Scumbag Transformation Plan

Chapter 114

Chapter 112 Thirteenth world

A demon king came out of Jinlin City.

This incident caused all the demon masters to lose their faces. This is not the first big demon to occupy the city, but it is the only one in a hundred years. The other party broke the Demon King’s name in their hands.

Moreover, in the Jinlin City before, there was stationed in addition to the demon master family. The power and strength that can be called the family cannot be underestimated. The original Jinlin City can be said to be in the forbidden area that needs to be detoured in the monsters, because there are too many demon masters, not for yourself. Having great self-confidence will never provoke.

But now, all the families that were stationed there have been defeated. Later, even if they gathered together and wanted to take back their homes, they were beaten to the ground. They had to resign their lives to find a place to live and regroup, but anyone with a discerning eye can see that this The family has been completely defeated, this matter may become the demon of a family.

But now they must also be fortunate that this great demon has a gentle temper, does not have much malice towards humans, will not feed on humans, and will not ask mortals in the city to confess. Although the demon masters were all worried about the prospects of Jinlin City, officials and dignitaries trembling after learning of the existence of the Demon King from them, the lives of ordinary people did not suffer much.

With this accident, the demon masters who were dissatisfied with various factions, and who refused to accept anyone, united and planned the next operation. The monster named Yao Liang has become a thorn in their eyes. Before the war came, they fell silent, did not challenge again, and considered that Jinlin City belonged to the territory of the demon king who was born out of nowhere.

At the same time, the demon masters also spread the news of the appearance of the demon king.

This information flew all over the country like wings, spreading in places unknown to ordinary people. It didn’t take long for almost all the big monsters to learn that there was a monster in Jinlin City that dared to claim to be a monster king.

As expected by the demon masters, although the little demon was tempted to take refuge in this newly-appearing demon king, he still hesitated because he didn’t know the other party’s temperament. Those who thought they were the most powerful and aggressive big monsters in the world were already furious and set off for Jinlin City.

In the eyes of these top monsters, they didn’t dare to claim the king. This junior who didn’t know where dared to be so presumptuous, he had to teach him a lesson. The demon masters are not as good as one generation before they let him. Defeated by a monster that hadn’t heard of it before.

In many cases, the strength of a monster is directly proportional to the age, and the longer the cultivation time, the higher the level of cultivation, so although he thinks that this “monster king” should have two brushes, he does not think that he needs to be guarded.

Yao Liang also knew the news. A magpie spirit next to Jinlin City took its family and was the first to take refuge in it. Although the magpie demon’s cultivation base is low, he has barely cultivated out of the human body until now, and it is only because of this that he survives under the hands of those who are above the top of the demon master. But in terms of collecting and disseminating information, this magpie monster is top ten. Yao Liang gets the latest news from it, and at the same time allows it to fuel the flames and spread the news even more exaggeratedly.

It didn’t take long for Yao Liang to be quiet from the successive challenges of the Demon Master, before he ushered in his first monster opponent. When the other party came, the wind swept past with yellow sand. Accompanied by Jie Jie’s weird laughter, the mortals in the city exclaimed again and again, and the roads and houses, as well as the stalls on the street, were all covered. A thick layer of yellow sand.

A figure in a cloak shrouded in yellow sand floated at the door, looking down on the courtyard, and the paper figures inside looked up at him, even a little more alive than the frightened mortal outside. “Yellow Sand Monster” thinks that he can’t do it so fine, can make a paper man no different from a living person, and secretly raises the opponent’s level one level higher in his heart, and his words for the battle have become more polite. .

He watched a door open, and someone came out, not seeing the roots and feet, just looking at the dress, it should be very beautiful. As expected, most of the vegetation monsters are so gentle, and even Jinlin City can’t see much trace of his location. Like ordinary human cities, if you are yourself, this city has long turned into yellow sand.

