Sealing Knife

Chapter 184 - Gongbian (4)

When Gu Xiao stepped out of the dungeon, it was already dawn.

He had a handkerchief in his hand and wiped the blade inch by inch. The blood-contaminated knife returned to Xueliang, but the white and clean plaque mottled Yin Hong.

Lin Xiaowei walked two steps in front of him, only to feel that if there were thorns in his back, the atmosphere would not dare to come out.

The living mouth in the dungeon has become dead.

It was not the first time that Lin Xiaowei saw the dead, but he realized for the first time that death was a relief.

At three hours, Gu Xiao fell three hundred knives on the man, from the skin to the bone, picked the tendons and cut off the veins, cut a tall man alive into skinny bones, during this time he has been repeating a question, the man only repeated An answer.

“Three years ago, it was he who infused me with a mad medicine, and threw me into the Weeping Blood Cave, turning it into ashes. I can recognize this person … I asked him who ordered him, and he said … ‘Bong Gongzhu “Fate of life, the thing of the king of the line ‘.” Gu Xiao wiped off the last drop of blood on Jinghong’s sword and looked up at Lin Xiaowei’s back. “Master Lin, you have been in torture for many years. People have been tortured to this point. Will you not tell lies anyway? “

Lin Xiaowei didn’t look back, but the chill behind him was surging, and he barely let his voice tremble: “Yes.”

“Since he didn’t tell lies, it’s true …” Gu Xiao paused. “Duan Wang Chuyu, colluded with the funeral palace, killed my master … right?”


Gu Xiao’s mouth moved: “Why? Our mentor and apprentice did not violate the river water with him, and Duan Wang didn’t ask Chaozheng since the case of Qin Gong. Why did he do these things?”

Lin Xiaowei Qiang smiled: “Duan Wang should have no future, but because he colluded with Qin Hebai to seek rebellion, he has been ruined from the past, and there is no movement on the surface. It is because he secretly is difficult to level.”

Gu Xiao looked at him calmly, and after a moment of silence, he stabted into the sheath, and even smiled slightly, agreeing: “It’s hard to be flat … right, yes.”

A big stone finally landed in Lin Xiaowei’s heart. He slowed down and waited for Gu Xiao to catch up with him and walk side by side until the two junctions separated.

The smile on Gu Xiao’s face disappeared slowly in the corner of his mouth after his back disappeared completely at the corner, and murmured: “That’s right.”

He turned around in the bleak autumn wind and took off the dust.

In the sun, Chu Yao spent breakfast, and for the first time, he did n’t wait for the master to copy the wooden stick to push it. He cleverly and consciously got on the plum blossom pile and started to practice. He staggered up and down on the pile of high and low staggers, until the sweat The clothes and hair were soaked, and he didn’t mean to stop, until Leng Bu was poked off the plum blossom pile by a candied gourd.

“Ayao, the market is unstable, you have to practice hard.” Gu Xiao caught him with a smile, and the candied gourd in his hand was stuffed into Chu Yao’s mouth. The little boy subconsciously licked the sugar coat wrapped around him, and the sweet smell filled his mouth. He blinked, like a puppy biting into a bone.

Gu Xiao put him down, squatted on the ground and looked at the sky, he sighed: “It’s strange, the sun didn’t come out from the west, and the **** will also pile on!”

Chu Yao’s “Thank you” was suffocated back alive, biting sugar hawthorn indignantly, chewing and chewing alive to eat it.

He swallowed a bite of sugar cane and looked up at Gu Xiao with a small face: “Master, are you in a bad mood?”

Gu Xiao raised an eyebrow: “Huh?”

“You look like you’re about to cry.” Chu Yao carefully touched the corner of his eye with one hand, thinking about how to comfort people while wringing his brains, but unfortunately he was pampered since childhood, and he had no choice but to bite it. A bite of sugar gourd came to Gu Xiao’s mouth, learning how he usually coaxed himself, “Master, take a bite, sweet.”

Gu Xiao looked at him for a moment, holding Chu Yao ’s hand, opening his mouth and biting it all the way, and in the blink of an eye a candied gourd was left with bare bamboo sticks, and he exhaled a breath, a dozen hawthorn seeds in the sand The ground fell neatly.

“Well, it’s sweet.”


Chu Yao held the bamboo stick and looked at the hawthorn seeds on the ground. For a moment, he was stunned and forgot to cry.

Gu Xiao looked at his dull look and couldn’t help laughing anymore.

With such a smile, Chu Yao finally recovered, his mouth flattened, but he did not cry unexpectedly, and threw the bamboo stick out of the backhand, in the middle of a plum blossom pile, although the wood was extremely shallow and swaying, it was no matter what fall down.

