Seeds of Discordia

Adventure 229 – A Divine Quest and a new Urgency

Artem, Blair, and Roman watched in horror and in awe as the monsters were slain as quickly as they had appeared. Not a single creature made it away unscathed as Lunar Magic wielding owls and Shadow formed spiders either swarmed over the bodies of the creatures making their way out of the tower or were snatched into the air. The fog of Poison that started creeping towards them with a vicious snake hidden within didn’t help either.

The lucky ones that had slipped away from the three groups managed to make it a few steps before their heads rolled right off their bodies. The cause was the strangely equipped person who stood a little shorter than Roman. This person wore what looked like a kimono that samurais wore. The rest of the persons attire matched theme as well, especially the strange straw hat that covered their entire head.

The Demon-kin went on high alert as they swirled around and watched the chaos happening. As the monsters from the Dungeon Tower fell in groups their confusion grew even more. They hadn’t felt any beings so close that were strong enough to kill the monsters. A few of the inky shadow spiders tried skittering their way, but were killed by a swing of the Oni woman’s massive sword.

A couple of the Lunar Tyto Albas tried swooping down to attack one of the Demon-kins, but redirected their trajectory just in time before a getting sliced in half by a sword. They let out screeches of annoyance, before flying towards a figure that was standing not too far on the right side. He was a portly sized male wearing a white hood with gold lining. He was gripping his white as snow cane with an owl head on the top while glaring at the cultists through the open eye holes of his owl mask.

After completely devouring the last of the monsters, the inky black spiders swiftly made their way to a small feminine looking figure that was ascending from the shadow of the owl masked male. Her black hair mixed with red streaks flowed easier out from the Black spider mask that covered the top part of her head while leaving her mouth uncovered. Her black dress with white spiderweb design complimented her pale skin. The spiders disappeared as they entered her shadow.

On the other side the poison fog followed the snake that slithered up the arm of a man wearing a long sleeved shirt with a sleeve-less vest over it. A pair of snake-like skulls covered the man’s shoulders. A gas mask covered the front of the man’s face allowing his spikey blond hair to flow freely.

Liam smiled as he recognized three of the four people who had appeared. That confirmation he received earlier came from none other than his Web Watch. After his earlier events with the members of the Fiddler’s Spider Web appearing after his Web Watch vibrated, he understood that there were more members remarkably close by. And if they were close by then that meant they were safe…at least he had hoped they were.

“It gladdens my heart to see the Fiddler’s Spider Web is actively helping with the situation,” the straw hat samurai suddenly said. His voice was deep and gruff, which surprised Liam because he wasn’t expecting it from a man of his size. “However, I must ask why the top three Legs of this island’s branch are here personally?”

Lady Arachne turned to look at the man who was shorter than her. “Is it strange for our Association to protect our home? Not that it’s any of your business, but we had received word that low leveled adventurers were making their way here by a couple of our other members.” She then gave the shorter male a frown as she added, “I must say that it should be us who is more surprised to see a member of the Dusk of Turmoil here during this time of pearl.”

“We happened to be in the area when this happened,” the man stated.

“Is that so?” Lady Arachne questioned before looking at Liam, Artem, Blair, and Roman. She then stated, “This is a night full of surprises I must say. I didn’t think I’d see a team made up of an Orc, a Dragon-kin, a Kitsune Fox-folk, and a…” Her gaze lingered on Liam for a moment as a look of confusion grew on her lips for a brief moment as she tried to figure out Liam’s race.

Liam realized he wasn’t wearing anything over his eyes before pulling the goggles down over them.

Lady Arachne recomposed herself as she questioned, “A human?”

“Does the racial properties of members of a group really matter when they are working well together?” the man in front of them inquired.

“I guess it doesn’t,” Lady Arachne muttered. “Especially when it comes from a member of your party. Tell me. Is he…”

“Both of them are here on this island if that is what you are wondering,” the man confirmed.

A wide excited smile suddenly grew on Lady Arachne’s face as she said in a happy tone, “If he is here then I must hurry up and take care of this qui…”

Silent Saboteur let out a cough, stopping the shorter women from continuing. “Lady Arachne, while I can understand your happiness that he is here, I must remind you that we have a job to do, and we must not let our guard down. We still don’t know the full extent of their plan.”

Lady Arachne turned her head to stare at the man. Her wide smile had hardened and turned into a frown. She then let out a sigh and stated, “You’re right Silent Saboteur. I almost let that side of me slip.” She then turned her attention on Liam and the others and added, “While it is admirable of you to come here, you all are out of your element here. Get to a safe place now or if you must help, go to an area that requires more people. We’ll take care of these scum.”

