Second Life Paradise

Fierce Battle 2.

Asher took his stance this time with a calm expression getting reading to fight again. He ignored the small wounds he had gained In the last bout. Rin and Eira also took there stance getting ready for the next clash. 

Asher soon got serious he did not want to lose control so he focused is aura around his whole body and sword, his whole demeaner changing in an instant while he held his weapon. Not even one moment later 

The clashing of steel echoed across the training grounds. Rin's sword sliced through the air, aimed straight for Asher, but Asher parried with a swift, fluid motion. The force of the block sent vibrations up Rin's arm, but he held his ground, stepping back to avoid a follow-up strike.

Eira darted in from the side, her twin daggers like fangs as she aimed for Asher's exposed flank. With quick footwork, Asher sidestepped, his blade whistling through the air as he deflected one dagger and narrowly dodged the other. He was fast—faster than either of them had anticipated.

Rin pressed forward again, striking low, forcing Asher to twist his body to deflect the blow. Eira took advantage of the opening, spinning in with a deadly slash aimed at Asher's neck. But Asher was ready. His sword met hers in a fierce clash, the sound of metal ringing in the air as he pushed her back.

Their combined assault was relentless, yet Asher moved like a storm, weaving between Rin's sweeping strikes and Eira's darting attacks with precision. He slipped inside Rin's guard, delivering a quick strike with the flat of his blade to Rin's ribs, forcing him to stumble back with a grunt of pain.

Eira leapt forward, daggers flashing again. Asher shifted his weight and blocked both blades in one smooth motion, turning and using his momentum to kick Eira back. She rolled with the impact, springing back to her feet in an instant, but the brief exchange left Asher with a slight edge.

Rin lunged, his blade a blur, and Asher met him head-on. Sparks flew as their swords locked, both pushing against the other. Asher gritted his teeth, twisting his sword to break the lock and shove Rin off balance. Eira was there in an instant, her daggers slicing through the air toward Asher's chest.

He pivoted sharply, parrying one dagger and slamming the pommel of his sword into her wrist, forcing her to drop her weapon. She hissed in frustration, retreating a step, while Rin charged once more.

Despite the coordinated onslaught, Asher maintained control, his footwork impeccable, his strikes precise. Even with the pressure mounting, his movements remained fluid, each counterattack keeping Rin and Eira at bay, pushing them to their limits.

In the next breath, he ducked under one of Rin's swings and knocked his legs out from under him, sending him sprawling to the ground. Before Rin could rise, Asher was already turning to face Eira, sword raised, his stance ready for whatever came next.

Asher's expression was distorted again but this time It wasn't in frustration but In happiness. He loved fighting something figured out In his younger days. He was getting reading the move his master taught him but he couldn't because the spar was cut short.

"That's enough"

Zion said out loud so everyone sparring could hear. He wanted to stop before they took It further he knew his disciples weren't using some of their skills because It was just a simple spar. However he was more worried about the skills the young boy Asher was not using. He felt the bloodlust that boy had earlier and he did not want his disciple to get hurt over nothing.

"Master we can still fight"

"I am aware but you have proved yourself enough and today's battle was a simple spar. You guys will meet again soon at the academy so do not worry"

"Yes Master!"

Both humans agreed readily. They were excited to see Asher at the academy and hopefully they could all fight again.

"I had so fun today Asher walked up to the two and shook thier hands"

He shook Rin's hand, and Ren said he couldn't wait to see him again at the academy. Although Rin was arrogant he was no fool he knew who to respect, He saw Asher as an equal and hopefully a new friend. As Asher went to shake Eira's hand she hesitated a bit. Asher was going to pull back seeing her hesitation thinking maybe she didn't have as much fun.

The moment he started to pull away she shook his hand with a smile and a slight blush. Her thoughts were pretty jumbled right now. She had fun In the battle but It was only after the battle did she truly see Asher's charm

'Wow Is he even human he Is so handsome.'

She had a hard time seeing him as a mortal, his charm was just that breath taking. She shook his hand with a smile.

"I also had fun and cant wait to see you again"

She said excitedly with a wink.

Rin seeing how his sister was action winced a little, he had never seen his sister act like that. He took a glance over a Asher, though he did not like men Asher was truly a handsome man. After finishing. Asher smiled as well

"I cant wait to see you both as well"

The two humans walk backed to there master's location with a smile they looked happy at the results. Though they wanted to continue they would have plenty of opportunities in the future.

"Did you two have fun?"

 "Yes master!"

Zion had really brought them here to tone down the twos arrogance just like the Edward had done to Edwardo, but he was pleasantly surprised when his disciples were not overly arrogant.

'I'm glad you two, lets enjoy these next few bouts before we leave."


Asher stepped off the arena for a quick break he wanted to catch a breath, he was quite tired. Soon two more presences appeared In the arena.

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