“The quasi-head is good.” Gu Xiao praised and poked his bun face, “I didn’t cry because I ate your candied fruit?”

“I asked you to eat.” Chu Yao sucked his nose and touched the corner of his mouth with his hand. “You just laugh.”

“… A Yao, you deserve to be my personal disciple.”


“You’re so slick with your tongue, how come you get when you grow up?” Gu Xiao pinched his face, “Fortunately, you coaxed me, Master, if the little girl, I am afraid that the daughter-in-law has all turned around.”

Chu Yao was told by his ears to make up for the entire three-year small storybook. The sugar fillings were replaced with egg yolk cores. Wen Yan shook his head into a rattle: “No wife, they manage the money!

Gu Xiao teased him: “No wife? What do you want?”

Chu Yao hugged his neck without letting go: “Master!”

Gu Xiao was stunned, and then patted his legs and laughed: “A candied gourd is asking me to sell itself, is Master too cheap?”

Chu Yao was blushed with a small round face by him.

Gu Xiao did n’t go anywhere on this day, and spent a lot of patience to accompany Chu Yao in the martial arts field. He tested his skills from the four aspects of mind, footwork, swordsmanship, and martial arts, and broke a little. To give him explanations and corrections, as well as words and examples, he did not tire of his troubles, and it was embarrassing to tell Chu Yao to be lazy.

He just slumped on the ground like a dead dog during the break, and looked up at Gu Xiao, feeling weak and weak: “Master, can’t we take it slowly in the future?”

Gu Xiao took a sip of water: “What happened today and today, how can there be so many futures to wait for?”

Chu Yao continued to protest: “I am young …”

“You will grow up.” Suddenly, Gu Xiao said, “soon.”

Chu Yao refused to get up on the ground: “Then you go to teach brother Xun first! He has grown up!”

“He … I don’t need me to teach anymore.”

Chu Yao was still young and could not hear the intention in his words. He just recalled the last night’s unsustainable discussion and put up his neck and said, “Then let Brother Xun protect me!”

Gu Xiao wanted to drag him up suddenly: “A Yao.”

Chu Yao heard his voice turn cold, froze for a moment, and no longer dared to play ridiculously. He climbed up, Gu Xiao’s palm fell on his head, but instead of touching, he stayed quietly.

He stunned: “Master … Father?”

“There are so many things that hurt others and hurt others in the world. No one can protect you forever, except yourself.” Gu Xiao’s voice is very soft, “People’s hearts are changeable, so don’t trust others too much, and think about what happens to people. do you know?”

Chu Yao felt that he had some unreasonable grief, but he didn’t know how to refute it, so he nodded subconsciously and obediently picked up the wooden knife on the pile.

Gu Xiao glanced at the evening sky and turned to see the figure standing silently under the promenade. The smoky-colored embroidered cloak made a face more pale, and even rouge could not cover the fatigue.

“Humble office has seen the princess.”

Princess Jing retracted her gaze that fell on Chu Yao and gave Gu Xiao a deep look, saying, “No one dared to say this to A Yao.”

Gu Xiao knew that she was here, and those words from Shicai were not just for Chu Yao. He smiled a little: “The princess regarded A Yao as a treasure in her heart, and naturally he was not willing to use these pickled things to defile his eyes and ears. Now that things are coming, he can never be a child who is innocent all his life. “

Princess Jing shook her head: “I don’t tell him, not only because of this.”

Gu Xiao raised her eyes and heard her continue: “The ignorant is not guilty, he only knows nothing, and he will have a way to live in the future.”

Yanwuchang has always been the private land of Gu Xiao and Chu Yao. Princess Aiko is eager to order that no one but himself and the prince should be allowed to break into this place. Gu Xiao also laid down his trusted people around him. Three acres of land for conversation.

Gu Xiao tasted the words of Princess Jing carefully for a moment, and tasted a bit of bitterness from it.

He considered for a moment and said, “The princess is worried, the prince is the one who made a big deal, and A Yao is even more blessed.”

“People who have lost a lot of money have been there since ancient times, and those who have a lot of blessings and close relationships are innumerable. Sometimes the organization is exhausted, and it depends on the mood of God.” Call me early in the morning and let me stay in Fuzhong to do some housework. Recently, when there are many troubles, I go out less. “

Gu Xiao knew in his heart that although King Jing did not anger the princess because of the princess Yuning’s affair, she would have a gulf in the end. This is already the safest way to deal with their relationship.

When Princess Jing saw him not speaking, she just smiled, saying something unclear: “The wind is strong in the north, I sent someone to bring some hot soup.”