The demon-kins snarled as they heard Lady Arachne’s words. They felt insulted that someone dared claimed they would be able to handle them. While they were taken by surprise by their minions, now that they knew about them they could prepare proper countermeasures.

“How dare a mere spider freak call us scum!” one of the four armed Demon-kins stated.

Lady Arachne smirked at his reaction. She taunted him back bring forth more anger and irritation to them. While this was going on, the shorter man in front of Liam and the others slightly turned his head enough to look back at him. At least, Liam thought he was looking at him. He couldn’t tell since the straw hat covered his entire face. The only indication that gave him the notion was the three slits for eye holes.

“You were right,” the man started. “The black dungeon is hidden in the tower.”

I knew it, Liam thought.

“It’s behind a door on the first floor,” the man continued. “If you follow the stairs all the way down you will find the portal. I don’t know what’s going on inside, but there is some sort of magic preventing certain levels from entering it. I will create a path for you guys. When you see an opportunity, run straight for it. You got it?”

As much as Liam appreciated the help and information this man was giving them, he was also concerned and wary as to why he was doing this. He let his curiosity get the better of him as he asked, “Why?”

“Why what?” the man asked.

“Why help us? Why tell us to go there? Why have us do this when there are probably better people out there on the island who can do this?” Liam inquired.

Liam wasn’t sure, but he felt like he could hear a smirk in the man’s voice as he stated, “You really are a cautious and curious one. If you need a reason as to why I can give you one. However, I will tell you that I don’t understand why it is you.”

Liam and the other three were confused as they heard this.

“Our leader wants you to do it,” the man stated.”

“Your leader? Why does he want…,” Liam started to ask.

“Like I said. I don’t know why. I am just as confused as you are. However, I trust my leader’s judgement. So if he says he wants you to enter that spider dungeon then I won’t question it.”

“Spider dungeon?!” Artem suddenly stated. A small squeak escaped his mouth involuntarily.

Liam, Blair, Roman, and the man turned their heads to look at Artem. With a confused tone, the man stated, “Are…are you afraid of spiders? A member of the Blood Thirsty Plains tribe?”

“I keep hearing that,” Liam stated. “I don’t know if that is where his race is from, but I think many are getting him confused. He’s a half-Orc.”

“Is that so?” the man said as he looked back at Artem. “Okay, I won’t mistake that again.” He then looked back at the exchange the demon-kins were having with Lady Arachne.

“Why is she taunting them? Why don’t you guys just rush them?” Roman asked. “Are you guys a lot more powerful than them?”

“We need them to strike first,” the man started. “While we are stronger, we don’t know if they have a means to escape us before we strike them down. We either need to create a diversion to distract them or get them mad enough that they lose themselves to their anger and try to attack us.”

Liam thought about what the man was saying. He believed he had two ways to create what they needed in order to do that. However, both methods could end up having their attention on him instead. He needed to get past them, not have them on him. As he was thinking about whether or not to use either method, a sign appeared in front of him in the form of something he hadn’t seen before.


“Divine Quest! Chaos Induced Hubris! Description: Use both Strife Inducement and Hubris Aura to cause a distraction while angering the Demon-kins enough into a good enough frenzy that they will want to attack you. Reward: + 10% to Performance Gauge.”   


Liam stared at this notification. He had never seen it before. he had heard that Eri could make these, but this was a first for him. He had some questions about it as well, so he decided to ask the source. What would be the point of me using Hubris Aura? I’m not five feet away from them.


“It doesn’t matter if you’re five feet away or not. Those Demon-kins have a sense for it. they will feel it and their attention will be on you. So don’t worry about that and cause some chaos already. – Eri.”


Liam was slightly concerned about the tone Eri had. He had talked to her for some time and while he didn’t entirely know her, he also had never seemed so…anxious? Liam didn’t think that was entirely the right word for her tone. Excited? Maybe. However, now wasn’t the time to think about it. if his goddess wanted him to cause some chaos then he would cause some chaos.

Liam looked at all the Demon-kins. They all looked agitated at the taunting Lady Arachne was making, but they also looked like they were ready to flee if presented the chance. He needed to pick one of these ten cultist members in order to push over the edge. While he could have picked Falith, since he knew the man was already pissed off at him, he had a feeling they would allow him to be used as bait so they could escape. What he needed was someone they looked at. Someone who took command. Someone who acted like a leader. Because if the leader charged then the others would follow suit right? So naturally, his gaze fell upon the female Oni who had done all the talking earlier.

