Seeds of Discordia

Tutorial 74 – Shifting the Scales

After taking the hit from the Shadow Orb, The Askith Wight Commander glared at Liam. He grunted as he charged at him.

He took four steps and was suddenly slammed backwards as Blair’s great axe swung into his chest.

The Askith Wight Commander slid back from the sheer force of Blair’s powerful swing.

He glared at Liam once again and shouted, “You are a failure of a commander! Hiding behind your soldiers issuing orders and attacking only when it’s convenient for you!”

Confused by his words, Liam said, “I’m no commander dude. I’m the Strategist, the Control Tower, if you need a proper name, of this group. I do not command and rule over my companions.”

“Such words mean nothing,” the Askith Wight Commander stated. “If you shout orders and commands, you are a commander! Fight me one on one!”

“No,” Liam bluntly stated.

Taken aback by Liam’s blunt refusal, the Askith Wight Commander questioned, “Why?”

“Why should I fight you one on one? This isn’t a duel. Why should I risk it all just to entertain you?” Liam replied.

The Askith Wight Commander frowned as he shook his head, “Excuses.”

“Excuse you?” Liam questioned.

Why does he want to fight me one on one? Does he think I’m weak? Liam thought.

He couldn’t understand how the situation got here. The more this EFM talked to him the more he frustrated him.

“You are making excuses. You’re hiding something,” The Askith Wight Commander started. “I can feel it. There’s a monster residing inside you. Why are you holding it back? Do you have no honor? Are you a coward?”

Liam stared at him as the others looked from the EFM to Liam, confused about what was going on.

You’re a monster. A voice coldly whispered.

Liam’s eyes widened as a memory flashed before his eyes.

A young woman stared viciously at him as tears ran down her face. She was kneeling next to a figure that was laying in a puddle.

Rain poured down over them, drenching their bodies to the bone.

Behind the woman was a group of people staring at him with distrust and hatred.

The rain was coming down so hard that he wasn’t able to hear what everyone was saying. However, the woman’s words were clear to him.

You were supposed to lead us, but instead you took it upon yourself to leave behind those who couldn’t respond the way you commanded them to. The woman coldly growled. Take a good look at what happened to the ones you left behind.

Liam looked through the mask he wore at where the lady was pointing. Bodies laid scattered across the street, unmoving. Small puddles dyed with a scarlet hue swam out from the open wounds.

Some of us are dead because of your clouded rage. A monster like you is unfit to command anyone. You are just as bad as… The woman shook her head and corrected, No, you are worse than the ones we are fighting against.

Liam’s eyes narrowed as he felt something start to stir within him. Faint whispers tickled his ears as his body tensed.

With a calm even tone, Liam stated quietly, “Honor has nothing to do with this.”

The Askith Wight Commander listened to Liam’s words. Even though his words sounded calm, the EFM could feel they were laced with something else. He couldn’t place what it was he was picking up on, but it made his body shuddered.

Since he became an Undead, he never had to worry about things like feeling hot, cold, or certain emotions. Because of this, he was confused as to why his body shuddered.

He stared at the man who was now glaring at him.

Liam’s group stared at him with a cautious expression.

“I may guide my team through fights, but that is all I am doing,” Liam started up again. “Holding back? I am trying to survive in this new world I was taken to without losing myself to this new power I have obtained.” Liam let out a short chuckle. “You’re right about one thing though.”

In a low whisper, Liam added, “I am not a commander, nor will I ever be one again.”

Mercer watched the exchange between Liam and the Askith Wight Commander. He knew Liam was hiding something, but listening in on this conversation made him believe there was a lot more that Liam was keeping to himself.

Looking at his friend and seeing the war of emotions that were fighting behind the mask he currently wore, Mercer decided that he would one day ask him what his past was like, but only when he was ready to tell him.

Liam took a step forward. “I am many things, but a coward is not one of them,” he said as he pulled out his daggers.

“Liam, don’t let him provoke you. We can do this as a te…,” Ariyana started to say until he looked at her.

His facial expression didn’t show anything frightening. To her, he looked calm. However, the pressure he exuded gave her a chill that ran down her spine.

Liam, turning his gaze back on the EFM, walked up to Mercer, and whispered as quietly as he could without revealing what kind of emotions he had, “Watch him closely and see if you can spot any unique abilities we have missed. Have the others do it too.”

Mercer, stared at him for a brief moment, then turned his attention back to the Askith Wight Commander. He didn’t say anything, he only nodded.

Liam looked the creature up and down. After a few seconds had passed he stated, “Fine, you want a one on one. I’ll entertain you.”

Without warning, Liam sprinted straight at the Askith Wight Commander.

Coming out of his stupor, the Askith Wight Commander brought up his long sword to block Liam’s daggers, that were aimed at his head.

As Liam’s feet landed on the ground, he swung his body around, driving his daggers into the Askith Wight Commander’s right side.

The Askith Wight Commander pulled his blade to deflect the daggers, making Liam’s weapons bounce off his weapon.