After she finished speaking, she left, leaving only her smoky back in Sun Xiao’s eyes, like a stream flowing in the mist, not clear, but quietly flowing around the corner of the mountain pass, moistening the grass and soil.

A gust of wind blew over, and Gu Xiao’s face changed instantly.

At three o’clock in the hour, Wan Lai was absolutely vocal.

Yongchang Lane used to be a beggar alley. The houses in it were in disrepair and lived with many homeless beggars. Unfortunately, a fire broke out last year. Although most of the people escaped, there were still deaths and injuries. There are rumors that this place is haunted, even if pedestrians pass by here during the day, they will detour subconsciously, even if they don’t believe in ghosts and gods, they don’t plan to get mad.

However, Gu Xiao has been waiting here for half an hour.

His black suit was almost integrated into the night, his legs clamped a crumbling eaves beam, and the man was like a gecko clinging to the shadows, the wild cat was coming and going from the ruined wall, and the mouse was in the dirty garbage. In the chaos, the spider had formed a net, and he did not disturb any creature. Even the cold wind poured in through the broken doors and windows, and only the fine dust on his body was blown off.

Lin Xiaowei entered the house with this gust of wind. After he entered the door, he first ignited the fire fold. For example, Douhuoguang was barely enough for him to see. Everything in the house was projected on the wall. Lin Xiaowei picked up a few more A stone was thrown at his brother’s dead end, and the sound of crisp blows came one after another.

He was relieved and stood behind a pillar, not only exposing himself, but also covering the fire from being noticed by outsiders.

Gu Xiao frowned. He came to meet Ruan Feiyu as scheduled, but he did not expect to wait for Lin Xiaowei first, and it seemed that he was waiting for the other party.

As soon as his thoughts turned, Gu Xiao put his breath to the lightest and waited for the incense stick time, and the third person finally entered here.

It was a tall man, dressed in seasonal autumn cotton-padded shoes, and he looked ordinary to the extreme, but when he opened his mouth, Gu Xiao’s pupil shrank!

Although the man was speaking in Mandarin, he had a northern accent. He paid a respect to Lin Xiaowei and lowered his voice: “Adult, General Hutar sent his letter to deliver the letter!”

Hutar, the general of the Beiman tribe, and a member of the barbarian royal family, was one of the next major Khan contestants. He was greedy and greedy, and his troops were vicious and vicious. Big crime, fortunately, the border guards and soldiers swore to keep the country gate.

However, Hutar was instructed to stay on the border of North Xinjiang, and General Chuchu was very much concerned about this person. Seeing that the two countries were preparing for peace talks, how could he send someone to send a letter to Xiao Lin?

Gu Xiao held his breath without moving.

Lin Xiaowei took the parchment paper, smoked it on the fire folds, carefully read it, and slowly loosened his frowned brows: “Okay! Since the general has this sincerity, I will inform the prince as soon as possible, scheduled for two days Reply with you within! “

During the speech, he carefully kept the parchment in his arms and said, “Why have you encountered any troubles along the way?”

“Master, rest assured, everything goes well.” The man said: “The Beiman forward has been converted into caravans and escorts to start with the peace talks mission, and will soon arrive at the shock level, when the city gate opens, it will be able to seize the opportunity. Bianguan battles together … “

Lin Xiaowei smiled coldly: “When the battle is going on, the prince will not miss the appointment and turn over in Tianjing!”

The man asked: “The general asked his subordinates to talk, and asked the lord how sure?”

“The emperor is powerless now. Among the princes, only the princes and the princes have the military power. After the battle, the prince will join the manpower to push the princes to lead the army out of Beijing to guard the border. , Why do n’t you worry about a major event? “

“Duan Wang now has no soldiers in hand, but he has a close relationship with the generals, and he can’t ignore it!”

“Relax, Lord Ye has prepared a good knife for Duan Wang, and will always kill him …”


Gu Xiao put these words into his ears without leaking words, not even breathing, but his eyes were as cold as a knife.

The two below also knew the truth of the long story short, and after quickly exchanged the information between the two parties, they left the time and place for the next contact and they were ready to leave the place.

Gu Xiao finally moved.

Lin Xiaowei walked in front, carefully pushed the door halfway, confirmed that there was no one outside, and raised his hand to signal that the person behind him took the first step, but he did not see the man stepping forward. Instead, a gust of wind blew in and carried a light touch. The **** smell swept out.

His hand was in the air, his brain hadn’t reacted yet, his body instinctively shot out of the door, like an arrow out of line.