Liam took in a deep breath before allowing the Hubris Aura to slowly leak out of him as he started chanting a spell in as quiet of a voice as he could muster. All ten Demon-kins snapped their focus on Liam. Their faces turned from agitated, annoyed, and irritated to snarls, anger, and viciousness.

Silent Saboteur, Noxi, and the short male in front of Liam were confused as to why their attention was suddenly turned on the young man. Lady Arachne was confused when it happened, but then her confusion was turned to someone else as she heard something so faint and so unknown, yet familiar, that she had to pause and try to remember if she had heard it before. She wasn’t able to get that answer because the moment the strange words had stopped, the female Oni let out a loud rageful scream and sprinted right for Liam. The other nine members were hesitant for just a brief moment before they, too, rushed for the target of their ire.

Lady Arachne and the other two Leg members of the sprinted over to protect Liam and his companions. As they did so, they used their familiar, tamed monsters, and summoned minions to attack.

Liam, Artem, Blair, and Roman took a step back so they wouldn’t get caught up in the fight. Lady Arachne turned her head quickly and shouted for them to run before looking back at the fight before her. Liam waited and scanned the area, making sure there weren’t any more Demon-kins on their way. After making sure no reinforcements for the enemies were coming and a safe path was secure, Liam made his made.

Artem, Blair, and Roman moved a couple of seconds after Liam started running. They followed him to the right side where the area was completely empty. They gave a wide birth so no surprise attacks or wandering monsters or spells would strike them as they ran.

Lady Arachne caught their movement in her peripherals and went to scream at them to stop but couldn’t as one of the four armed Demon-kin tried striking at her. She swatted two of the arms away from her while allowing a few of her shadow spiders to clutch onto them. they bit and burrowed into the man’s skin causing him to shout and freak out. He tried swatting the areas the spiders entered but failed to kill or even do damage to them. Before he knew it a swarm of the inky black spiders reached his feet and started making their way up the legs. He slapped at a few, killing them there, but found how futile it was as a few more replaced them. Before he knew it the creatures dug and tore his flesh right off his body before pulling the soon to be dead man into a puddle of inky black water. After the man’s head disappeared into it, a lone bubble rose from the depths. As it popped a faint help me escaped and disappeared into the wind.

Lady Arachne’s head turned back around to look for Liam, but he was nowhere to be found. She grew irritated and frustrated that these younger people didn’t listen to her. Instead of running after and changing them, she turned back to the fight and focused on the next target. She would catch up to them and yell at them for being fools later.

As Liam, Artem, Blair, and Roman entered the Dungeon Tower they scanned the room over. Chunks of stone of different sizes were scattered across the floor. The pillars, while small pieces were missing here and there, still remained standing firm. The colored portals still stood where they were, unbothered. The pictures behind them were destroyed as pieces of the wall were missing here and there.

Before Liam could find the door a notification suddenly popped up.


“Congratulations! Divine Quest: Chaos Induced Hubris! Has been completed! Your Performance Gauge has increased by 10%!”


Liam dismissed the notification away, but as he did another popped up. This was made him understand why Eri was acting so weird earlier.


“Congratulations! Your efforts to spread your Deity’s Chaotic Nature has filled the Performance Gauge! Performance Gauge is now at 100%! To proceed to the next level of the Performance Gauge you must receive and accept the Level 2 Gifts of Chaos! Would you like to receive the Level 2 Gifts of Chaos? Yes No?”


Liam stared at the notification. He knew there was a chance he could receive something that could help him out in this dungeon run. However, he remembered his talk with Eri about what would happen if he accepted the gifts now. There was a chance he could lose a small part of his mind for a certain amount of time. He had no clue how long it would last nor how bad it would be. He knew Eri said it wouldn’t be as bad as last time, but after that last bit he wasn’t entirely sure he could handle himself right now. He needed to be fully in control of his mind and his body.

Instead of giving the notification a response, he minimized it. He had other important things to focus on for right now. He had to get to the Black dungeon.

Liam looked for the door he remembered seeing closed all the time. He found it not too long and saw the door that was once there was missing. He quickly made his way to it with the others close behind him. As soon as he reached the doorway he cautiously looked inside. The only thing he found were a set of stairs that led down in a spiral fashion. Yooperlite Stones were spaced the further you went down providing light.

“Do we really have to go down there?” Artem asked as he noticed some spider webs lining the side of the wall.

 “Yes we do,” Liam replied as he looked at him. He remembered the first time they had to fight spider creatures. While the ones from back then can’t compare to the ones they were about to fight, he knew they had to fight them. He got a good look at Artem. He knew he was terrified of spiders. However, he needed the man to be focused. He tried to think of a way to encourage him but couldn’t think of anything.