The “Yellow Sand Monster” cleared his throat and was about to speak when he saw the vegetation monster smile: “It’s not convenient for you to talk like this.”

inconvenient…? Before he could understand the meaning of this sentence, his ankles suddenly tightened, and he looked down. The legs that had turned into yellow sand had turned into entities at some point, and were tightly entangled by a vine. He hadn’t had time yet. Struggling, before he even had time to say the next sentence, he was violently dragged down by the vine, and fell into the yard in a big font with a “pop”.

A pair of black boots stopped in front of him, and the opponent he challenged looked at him with a smile: “It’s much more comfortable to talk like this, and it’s very tiring to look up.”

If there is one sentence to blast your enemies, Yao Liang’s grades must be full marks. The “Yellow Sand Monster” was so angry that he was about to jump up and fight him for three hundred rounds, but it was a pity that he had just turned around, and found that he had lost the opportunity, and the vines spreading from his ankles tied him tightly. It doesn’t work like it turns into sand. The tiny roots firmly hold his body.

Of course he won’t catch it with his hands. He can’t turn into sand and break free. He tried to destroy the vine. The sand absorbs water and in turn absorbs the moisture from the vine. It will naturally wither. As a result, in this Golden Scale City, this tried-and-tested trick has lost its effectiveness. , No matter how he acts, the vines are still green.

After tossing for a good time, the big demon, who was not willing to give up, was going to raise his head and let out cruel words, but was patted by a black palm, a fluffy white fur dotted with two black eye circles and black ears. It looked very The cute animal approached him with curiosity in his eyes.

The big demon froze, his perception ability was not low, and he could definitely find that this pet that he had neglected had much more power in his body, not to mention himself, even if all the big monsters were added together, it was nothing. It is the difference between rivers and lakes and the East China Sea.

The big demon, who had been faintly dissatisfied before, suddenly became obedient, and showed a flattering smile at the dumpling. Even though the other person patted and pressed on himself, like touching a toy, he didn’t dare to make a sound when he was beaten up. Yao Liang took the vine back, and he stayed in place, motionless, playing with the ball.

Yao Liang looked funny. The other party should be scolding the person who spread the news. It was clear that the demon king that he had said was a man with a white face, but the real powerful character was clearly this iron-eater pretending to be a pet.

The other party became extremely well-behaved under the “threat” of the dumpling, Yao Liang did not let him go. Instead, he took out a lot of information about the monster from the mouth of the monster. There was a panda next to him, so he didn’t dare to conceal anything, Zhutong Pour Douzi to make it clear what he knew.

The first piece of information about breaking down the halberd and sinking the sand in Jinlin City spread out. Except for the second big monster who hurriedly didn’t collect the information, the remaining monsters were much more cautious and even formed alliances, but unfortunately they failed one after another. The Demon King’s mansion in Jinlin City was like an abyss. Any big demon that entered was swallowed by the abyss and never appeared again.

Whether it is a monster or a demon master, they are eager to inquire about the news of Jinlin City. The most widely spread theory is that these monsters who went to challenge have been defeated by the new demon king, and they have become the demon king’s nourishment. .

People were panicked for a while, and even the demon masters who made this plan at the beginning felt a little uneasy. Originally, they made this plan after seeing the great demon being soft-hearted when dealing with humans. The internal friction was an idea that would hurt both sides, and I never thought about making that big monster become stronger by swallowing other monsters.

After realizing that he might be self-defeating, the homing pigeons from the demon division strongholds kept coming and going, and a storm was brewing.

And those close friends or old enemies of the missing Great Demon were a little unable to sit still, and they also set off for Jinlin City together without waiting for the news.

The Jinlin City is very peaceful, and the adaptability of human beings is extremely tenacious. After a while, a big demon comes with high profile, and after being cleaned up in an instant, these people have already trained out the monsters and quickly retreat to avoid them. The skills to damage property again, and even the good guys find the best place to watch every time the monster comes, and the casino in the city will also open a gambling round, betting on how long this time will be resolved, the longest one played for half an hour Afterwards, the affected areas in the city received generous compensation, and people, probably human beings, came to help repair them.