Lin Xiaowei’s movements were quick, he jumped three feet in one breath, his feet had not stood firm, and he could not wait to look back at the situation in that room.

There was no one at the door, but his body suddenly hit a wall of flesh.

The disappeared person appeared in front of Lin Xiaowei again, his eyes wide open, staring at him.

Lin Xiaowei licked the blood for a few years, and naturally he could see that the man was dead. The extremely thin blade on his neck entered the flesh, and his body still had temperature.

But how can the dead move?

Lin Xiaowei’s thoughts just started, and a strong force hit him through this dead body. Without a firm footstep, he suddenly left the ground. He was beaten back to the broken house with his body, strength and angle. Both are accurate, and two people fell to the ground in one death and one life, without touching the door frame or overturning debris to make a strange noise.

As soon as Lin Xiaowei pushed away the dead man who was crushed on his body, there was a cold knife tip in the entrance.

“Say one more word and cut your tongue.”

Gu Xiao stepped on his abdomen, Lin Xiaowei’s pupils tightened, but there was a blade in his mouth, and his speech was ambiguous: “You … Gu … ah!”

Sinking force pressed Dantian, the pain spread instantly, Lin Xiaowei shuddered, and the blade opened his lips, and his mouth suddenly bleed.

The scream was short and dumb, and he didn’t dare to say a second time, because after the blade left his mouth, he had already aimed at one of his eyes.

It is not as good as the fear of life and death at this moment. Lin Xiaowei didn’t think of resisting, but Gu Xiao shot too fast to be caught off guard. He lost his chance in front of Jinghong Dao and lost his life.

Lin Xiaowei tried not to be too embarrassed to suppress his tone: “Gu Xiao, why are you here?”

“Why is Lord Lin here, why am I here?” Gu Xiao smiled slightly, “If not, how do you know that the prince’s picture is so big? But standing so high, aren’t you afraid of falling worse?”

When Lin Xiaowei saw him, he felt a bit cold in his heart, knowing that some of the secret talks had just been heard by this person, and now it is futile to deny it, so he has to change his breath: “Since you know that it is the order of the prince, just You should know how to do it! Now that you are doing this, is it possible to be ungrateful to the Lord? “

“Sir Lin said it rightly, of course I know …” Gu Xiao’s eyes dropped slightly, and the corner of his mouth slowly fell back. “Wu Er waited to collaborate with Helian Yu to harm my teacher’s death, and you pretended to be a good person and wronged me Misfortune admits the thief as the righteousness of grace? “

Lin Xiaowei was shocked, and the knife tip almost touched his eyes.

“In those days, today, Gu Xiao listened to the master’s sentence, and he never dared to intervene, but …” He leaned slightly, and the blade slowly drifted to Lin Xiaowei’s hand. “Master Ruo No matter how clever it is to deceive the word, then cut the adult’s bone, and start with the finger … How many bones are there in life, adults can be interested in counting down tonight? “

“You-you dog thief! You’re a tiger, you’re guilty of chaos, you should be slashed … Ah!”

The scream was pressed back into the mouth by a piece of moldy rotten wood just after the exit, and there was a small **** fingertip on the ground.

Gu Xiao took away the piece of wood and said lightly: “The first piece.”

Lin Xiaowei did n’t know how many people had been tortured in these years, but he was tortured for the first time. With ten fingers, he was shaking with pain and looked at Gu Xiao: “When do you know when we are … … “

“I asked you, not you asked me.” Gu Xiao’s voice turned cold with the blade down on the second knuckle, “Speak everything you know, don’t miss a word, otherwise …”

Lin Xiaowei also stubbornly endured the pain and said: “Otherwise what can you do?”

Gu Xiao leaned his head away from a **** spit, and even smiled: “Master Lin is so sturdy and loyal. I can’t treat you like that, but … Isn’t it okay to treat you?” “

Lin Xiaowei’s face changed instantly!

Gu Xiao didn’t look back, said lightly: “Master Ruan, you invited me to play on the stage and borrow a knife to kill people. Now that the show is over, the human flesh is under the knife. If you don’t show up again, you won’t stay under Live the patience. “

As soon as his voice fell, the door behind him was pushed open again.

Lin Xiaowei struggling to support his upper body, looked over Gu Xiao ’s shoulder, and saw that it was a seemingly thin middle-aged man, his eyes were elegant and cold, and a dark brocade scribe robes cage was not supported by the flesh. It’s just like laying on a withered tree trunk.

This was unintentionally an inconspicuous person, but Lin Xiaowei saw him, but was more frightened than seeing Gu Xiao’s sudden trouble, as if he had seen a ghost!

Ruan Feiyu!

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