the last two fights,” Liam started back up before anyone could say anything. “Some of the words the Askith Wight Commander had said hit home. I won’t go into a lot of details, but due to a mistake I had made in the past, I was abandoned. When Binky swallowed Artem up, I was hit with a debuff from using Shadow magic too much. That debuff whispered the words that those who had abandoned me swore and cursed at me with. I thought I failed Artem when Binky was able to wrap its jaws around him. I thought because of my actions on not telling you guys the dangers we are facing that I got him killed.”

Everyone’s eyes widened as they understood what he was saying.

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