In the eyes of others, it should be the Golden Scale City of Purgatory on earth, a thriving area. The few allied monsters that sneaked into were a little surprised. They stayed in the inn for a few days. The legendary house that eats monsters is opened every day, and one looks very elegant. Young people come and go and greet others.

The monsters inquired about many things in the house with the people around them, and ordinary people didn’t know much, but when asked about the identity of this young man, everyone unanimously said that this is the owner of the house. The demon dressed as a younger girl wanted to say She held back something again and returned to the room. She couldn’t wait to say: “What’s the matter? Didn’t it mean that the demon king is eight feet tall and has blue face and fangs with a big mouth, and he can be scared to cry when he walks in front of him?”

Why the deity is nothing like the rumor, they heard from the spider spirits in the nearby city that the demon king she met was handsome and beautiful, and it was actually true, not that the spider was aesthetically weird.

The pedestrian waited for a few more days, inquiring about the demon king’s intelligence from other populations, and observing the opponent’s daily trajectory. What is unreasonable is that this Demon King is extremely interested in everything about ordinary mortals, just like any foreign traveler here, trying everything in this city.

He treats every mortal equally, not arrogantly and underestimate, but treats equally, this is simply incredible, let alone their big monsters, even the little monsters with a little ability, can’t do it like him.

They finally ended the long observation and made the decision to contact the Demon King. In the original plan, they should find the weak defense of the mansion within these days, break in, and delay the demon king by the two with the highest cultivation base. The other paper men are not their opponents. Take this opportunity to find it in the mansion. The missing big demon.

However, there was a lot of disagreement on the specific plan. Whether it was the route of infiltration or the candidate to fight the demon king, the five monsters quarreled seven opinions, and when the sky was twilight, they did not come up with a specific rule.

Without participating in the quarrel, the silent smoking big demon coughed a few times, and the voice in the room slowly weakened and stopped. This gray-haired old man was the highest in cultivation and age among the six. This loose alliance is basically The above is formed around him, and his opinion is decisive.

“We won’t sneak in anymore,” he knocked on the cigarette stick on the table, greeted five unbelievable gazes, “I’ll pass the post to visit the Demon King.”

“Old Shu!” The five monsters exclaimed in unison, Old Shu just waved his hand, he was determined, and no one could change.

In the atmosphere where Yi Yao was calm and uneasy, they knocked on the door of the Demon King’s Mansion and handed the beautifully crafted post to the housekeeper. The butler accepted the post and invited them in with a smile on his face: “The master has been waiting for you for several days.”

A few monsters were horrified, but the old man was as calm as ever. He had guessed it a long time ago. Not mentioning that Jinlin City is the domain of the Demon King, they are definitely not comparable in terms of controlling them. Just the crappy disguise of the previous few days. It was him. I am afraid I have already discovered the traces of this pedestrian.

However, this also reflected that his speculation was correct. The Demon King was not hostile to them, and maybe the missing monsters were still alive.

Just as the old man was thinking like this, the monsters who walked through a few arches under the leadership of the housekeeper and came to the backyard found that their worried friend along the way was in the beautiful garden, playing with a panda. Also happy. Not only the relatives and friends they were looking for, but the other big monsters who were rumored to have been eaten long ago were also together, exhausting all their energy to please the panda.

Several monsters are angry and funny. Together with them, they are worried and anxious to get angry. They are ready to go to the Dragon Lake and Tiger Lair and die in Huangquan. The people they want to save are eating and drinking here, and they seem to be still It was a bit mellower than before, and at first glance, he was not treated badly.

The young man sitting in the pavilion smiled and looked over. The demon were a little embarrassed. They put aside the big stone in their hearts, and they no longer put on a vaguely hostile attitude. They walked closer and saw that there was ready on the table. For the tea and dim sum, the host’s attitude is very clear, which makes them a little more confident.

