Seeds of Discordia

Tutorial 71 – Earthen Bovine Rush

Artem and Avery took a step back. One foot on the platform where the Wrathful Mohrg and its newly risen Undead entourage, and the other on the stairs.

“Um Liam,” Artem called out with his shield raised as the monsters stepped forward. “What’s the plan?”

Liam stared at the monsters.

He wasn’t sure what they should do.

We need to figure out how we can attack it without getting it to raise more Undead creatures. Liam thought. Maybe long ranged attacks?

“Liam!” Avery shouted, pulling Liam from his thoughts.

“Retreat for now!” Liam yelled back. “Try to gather them together and lets whittle them down as much as we can.”

Artem and Avery jumped down the four steps and moved back enough to allow the monsters to come down to the floor they were on.

“Blair, get as many as you can clumped together in that area!” Liam started. “Artem, try and taunt the newly raised Undead and kite them to the group.”

Blair and Artem briefly looked at him, waiting for what he was going to say next.

“I’ll use Gravity Well to keep them together when they get close enough to each other. Once when I do, Blair use Gravitational Force Increase. It should help slow them down and keep them pinned to a certain location,” Liam finished as he threw a couple of daggers at a Shredding Zombie.

“Sounds good,” Blair called back as she jump stepped to her left and swung her Great Axe into a couple of the Skeleton Warriors.

The power of her weapon caused the spaced out enemies to collide into each other and into the other monsters she and Roman were working on.

“Mercer, fire an arrow at it once when we get the mobs situated,” Liam said as he looked at him. “We might need to take it out from afar.

Mercer nodded, understanding the plan.

Artem sucked in as much air as he could and then release a loud shout, making the Undead creatures that entered the battle floor focus on him.

All of the Undead creatures chased after Artem who was running over to Blair.

It was going smoothly until the Skeleton Butcher stopped moving and turned its attention to Liam.

Liam gave it a confused look.

“What the…,” Liam muttered as he watched it start to run towards him. “You’ve got to be kidding me!”

“Oh no you don’t!” Blair shouted as she appeared behind the tall creature, swinging her giant weapon right into its side.

The force of her weapon made it fall down and slide into the group of Undead Creatures they had collected.

“Great job!” Liam shouted as he pointed his dagger at the group and chanted, “O Gravity, powerful and dangerous. Condense into a single spot and hinder my enemies’ movements. Pull to you with the force you have been known to have and keep any and everything that tries to escape. Gravity Well!”

Liam threw the basketball sized sphere right in the middle of the group of Undead.

The spell fixed into the spot it was sent to and started to pull everything in. All the monsters around it started sliding across the floor. Try as they could, the force of the gravity well didn’t let go of them and started to pack them into each other like a can of sardines.

Four Skeleton Warriors and two Rotted Zombies, who were outside of the spell, moved away from the area.

“Oh no you don’t!” Roman declared as he kicked both the Rotted Zombies into it.

Artem slammed his shield into one of the Skeleton Warriors while hitting his mace as hard as he could into another.

Blair swung her Great Axe, forcing the last two into the pull of the spell.

Once they finished that, Blair chanted her spell. Once when she finished the chant a massive force fell down upon the creatures making sure they couldn’t move out of it.

Liam saw the Skeleton Butcher Blair had knocked down into the group still laying on the ground. The force of her spell locked it down, making it unable to get back up.

After Liam’s and Blair’s spells were in place, Mercer readied an arrow and released it at the Wrathful Mohrg. He activated his Double Tap Weapon Art skill and watched the arrows fly as fast as they could towards their target.

Both arrows slammed against the creature’s head, making it whip back.

As the Wrathful Mohrg brought its head back it clanked its bony teeth violently.

Liam saw the same color light up around the EFM as it made an indescribable noise.

“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Liam groaned as irritation and frustration flared up inside him.

Another group of Skeleton Warriors, Rotted Zombies, Shredding Zombies rose around the creature. A Skeleton Butcher appeared as well leading the pack.

“That’s just cheating!” Artem and Roman shouted.

“What do we do now?” Blair asked.

“Nothing we can do but take these guys out and hit it again,” Liam said as he threw a couple of throwing daggers at a Shredding Zombie.