Liam used the momentum to swing his body around to the creature’s left side. He snaked his left arm under the Askith Wight Commander’s left armpit and hooked his dagger over his shoulder into the eye socket of the skull on the shoulder armor piece.

Liam placed his left foot on the EFM’s shin and swung his body around, driving his dagger in his right hand right into the Askith Wight Commander’s nape of the neck.

The Askith Wight Commander swung his sword around with his left hand to hit Liam, but only felt his own weapon hit his armor as Liam pushed off the monster and landed a bit aways from him.

Frustrated the Askith Wight Commander turned around to face Liam. He then heard Liam start to chant something. Not wanting him to complete it, he charged at him.

 “Hidden within the dark, I call upon you. Bind my target, stopping their movement.  Snake out and grasp with the tendrils you possess. Remind those in the light why they should fear their own Shadow. Grasp of the Shadows!”

Liam’s group watched as the shadows behind the Askith Wight Commander start to shiver as the monster ran towards Liam.

He brought his sword up and was about to strike until tendrils shot out from his shadow, wrapping around his forehead, legs, arms, and stomach. The tendrils wrapping around him stopped him right in front of Liam, unable to move.

Liam took this opportunity to strike at the Askith Wight Commander’s neck.

Feeling the frustration of being held back and being attacked, the Askith Wight Commander let out a raged filled roar. He moved back and pushed forward as hard as he could, ripping one of the tendrils off of his right arm. He violently shrugged his left shoulder hard enough to rip the tendril holding it back as well.

Having both of his arms free, the EFM swung at Liam, who jumped back far enough to dodge it.

Watching the Askith Wight Commander start to free his legs, Liam pointed his Shadow Blade dagger once more and chanted, “Shadows so dark come forth, pierce through this pour creature’s sight, temporary blinding it with a pain it never knew existed, Blanket of Darkness!”

Before the Askith Wight Commander could rip the last tendril that was tightly gripping his forehead, the tendril snapped itself free from his shadow and wrapped around his eyes, making him see nothing but darkness.

As it wrapped around his head, covering his eyes, parts of the shadows forced open its eyes and ran its smooth texture over them, causing his eyes to sting.

The Askith Wight Commander dropped his long sword and tried clawing at the shadow wrapped around its eyes. His hands failed as they swiped through the shadowy substance. More frustration built up as his attempts to free himself from the shadows blinding him, failed.

Liam didn’t wait long before bringing up his Moon Blade dagger and started chanting again, “O Moon, majestic and beautiful. I call upon thee to show how painful you can be. Bestow this orb with your radiance and allow it to fly true. Lunar Orb!”

Mercer and the others watched as a pitch black orb started to form on the edge of Liam’s dagger. Their eyes widened as they shined a pale light shine down on Liam.

Ariyana gasped as the pale light started being sucked into the orb. To her it looked like a majestic light swallowing up the darkness. The more she watched the more she was in awe.

Once when the last of the pale white light entered the orb, replacing the darkness it once housed, the orb shot out to the Askith Wight Commander.

As soon as the orb slammed against the EFM, the orb exploded. The majestic pale light ran up the monster’s chest, ripping the shadowy substance covering its face off.

The darkness that blinded him was suddenly replaced with a majestic pale light. The Askith Wight Commander let out a painful wail as he felt a powerful amount of damage wrack his body.

A notification suddenly appeared in front of Liam, catching his attention.


“Lunar Orb has successfully hit Askith Wight Commander for 50 damage.”

“Alert! Due to Askith Wight Commander having lingering Shadow magic on it an additional 50 damage has been dealt.”

“Alert! Due to Askith Wight Commander’s weakness to Lunar Magic, Lunar Orb has Crit for an additional 150 damage.”


Liam’s eyes widened at the new discovery.

“Liam! Look out!” Avery shouted, bringing Liam’s attention back to the fight.

Liam saw the EFM charging at him without his weapon. He tried to jump to the left to dodge, however, due to Liam’s mistake, the Askith Wight Commander had already grasped his neck.

The Askith Wight Commander, gripped as tight as he could, bringing Liam’s body up into the air not letting Liam have any foot holding.

As Liam struggled to break free, he felt something strange start to happen. He felt his stamina and health start to drain from him.

“You are very resourceful, I have to give you that,” the Askith Wight Commander stated, panting hard. “However, you made a mistake allowing me to get close to you. I don’t know if its arrogance or the like, but your foolish mistake will now end your life.”

As Liam fought as hard as he could to break free from his grip, a notification popped up, making his blood run cold.


“Askith Wight Commander has used Life Drain on you. 15 Health and Stamina will be drained every 5 seconds.”


Liam’s mind raced as he tried to figure out what he could do to not only stop the Life Drain from continuing, but to also break free.

As the seconds ticked by, the whispers that were tickling his ears started to grow while he felt his body start to grow heavier.

I need to do something. Liam thought as panic started to cloud his mind. If I don’t do anything I will die!

As his body started to slowly stop fighting back and the whispers working their way to cloud his mind created more panic. A sudden thought popped into his mind.

It was something the Askith Wight Commander said.

You are very resourceful, I have to give you that.