The old tree and the demon king can be said to have seen it at first sight. They are about the plants and trees. There are some similarities in the experience of cultivation. The more the two demon talk, the more speculation, and Yao Liang’s age also shocked all the demon. Look at others. , Before they were three hundred years old, their cultivation level had actually surpassed them, making all the five monsters, except the tree old man, look suspicious of the appearance of the monster. In contrast, they lost thoroughly.

Perceiving that the five people are fidgeting here, and their eyes are almost flying to the garden, the old tree shook his head and sighed to let them move on their own, while he and Yao Liang were sitting in the pavilion and chatting about more aspects with interest. .

The sun slanted to the west, and when it was time for dinner, the old tree, who had been talking so hard, returned to the garden with Yao Liang, ready to have dinner in the main hall. In the garden, the stars gong the moon, surrounded by black and white glutinous rice dumplings, leisurely nibbling on bamboo. Next to him, the boss, his second cock, was holding a bamboo shoot, and he almost helped to feed it.

The old man was still wondering. Yao Liang waved at the dumpling. It was like he heard some instructions. He walked over slowly, and opened his hand at the feeder as if he was a cub. Yao Liang picked it up and the old man seemed to hear it. With a relieved voice, he looked at the monsters who came to play, and each smiled reluctantly.

They didn’t expect that they thought they were far away from the high-risk area and came to find the missing friend. Whether it was asking the other party why they didn’t report a letter, or chatting about what they saw, it would be easier than in front of the Demon King. Who knows, the real horror is not the Demon King over there, but the harmless animal here.

The monsters who had been “playing” with them all afternoon were exhausted physically and mentally, and were healed by dinner again, and they enjoyed themselves in the room for a while. The monsters did not have the consciousness of observing human rules and etiquette. If Yao Liang hadn’t been close to humans, the old tree would not use the form of greeting cards. At the end of the meal, each one will soon become a prototype, and there are drunk people. The two clashed and fought drunkly, and Yao Liang was not angry.

After that day, Mr. Shu and the others also stayed here and did not leave. However, there were also big monsters who came to provoke before. After confirming that Yao Liang and Tuanzi had no intention of imprisoning them, they left here, and they turned to relatives and friends outside. Reporting safety has improved Yao Liang’s reputation for being demonized a little bit.

However, there was still a steady stream of new monsters pouring into Jinlin City, walking into this mansion, and occasionally heard the noise of fighting inside, but it stopped within a quarter of an hour at most.

Soon, this house can no longer accommodate so many monsters, plus there are some big monsters in it, which originally occupies a whole hilltop comfortably, there is no yard to live alone here, and there are more frictions in the light and in the dark. Yao Liang had no choice but to try the spells given by the system in the Jinlin City mansion, and set up a teleportation array, leading to a large mountain forest next to it, which became a place where most monsters live.

In fact, the reason why these big monsters did not leave was not like those little monsters who came to take refuge in wanting to gain shelter, but more because of the news that the demon division had assembled a large force and was preparing to attack Jinlin City. To be precise, they were preparing to come to crusade. Yao Liang.

Many monsters that have been transformed into form have never seen such a scene. Only a long-lived monster like Shu Lao can find the last case from his memory. It is already hundreds of years ago, and it is different from Yao Liang. , That Demon King was even more cruel and bloodthirsty, and looked very pure and kind compared to Yao Liang, making the old man and them all curious about what kind of name the Demon Master would use to attack this time.

Because of this, when Yao Liang accepts the little demon, he will make clear the pros and cons in advance, and let them judge whether to stay. After this way, there are still a lot of monsters left, and all the monsters are fighting for the next war. prepare.

The magpie demon quickly flicked its wings and flew to report that, except for the demon division’s army has arrived in the city, the monsters were in awe. They were left on the mountain on the side of the teleporter, while Yao Liang stood alone in the mansion with the front door opened to welcome the enemy. .

Standing at the door, you can see the youth standing in the middle of the circle, without half murderous aura, as if welcoming friendly guests.