“You know…,” Roman started as he took a step forward. “This would make one hell of a story to tell the others.”

Liam stared at him. He was unsure what he was getting at but didn’t say anything as Blair took a step in as well while continuing. “You’re right. I am sure the others would be proud of you that you didn’t run and stood tall while fighting against something so terrifying. You might even say they would be impressed or even someone would be impressed.”

Liam stared at the two. He was thoroughly confused what they were even talking about. He knew that the others wouldn’t think low of him for being scared. They knew his fear of spiders. So then why were they saying that they would or even add that someone would be impressed? Who would be impressed?

Before he could think more about it, he heard Artem let out a long sigh before adding with an irritated tone of voice, “You guys suck. You know that?”

“We have no clue what you’re talking about,” Blair smirked.

“That’s the last time I ever tell you guys a secret,” Artem added while taking a step inside. Before he moved in further he and the other turned to look at Liam. He asked, “You coming? I really don’t want to be in here more than I need to be.”

“I feel like I am missing something here,” Liam stated as he walked in.

“Don’t worry. I’m sure you’ll figure it out sooner or later,” Roman grinned widely.

Liam stared at the man. With a light jab he teased, “It’s strange for you to know and understand something I don’t.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Roman quickly argued as he followed Liam down the stairs.

“Don’t worry about it,” Liam replied with a teasing grin. “I’m sure you’ll figure it out sooner or later.”

“I swear I’ll get you back for that,” Roman commented as he and Liam glanced over at Artem.

They noticed him shake his head as some of the tension started to disappear. It was still there, there was no taking it all away, but at least he wasn’t entirely tense now. Blair smiled as she understood what the two guys were doing.

It didn’t take long for them to reach the bottom. The size of the room was half of the size of the room they were in on the first floor. Liam hadn’t noticed since he was focused on teasing Roman to take Artem’s fear of spiders away a bit, but a disgusting odor of rotten corpses and decay filled the air. He looked around to see that along both sides of the room were torn up egg sacks and torn apart body parts.

“Ugh,” Roman stated as the smell hit his noise.

“I think I’m going to be sick,” Artem said as he placed a hand on his stomach and the other over his mouth.

Blair had a look of disgust as she scanned for enemies. She didn’t see any and stated, “Doesn’t look like anything is in here.” She then pointed at the Black Portal that was resting near the back of the room. “Let’s hurry up and get in there before anything shows up.”

Liam nodded in agreement as he and the others made their way over to the portal. As they approached it, Liam studied the color. The shadow of Black was different than the one from the Tutorial Dungeon they were assigned to. To his surprise it was a bit darker than that one. It wasn’t too dark, but it also wasn’t light. The only reason why he was able to tell the difference was because of the strange white runic symbols that hovered over the edge of the portal. There were three of them spaced out over the top.

Liam wasn’t sure what these runic symbols were or where they had come from, however he felt like he should know. No matter how hard he thought about it though he couldn’t remember what they were.

Not wanting to waste any more time, he placed a hand over the portal and read the contents it provided.


“Decaying Land Entrance of the Toxo Catacombs. Dungeon Type – Wave. Restrictions – Level restrictions – No one over the level 30 can enter. Rules – Defeat all monsters to attract the wave boss. Defeat each Wave boss to move on to the next Wave. Defeat Dungeon Boss to destroy the dungeon. 5 Waves in total.”

“Would you and your team like to enter the dungeon? Yes No?”  


Liam was about to tell the others what it said but stopped as a new Runic Symbol appeared along the edge of the Portal. As this new runic symbol appeared a small portion of the outer edge of the portal lightened up and turned white. Not only that, but the Level Restrictions on the Restrictions section had suddenly changed from Level 30 to Level 20.

Realization suddenly popped into Liam’s mind as he remembered what the color white represented. “They’re trying to capture the dungeon,” Liam muttered to himself.

“What?” Blair questioned as she looked at him.

“We need to hurry,” Liam rushed as he mentally accepted.

“What’s going on?” Roman asked, wanting to know why the sudden rush.

“Someone is trying to turn this dungeon into a Captured Dungeon. I don’t know what that will mean when it is still going through a dungeon break, but we need to stop it now!” Liam explained before  stepping through the dungeon.

Artem, Blair, and Roman stared at each other. They remembered hearing about captured dungeons when they got their Adventurer Identifications too, but they weren’t sure it was possible to do what Liam thought was going on. They didn’t argue though, they knew they were still knew and ignorant about things. For all they knew this could be a thing and if it was then even they understood how bad it meant. They quickly followed suit, not wanting to leave their teammate alone.    


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