“But then it will summon more monsters,” Avery complained.

“Anyone else have a plan?” Liam asked.

Ariyana looked like she was contemplating something before running over to Liam.

Liam saw her approach him and asked, “What’s up Ariyana?”

“Is it chanting when it summons those creatures?” Ariyana asked.

“What do you mean?” Liam asked with a confused look.

“I can’t tell if its chanting or using some sort of method of using magic,” Ariyana stated and repeated her question, “Do you think it’s actually chanting?”

“I think so,” Liam answered, still confused why it would matter.

“Okay, then I might have a way to stop it from summoning more monsters,” Ariyana stated with a look of stern confidence.

Liam looked at her. Ariyana was hardly ever serious, but when she was he knew he could trust her judgment.

“Okay,” Liam said as he looked back at the others. “Artem, Avery, Blair, and Roman. Take out that new group of Undead. Mercer, shoot another arrow once when they get off that platform.”

“Are you sure?” Mercer asked, confused.

Liam nodded.

“Okay,” Mercer said as he finished off a Shredding Zombie.

Once when the Wrathful Mohrg had nothing around it, Mercer released an arrow. Again, he activated Double Tap and watched as the arrows collided hard against the creature’s head and shoulder.

The Wrathful Mohrg lit back up and started making noise, building up its mana.

Once when it started, Ariyana started chanting a spell, “Sound is the friend of the caster. Sound is what gives life to a spell. Silence is the bane of the caster. Silence gives death to a spell. Cancel the sound that this caster needs to give life to their spell. Silence Thy Spell!”

Silence Thy Spell was a Senses - Focus Point spell from Ariyana’s Field of the Charmed. It silences the target giving it the Silent Debuff for ten seconds. Cooldown was ten seconds, cost ten MP, and was a single target spell. It also had a five percent chance to create a Spell Backlash.

A Spell Backlash is an effect that damages the target that has been silenced, forcibly stopped while chanting, or loses all MP during a spell chant. It explodes the amount of mana it was building up around its neck and face.

Liam watched as the air around the Wrathful Mohrg rippled around the purple organ where its neck was. He then saw the Murky grey mana that was building up suddenly get sucked into that pocket of air, canceling its spell.

Liam’s eyes widened as he watched this happen. He had completely forgotten she had gotten this spell once when she got her Focus Point Senses to level ten. He turned to look at her and smiled widely.

“I would have used this earlier, but I wasn’t sure if it would work or not,” Ariyana stated as she looked at him.

“Well, it’s a welcomed thing now,” Liam said. He then instructed, “Keep using it when you can. Make sure it doesn’t raise anymore Undead creatures. Mercer, you and I will attack it as fast as we can.”

Liam pulled the thrown daggers back he had thrown earlier using his Mana Manipulation.

He then readied himself and started throwing as fast as he could as Mercer shot arrow after arrow, using his Double Tap every second arrow he fired.

Once when Ariyana’s spell was off cooldown and the debuff dropped, she chanted the spell again. She kept doing this each time it dropped and was ready to use.

While Ariyana, Liam, and Mercer focused their efforts on the Wrathful Mohrg, Artem, Avery, Blair, and Roman focused on the mobs.

The group of Undead creatures that weren’t wrapped up in Blair’s and Liam’s spells were slowly taken down. The last one in that group was the Skeleton Butcher. This creature was the toughest they had to face so far.

While everyone was focused on their targets they didn’t notice the Gravity Well and Gravitational Force Increase disappear.

The group of enraged Undead focused their ire on the closest person to them, Mercer.

It was when they were about to strike at Mercer, he saw them.

He released one more arrow and then dodged.

He was about to send another at the closest Undead creature, but stopped as the Wrathful Mohrg sent out a wave of reddish purple mana out from its body.

The force of the wave caused Liam and the others to fall down.

As they got back up they saw the Undead creatures start to fall apart and fly in circle around the EFM.

Ariyana swiftly got back to her feet and chanted her spell again to stop what was going on, but as she finished it a red screen appeared before her.

“Shit!” Ariyana swore.

“What’s wrong?” Liam asked.