Resourceful, resourceful. That’s it! Liam thought as a plan brewed inside his mind.

He moved his hand to the Leg Harness Potion Holster strapped to his leg. He opened the pocket that had random vials inside it, pulled one filled with a murky tanned liquid, and tossed it at the monster’s face with the little strength he had left.

Not bothering to dodge it, the vial broke over the Askith Wight Commander’s face, allowing the contents to run down it and into his armor.

With a nonplus expression, the Askith Wight Commander asked, “What foolish last ditch effort did you think would work? Give in and accept your dea…”

The EFM rant stopped as he heard Liam hoarsely chant the last bit of a spell, “Will help in my endeavor. Light and burn!”

The Askith Wight Commander’s eyes widened as Liam shakily raised his hand, palm up. A flame suddenly appeared on it and shot towards his face, catching him on fire.

The flame rushed around his face and ran down into his armor, burning every place the liquid had touched.

As this happened, the Askith Wight Commander released his grip on Liam and took a few steps back, swatting at his face and chest trying to put the flame out.

Liam fell onto his stomach on the ground. He looked around for something and smiled. Even though his body felt fatigued from having his stamina drained, he grabbed his Moon Blade dagger that he dropped when the monster had grabbed him and started chanting, “O Moon, majestic and beautiful. I call upon thee to show how painful you can be. Bestow this orb with your radiance and allow it to fly true. Lunar Orb!”

After the orb was full of the pale light, it shot out and exploded against the Askith Wight Commander.

Liam waited a couple of seconds and chanted the same spell again. He did this two more times, slamming the lunar orbs at the creature as it screamed from the flames cooking him from inside.

Even though the lingering shadow magic had already dissipated, the creature’s weakness to Lunar magic still helped rack on the damage along with the flames burning.

Before Liam could chant out another Lunar Orb spell, the Askith Wight Commander suddenly stopped trying to put out the now slowly receding flames and let out a loud mighty war cry, extinguishing the flames and causing the last four Elite Skeleton Soldiers, that stood off against the walls, to come alive.

“You lowly, despicable worm!” the Askith Wight Commander shouted. “How dare you try and cook me alive!”

Liam stared at him with wide eyes as he took in the creature’s new look.

Blood shot eyes full of rage and hatred stared at Liam. Half of his hair and face was full of bubbling puss from the burn marks he received. His armor, blackened in some parts, started to form cracks.

He grabbed his long sword and started to charge at Liam.

Liam tried to roll out of the way, but felt his body tense and failed. All he could do was watch as the enraged Askith Wight Commander charge head on at him.

The EFM was quick to reach the area Liam was at. Liam watched as the monster brought his sword up over his head and prepared to bring it down hard.

However, before he could swing down, Blair appeared in front of Liam, swinging her great axe hard into the Askith Wight Commander’s stomach. The force of her weapon colliding into his abdomen caused the monster to fly backwards.

As the Askith Wight Commander slid backwards, he stared at the person who had dared get in his way. As he looked at Blair, he noticed Avery and Roman picking Liam up and carrying him to the back.

He gave his full attention back to the scaled woman wearing a Skull for a helmet in front of him.

“How dare you get in the way of my one on one you undisciplined dragonkin!” The Askith Wight Commander roared.

Blair’s eyes narrowed, frustration built up inside her. She let out a lough breath of air she was holding and said with an icy undertone in her voice, “That’s funny coming from the monster who decided to pull in his flunkies when he was losing that one on one.”

The Askith Wight Commander glared at her.

Before he could counter what she said, the parts of her body that were regular human flesh was suddenly covered in scales.

“You looked down on the man who took your duel seriously then brought in others when you were losing,” Blair continued. “Even when he was losing he did not once call us in to help him. Instead, he struggled to the point where he couldn’t get up and still faced you head on.”

The Askith Wight Commander felt irritation and frustration build inside him with every word.

“You called him a lowly despicable worm and yet he still fought you without any help,” Blair stated. “I have nothing but respect for the man that did that even knowing he was a bad match up for you.”

The EFM looked around and saw the last four of his Elite Skeleton Soldiers finally take a step away from the wall.

“Those are just some of the things that have ticked me off, however,” Blair said as her anger started to roll off her tongue. “There is one thing I will not forgive you. I don’t know what it was, but you made him remember something unpleasant. Something so unpleasant that his free spirited nature shifted enough that we were able to feel it.”

Confused by what she was going on about, he questioned, “What does his nature have to do with anything?”

A fire lit up in Blaire’s eyes as she replied, “I don’t know him well enough yet, but even I could tell the hurt that nature brings him. It was a nature he doesn’t want to bring back out. As someone who respects him…”

Blair swung her Great axe around as she finished, “I will make sure he never has to do that again. I will show you what the cost of you doing that is.”

The Askith Wight Commander stared at her and felt a cold chill run down his spine as he watched the fire blaze hotter. This was the second time his body did something it had never done before.

As she finished saying that she slammed her Great Axe down, brought her arms in and crossed them over her chest and said with a calm, yet powerful command, “Shifting the Scales.”

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.