His performance made people worry about whether there were any traps in it, but the opportunity was rare. After being cautiously tested by the demon masters, he rushed forward boldly depending on the number of people, rushed into the teleportation formation, and then lined up with the other side. It’s rare that a somewhat organized army of monsters confronted each other.

I was prepared, but I didn’t expect the other party to wait for work and use terrain restrictions. The teleportation array couldn’t line up, and it was extremely disadvantaged. When the distance couldn’t be stretched, they seemed to be giving away their heads.

However, in addition to the monsters, there are more people and rich experience. Those who are restricted here and have not yet come over have transferred some of them to find another way to reach the destination. In turn, they outflank the monsters from behind. It’s not that Yao Liang is prepared, they may suffer again.

This battle lasted for a few days, and the Demon Master could be said to have come out in full force, not only to be equal to the monster army, but also to contain the big monsters who came to help, focusing on besieging Yao Liang. It’s a pity that they still lacked intelligence. The monsters who left didn’t mention the existence of Tuanzi. They didn’t expect that Yao Liang was not the first combat power of the demon masters, and tasted the suffering of mistakes.

The panda, who is not yet thigh-high, rushed into the crowd like a chariot. Everywhere he went, no matter how strong he was, if he was hit by it, all would fall. And their attack hit the panda’s seemingly soft fur, and it didn’t even rub off the fluff, which was really suffocating.

The only shortcoming is about the fact that Tuanzi is so powerful that it doesn’t matter whether it is the enemy or the monster. As long as it is in front of it, all of them are solved. Except for Yao Liang, the contractor, the battlefield is plunged into chaos.

Despite this, the addition of Tuanzi quickly ended the battle. Yao Liang, the monster side, won a narrow victory. In addition to the unwillingness of the monster, the two sides also suffered heavy casualties during the war and could not afford to start the battle again. But the monster It was better than them. He looked around and had to sign a contract, tacitly agreeing that Jinlin City and a large area around it belonged to Yao Liang’s territory, accompanied by other conditions.

At the end of the negotiation, the monsters cheered and cheered, but they didn’t say that they rushed to kill the demon master, and they held a banquet to celebrate their victory. A certain drunk big demon pulled Yao Liang’s sleeves and said that his deal was a loss. How could he have caused the group of demon masters to bleed. Yao Liang smiled helplessly and nodded and said yes, looking at him again,,。

After this battle, Yao Liang became the true master of this Jinlin City, and Jinlin City has become a famous city of monsters, where monsters can be seen everywhere, but few other than monsters enter.

When they first learned about this, ordinary people wanted to escape, and monsters weren’t a good thing in their minds. But who can just leave everything in business and leave their homeland when the knife hasn’t fallen?

So it is actually most of the people who stayed, trembling to maintain the past life.

Fortunately, the monster they were familiar with who occupied Jinlin City had no ambitions or malice. Apart from the fact that there were more monsters, there was no big difference. Even the merchants opened up the line of doing business with monsters.

As long as you are in Jinlin City, you don’t have to worry about monsters making trouble. There is a patrol team under the demon king, which is like a mortal servant, but the scope of management is very wide. They will solve the problems between humans and monsters, monsters and monsters, such as monsters abducting mortal children, ordinary people defrauding monsters The patrol team will take out all the money.

The most important thing about living in Jinlin City is not to make trouble in the city. The captain of the patrol, Magpie Demon, has very sharp ears, and the quarrels are louder, and you can see the gods coming from the sky in the next second.

Over time, Jinlin City is harmonious with humans and monsters, and it has become a unique landscape in this world.

The Demon King created this situation in one hand, but he was not very happy drinking in his mansion.

Many monsters in this world are actually pretty good; many demon masters are actually pretty good, and ordinary people in Jinlin City are actually pretty good. These nice people and monsters are always in conflict, even if he can build an ideal hometown, he can’t change the world at all. Outside of Jinlin City, there are too many suffering people and weak monsters…

The author has something to say: Two more in one

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