“It says the creature is immune to my spell,” Ariyana stated with a frustrated expression.

Liam turned to look at the creature before them. The Skeleton type monsters were nothing but bones now while the Zombie creatures were mashed down turned into pieces of flesh.

These body parts floated and circled in a fast motion over the Wrathful Mohrg.

Liam assessed it.


“Wrathful Mohrg. 400/2000 HP. 90/3500 MP.”


“We got it down to twenty percent HP. It’s got four hundred heath left,” Liam shouted. “Be prepared to face whatever last ditch power it has.”

The swirling contents above it started to come down and spread out as the circling bones and flesh slowly started to fly straight into the Undead monster. The Wrathful Mohrg stretched its arms out, allowing the body parts to fill it.

Everyone watched as the bones connected to the skeletal structure it had, making the arms bigger and longer. The ripped and mangled flesh shot straight to the slimy sticky organs within its open chest cavity. This filled the organs it had and made them grow bigger to fill the now growing body.

“That’s just not right,” Artem stated as he and Ariyana gagged.

Once when the last bone and piece of flesh combined with the Wrathful Mohrg, it stared down at the group.

The once five foot six inch creature was now eleven feet tall. Its body had grown so big it had to kneel and hunch over. Its hands were over the platform and placed on the floor they were standing on. It let out a blood curdling scream. A reddish purple aura wafted off its bones.

 “How the hell are we supposed to fight that now?” Ariyana questioned as she took a step back.

“I can feel the bloodlust its emitting from here,” Mercer stated as he repulsed.

The Wrathful Mohrg lifted its left arm as far back as it could.

“Everyone get back!” Liam shouted as he felt his Danger Sense start to buzz up and down his whole front end of his body.

Everyone turned and started to run to the back of the room as the creature swiped its giant bony hand.

It barely missed Artem as he was the last one to get to where the others were. The tip of its fingers almost brushing his back.

“How the hell are we supposed to fight it and not get hit?” Avery asked as she turned to Liam.

“Everyone who has long range attacks or spells use them now,” Liam shouted. “It might not be able to hit us from here.”

Everyone turned to face the creature and started chanting. Mercer readied an arrow and shot it as orbs of fire, rock, arcane, and shadow flew straight at the massive monster.

The attacks struck it across the bones and the fleshy organs. Liam could smell the slimy sticky organ singed from Avery’s Fireball spell and felt nauseous.

He fought back from throwing up and was about to start chanting again until he felt his Danger sense light up again.

The Wrathful Mohrg brought its right hand back, scooped up some bones and then threw it right where they were.

“Incoming!” Mercer yelled as they scrambled forward, out of the way.

After they dodged, they turned to see Skeleton Warriors start to form from the random pile of bones that was thrown at them.

“Shit! What now?!” Blair questioned.

Liam turned around and watched as the Wrathful Mohrg start to bring its right hand back, readying itself for a strike since they were back in its range.

“Ah fuck this!” Roman shouted as he started to run across the room to the wall. He then shouted in a deep earthen like voice, “Earthen Bovine Rush!”

As he shouted this, Liam watched Roman start to grow with each step he took. Pieces of stone from the floor started to strip away and run up his body, covering him from head to toe. As he made it to the wall, he turned to his leftt without slowing down.

Roman rushed to the other side of the room, continuing to grow and take in more rocks and stones.

Liam noticed two things from this. One, Roman was circling the room. The other was the stones and rocks started to make a Minotaur form, growing with each step. He had made it back to the side Liam and the others were on and slammed right into the Undead Creatures that had formed from the pile of bones that was thrown at them.

He didn’t slow down as the bones shattered and crumbled to the ground.

Liam continued to watch as Roman circled around. He then noticed the change of direction as Roman aimed straight for the Massive Undead EFM.

The Wrathful Mohrg must have sensed that Roman was the more dangerous one since it changed the angle of the swipe towards him.

The change of direction for the massive bony hand was too late, as Roman rammed his harden Rock form right into the creature, the bits of rocks and stones shattered, ramming right through the organs.

The fleshy unprotected organs suddenly exploded, making the Wrathful Mohrg shriek one last time before falling apart and collapsing on the ground.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.